The Temple Will Be Destroyed
(Matthew 24.1Matthew 2Luke 21.5Luke 6)1 As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Teacher, look at these beautiful stones and wonderful buildings!”
2 Jesus replied, “Do you see these huge buildings? They will certainly be torn down! Not one stone will be left in place.”
Warning about Trouble
(Matthew 24.3-14Luke 21.7-19)3 Later, as Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives across from the temple, Peter, James, John, and Andrew came to him in private. 4 They asked, “When will these things happen? What will be the sign that they are about to take place?”
5 Jesus answered:
Watch out and don't let anyone fool you! 6 Many will come and claim to be me. They will use my name and fool many people.
7 When you hear about wars and threats of wars, don't be afraid. These things will have to happen first, but that isn't the end. 8 Nations and kingdoms will go to war against each other. There will be earthquakes in many places, and people will starve to death. But this is just the beginning of troubles.
9 Be on your guard! You will be taken to courts and beaten with whips in their synagogues. And because of me, you will have to stand before rulers and kings to tell about your faith. 10 But before the end comes, the good news must be preached to all nations.
11 When you are arrested, don't worry about what you will say. You will be given the right words when the time comes. But you will not really be the ones speaking. Your words will come from the Holy Spirit.
12 Brothers and sisters will betray each other and have each other put to death. Parents will betray their own children, and children will turn against their parents and have them killed. 13 Everyone will hate you because of me. But if you keep on being faithful right to the end, you will be saved.
The Horrible Thing
(Matthew 24.15-21Luke 21.20-24)14 Someday you will see that “Horrible Thing” where it should not be. Everyone who reads this must try to understand! If you are living in Judea at that time, run to the mountains. 15 If you are on the roof of your house, don't go inside to get anything. 16 If you are out in the field, don't go back for your coat. 17 It will be an awful time for women who are expecting babies or nursing young children. 18 Pray that it won't happen in winter. 19 This will be the worst time of suffering since God created the world, and nothing this terrible will ever happen again. 20 If the Lord doesn't make the time shorter, no one will be left alive. But because of his chosen and special ones, he will make the time shorter.
21 If someone should say, “Here is the Messiah!” or “There he is!” don't believe it. 22 False messiahs and false prophets will come and work miracles and signs. They will even try to fool God's chosen ones. 23 But be on your guard! That's why I am telling you these things now.
When the Son of Man Appears
(Matthew 24.29-31Luke 21.25-28)24 In those days, right after this time of suffering,
“The sun will become dark,
and the moon
will no longer shine.
25 The stars will fall,
and the powers in the sky
will be shaken.”
26 Then the Son of Man will be seen coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27 He will send his angels to gather his chosen ones from all over the earth.
A Lesson from a Fig Tree
(Matthew 24.32-35Luke 21.29-33)28 Learn a lesson from a fig tree. When its branches sprout and start putting out leaves, you know summer is near. 29 So when you see all these things happening, you will know that the time has almost come. 30 You can be sure that some of the people of this generation will still be alive when all this happens. 31 The sky and the earth will not last forever, but my words will.
No One Knows the Day or Time
(Matthew 24.36-44)32 No one knows the day or the time. The angels in heaven don't know, and the Son himself doesn't know. Only the Father knows. 33 So watch out and be ready! You don't know when the time will come. 34 It is like what happens when a man goes away for a while and places his servants in charge of everything. He tells each of them what to do, and he orders the guard to keep alert. 35 So be alert! You don't know when the master of the house will come back. It could be in the evening or at midnight or before dawn or in the morning. 36 But if he comes suddenly, don't let him find you asleep. 37 I tell everyone just what I have told you. Be alert!
1 Un viņam no Dieva nama izejot, kāds no viņa mācekļiem uz to saka: „Mācītāj, lūk, kādi akmeņi un kādas ēkas.“
2 Un Jēzus tam sacīja: „Vai tu visas šās lielās ēkas redzi? Tur akmens uz akmens netaps atstāts, kas netaptu nopostīts.“
3 Un kad viņš sēdēja Eļļas kalnā Dieva namam pretī, tad Pēteris, Jēkabs, Jānis un Andrejs viņu jautāja sevišķi:
4 „Saki mums, kad tas būs, un kāda būs zīme, kad viss tas piepildīsies?“
5 Bet Jēzus iesāka tiem sacīt: „Pielūkojiet, ka neviens jūs nepieviļ.
6 Jo daudzi nāks manā vārdā, sacīdami: Es tas esmu; un daudzus pievils.
7 Bet kad jūs dzirdēsit par kapiem un kajra daudzināšanu, tad nebīstieties, tam jānotiek: bet gals vēl nav klāt.
8 Jo tauta celsies pret tautu un valsts pret valsti, un vietām būs zemestrīces un bada laiki. Tas būs lielo bēdu iesākums.
9 Bet lūkojiet jūs uz sevi pašiem, jo tie jūs nodos augstās tiesās, un jūs tapsit šausti sinagogās un manis dēļ vesti valdnieku un ķēniņu priekšā, tiem par liecību.
10 Un evaņģēlijam papriekš jātop sludinātam visām tautām.
11 Kad nu tie jūs vedis, jūs nodo-dami, tad nebēdājieties iepriekš; kas jums tanī pašā stundā taps dots, to runājiet; jo jūs neesat tie, kas runā, bet Svētais Gars.
12 Bet tad brālis brāli nodos uz nāvi un tēvs bērnu, un bērni celsies pret vecākiem un viņus nonāvēs.
13 Un visi jūs ienīdis mana vārda dēļ; bet kas pastāv līdz galam, tas taps iz-glābts.
14 Bet kad jūs redzēsit postīšanas negantību stāvam, kur neklājas, —kas to lasa, tas lai to labi apdomā, —tad lai bēg uz kalniem tie, kas ir Jūdejas zemē.
15 Un kas uz jumta ir, tas lai neno-kāpj nedz ieiet savā namā kaut ko iznest.
16 Un kas ir laukā, tas lai neatgriežas atpakaļ paņemt savas drēbes.
17 Bet vai grūtajām un zīdītājām tanīs dienās!
18 Bet lūdziet, lai tas nenotiek ziemas laikā.
19 Jo tanī laikā būs tādas lielas bēdas, kādas nav bijušas no paša esākuma, kopš Dievs pasauli radījis, līdz šim, un kādu arī vairs nebūs.
20 Un ja tas Kungs šīs dienas nesaīsinātu, tad neviens netaptu izglābts; bet izredzēto dēļ, ko viņš izredzējis, viņš tās dienas ir saīsinājis.
21 Un ja kas tad jums sacīs: Redzi, še ir Kristus, vai, redzi, tur viņš ir; tad neticiet.
22 Jo viltus kristi un viltus pravieši celsies un darīs zīmes un brīnumus, lai pieviltu, ja tas varētu notikt, ir izredzētos.
23 Bet jūs pielūkojiet; es jums visu to iepriekš esmu sacījis.
24 Bet tanīs dienās, pēc tām bēdām, saule aptumšosies, un mēness nedos savu spīdumu,
25 Un zvaigznes kritīs no debesīm, un debess stiprumi sakustēsies.
26 Un tad redzēs Cilvēka Dēlu nākam padebesis ar lielu spēku un godību.
27 Un tad viņš sūtīs savus eņģeļus un sapulcinās savus izredzētos no četriem vējiem, no zemes gala līdz debess galam.
28 Bet mācaities līdzību no vīģes koka: kad viņa zars jau iezeļ un lapas plaukst, tad jūs nomanāt, ka vasara ir tuvu!
29 Tā arīdzan, kad jūs visu šo re-dzēsit notiekam, tad zinait, ka tas ir tuvu priekš durvīm.
30 Patiesi es jums saku Šī cilts nezudīs, tiekams viss tas nebūs noticis.
31 Debess un zeme zudīs, bet mani vārdi nezudīs.
32 Bet par to dienu vai stundu neviens nezina, ne eņģeļi debesīs, ne Dēls, kā vien Tēvs.
33 Pielūkojiet, esiet modrīgi, jo jūs nezināt, kad tas laiks ir.
34 Tas ir, kā kad kāds cilvēks aizceļodams atstāja savu namu un deva saviem kalpiem visu varu, ikkatram savu darbu, un pavēlēja durvju sargam būt nomodā.
35 Tad nu esiet nomodā! Jo jūs ne-zināt, kad nama kungs nāk, vai vakarā, vai nakts vidū, vai gaiļos, vai no rīta agri,
36 Ka tas, piepeši nākdams, jūs neatrod guļam.
37 Bet ko es jums saku, to es saku visiem. Esiet nomodā!“