Visions from the Lord
1 I have to brag. There is nothing to be gained by it, but I must brag about the visions and other things that the Lord has shown me. 2 I know about one of Christ's followers who was taken up into the third heaven 14 years ago. I don't know if the man was still in his body when it happened, but God certainly knows.
3 As I said, only God really knows if this man was in his body at the time. 4 But he was taken up into paradise, where he heard things too wonderful to tell. 5 I will brag about that man, but not about myself, except to say how weak I am.
6 Yet even if I did brag, I would not be foolish. I would simply be speaking the truth. But I will try not to say too much. That way, none of you will think more highly of me than you should because of what you have seen me do and say. 7 Of course, I am now referring to the wonderful things I saw. One of Satan's angels was sent to make me suffer terribly, so that I would not feel too proud.
8 Three times I begged the Lord to make this suffering go away. 9 But he replied, “My gift of undeserved grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak.” So if Christ keeps giving me his power, I will gladly brag about how weak I am. 10 Yes, I am glad to be weak or insulted or mistreated or to have troubles and sufferings, if it is for Christ. Because when I am weak, I am strong.
Paul's Concern for the Lord's Followers at Corinth
11 I have been making a fool of myself. But you forced me to do it, when you should have been speaking up for me. I may be nothing at all, but I am as good as those super apostles. 12 When I was with you, I was patient and worked all the powerful miracles and signs and wonders of a true apostle. 13 You missed out on only one blessing the other churches received. That is, you didn't have to support me. Forgive me for doing you wrong.
14 I am planning to visit you for the third time. But I still won't make a burden of myself. What I really want is you, and not what you have. Children are not supposed to save up for their parents, but parents are supposed to take care of their children. 15 So I will gladly give all I have and all I am. Will you love me less for loving you too much? 16 You agree that I wasn't a burden to you. Maybe that's because I was trying to catch you off guard and trick you. 17 Were you cheated by any of those I sent to you? 18 I urged Titus to visit you, and I sent another follower with him. But Titus didn't cheat you, and we felt and behaved the same way he did.
19 Have you been thinking all along that we have been defending ourselves to you? Actually, we have been speaking to God as followers of Christ. But, my friends, we did it all for your good.
20 I am afraid when I come, we won't be pleased with each other. I fear that some of you may be arguing or jealous or angry or selfish or gossiping or insulting each other. I even fear that you may be proud and acting like a mob. 21 I am afraid God will make me ashamed when I visit you again. I will feel like crying because many of you have never given up your old sins. You are still doing things that are immoral, indecent, and shameful.
1 Ir jau jālielās, kaut gan tas neder, es tagad runāšu par tā Kunga parādībām un atklāsmēm.
2 Es pazīstu cilvēku iekš Kristus, priekš četrpadsmit gadiem—vai miesa, vai ārpus miesas, nezinu, Dievs to zina—tas tika aizrauts trešajās debesis.
3 Par to pašu cilvēku es zinu, ka tas—vai miesā, vai ārpus miesas, nezinu, to Dievs zina—
4 Tika aizrauts paradīzē un dzirdēja neizsakāmus vārdus, ko cilvēkam nav jauts izrunāt.
5 Ar to es gribu lielīties, bet ar sevi pašu es nelielīšos, kā vien ar savu nespēku.
6 Ja es gribētu lielīties, es nebūtu neprātīgs, jo es runātu patiesību; bet es atturos, lai neviens par mani nedomā vairāk, kā ko tas manī redz vai ko no manis dzird, ari visai augsto atklāsmju dēj.
7 Lai netaptu iedomīgs, man ir dots dzelonis miesā, sātāna eņģelis, lai tas sistu mani ar dūrēm, ka netopu iedomīgs.
8 Tādēļ es to Kungu trīs reizes esmu lūdzis, lai tas no manis atkāptos.
9 Un viņš ir sacījis: „Tev pietiek ar manu žēlastību; jo mans spēks nespēkā varens parādās.“ Tad nu daudz labāk lielīšos ar savu nespēku, lai Kristus spēks nāktu pār mani.
10 Tādēļ man ir labs prāts vājībās, pārestībās, bēdās, vajāšanās un bailēs Kristus dēļ. Jo, kad esmu nespēcīgs, tad esmu spēcīgs.
11 Tā lielīdamies esmu tapis bezprātis. Jūs mani pie tā novedāt. No jums man patiesībā vajadzēja sagaidīt atzinību. Jo es nevienā vietā neesmu mazāks par dižapustuļiem, kaut gan nekas neesmu.
12 Apustuļa zīmes jūsu vidū ir iz-paudušās visā izturībā ar zīmēm, brīnu-miem un vareniem darbiem.
13 Ja kādā lietā jūs būtu bijuši mazāki par citām draudzēm, ja ne tādā, ka es jūs neesmu apgrūtinājis? Piedodiet man šo pārestību.
14 Redzi, es taisos trešo reiz jūs apmeklēt un jūs neapgrūtināšu, jo es nemeklēju jūsu mantu, bet jūs pašus. Jo nav vajadzīgs, ka bērni krāj mantu vecākiem, bet vecāki bērniem.
15 Par jūsu dvēselēm es labprāt visu atdošu un atdošu pats sevi. Ja es jūs tik ļoti mīlu, vai tad lai sagaidu mazāk mīlestības?
16 Labi, es jus neesmu apgrūtinājis. Bet es, varbūt, kā krāpnieks jūs ķēris ar viltību.
17 Vai tad es ar kādu no tiem, ko pie jums sūtīju, jūs esmu izmantojis?
18 Es pierunāju Titu un tam sūtīju līdzi brāli. Vai tad Tits ir jūs izmantojis? Vai nedarbojamies tai pašā garā, iedami tais pašās pēdās?
19 Jau sen jūs esat tais domās, ka mēs jūsu priekšā tikai aizstāvamies. Mēs runājam Dieva priekšā iekš Kristus, un tas viss, mīļie, notiek jūsu ticības stip rināšanai.
20 Es baidos, ka es nākdams neatrodu jūs tādus, kādus es nevēlos, un ka jūs neatrodat mani tādu, kādu jūs nevēlaties; ka tikai nav jūsu vidū ķildu, skaudības, dusmu, naida, apmelošanas, mēlnesības, uzpūtības, nekārtības;
21 Ka mans Dievs, man atkal nākot, mani nepazemo jūsu priekšā, un ka man nav jāskumst par daudziem, kas grēkojuši un nav atgriezušies no savas netikumības, netiklības un izlaidības, ko tie darījuši.