Jesus Heals a Man Who Could Not Walk
(Mark 2.1-12Luke 5.17-26)1 Jesus got into a boat and crossed back over to the town where he lived. 2 Some people soon brought to him a man lying on a mat because he could not walk. When Jesus saw how much faith they had, he said to the man, “My friend, don't worry! Your sins are forgiven.”
3 Some teachers of the Law of Moses said to themselves, “Jesus must think he is God!”
4 But Jesus knew what was in their minds, and he said, “Why are you thinking such evil things? 5 Is it easier for me to tell this man his sins are forgiven or to tell him to get up and walk? 6 But I will show you that the Son of Man has the right to forgive sins here on earth.” So Jesus said to the man, “Get up! Pick up your mat and go on home.” 7 The man got up and went home. 8 When the crowds saw this, they were afraid and praised God for giving such authority to people.
Jesus Chooses Matthew
(Mark 2.13-17Luke 5.27-32)9 As Jesus was leaving, he saw a tax collector named Matthew sitting at the place for paying taxes. Jesus said to him, “Follow me.” Matthew got up and went with him.
10 Later, Jesus and his disciples were having dinner at Matthew's house. Many tax collectors and other sinners were also there. 11 Some Pharisees asked Jesus' disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and other sinners?”
12 Jesus heard them and answered, “Healthy people don't need a doctor, but sick people do. 13 Go and learn what the Scriptures mean when they say, ‘Instead of offering sacrifices to me, I want you to be merciful to others.’ I didn't come to invite good people to be my followers. I came to invite sinners.”
People Ask about Going without Eating
(Mark 2.18-22Luke 5.33-39)14 Some followers of John the Baptist came and asked Jesus, “Why do we and the Pharisees often go without eating, while your disciples never do?”
15 Jesus answered:
The friends of a bridegroom aren't sad while he is still with them. But the time will come when he will be taken from them. Then they will go without eating.
16 No one uses a new piece of cloth to patch old clothes. The patch would shrink and tear a bigger hole.
17 No one pours new wine into old wineskins. The wine would swell and burst the old skins. Then the wine would be lost, and the skins would be ruined. New wine must be put into new wineskins. Both the skins and the wine will then be safe.
A Dying Girl and a Sick Woman
(Mark 5.21-43Luke 8.40-56)18 While Jesus was still speaking, an official came and knelt in front of him. The man said, “My daughter has just now died! Please come and place your hand on her. Then she will live again.”
19 Jesus and his disciples got up and went with the man.
20 A woman who had been bleeding for twelve years came up behind Jesus and barely touched his clothes. 21 She had said to herself, “If I can just touch his clothes, I will be healed.”
22 Jesus turned. He saw the woman and said, “Don't worry! You are now healed because of your faith.” At that moment she was healed.
23 When Jesus went into the home of the official and saw the musicians and the crowd of mourners, 24 he said, “Get out of here! The little girl isn't dead. She is just asleep.” Everyone started laughing at Jesus. 25 But after the crowd had been sent out of the house, Jesus went to the girl's bedside. He took her by the hand and helped her up.
26 News about this spread all over that part of the country.
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
27 As Jesus was leaving that place, two blind men began following him and shouting, “Son of David, have pity on us!”
28 After Jesus had gone indoors, the two blind men came up to him. He asked them, “Do you believe I can make you well?”
“Yes, Lord,” they answered.
29 Jesus touched their eyes and said, “Because of your faith, you will be healed.” 30 They were able to see, and Jesus strictly warned them not to tell anyone about him. 31 But they left and talked about him to everyone in that part of the country.
Jesus Heals a Man Who Could Not Talk
32 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, some people brought to him a man who could not talk because a demon was in him. 33 After Jesus had forced the demon out, the man started talking. The crowds were so amazed they began saying, “Nothing like this has ever happened in Israel!”
34 But the Pharisees said, “The leader of the demons gives him the power to force out demons.”
Jesus Has Pity on People
35 Jesus went to every town and village. He taught in their synagogues and preached the good news about God's kingdom. Jesus also healed every kind of disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he felt sorry for them. They were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 He said to his disciples, “A large crop is in the fields, but there are only a few workers. 38 Ask the Lord in charge of the harvest to send out workers to bring it in.”
1 Viņš kāpa laivā, pārcēlās un nāca savā pilsētā.
2 Un redzi, pie viņa atnesa triekas ķertu cilvēku, tas gulēja gultā. Kad Jēzus viņu ticību redzēja, viņš sacīja uz triekas ķerto: „Ņemies drošu prātu, dēls, tavi grēki tev piedoti.“
3 Un redzi, daži no rakstu mācītājiem sacīja pie sevis: „Šis zaimo Dievu.“
4 Un Jēzus, viņu domas redzēdams, sacīja: „Kāpčc jūs domājat ļaunu savās sirdis?
5 Kas ir vieglāk? vai sacīt: tev tavi grēki piedoti, vai sacīt: celies un staigā?
6 Bet lai jūs zinātu, ka Cilvēka Dēlam ir vara virs zemes grēkus piedot“ —viņš saka uz triekas ķerto. „Celies, ņem savu gultu un ej uz mājām!“
7 Un tas cēlās un gāja uz mājām.
8 Bet kad ļaudis to redzēja, tie brīnījās un slavēja Dievu, kas tādu varu devis cilvēkiem.
9 Un kad Jēzus no turienes aizgāja, viņš redzēja vienu cilvēku, vārdā Mateju, pie muitas būdas sēžam, un saka uz to: „Nāc man pakaļ.“ Un tas cēlās un sekoja viņam.
10 Un notika, tam viņa namā pie galda sēžot, redzi, daudz muitinieku un grēcinieku nāca un sēdēja līdz ar Jēzu un viņa mācekļiem pie galda.
11 Kad farizēji to redzēja, tie sacīja viņa mācekļiem: „Kāpēc jūsu mācītājs ēd kopā ar muitiniekiem un grēciniekiem?“
12 Bet viņš, to dzirdēdams, sacīja: „Ne veseliem vajaga ārsta, bet slimiem.
13 Bet jūs eita un mācaities, ko tas nozīmē: Man patīk žēlastība un ne upuris. Jo es neesmu nācis aicināt taisnos, bet grēciniekus.“
14 Pēc tam Jāņa mācekļi atnāca pie viņa un sacīja: „Kāpēc mēs un farizēji gavējam, bet tavi mācekļi negavē?“
15 Un Jēzus tiem sacīja: „Vai kāzu ļaudis var bēdāties, kamēr līgavainis pie viņiem? Bet nāks dienas, kur viņiem atņems līgavaini, tad tie gavēs.
16 Neviens nelāpa vecas drēbes ar jaunas vadmalas ielāpu: jo ielāps noplīst no drēbēm, un plīsums paliek lielāks.
17 Ari jaunu vīnu nelej vecos ādas traukos, citādi trauki saplīst, un vīns izlejas, un trauki iet bojā. Bet jaunu vīnu lej jaunos traukos, tad abi paliek veseli.“
18 Un viņam ar tiem tā runājot, redzi, viens vecākais atnāca, metās viņa priekšā zemē un sacīja: „Mana meita nupat nomira, bet nāc, uzliec tu viņai savu roku, tad tā taps dzīva.“
19 Un Jēzus cēlās un sekoja viņam ar saviem mācekļiem.
20 Un redzi, viena sieva, kas divpadsmit gadus bija slimojusi ar asiņošanu, pienāca no muguras un aizkāra viņa drēbju vīli,
21 Jo tā sacīja pati pie sevis: „Kaut tik vien viņa drēbes varētu aizkart, tad es taptu vesela.“
22 Tad Jēzus, atgriezies un to ieraudzījis, sacīja: „Ņemies drošu sirdi, mana meita! Tava ticība tev palīdzējusi.“ Un sieva tapa vesela tanī pašā stundā.
23 Kad Jēzus ienāca vecākā namā un redzēja stabulniekus un ļaužu troksni,
24 Viņš tiem uzsauca: „Atkāpieties! Jo meitene nav mirusi, bet gul.“ Un tie viņu izsmēja.
25 Bet kad ļaužu pulku izdzina ārā, viņš iegāja iekšā un satvēra to pie rokas, tad meitene piecēlās.
26 Un šī slava izpaudās pa visu zemi.
27 Un kad Jēzus no turienes aizgāja, divi akli sekoja viņam, brēkdami un sacīdami: „Tu, Dāvida dēls, apžēlojies par mums!“
28 Un viņam namā ieejot, aklie tam piegāja klāt, un Jēzus tiem saka: „Vai jūs ticat, ka es to spēju darīt?“ Tie viņam atbild: „Ticam, Kungs!“
29 Tad tas aizkāra viņu acis un sacīja: „Lai jums notiek pēc jūsu ticības.“
30 Un viņu acis atvērās, un Jēzus tiem piekodināja, sacīdams: „Pielūkojiet, ka neviens to nedabū zināt.“
31 Bet tie aizgāja un izdaudzināja viņu pa visu to zemi.
32 Kad tie bija aizgājuši, redzi, pie viņa amesa mēmu, ļauna gara apsēstu cilvēku.
33 Un kad ļaunais gars bija izdzīts, mēmais sāka runāt. Tad ļaudis brīnījās un sacīja: „Tādas lietas Israēlā vēl nekad nav notikušas.“
34 Bet farizēji sacīja: „Viņš izdzen ļaunos garus ar ļauno garu virsnieka palīdzību.“
35 Un Jēzus apstaigāja visas pilsētas un sādžas, mācīdams viņu sinagogās un sludinādams valstības evaņģēliju un dziedinādams visas sērgas un slimības.
36 Un kad viņš ļaužu pulkus redzēja, sirds viņam par tiem iežēlojās, jo tie bija novārdzināti un atstāti kā avis, kam nav gana.
37 Tad viņš saka uz saviem māce-kļiem: „Pļaujamā daudz, bet pļāvēju maz.
38 Tāpēc lūdziet pļaujas Kungu, lai viņš izsūta strādniekus savā pļaujamā.