Turn Back to God
1 About this same time Jesus was told that Pilate had given orders for some people from Galilee to be killed while they were offering sacrifices. 2 Jesus replied:
Do you think that these people were worse sinners than everyone else in Galilee just because of what happened to them? 3 Not at all! But you can be sure that if you don't turn back to God, every one of you will also be killed. 4 What about those 18 people who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them? Do you think they were worse than everyone else in Jerusalem? 5 Not at all! But you can be sure that if you don't turn back to God, every one of you will also die.
A Story about a Fig Tree
6 Jesus then told them this story:
A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard. One day he went out to pick some figs, but he didn't find any. 7 So he said to the gardener, “For three years I have come looking for figs on this tree, and I haven't found any yet. Chop it down! Why should it take up space?”
8 The gardener answered, “Master, leave it for another year. I'll dig around it and put some manure on it to make it grow. 9 Maybe it will have figs on it next year. If it doesn't, you can have it cut down.”
Healing a Woman on the Sabbath
10 One Sabbath, Jesus was teaching in a synagogue, 11 and a woman was there who had been crippled by an evil spirit for 18 years. She was completely bent over and could not straighten up. 12 When Jesus saw the woman, he called her over and said, “You are now well.” 13 He placed his hands on her, and at once she stood up straight and praised God.
14 The man in charge of the synagogue was angry because Jesus had healed someone on the Sabbath. So he said to the people, “Each week has six days when we can work. Come and be healed on one of those days, but not on the Sabbath.”
15 The Lord replied, “Are you trying to fool someone? Won't any one of you untie your ox or donkey and lead it out to drink on a Sabbath? 16 This woman belongs to the family of Abraham, but Satan has kept her bound for 18 years. Isn't it right to set her free on the Sabbath?” 17 Jesus' words made his enemies ashamed. But everyone else in the crowd was happy about the wonderful things he was doing.
A Mustard Seed and Yeast
(Matthew 13.31-33Mark 4.30-32)
18 Jesus said, “What is God's kingdom like? What can I compare it with? 19 It is like what happens when someone plants a mustard seed in a garden. The seed grows as big as a tree, and birds nest in its branches.”
20 Then Jesus said, “What can I compare God's kingdom with? 21 It is like what happens when a woman mixes yeast into three batches of flour. Finally, all the dough rises.”
The Narrow Door
(Matthew 7.13Matthew 14Matthew 21-23)
22 As Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, he taught the people in the towns and villages. 23 Someone asked him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?”
Jesus answered:
24 Do all you can to go in by the narrow door! A lot of people will try to get in, but will not be able to. 25 Once the owner of the house gets up and locks the door, you will be left standing outside. You will knock on the door and say, “Sir, open the door for us!”
But the owner will answer, “I don't know a thing about you!”
26 Then you will start saying, “We dined with you, and you taught in our streets.”
27 But he will say, “I really don't know who you are! Get away from me, you evil people!”
28 Then when you have been thrown outside, you will weep and grit your teeth because you will see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in God's kingdom. 29 People will come from all directions and sit down to feast in God's kingdom. 30 There the ones who are now least important will be the most important, and those who are now most important will be least important.
Jesus and Herod
31 At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said, “You had better get away from here, because Herod wants to kill you!”
32 Jesus said to them:
Go tell that fox, “I am going to force out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and three days later I'll be through.” 33 But I am going on my way today and tomorrow and the next day. After all, Jerusalem is the place where prophets are killed.
Jesus Loves Jerusalem
(Matthew 23.37-39)
34 Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Your people have killed the prophets and have stoned the messengers who were sent to you. I have often wanted to gather your people, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. But you wouldn't let me. 35 Now your temple will be deserted. You won't see me again until the time when you say,

“Blessed is the one who comes
in the name of the Lord.”
1 Tanī pašā laikā atnāca ļaudis, kas viņam stāstīja par galiliešiem, kuru asinis Pilāts bija sajaucis ar viņu upuriem.
2 Un viņš tiem atbildēja un sacīja: „Vai jūs domājat, ka šie galilieši ir bijuši lielāki grēcinieki nekā visi pārējie galilieši, tāpēc ka tie to cietuši?
3 Es jums saku: nebūt ne, bet ja jūs neatgriezīsities no grēkiem, tad jūs visi tāpat iesit bojā.
4 Jeb vai jums šķiet, ka tie astoņ-padsmit, uz kuriem krita Ziloas tornis un tos nosita, bija vairāk vainīgi nekā visi pārējie Jeruzālemes iedzīvotāji?
5 Es jums saku: nebūt ne, bet ja jūs neatgriezīsities no grēkiem, iūs visi ņemsit tādu pašu galu.“
6 Un viņš stāstīja šādu līdzību: „Kādam cilvēkam bija vīģes koks, stādīts viņa vīna kalnā, un viņš nāca un meklēja uz viņa augļus, bet neatrada.
7 Tad viņš sacīja dārzniekam: Redzi, jau trīs gadus es nāku un meklēju augļus uz šī vīģes koka, bet neatrodu. Nocērt to! Ko tas velti izsūc zemi!
8 Bet tas viņam atbildēja un sacīja: Kungs, atstāj to vēl šo gadu, kamēr es to aprakšu un apmēslošu!
9 Varbūt tas turpmāk nesīs augļus. Bet ja ne, tad tu to vari nocirst.“
10 Un viņš mācījā kādā no sinagogām sabatā.
11 Un tur bija sieva, kurai astoņ-padsmit gadus bija nespēka gars, tā ka viņa bija savilkta un nevarēja pilnīgi taisni atliekties.
12 Bet Jēzus, to ieraudzījis, piesauca viņu klāt un sacīja viņai: „Sieva, topi svabada no savas slimības!“
13 Pie tam viņs tai uzlika savas rokas, un tā tūliņ tapa taisna un slavēja Dievu.
14 Bet sinagogas priekšnieks, ap-skaities par to, ka Jēzus sabatā bija dziedinājis, sāka runāt uz tautu: „Ir sešas dienas, kurās jāstrādā. Tajās nāciet un liecieties dziedināties, bet ne sabatā!“
15 Bet tas Kungs tam atbildēja: „Jūs liekuļi, vai katrs no jums sabatā neatraisa savu vērsi vai ēzeli no siles, lai to vestu dzirdīt?
16 Un šo sievu, Ābrahāma meitu, kuņi sātāns turējis saistītu astoņpadsmit gadus, nebūtu brīv atraisīt sabatdienā no viņas saitēm?“
17 Un viņam tā runājot, visiem vina pretiniekiem tapa kauns, un visa tauta priecājās par visiem šiem varenajiem darbiem, kurus viņš darīja.
18 Tad viņš teica: „Kam Dieva valstība ir līdzīga, ar ko es to salīdzināšu;
19 Viņa ir līdzīga sinepju graudiņam, kuru kāds paņēma un iedēstīja savā dārzā, un kufā auga un izauga par koku, kujra zaros putni apakš debess taisīja savas ligzdas.“
20 Un atkal viņš sacīja: „Ar ko es salīdzināšu Dieva valstību?
21 Viņa ir līdzīga raugam, kuru kāda sieva paņēma un iejauca trijos mēros miltu, kamēr visa mīkla pilnīgi sarūga.“
22 Un viņš, turpinādams ceļu uz Jeruzālemi, staigāja no pilsētas uz pilsētu un no ciema uz ciemu, mācīdams ļaudis.
23 Bet kāds viņam jautāja: „Kungs, vai to ir maz, kas tiks izglābti?“ Uz to viņš atbildēja:
24 „Cīnaities ieiet pa šaurajiem vārtiem, jo es jums saku, daudzi vēlēsies ieiet, bet nevarēs.
25 Jo, ja jūs tikai pēc tam, kad nama kungs būs cēlies un durvis aizslēdzis, nostāsities ārā un klauvēsit pie durvīm sacīdami: Kungs, atveri mums, viņš atbildēs jums: Es nezinu, no kurienes jūs esat!
26 Tad jūs sāksit stāstīt: Mēs ar tevi esam ēduši un dzēruši, un tu esi mācījis mūsu ielās.
27 Tad viņš jums atteiks: Es nezinu, no kurienes jūs esat, atkāpieties no manis, visi jūs netaisnības darītāji!
28 Tur būs raudāšana un zobu trī-cēšana, kad jūs redzēsit Ābrahāmu, Izāku un Jēkabu un visus praviešus Dieva valstībā, bet sevi pašus izmestus ārā.
29 Tad tie nāks no rītiem un vakariem, no ziemeļiem un dienvidiem un sēdēs pie galda Dieva valstībā.
30 Un redzi, ir pēdējie, kas būs pirmie, un pirmie, kas būs pēdējie.“
31 Tai pašā brīdī pienāca daži farizēji un sacīja viņam: „Izej un aizceļo no šejienes, jo Hērods grib tevi nonāvēt.“
32 Bet viņš tiem sacīja: „Ejiet, sakait šai lapsai: Redzi, es izdzenu ļaunos garus un dziedinu slimos šodien un rit, bet parit es būšu galā.
33 Tiešām, man vēl šodien un rīt un parit jābūt ceļā, jo neklājas pravietim mirt ārpus Jeruzālemes.
34 Jeruzāleme, Jeruzāleme, tu, kas nokauji praviešus un akmeņiem nomētā tos, kas pie tevis sūtīti, cikreiz es esmu gribējis tavus bērnus pulcināt ap sevi, kā vista pulcina zem spārniem savus cālīšus—bet jūs negribējāt.
35 Redziet, jūsu nams būs atstāts, un es jums saku: jūs mani neredzēsit, tiekāms nāks diena, kad jūs sacīsit: Svētīts, kas nāk tā Kunga vārdā!“