The Vision of the Lampstand
1 The angel who had been speaking to me came again and roused me as if I had been sleeping. 2 “What do you see?” he asked.
“A lampstand made of gold,” I answered. “At the top is a bowl for the oil. On the lampstand are seven lamps, each one with places for seven wicks. 3 There are two olive trees beside the lampstand, one on each side of it.” 4 Then I asked the angel, “What do these things stand for, sir?”
5 “Don't you know?” he asked me.
“No, I don't, sir,” I replied.
10b The angel said to me, “The seven lamps are the seven eyes of the Lord, which see all over the earth.”
11 Then I asked him, “What do the two olive trees on either side of the lampstand mean? 12 And what is the meaning of the two olive branches beside the two gold pipes from which the olive oil pours?”
13 He asked me, “Don't you know?”
“No, I don't, sir,” I answered.
14 Then he said, “These are the two men whom God has chosen and anointed to serve him, the Lord of the whole earth.”
God's Promise to Zerubbabel
6 The angel told me to give Zerubbabel this message from the Lord: “You will succeed, not by military might or by your own strength, but by my spirit. 7 Obstacles as great as mountains will disappear before you. You will rebuild the Temple, and as you put the last stone in place, the people will shout, ‘Beautiful, beautiful!’”
8 Another message came to me from the Lord. 9 He said, “Zerubbabel has laid the foundation of the Temple, and he will finish the building. When this happens, my people will know that it is I who sent you to them. 10a They are disappointed because so little progress is being made. But they will see Zerubbabel continuing to build the Temple, and they will be glad.”
1 Un eņģelis, kas ar mani runāja, atgriezās atkal un modināja mani, kā modina cilvēku no miega, 2 un jautāja man: ko tu redzi? Es atbildēju: es redzu tur lukturi no tīra zelta ar virsū uzliktu eļļas trauciņu. Lukturim ir septiņi eļļas lukturīši, un tiem kopā ir septiņas ar trauciņu saistītas eļļas caurulītes 3 un divi eļļas koki līdzās - viens pa labi, otrs pa kreisi no luktura. 4 Un es turpināju un jautāju eņģelim, kas ar mani runāja: mans kungs, kāda tam visam nozīme? 5 Tad eņģelis, kas ar mani runāja deva man šādu atbildi: tātad tu tiešām nezini, kāda tam nozīme? Es sacīju: nē, mans kungs! 6 Tad viņš man deva šādu paskaidrojumu: tā skan Tā Kunga vārds Zerubabelam: ne ar bruņotu spēku, ne ar varu, bet ar Manu Garu! - saka Tas Kungs Cebaots. 7 Kas tu esi, lielais kalns? Tev Zerubabela priekšā jākļūst par līdzenumu! Un viņš uzliks nama noslēguma akmeni, un visi viņam uzgavilēs: lai viņam laime, lai gods un slava!" 8 Un atkal pār mani nāca Tā Kunga vārds: 9 "Zerubabela rokas ir likušas šim namam pamatu, viņa rokām tas arī jāpabeidz, lai jūs tiešām varētu atzīt, ka Tas Kungs Cebaots mani pie jums sūtījis. 10 Un kas var nicināt šo sīko sākumu dienu? Bet tie ar prieku redzēs svērteni Zerubabela rokās, tie septiņi - Tā Kunga acis, kas raugās uz visu pasauli. 11 Tad es griezos pie viņa ar jautājumu: kāda nozīme ir tiem diviem eļļas kokiem pa labi un pa kreisi no luktura? 12 Un es jautāju otrreiz un teicu viņam: kāda nozīme ir tiem diviem eļļas koka zariem, kas stāv līdzās abām zeltā darinātām caurulītēm, pa kurām plūst zeltainā eļļa? 13 Tad viņš man atbildēja: vai tu tiešām nezini, kāda tiem nozīme? Es savukārt atbildēju: nē, mans kungs! 14 Tad viņš man sacīja: tie ir tie abi svaidītie , kas kalpo visas pasaules Kungam.