Doom for the People of Judah
1 Then the Lord said to me, “Even if Moses and Samuel were standing here pleading with me, I would not show these people any mercy. Make them go away; make them get out of my sight. 2 When they ask you where they should go, tell them that I have said:
Some are doomed to die by disease—
that's where they will go!
Others are doomed to die in war—
that's where they will go!
Some are doomed to die of starvation—
that's where they will go!
Others are doomed to be taken away as prisoners—
that's where they will go!
3 I, the Lord, have decided that four terrible things will happen to them: they will be killed in war; their bodies will be dragged off by dogs; birds will eat them, and wild animals will devour what is left over. 4 I will make all the people of the world horrified at them because of what Hezekiah's son Manasseh did in Jerusalem when he was king of Judah.”
5 The Lord says,
“Who will pity you, people of Jerusalem,
and who will grieve over you?
Who will stop long enough
to ask how you are?
6 You people have rejected me;
you have turned your backs on me.
So I reached out and crushed you
because I was tired of controlling my anger.
7 In every town in the land
I threw you to the wind like straw.
I destroyed you, my people,
I killed your children
because you did not stop your evil ways.
8 There are more widows in your land
than grains of sand by the sea.
I killed your young men in their prime
and made their mothers suffer.
I suddenly struck them
with anguish and terror.
9 The mother who lost her seven children has fainted,
gasping for breath.
Her daylight has turned to darkness;
she is disgraced and sick at heart.
I will let your enemies kill
those of you who are still alive.
I, the Lord, have spoken.”
Jeremiah Complains to the Lord
10 What an unhappy man I am! Why did my mother bring me into the world? I have to quarrel and argue with everyone in the land. I have not lent any money or borrowed any; yet everyone curses me. 11 Lord, may all their curses come true if I have not served you well, if I have not pleaded with you on behalf of my enemies when they were in trouble and distress. ( 12 No one can break iron, especially the iron from the north that is mixed with bronze.)
13 The Lord said to me, “I will send enemies to carry away the wealth and treasures of my people, in order to punish them for the sins they have committed throughout the land. 14 I will make them serve their enemies in a land they know nothing about, because my anger is like fire, and it will burn forever.”
15 Then I said, “Lord, you understand. Remember me and help me. Let me have revenge on those who persecute me. Do not be so patient with them that they succeed in killing me. Remember that it is for your sake that I am insulted. 16 You spoke to me, and I listened to every word. I belong to you, Lord God Almighty, and so your words filled my heart with joy and happiness. 17 I did not spend my time with other people, laughing and having a good time. In obedience to your orders I stayed by myself and was filled with anger. 18 Why do I keep on suffering? Why are my wounds incurable? Why won't they heal? Do you intend to disappoint me like a stream that goes dry in the summer?”
19 To this the Lord replied, “If you return, I will take you back, and you will be my servant again. If instead of talking nonsense you proclaim a worthwhile message, you will be my prophet again. The people will come back to you, and you will not need to go to them. 20 I will make you like a solid bronze wall as far as they are concerned. They will fight against you, but they will not defeat you. I will be with you to protect you and keep you safe. 21 I will rescue you from the power of wicked and violent people. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
1 Tomēr Tas Kungs man sacīja: "Jebšu arī Mozus un Samuēls nostātos Manā priekšā, Mana sirds nepiegrieztos šai tautai. Raidi tos projām no Mana vaiga, lai tie iet! 2 Un, kad tie tev jautās: kurp mums jāiet? - tad atbildi tiem: tā saka Tas Kungs: kas nāvei lemts, lai iet nāvē! Kas zobenam lemts, lai krīt zobenam! Kas badam lemts, lai cieš badu! Kas cietumam lemts, lai iet cietumā! 3 Jo Es tos piemeklēšu ar četrējādiem iznīcības veidiem, saka Tas Kungs, ar zobenu nokautiem, suņu saplosītiem, putnu apakš debess un zvēru laukā aprītiem un iznīcinātiem tapt, 4 un Es tos pārvērtīšu par biedinātāju paraugu visām pasaules valstīm un nodošu tos tām izmantošanai Jūdas ķēniņa Hiskijas dēla Manases dēļ par to, ko viņš Jeruzālemē darījis. 5 Ak, kas gan tev rādīs līdzjūtību, Jeruzāleme! Un kas tevi žēlos, un kas nāks pie tevis apjautāties, kā tev labi klājas? 6 Tu pati esi Mani atstājusi, saka Tas Kungs, un Man pagriezusi muguru, tādēļ Es pacēlu Savu roku pret tevi un tevi satriecu, Man ir apnicis bezgalīgi par tevi apžēloties! 7 Tādēļ Es tos izvētīju ar vētekli pa zemes vārtiem, atņēmu bērnus Savai tautai un to satriecu, bet tie tomēr nenovērsās no saviem ļaunajiem ceļiem! 8 Viņu atraitņu ir vairāk nekā smilšu jūrmalā. Es uzsūtīšu viņu jaunekļu mātēm dienas vidū žņaudzējus, Es iedvesīšu tām piepeši bailes un briesmu sajūtu. 9 Māte, kas dzemdējusi septiņus dēlus, aiziet bojā sērās un izlaiž savu garu. Tās saule norietējusi vēl dienas laikā. Tā bija pārsteigta un apkaunota. Un, kas no tiem vēl atlicis, tos Es nodošu zobena varā, viņiem no ienaidniekiem bēgot!" - tā saka Tas Kungs. 10 Bēdas man, ka tu, māt, mani esi dzemdējusi vīru ienaidam un nemieram visā pasaulē! Es neesmu nevienam naudu aizdevis, ne no viena es neesmu neko aizņēmies, un tomēr visi mani lād! 11 Tas Kungs sacīja: "Tiešām, Es tev došu spēku labam darbam, tiešām, Es rīkošos tā, ka tavs ienaidnieks nelaimes un pārbaudījuma laikā griezīsies pie tevis un lūgs tevi! 12 Vai tad dzelzi var salauzt, ziemeļu dzelzi un varu? 13 Tavu īpašumu un tavas bagātības Es atdošu izlaupīšanai un izvazāšanai bez atlīdzības to tavu grēku dēļ, ko tu esi nodarījis visos savas zemes novados; 14 un Es tevi nodošu tavu ienaidnieku verdzībā tādā zemē, ko tu nepazīsti, jo Manas bardzības uguns ir iedegusies pret jums un deg joprojām." 15 Tu to pats zini, Kungs, - piemini mani, aizstāvi mani un atriebies par mani maniem vajātājiem! Aiz lēnprātības pret tiem nenomāc mani! Tu zini, ka es Tevis dēļ ciešu nievas un paļas! 16 Cik bieži man atskanēja Tavs vārds, es to uzņēmu kā barību, un tas man bija par svētlaimību un sirds līksmību, jo es esmu nosaukts pēc Tava Vārda, Kungs Dievs Cebaot! 17 Es nekad neesmu sēdējis zobgaļu un pēlēju sabiedrībā, lai sevi uzjautrinātu; Tavas rokas vadīts, es sēdēju vientulībā, jo Tu mani pildīji ar nepatiku. 18 Kādēļ manas sāpes ir bez gala un mana brūce tik dziļa, ka tā nav dziedināma? Vai tad Tu gribi man būt kā maldinātājs strauts, kā ūdens plūdums, uz ko nevar paļauties? 19 Tādēļ Tas Kungs man sacīja tā: "Ja tu piegriezīsies Man, tad Es tevi paturēšu pie Sevis, lai tu Man no jauna drīkstētu kalpot; ja tu izšķirsi patiesi vērtīgo no niecīgā, tad tu būsi it kā Mana mute. Lai tie tad griežas pie tevis un ne tu pie viņiem. 20 Tad Es tevi darīšu pret šo tautu par augsti uzceltu un stipru vara mūri, ka tie, ja tie tev uzbruktu, tevi nepārspēs, jo Es esmu ar tevi, lai tev palīdzētu, tevi glābtu un tev piešķirtu uzvaru," - tā saka Tas Kungs. 21 "Es tevi glābšu no ļauno rokas un tevi atsvabināšu no varmāku dūres!"