Repayment Offerings
1 The following are the regulations for repayment offerings, which are very holy. 2 The animal for this offering is to be killed on the north side of the altar, where the animals for the burnt offerings are killed, and its blood is to be thrown against all four sides of the altar. 3 All of its fat shall be removed and offered on the altar: the fat tail, the fat covering the internal organs, 4 the kidneys and the fat on them, and the best part of the liver. 5 The priest shall burn all the fat on the altar as a food offering to the Lord. It is a repayment offering. 6 Any male of the priestly families may eat it, but it must be eaten in a holy place, because it is very holy.
7 There is one regulation that applies to both the sin offering and the repayment offering: the meat belongs to the priest who offers the sacrifice. 8 The skin of an animal offered as a burnt offering belongs to the priest who offers the sacrifice. 9 Every grain offering that has been baked in an oven or prepared in a pan or on a griddle belongs to the priest who has offered it to God. 10 But all uncooked grain offerings, whether mixed with oil or dry, belong to all the Aaronite priests and must be shared equally among them.
Fellowship Offerings
11 The following are the regulations for the fellowship offerings presented to the Lord. 12 If you make this offering as a thanksgiving offering to God, you shall present, together with the animal to be sacrificed, an offering of bread made without yeast: either thick loaves made of flour mixed with olive oil or thin cakes brushed with olive oil or cakes made of flour mixed with olive oil. 13 In addition, you shall offer loaves of bread baked with yeast. 14 You shall present one part of each kind of bread as a special contribution to the Lord; it belongs to the priest who takes the blood of the animal and throws it against the altar. 15 The flesh of the animal must be eaten on the day it is sacrificed; none of it may be left until the next morning.
16 If you bring a fellowship offering as fulfillment of a vow or as your own freewill offering, not all of it has to be eaten on the day it is offered, but any that is left over may be eaten on the following day. 17 Any meat that still remains on the third day must be burned. 18 If any of it is eaten on the third day, God will not accept your offering. The offering will not be counted to your credit but will be considered unclean, and whoever eats it will suffer the consequences. 19 If the meat comes into contact with anything ritually unclean, it must not be eaten, but must be burned.
Any of you that are ritually clean may eat the meat, 20 but if any of you who are not clean eat it, you shall no longer be considered one of God's people. 21 Also, if you eat the meat of this offering after you have touched anything ritually unclean, whether from a person or an animal, you shall no longer be considered one of God's people.
22 The Lord gave Moses the following regulations 23 for the people of Israel. No fat of cattle, sheep, or goats shall be eaten. 24 The fat of an animal that has died a natural death or has been killed by a wild animal must not be eaten, but it may be used for any other purpose. 25 Anyone who eats the fat of an animal that may be offered as a food offering to the Lord will no longer be considered one of God's people. 26 No matter where the Israelites live, they must never use the blood of birds or animals for food. 27 Anyone who breaks this law will no longer be considered one of God's people.
28 The Lord gave Moses the following regulations 29 for the people of Israel. When any of you offer a fellowship offering you must bring part of it as a special gift to the Lord, 30 bringing it with your own hands as a food offering. You shall bring the fat of the animal with its breast and present it as a special gift to the Lord. 31 The priest shall burn the fat on the altar, but the breast shall belong to the priests. 32 The right hind leg of the animal shall be given as a special contribution 33 to the priest who offers the blood and the fat of the fellowship offering. 34 The breast of the animal is a special gift, and the right hind leg is a special contribution that the Lord has taken from the people of Israel and given to the priests. This is what the people of Israel must give to the priests for all time to come. 35 This is the part of the food offered to the Lord that was given to Aaron and his sons on the day they were ordained as priests. 36 On that day the Lord commanded the people of Israel to give them this part of the offering. It is a regulation that the people of Israel must obey for all time to come.
37 These, then, are the regulations for the burnt offerings, the grain offerings, the sin offerings, the repayment offerings, the ordination offerings, and the fellowship offerings. 38 There on Mount Sinai in the desert, the Lord gave these commands to Moses on the day he told the people of Israel to make their offerings.
1 Šī ir vainas izpirkšanas upura likumīgā kārtība, tas ir augsti svēts. 2 Vainas izpirkšanas upuris ir jānokauj vietā, kurā nokauj dedzināmo upuri, un tā asinis ir jāslaka no visām pusēm pār altāri. 3 Un visi dzīvnieka tauki ir jāpienes, arī aste un tauki, kas apklāj iekšas, 4 arī abas nieres un tauki, kas pie tām klāt un pie gurniem, un tauki, kas pār aknām, tie jāatņem nost no nierēm. 5 Un priesterim tie ir jāsadedzina uz altāra kā uguns upuris; tas ir vainas izpirkšanas upuris Tam Kungam. 6 Ikviens vīriešu kārtas priesteris to var ēst svētā vietā - tas ir augsti svēts. 7 Kā grēku, tā arī vainas izpirkšanas upurim ir vienāds likums - tas pienākas priesterim, kas ar to salīdzina. 8 Un vienīgi priesterim, kas nes dedzināmo upuri, pienākas āda no dedzināmā upura, kuru viņš ir nesis. 9 Bet ikviens ēdamais upuris, kas ir cepts krāsnī vai vārīts katlā, vai uz pannas sataisīts, pienākas tam priesterim, kurš to ir pienesis. 10 Un ikviens ēdamais upuris, vai sajaukts ar eļļu, vai sauss, pienākas Ārona dēliem, kā vienam, tā otram. 11 Un šī ir kaujamā pateicības upura kārtība, ko Tam Kungam pienes. 12 Ja to nes kā pateicību, tad pie kaujamā pateicības upura klāt jāupurē neraudzētas mīklas plāceņi, kas iejaukti eļļā, un arī plāni rauši no neraudzētas mīklas, kas apziesti ar eļļu, un plāceņi no iejautiem smalkiem kviešu miltiem, kas sajaukti ar eļļu. 13 Kopā ar plāceņiem jānes arī maize no raudzētas mīklas, tā jāpienes kā pateicības upuris par mieru. 14 Un no tiem visiem viens plācenis jānes Tam Kungam par cilājamo upuri; tas pienākas priesterim, kas no kaujamā pateicības upura slaka asinis. 15 Kaujamā pateicības upura gaļa jāēd upura nešanas dienā, nekā no tās nevar atstāt nākamai dienai. 16 Bet, ja upurē kāda solījuma dēļ vai labprātīgi, tad kaujamais upuris jāēd upurēšanas dienā, bet atlikumu var ēst nākamajā dienā. 17 Bet upura gaļas atlikums trešajā dienā ir ugunī jāsadedzina. 18 Bet, ja tomēr kāds ēstu no kaujamā pateicības upura gaļas trešajā dienā, tad tas nebūs patīkams upuris, un šo upuri viņam neieskaitīs; tā būs nešķīsta upura gaļa, un tas, kas to ēdīs, būs vainu uz sevi uzkrāvis. 19 Arī gaļu, kas nākusi saskarē ar kaut ko nešķīstu, nevar ēst, bet tā ir ugunī sadedzināma; ikkuru tīru gaļu var ēst. 20 Cilvēks, kurš ēd no kaujamā pateicības upura gaļas, kas novēlēta Tam Kungam, kamēr viņš pats ir vēl nešķīsts, - tāds cilvēks lai tiek izdeldēts no savas tautas. 21 Un cilvēks, kas pieskāries kaut kam nešķīstam, vai cilvēka nešķīstumam, vai nešķīstam lopam, vai kādai citai nešķīstai negantībai, un pēc tam ēd no kaujamā pateicības upura gaļas, kas novēlēta Tam Kungam,- tāds cilvēks lai tiek izdeldēts no savas tautas." 22 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu, sacīdams: 23 "Runā uz Israēla bērniem un saki: neēdiet nedz vēršu, nedz kazu, nedz jēru taukus, 24 nedz arī taukus no kādas maitas un saplosītiem dzīvniekiem; dariet ko gribēdami ar tiem, bet ēst jums tos nebūs, 25 jo ikviens, kas ēdīs no lopu taukiem, kuri tiek nesti Tam Kungam kā uguns upuris, tas pats sevi izslēdz no savas tautas. 26 Jūs nekādā ziņā nedrīkstat ēst savās mājās asinis - nedz putnu, nedz lopu. 27 Ikviens cilvēks, kas bauda asinis, tiek no savas tautas izdeldēts." 28 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu, sacīdams: 29 "Runā uz Israēla bērniem un saki: kurš savu kaujamo pateicības upuri atved Tam Kungam, tas lai atnes Tam Kungam dāvanu no sava kaujamā pateicības upura. 30 Viņa rokas lai atnes Tam Kungam uguns upuri: taukus no krūtīm līdz ar krūtīm - tos lai viņš līgodams līgo Tā Kunga priekšā. 31 Un priesteris lai aizdedzina taukus uz altāra, bet pats krūšu gabals pienākas Āronam un viņa dēliem. 32 Bet labais plecis jums jādod no jūsu kaujamā pateicības upura priesterim par cilājamo upuri. 33 Kurš no Ārona dēliem upurē kaujamā pateicības upura asinis un taukus, tam pienākas labais plecis kā viņa tiesa, 34 jo līgojamā upura krūts gabals un cilājamā upura plecis - tie tev ir ņemami no Israēla bērnu kaujamiem pateicības upuriem un dodami Āronam un viņa dēliem, priesteriem; tas lai ir mūžīgs likums Israēla bērniem. 35 Tā ir Ārona un viņa dēlu svaidīšanas upuru noteiktā daļa no Tā Kunga uguns upuriem tanī dienā, kad tie tuvojas, lai kļūtu Tā Kunga priesteri. 36 To Tas Kungs pats ir pavēlējis tiem dot viņu svaidīšanas dienā no Israēla bērnu puses; tas ir mūžīgs likums uz viņu cilšu ciltīm." 37 Un šī ir likumīgā kārtība dedzināmam upurim, ēdamam upurim, grēku upurim, vainas izpirkšanas upurim, priesteru iesvētīšanas upurim un kaujamam pateicības upurim, 38 ko Tas Kungs Mozum pavēlējis Sinaja kalnā, kad Viņš pavēlēja Israēla bērniem pienest savus upurus Tam Kungam Sinaja tuksnesī.