The Birth of Isaac
1 The Lord blessed Sarah, as he had promised, 2 and she became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham when he was old. The boy was born at the time God had said he would be born. 3 Abraham named him Isaac, 4 and when Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God had commanded. 5 Abraham was a hundred years old when Isaac was born. 6 Sarah said, “God has brought me joy and laughter. Everyone who hears about it will laugh with me.” 7 Then she added, “Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age.”
8 The child grew, and on the day that he was weaned, Abraham gave a great feast.
Hagar and Ishmael Are Sent Away
9 One day Ishmael, whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham, was playing with Sarah's son Isaac. 10 Sarah saw them and said to Abraham, “Send this slave and her son away. The son of this woman must not get any part of your wealth, which my son Isaac should inherit.” 11 This troubled Abraham very much, because Ishmael also was his son. 12 But God said to Abraham, “Don't be worried about the boy and your slave Hagar. Do whatever Sarah tells you, because it is through Isaac that you will have the descendants I have promised. 13 I will also give many children to the son of the slave woman, so that they will become a nation. He too is your son.”
14 Early the next morning Abraham gave Hagar some food and a leather bag full of water. He put the child on her back and sent her away. She left and wandered about in the wilderness of Beersheba. 15 When the water was all gone, she left the child under a bush 16 and sat down about a hundred yards away. She said to herself, “I can't bear to see my child die.” While she was sitting there, she began to cry.
17 God heard the boy crying, and from heaven the angel of God spoke to Hagar, “What are you troubled about, Hagar? Don't be afraid. God has heard the boy crying. 18 Get up, go and pick him up, and comfort him. I will make a great nation out of his descendants.” 19 Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well. She went and filled the leather bag with water and gave some to the boy. 20 God was with the boy as he grew up; he lived in the wilderness of Paran and became a skillful hunter. 21 His mother got an Egyptian wife for him.
The Agreement between Abraham and Abimelech
22 At that time Abimelech went with Phicol, the commander of his army, and said to Abraham, “God is with you in everything you do. 23 So make a vow here in the presence of God that you will not deceive me, my children, or my descendants. I have been loyal to you, so promise that you will also be loyal to me and to this country in which you are living.”
24 Abraham said, “I promise.”
25 Abraham complained to Abimelech about a well which the servants of Abimelech had seized. 26 Abimelech said, “I don't know who did this. You didn't tell me about it, and this is the first I have heard of it.” 27 Then Abraham gave some sheep and cattle to Abimelech, and the two of them made an agreement. 28 Abraham separated seven lambs from his flock, 29 and Abimelech asked him, “Why did you do that?”
30 Abraham answered, “Accept these seven lambs. By doing this, you admit that I am the one who dug this well.” 31 And so the place was called Beersheba, because it was there that the two of them made a vow.
32 After they had made this agreement at Beersheba, Abimelech and Phicol went back to Philistia. 33 Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and worshiped the Lord, the Everlasting God. 34 Abraham lived in Philistia for a long time.
1 Bet Tas Kungs Sāru uzlūkoja, kā Viņš to bija teicis; un Tas Kungs darīja Sārai, kā Viņš bija pavēstījis. 2 Un Sāra tapa grūta un dzemdēja dēlu, Ābrahāmam vecam esot, laikā, kādu Dievs iepriekš viņam bija pateicis. 3 Un Ābrahāms nosauca savu dēlu, kas viņam bija piedzimis, ko Sāra viņam dzemdēja, par Īzāku. 4 Un Ābrahāms apgraizīja savu dēlu Īzāku astoņu dienu vecumā, kā Dievs to viņam bija pavēlējis. 5 Bet Ābrahāms bija simts gadu vecs, kad Īzāks, viņa dēls, tam piedzima. 6 Un Sāra sacīja: "Dievs man sagādājis apsmieklu; ikviens, kas par to dzirdēs, smiesies par mani." 7 Un viņa teica: "Kas gan būtu vēstījis Ābrahāmam: Sāra ir bērnu zīdītāja. Jo viņa vecumā es esmu dzemdējusi viņam dēlu." 8 Un bērns auga un tika atšķirts no krūts. Ābrahāms sarīkoja lielas dzīres tai dienā, kad Īzāku atšķīra no krūts. 9 Un Sāra redzēja kalpones, ēģiptietes Hagaras, dēlu Ismaēlu, kuru viņa bija dzemdējusi Ābrahāmam, smejamies. 10 Un viņa sacīja Ābrahāmam: "Padzen šo kalponi un viņas dēlu, lai šīs kalpones dēls nebūtu mantinieks kopā ar manu dēlu Īzāku." 11 Bet šis vārds ļoti nepatika Ābrahāmam sava dēla dēļ. 12 Un Dievs runāja uz Ābrahāmu: "Lai tas nav netīkami tavam prātam nedz zēna dēļ, nedz arī tavas kalpones dēļ: paklausi Sārai visās lietās, kā viņa tev saka, jo no Īzāka tiks dēvēti tavi pēcnācēji. 13 Bet arī šīs kalpones dēlu Es darīšu par tautu, jo tas ir tavs dzimums." 14 Un Ābrahāms nākamā rītā cēlās, lai dotos ceļā; viņš paņēma maizi un ūdens trauku un deva tos Hagarai un lika uz viņas pleciem arī zēnu, un aizraidīja viņu; un viņa aizgāja un klīda pa Bēršebas tuksnesi. 15 Un ūdens izsīka traukā, un viņa pameta zēnu zem kāda krūma. 16 Un pati aizgāja un apsēdās gabalu nost, apmēram bultas šāviena attālumā, jo tā sacīja: "Es nevaru noraudzīties zēna miršanā." Viņa apsēdās pretī un pacēla savu balsi un raudāja. 17 Un Dievs dzirdēja zēna balsi, un Dieva eņģelis sauca Hagarai no debesīm un sacīja uz to: "Kas tev, Hagar? Nebīsties, jo Dievs ir dzirdējis zēna balsi no tās vietas, kur viņš atrodas. 18 Celies, paņem zēnu un turi to stingri pie rokas, jo Es to gribu darīt par lielu tautu." 19 Un Dievs atdarīja viņas acis, ka tā ieraudzīja ūdens avotu; un viņa aiztecēja, piepildīja ūdens trauku ar ūdeni un deva zēnam padzerties. 20 Un Dievs bija ar zēnu, un tas pieauga un apmetās tuksnesī, un kļuva par strēlnieku. 21 Un viņš mita Pāranas tuksnesī, un viņa māte tam paņēma sievu no Ēģiptes zemes. 22 Un ap šo laiku notika, ka Abimelehs un Pikols, viņa karaspēka virsnieks, sacīja Ābrahāmam: "Dievs ir ar tevi visās lietās, ko tu dari. 23 Bet tagad apstiprini man šeit ar zvērestu pie Dieva, ka tu nelauzīsi uzticību nedz man, nedz maniem bērniem, nedz maniem bērnu bērniem, ka to žēlastību, kādu es tev esmu parādījis, arī tu gribi parādīt man un visai zemei, kurā tu dzīvo kā svešinieks." 24 Un Ābrahāms atbildēja: "Es zvērēšu." 25 Un Ābrahāms pārmeta Abimeleham par ūdens aku, kuru Abimeleha kalpi bija atņēmuši. 26 Abimelehs atbildēja: "Es nezinu, kas to ir darījis; tu arī man to neesi sacījis, un es līdz šai dienai to nebiju dzirdējis." 27 Bet Ābrahāms paņēma sīklopus un liellopus un deva tos Abimeleham. Un abi noslēdza derību. 28 Un Ābrahāms nolika savrup septiņus jērus. 29 Un Abimelehs prasīja Ābrahāmam: "Ko nozīmē šie septiņi jēri, kurus tu esi nolicis savrup?" 30 Viņš atbildēja: "Lai tu šos septiņus jērus paņemtu no manas rokas, lai tā būtu man liecība, ka es šo aku esmu racis." 31 Tāpēc viņš šo vietu nosauca: Bēršeba , jo šinī vietā abi apmainījās zvērestiem. 32 Un viņi noslēdza derību pie Bēršebas. Un Abimelehs un Pikols, viņa karaspēka virsnieks, cēlās un atgriezās filistiešu zemē. 33 Un Ābrahāms dēstīja tamarisku Bēršebā un piesauca Tā Kunga, mūžīgā Dieva, Vārdu. 34 Un Ābrahāms dzīvoja kā svešinieks filistiešu zemē daudz gadu.