Prophecy against Tyre
1 On the first day of the … month of the eleventh year of our exile, the Lord spoke to me. 2 “Mortal man,” he said, “this is what the people in the city of Tyre are cheering about. They shout, ‘Jerusalem is shattered! Her commercial power is gone! She won't be our rival any more!’
3 “Now then, this is what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying: I am your enemy, city of Tyre. I will bring many nations to attack you, and they will come like the waves of the sea. 4 They will destroy your city walls and tear down your towers. Then I will sweep away all the dust and leave only a bare rock. 5 Fishermen will dry their nets on it, there where it stands in the sea. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken. The nations will plunder Tyre, 6 and with their swords they will kill those who live in her towns on the mainland. Then Tyre will know that I am the Lord.”
7 The Sovereign Lord says, “I am going to bring the greatest king of all—King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia—to attack Tyre. He will come from the north with a huge army, with horses and chariots and with cavalry. 8 Those who live in the towns on the mainland will be killed in the fighting. The enemy will dig trenches, build earthworks, and make a solid wall of shields against you. 9 They will pound in your walls with battering rams and tear down your towers with iron bars. 10 The clouds of dust raised by their horses will cover you. The noise of their horses pulling wagons and chariots will shake your walls as they pass through the gates of the ruined city. 11 Their cavalry will storm through your streets, killing your people with their swords. Your mighty pillars will be thrown to the ground. 12 Your enemies will help themselves to your wealth and merchandise. They will pull down your walls and shatter your luxurious houses. They will take the stones and wood and all the rubble, and dump them into the sea. 13 I will put an end to all your songs, and I will silence the music of your harps. 14 I will leave only a bare rock where fishermen can dry their nets. The city will never be rebuilt. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken.”
15 The Sovereign Lord has this to say to the city of Tyre: “When you are being conquered, the people who live along the coast will be terrified at the screams of those who are slaughtered. 16 All the kings of the seafaring nations will come down from their thrones. They will take off their robes and their embroidered clothes and sit trembling on the ground. They will be so terrified at your fate that they will not be able to stop trembling. 17 They will sing this funeral song for you:
The famous city is destroyed!
Her ships have been swept from the seas.
The people of this city ruled the seas
And terrified all who lived on the coast.
18 Now, on the day it has fallen,
The islands are trembling,
And their people are shocked at such destruction.”
19 The Sovereign Lord says: “I will make you as desolate as ruined cities where no one lives. I will cover you with the water of the ocean depths. 20 I will send you down to the world of the dead to join the people who lived in ancient times. I will make you stay in that underground world among eternal ruins, keeping company with the dead. As a result you will never again be inhabited and take your place in the land of the living. 21 I will make you a terrifying example, and that will be the end of you. People may look for you, but you will never be found.” The Sovereign Lord has spoken.
1 Vienpadsmitā gada pirmā mēneša vienpadsmitajā dienā pār mani nāca Tā Kunga vārds: 2 "Cilvēka bērns, tāpēc ka Tira sacīja par Jeruzālemi: tad nu sagrauti ir tautu vārti, man tie atdarījās, man būs visa kā pilnībā, jo tā ir izpostīta, - 3 tad saka Dievs Tas Kungs: Es celšos pret tevi, Tira, un sacelšu pret tevi lielu tautu pulku, kā jūra saceļ pret krastiem savus viļņus. 4 Tie sagraus Tiras mūrus un apgāzīs tās torņus, un Es aizslaucīšu prom tās zemi un padarīšu to par kailu klinti. 5 Tā būs tīklu žāvējamā vieta jūras vidū, jo Es to tā sacīju, saka Dievs Tas Kungs, un tā kļūs tautām par laupījumu. 6 Bet tās ciemus, kas uz cietzemes, iznīcinās ar zobenu, lai tie atzīst, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs. 7 Jo tā sacījis Dievs Tas Kungs: redzi, pret Tiru Es sūtīšu Bābeles ķēniņu Nebukadnēcaru, ķēniņu kēniņu no ziemeļiem, ar zirgiem, ratiem un jātniekiem, un ar lielu dažādu tautu karapulku. 8 Tavus ciemus uz cietzemes viņš iznīcinās ar zobenu, taisīs pret tevi aplenkuma torņus un uzmetīs pret tevi valni, un cels savus vairogus pret tevi. 9 Savu sienlaužu galveno triecienu viņš vērsīs pret taviem mūriem un nogāzīs tavus torņus ar saviem dzelzs kāšiem. 10 Viņa zirgu pulku saceltie putekļi apklās tevi, no jātnieku pakavu dipoņas, no riteņu un ratu graboņas trīcēs tavi mūri, kad viņš ieies pa taviem vārtiem, kā ieiet uzvarētā pilsētā. 11 Viņa zirgu pakavi izmīdīs visas tavas ielas, tavu tautu viņš nokaus ar zobenu, visus tavus staltos ar attēliem rotātos stabus viņš sagraus. 12 Tie laupīs tavu mantu, postīs tavu īpašumu, nojauks tavus mūrus, sagraus tavus skaistos namus, metīs tavus akmeņus un kokus un tavus gružus ūdenī. 13 Es darīšu galu tavu dziesmu skaņām, nedzirdēs neviens vairs tavas cītaras balsi. 14 Es tevi darīšu par kailu klinti, tu paliksi par tīklu žāvējamo vietu; tevi nekad vairs neatjaunos, jo Es, Tas Kungs, to esmu teicis," - tā saka Dievs Tas Kungs. 15 Tā ir noteicis Dievs Tas Kungs par Tiru: "Tiešām, no tavas krišanas trokšņa, no smagi ievainoto vaidiem un no zobenu šķindoņas tavā vidū trīcēs jūras salas. 16 Visi jūras salu valdnieki nokāps no saviem troņiem, novilks savus greznos virsvalkus, noģērbs savas izrakstītās drēbes, tie tērpsies bailēs, nosēdīsies pie zemes un nepārtraukti drebēs un šausmināsies tevis dēļ. 17 Tad tie tev dziedās raudu dziesmas un sacīs: ak, kā tu esi aizgājusi bojā, nozudusi no jūras, tu slavenā pilsēta, kas biji varena jūras viļņos, tu un tavi iedzīvotāji, kas iedvesa bailes visiem piejūras iedzīvotājiem. 18 Tagad trīc piejūras zemes tavas krišanas dienā, un salas jūrā ir izmisušas par tavu bojāeju. 19 Jo tā ir sacījis Dievs Tas Kungs: Es tevi padarīšu par izpostītu un tukšu pilsētu kā citas pilsētas, kur neviens vairs nedzīvo; Es sūtīšu pār tevi ūdens plūdus, lieli ūdeņi tevi apklās. 20 Es tevi nogrūdīšu pie tiem, kas nogrimuši bedrē, pie senlaikos mirušajām tautām, un tev ierādīšu mitekli dziļākajos zemes dziļumos, mūžīgajos tukšumos pie tiem, kas sen nokāpuši pazemē, lai tevi neviens vairs neapdzīvotu un tu nepaceltos vairs par apbrīnojumu visai dzīvajo pasaulei. 21 Es tev sagādāšu briesmīgu galu, lai tevis vairs nebūtu, un, kad tevi meklēs, tad lai tevi nemūžam neatrastu," saka Dievs Tas Kungs.