The Coming of the Holy Spirit
1 When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered together in one place. 2 Suddenly there was a noise from the sky which sounded like a strong wind blowing, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire which spread out and touched each person there. 4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.
5 There were Jews living in Jerusalem, religious people who had come from every country in the world. 6 When they heard this noise, a large crowd gathered. They were all excited, because all of them heard the believers talking in their own languages. 7 In amazement and wonder they exclaimed, “These people who are talking like this are Galileans! 8 How is it, then, that all of us hear them speaking in our own native languages? 9 We are from Parthia, Media, and Elam; from Mesopotamia, Judea, and Cappadocia; from Pontus and Asia, 10 from Phrygia and Pamphylia, from Egypt and the regions of Libya near Cyrene. Some of us are from Rome, 11 both Jews and Gentiles converted to Judaism, and some of us are from Crete and Arabia—yet all of us hear them speaking in our own languages about the great things that God has done!” 12 Amazed and confused, they kept asking each other, “What does this mean?”
13 But others made fun of the believers, saying, “These people are drunk!”
Peter's Message
14 Then Peter stood up with the other eleven apostles and in a loud voice began to speak to the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, listen to me and let me tell you what this means. 15 These people are not drunk, as you suppose; it is only nine o'clock in the morning. 16 Instead, this is what the prophet Joel spoke about:
17 ‘This is what I will do in the last days, God says:
I will pour out my Spirit on everyone.
Your sons and daughters will proclaim my message;
your young men will see visions,
and your old men will have dreams.
18 Yes, even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will proclaim my message.
19 I will perform miracles in the sky above
and wonders on the earth below.
There will be blood, fire, and thick smoke;
20 the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will turn red as blood,
before the great and glorious Day of the Lord comes.
21 And then, whoever calls out to the Lord for help will be saved.’
22 “Listen to these words, fellow Israelites! Jesus of Nazareth was a man whose divine authority was clearly proven to you by all the miracles and wonders which God performed through him. You yourselves know this, for it happened here among you. 23 In accordance with his own plan God had already decided that Jesus would be handed over to you; and you killed him by letting sinful men crucify him. 24 But God raised him from death, setting him free from its power, because it was impossible that death should hold him prisoner. 25 For David said about him,
‘I saw the Lord before me at all times;
he is near me, and I will not be troubled.
26 And so I am filled with gladness,
and my words are full of joy.
And I, mortal though I am,
will rest assured in hope,
27 because you will not abandon me in the world of the dead;
you will not allow your faithful servant to rot in the grave.
28 You have shown me the paths that lead to life,
and your presence will fill me with joy.’
29 “My friends, I must speak to you plainly about our famous ancestor King David. He died and was buried, and his grave is here with us to this very day. 30 He was a prophet, and he knew what God had promised him: God had made a vow that he would make one of David's descendants a king, just as David was. 31 David saw what God was going to do in the future, and so he spoke about the resurrection of the Messiah when he said,
‘He was not abandoned in the world of the dead;
his body did not rot in the grave.’
32 God has raised this very Jesus from death, and we are all witnesses to this fact. 33 He has been raised to the right side of God, his Father, and has received from him the Holy Spirit, as he had promised. What you now see and hear is his gift that he has poured out on us. 34 For it was not David who went up into heaven; rather he said,
‘The Lord said to my Lord:
Sit here at my right side
35 until I put your enemies as a footstool under your feet.’
36 “All the people of Israel, then, are to know for sure that this Jesus, whom you crucified, is the one that God has made Lord and Messiah!”
37 When the people heard this, they were deeply troubled and said to Peter and the other apostles, “What shall we do, brothers?”
38 Peter said to them, “Each one of you must turn away from your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven; and you will receive God's gift, the Holy Spirit. 39 For God's promise was made to you and your children, and to all who are far away—all whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”
40 Peter made his appeal to them and with many other words he urged them, saying, “Save yourselves from the punishment coming on this wicked people!” 41 Many of them believed his message and were baptized, and about three thousand people were added to the group that day. 42 They spent their time in learning from the apostles, taking part in the fellowship, and sharing in the fellowship meals and the prayers.
Life among the Believers
43 Many miracles and wonders were being done through the apostles, and everyone was filled with awe. 44 All the believers continued together in close fellowship and shared their belongings with one another. 45 They would sell their property and possessions, and distribute the money among all, according to what each one needed. 46 Day after day they met as a group in the Temple, and they had their meals together in their homes, eating with glad and humble hearts, 47 praising God, and enjoying the good will of all the people. And every day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved.
1 Kad Vasarassvētku diena bija atnākusi, visi bija sapulcējušies vienā vietā; 2 un piepeši no debesīm nāca rūkoņa, it kā stiprs vējš pūstu, un piepildīja visu namu, kur tie sēdēja, 3 un viņiem parādījās it kā uguns mēles, kas sadalījās un nolaidās uz ikvienu no tiem, 4 un visi tika piepildīti ar Svēto Garu un sāka runāt citās mēlēs, kā Gars tiem deva izrunāt. 5 Bet Jeruzālemē dzīvoja jūdi, dievbijīgi vīri no visādām tautām zem debess; 6 kad šī balss atskanēja, ļaužu pulks sanāca kopā un izbijās, jo ikviens tos dzirdēja runājam savā valodā. 7 Tie sabijās un brīnīdamies sacīja: "Vai visi šie, kas runā, nav galilieši? 8 Kā tad mēs ikviens dzirdam savu dzimto valodu - 9 partieši, mēdieši, ēlāmieši un kas dzīvojam Mezopotāmijā, Jūdejā un Kapadoķijā, Pontā un Āzijā, 10 Frīģijā un Pamfīlijā, Ēģiptē un Lībijas novados uz Kirēnas pusi, un še uz dzīvi apmetušies romieši, jūdi un prosēliti, 11 krētieši un arābi, mēs dzirdam tos mūsu pašu valodās Dieva lielos darbus paužam." 12 Izbijušies un neziņā būdami, tie visi cits citam jautāja: "Kas tas ir?" 13 Bet citi zobodamies sacīja: "Tie salda vīna pilni." 14 Bet Pēteris, nostājies ar tiem vienpadsmit, iesāka runāt un tiem sacīja: "Jūs, jūdi un visi, kas Jeruzālemē dzīvojat, lai tas jums ir zināms, un iegaumējiet manus vārdus; 15 šie nav piedzēruši, kā jums šķiet, jo ir tikai dienas trešā stunda, 16 bet te piepildās pravieša Joēla vārdi: 17 tas notiks pēdējās dienās, saka Dievs, Es izliešu no Sava Gara pār visu miesu, un jūsu dēli un jūsu meitas pravietos, un jūsu jaunekļi redzēs parādības, un jūsu sirmgalvji sapņos sapņus. 18 Un arī pār Saviem kalpiem un Savām kalponēm Es tanīs dienās izliešu no Sava Gara, un tie pravietos. 19 Un Es došu brīnumus augšā pie debesīm un zīmes apakšā virs zemes: asinis un uguni, un dūmus, un tvaiku. 20 Saule pārvērtīsies tumsā un mēness asinīs, pirms nāks Tā Kunga lielā un spožā diena. 21 Un ikviens, kas Tā Kunga Vārdu piesauks, tiks izglābts. - 22 Israēlieši, uzklausait šos vārdus: Nacarieti Jēzu, šo vīru, Dievs jūsu priekšā apliecinājis ar vareniem darbiem, brīnumiem un zīmēm, ko Dievs darījis caur Viņu jūsu vidū, kā jūs paši zināt, 23 To Dievs pēc Sava lēmuma un paredzes nodevis, un jūs Viņu ar noziedznieku rokām esat piekaluši pie krusta un nonāvējuši. 24 Viņu Dievs uzmodinājis, nāves sāpes raisīdams, jo nevarēja būt, ka tā Viņu paturētu savā varā. 25 Jo Dāvids par Viņu saka: Tas Kungs man vienmēr bijis acu priekšā, jo Viņš man ir pa labo roku, lai es nešaubītos. 26 Tāpēc mana sirds priecājas un mana mēle līksmojas, un arī mana miesa dusēs cerībā. 27 Jo Tu manu dvēseli nepametīsi pazemē, nedz Savam Svētajam liksi redzēt satrūdēšanu. 28 Tu man esi zināmus darījis dzīvības ceļus, Tu mani piepildīsi ar prieku Sava vaiga priekšā. - 29 Brāļi, es uzdrošinos atklāti ar jums runāt par ciltstēvu Dāvidu; tas ir nomiris un apglabāts, un viņa kaps ir pie mums līdz šai dienai. 30 Viņš bija pravietis un zināja, ka Dievs zvērēdams viņam bija solījis sēdināt vienu no viņa atvasēm uz viņa goda krēsla. 31 Viņš, to paredzēdams, ir runājis par Kristus augšāmcelšanos: Viņš nepalika pazemē, un Viņa miesa neredzēja satrūdēšanu. 32 Šo Jēzu Dievs ir uzmodinājis, tam mēs visi esam liecinieki. 33 Dieva labās rokas paaugstināts un no Tēva dabūjis Svētā Gara apsolījumu, Viņš izlējis To, ko jūs tagad redzat un dzirdat. 34 Jo Dāvids nav uzkāpis debesīs, bet viņš saka: Tas Kungs ir sacījis manam Kungam: sēdies Man pa labo roku, 35 tiekāms Es Tavus ienaidniekus lieku par pameslu Tavām kājām. - 36 Tad lai viss Israēla nams zina un nešaubās, ka Dievs Viņu ir darījis par Kungu un Kristu, šo pašu Jēzu, ko jūs esat situši krustā." 37 Šie vārdi sāpīgi ķēra viņu sirdis, un tie sacīja uz Pēteri un citiem apustuļiem: "Brāļi, ko lai mēs darām?" 38 Bet Pēteris tiem atbildēja: "Atgriezieties no grēkiem un liecieties kristīties ikviens Jēzus Kristus Vārdā, lai jūs dabūtu grēku piedošanu un saņemtu Svētā Gara dāvanu. 39 Jo šis solījums dots jums un jūsu bērniem un visiem, kas vēl ir tālu, ko Tas Kungs, mūsu Dievs, pieaicinās." 40 Un vēl ar daudz citiem vārdiem viņš liecināja un tos pamācīja, sacīdams: "Izglābieties no šīs samaitātās cilts!" 41 Kas viņa vārdus uzņēma, tos kristīja, un tanī dienā tiem pievienojās ap trīs tūkstoši dvēseļu; 42 un tie pastāvēja apustuļu mācībā un sadraudzībā, maizes laušanā un lūgšanās. 43 Visus pārņēma bailes, un apustuļi darīja daudz brīnumu un zīmju. 44 Bet visi ticīgie turējās kopā, un viss tiem bija kopīgs; 45 viņi pārdeva savus īpašumus un rocību un izdalīja visiem, kā kuram vajadzēja. 46 Viņi mēdza ik dienas vienprātīgi sanākt Templī, pa mājām tie lauza maizi un baudīja barību ar gavilēm un vientiesīgu sirdi, 47 slavēdami Dievu, un viņi bija ieredzēti visā tautā. Bet Tas Kungs ik dienas pievienoja viņiem tos, kas tika izglābti.