Fifth Vision: A Lampstand and Olive Trees
1 The angel who explained the visions woke me from what seemed like sleep. 2 Then he asked, “What do you see?”
“A solid gold lampstand with an oil container above it,” I answered. “On the stand are seven lamps, each with seven flames. 3 One olive tree is on the right side and another on the left of the oil container. 4 But, sir, what do these mean?”
5 Then he asked, “Don't you know?”
“No sir,” I replied.
6 So the angel explained that it was the following message of the Lord to Zerubbabel:
I am the Lord All-Powerful. So don't depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit. 7 Zerubbabel, that mountain in front of you will be leveled to the ground. Then you will bring out the temple's most important stone and shout, “God has been very kind.”
8 The Lord spoke to me again and said:
9 Zerubbabel laid the foundation for the temple, and he will complete it. Then everyone will know that you were sent by me, the Lord All-Powerful. 10 Those who have made fun of this day of small beginnings will celebrate when they see Zerubbabel holding this important stone.
Those seven lamps represent my eyes—the eyes of the Lord—and they see everything on this earth.
11 Then I asked the angel, “What about the olive trees on each side of the lampstand? What do they represent? 12 And what is the meaning of the two branches from which golden olive oil flows through the two gold pipes?”
13 “Don't you know?” he asked.
“No sir, I don't,” was my answer.
14 Then he told me, “These branches are the two chosen leaders who stand beside the Lord of all the earth.”
Piektais redzējums: zelta gaismeklis un divi olīvkoki
1 Eņģelis, kas ar mani bija runājis, nāca atkal un modināja mani, itin kā modinādams no miega. 2 Viņš man teica: ko tu redzi? – Es teicu: es skatījos, un redzi – gaismeklis, viss no zelta, un augšā tam kauss, un septiņi eļļas lukturīši uz septiņiem zariem, un septiņas caurulītes iet uz katru augšējo eļļas lukturīti. 3 Un blakus tam divi olīvkoki: viens pa labi kausam, bet otrs pa kreisi. – 4 Es vaicāju eņģelim, kas ar mani bija runājis: mans kungs, kas tas ir? 5 Eņģelis, kas ar mani bija runājis, atbildēja: tu nezini, kas tas ir? Es teicu: nezinu vis! 6 Tad viņš man atbildēja:
šis ir Kunga vārds Zerubābelam:
ne ar spēku un ne ar varu,
bet ar manu Garu! –
saka Pulku Kungs.
7 Lielais kalns, kas tu esi?
Zerubābela priekšā tu kļūsi par līdzenumu!
Viņš uzliks jumtgala akmeni,
un visi klaigās:
vareni, vareni gan!”
8 Tad Kunga vārds nāca pār mani:
9 “Zerubābela rokas likušas šim namam pamatus,
un viņa rokas to arī pabeigs,
tad tu zināsi, ka mani pie jums sūtījis Pulku Kungs!
10 Kurš nicināja mazuma dienu,
tas līksmos, redzēdams svērteni Zerubābela rokā!
Un tās septiņas ir Kunga acis,
kas nolūkojas uz visu zemi!
11 Tad es jautāju viņam: kas ir šie divi olīvkoki gaismekļa kreisajā un labajā pusē? 12 Es jautāju viņam vēlreiz: kas tie par olīvkoku zariem, kas blakus abām zelta caurulītēm, pa kurām plūst eļļa? – 13 Un viņš man teica: vai tu nezini, kas tie ir? Es teicu: nezinu vis! – 14 Un viņš teica: tie ir abi svaidītie dēli, kas stāv blakus visas zemes Kungam!