The Value of a Good Reputation
1 A good reputation and respect
are worth much more
than silver and gold.
2 The rich and the poor
are all created
by the Lord.
3 When you see trouble coming,
don't be stupid
and walk right into it—
be smart and hide.

4 Respect and serve the Lord!
Your reward will be wealth,
a long life, and honor.
5 Crooks walk down a road
full of thorny traps.
Stay away from there!
6 Teach your children
right from wrong,
and when they are grown
they will still do right.
7 The poor are ruled by the rich,
and those who borrow
are slaves of moneylenders.
8 Troublemakers get in trouble,
and their terrible anger
will get them nowhere.

9 The Lord blesses everyone
who freely gives food
to the poor.
10 Arguments and fights
will come to an end,
if you chase away those
who insult others.
11 The king is the friend of all
who are sincere
and speak with kindness.

12 The Lord watches over everyone
who shows good sense,
but he frustrates the plans
of deceitful liars.
13 Don't be so lazy that you say,
“If I go to work,
a lion will eat me!”
14 The words of a bad woman
are like a deep pit;
if you make the Lord angry,
you will fall right in.
15 All children are foolish,
but firm correction
will make them change.
16 Cheat the poor to make profit
or give gifts to the rich—
either way you lose.
Thirty Wise Sayings
17 Here are some sayings
of people with wisdom,
so listen carefully
as I teach.
18 You will be glad
that you know these sayings
and can recite them.
19 I am teaching them today,
so that you
may trust the Lord.
20 I have written thirty sayings
filled with sound advice.
21 You can trust them completely
to give you the right words
for those in charge of you.
22 Don't take advantage
of the poor
or cheat them in court.
23 The Lord is their defender,
and what you do to them,
he will do to you.
24 Don't make friends with anyone
who has a bad temper.
25 You might turn out like them
and get caught in a trap.
26 Don't guarantee to pay
someone else's debt.
27 If you don't have the money,
you might lose your bed.
28 Don't move a boundary marker
set up by your ancestors.
29 If you do your job well,
you will work for a ruler
and never be a slave.
1 Izvēlies labu slavu, nevis lielu bagātību –
ne sudrabu un zeltu, bet ļaužu cieņu!
2 Bagāts ar nabagu abi turpat –
abus divus radījis Kungs.
3 Gudrinieks pamana briesmas un patveras,
bet vientieši brāžas un dabū sodu.
4 Alga par pazemību, par Kunga bijāšanu –
bagātība, gods un ilgs mūžs!
5 Slazdi un cilpas viltnieka ceļā,
kam dzīvība dārga, tur nestaigās!
6 Uzved puisēnu uz viņa ceļa –
pat vecs kļuvis, no tā nenoklīdīs.
7 Bagāts pār nabagiem valda,
kas aizņemas, paliek devējam kalps.
8 Kas sēj netaisnību, pļaus postu –
tad viņa iecirtības rīkste būs pušu!
9 Tas svētīts, kam vēlīga acs,
kas dod nabagam no savas maizes!
10 Triec pulgotāju – būs ķilda prom,
aprims ēšanās un lāsti!
11 Kam sirds šķīsta, kam lūpas laipnas –
pats ķēniņš tādam draugs!
12 Kunga acis uzrauga zināšanu –
viņš apgāž viltvāržu runas!
13 Sliņķis saka: ārā ir lauva,
ja iešu uz ielas, tas nokodīs mani!
14 Dziļa bedre ir svešinieces mute –
kuru Kungs nīst, tas tajā iekritīs!
15 Sēž muļķība jaunekļa sirdī,
bet stingra rīkste spēj to patriekt!
16 Kas nabagam atrauj, tam kaut kas tiek,
bet, kas bagātam pieliek, tas pats izput!
Gudrības vārdi
17 Liec ausi un klausies gudro vārdus,
atdari sirdi manām zinībām –
18 ar tīksmi glabā tās sevī,
lai tās runā no tavām lūpām!
19 Paļaujies taču uz Kungu,
to es tev šodien mācu – jā, tev!
20 Vai neesmu tev uzrakstījis trejkāršu gudrību,
pilnu padoma un zināšanas,
21 tev rādīdams īstos taisnības vārdus,
lai tu vari sacīt taisnības vārdus tiem,
kas sūtīja tevi!

22 Neatņem nabagam – viņš tā jau nabags,
netiesā sūrdieni pilsētas vārtos,
23 jo Kungs nāks tiesāties viņu vietā –
tiem, kas tos aplaupa, viņš laupīs dzīvību!

24 Neturies ar tādu, kas nasks dusmās,
kas ātrs sirdī, pie tāda neej,
25 ka neiemācies tu viņu niķus
un neizliec lamatas pats sev!

26 Neesi kā tie, kas līkop līgst,
kas galvo par aizdevumu,
27 ja tev nebūs ko aizmaksāt,
tev no apakšas izraus pēli!

28 Nepārcel senu robežakmeni,
ko nolikuši tavi tēvi!

29 Palūk, vīrs, darbā prasmīgs,
ķēniņiem viņš kalpos,
nelgām viņš nekalpos!