King Joram of Israel
1 Joram son of Ahab became king of Israel in Jehoshaphat's eighteenth year as king of Judah. Joram ruled twelve years from Samaria 2 and disobeyed the Lord by doing wrong. He tore down the stone image his father had made to honor Baal, and so he wasn't as sinful as his parents. 3 But he kept doing the sinful things that Jeroboam son of Nebat had led Israel to do.
The Country of Moab Rebels against Israel
4 For many years the country of Moab had been controlled by Israel and was forced to pay taxes to the kings of Israel. King Mesha of Moab raised sheep, so he paid the king of Israel 100,000 lambs and the wool from 100,000 rams. 5 But soon after the death of Ahab, Mesha rebelled against Israel.
6 One day, Joram left Samaria and called together Israel's army. 7 He sent this message to King Jehoshaphat of Judah, “The king of Moab has rebelled. Will you go with me to attack him?”
“Yes, I will,” Jehoshaphat answered. “I'm on your side, and my soldiers and horses are at your command. 8 But which way should we go?”
“We will march through Edom Desert,” Joram replied.
9 So Joram, Jehoshaphat, and the king of Edom led their troops out. But seven days later, there was no drinking water left for them or their animals. 10 Joram cried out, “This is terrible! The Lord must have led us out here to be captured by Moab's army.”
11 Jehoshaphat said, “Which of the Lord's prophets is with us? We can find out from him what the Lord wants us to do.”
One of Joram's officers answered, “Elisha son of Shaphat is here. He was one of Elijah's closest followers.”
12 Jehoshaphat replied, “He can give us the Lord's message.”
The three kings went over to Elisha, 13 and he asked Joram, “Why did you come to me? Go talk to the prophets of the foreign gods your parents worshiped.”
“No,” Joram answered. “It was the Lord who led us out here, so that Moab's army could capture us.”
14 Elisha said to him, “I serve the Lord All-Powerful, and as surely as he lives, I swear I wouldn't even look at you if I didn't respect King Jehoshaphat.” 15 Then Elisha said, “Send for someone who can play the harp.”
The harpist began playing, and the Lord gave Elisha this message for Joram:
16 The Lord says that this dry riverbed will be filled with water. 17 You won't feel any wind or see any rain, but there will be plenty of water for you and your animals.
18 That simple thing isn't all the Lord is going to do. He will also help you defeat Moab's army. 19 You will capture all their walled cities and important towns. You will chop down every good tree and stop up every spring of water, then ruin their fertile fields by covering them with rocks.
20 The next morning, while the sacrifice was being offered, water suddenly started flowing from the direction of Edom, and it flooded the land.
21 Meanwhile, the people of Moab had heard that the three kings were coming to attack them. They had called together all of their fighting men, from the youngest to the oldest, and these troops were now standing at their border, ready for battle. 22 When they got up that morning, the sun was shining across the water, making it look red. The Moabite troops took one look 23 and shouted, “Look at that blood! The armies of those kings must have fought and killed each other. Come on, let's go take what's left in their camp.”
24 But when they arrived at Israel's camp, the Israelite soldiers came out and attacked them, until they turned and ran away. Israel's army chased them all the way back to Moab, and even there they kept up the attack. 25 The Israelites destroyed the Moabite towns. They chopped down the good trees and stopped up the springs of water, then covered the fertile fields with rocks.
Finally, the only city left standing was Kir-Hareseth, but soldiers armed with slings surrounded and attacked it. 26 King Mesha of Moab saw that he was about to be defeated. So he took along 700 soldiers with swords and tried to break through the front line where the Edomite troops were positioned. But he failed. 27 He then grabbed his oldest son who was to be the next king and sacrificed him as an offering on the city wall. The Israelite troops were so horrified that they left the city and went back home.
Jehorāms valda pār Israēlu
1 Jehorāms, Ahāba dēls, Samarijā sāka valdīt pār Israēlu Jūdas ķēniņa Jehošāfāta astoņpadsmitajā valdīšanas gadā un valdīja divpadsmit gadus. 2 Viņš darīja to, kas netīkams Kungam, taču ne tik ļoti kā viņa tēvs un māte. Viņš aizvāca Baala elku stabu, kuru bija darinājis viņa tēvs. 3 Taču viņš pieķērās Jārobāma, Nebāta dēla, grēkiem, ar ko tas bija licis grēkot Israēlam, un neatstājās no tiem.
Karš ar Moābu
4 Moābas ķēniņš Mēša bija aitkopis un sūtīja nodevās Israēla ķēniņam simts tūkstošus jēru un simts tūkstošus aunu vilnu. 5 Kad Ahābs nomira, Moābas ķēniņš sacēlās pret Israēla ķēniņu. 6 Tajā pašā dienā ķēniņš Jehorāms iznāca no Samarijas un sapulcināja visu Israēlu. 7 Viņš devās ceļā un sūtīja Jūdas ķēniņam Jehošāfātam ziņu: “Moābas ķēniņš ir sacēlies pret mani. Vai tu nāksi kopā ar mani karot pret Moābu?” Tas atbildēja: “Es nākšu – man būs kā tev, manai tautai kā tavējai, maniem zirgiem kā tavējiem!” 8 Tad viņš vaicāja: “Pa kuru ceļu mēs dosimies?” Tas atbildēja: “Pa Edomas tuksneša ceļu.” 9 Tā Israēla ķēniņš, Jūdas ķēniņš un Edomas ķēniņš gāja, un, kad tie bija ceļā jau septiņas dienas, tiem aptrūkās ūdens – gan nometnei, gan lopiem, kas tiem bija līdzi. 10 Un Israēla ķēniņš sacīja: “Ak vai! Kungs šos trīs ķēniņus ir aicinājis, lai nodotu Moāba rokā!” 11 Bet Jehošāfāts sacīja: “Vai šeit nav kāds Kunga pravietis, lai mēs varētu iztaujāt Kungu?” Kāds Israēla ķēniņa kalps atbildēja: “Šeit ir Elīša, Šāfāta dēls, kurš lēja ūdeni uz Elijas rokām.” 12 Jehošāfāts sacīja: “Kunga vārds ir ar viņu!” Un Israēla ķēniņš, Jehošāfāts un Edomas ķēniņš devās pie viņa. 13 Elīša sacīja Israēla ķēniņam: “Kas man ar tevi? Ej pie sava tēva un mātes praviešiem!” Bet Israēla ķēniņš sacīja: “Nē! Kungs taču nav aicinājis šos trīs ķēniņus, lai nodotu Moāba rokā!” 14 Elīša sacīja: “Dzīvs Pulku Kungs, kura priekšā es stāvu! Ja šeit nebūtu Jūdas ķēniņa Jehošāfāta, kuru es cienu, es uz tevi nedz skatītos, nedz tevi pamanītu! 15 Un tagad atvediet man koklētāju!” Koklētājam koklējot, pār Elīšu bija Kunga roka, 16 un viņš sacīja: “Tā saka Kungs: rociet šajā ielejā grāvi pie grāvja, 17 jo tā saka Kungs: jūs neredzēsiet ne vēju, ne lietu, bet šī ieleja piepildīsies ar ūdeni, un dzersiet jūs un jūsu vērši un lopi! 18 Bet tas Kungam vēl ir nieks, jo viņš nodos moābiešus jūsu rokā! 19 Jūs satrieksiet visas nocietinātās pilsētas un visas bagātās pilsētas, jūs nocirtīsiet visus labākos kokus, jūs aizbērsiet visus ūdens avotus un sabojāsiet ar akmeņiem visus labos zemes gabalus!” 20 Pienāca rīts, tuvojās upura stunda, un, redzi, ūdens nāca no Edomas puses, un zeme piepildījās ar ūdeni!
21 Kad moābieši dzirdēja, ka ķēniņi nāk ar tiem karot, tie sasauca visus, kas vien spēja jozties karam, un arī visus citus un nostājās uz robežām. 22 Tie cēlās agri no rīta, un pār ūdeņiem spīdēja lecoša saule. Moābieši redzēja priekšā ūdeni, sarkanu kā asinis. 23 Un tie sacīja: “Tās ir asinis! Ķēniņi ir cirtušies zobeniem un viens otru apkāvuši! Nu, Moāb, pie laupījuma!” 24 Kad tie tuvojās Israēla nometnei, israēlieši cēlās, kāva moābiešus, un tie bēga. Viņi metās moābiešiem pakaļ un kāva tos. 25 Tie nopostīja pilsētas, un katrā labākā zemes gabalā ikviens iemeta pa akmenim, ka tie bija akmeņu pilni, visus ūdens avotus viņi aizbēra un nocirta visus labos kokus. Palika tikai Kīr-Haresetas akmens mūri. Lingotāji tos aplenca un apmētāja. 26 Kad Moābas ķēniņš redzēja, ka cīņa kļuvusi par grūtu, viņš ņēma līdzi septiņus simtus vīru ar zobeniem, lai izlauztos pie Edomas ķēniņa, bet nespēja. 27 Tad viņš ņēma savu pirmdzimto dēlu, kuram bija jāvalda pēc viņa, un upurēja to uz mūra kā sadedzināmo upuri. Israēlu pārņēma lielas dusmas, viņi atstājās no tiem un atgriezās savā zemē.