1 Joab knew that David couldn't stop thinking about Absalom, 2-3 and he sent someone to bring in the wise woman who lived in Tekoa. Joab told her, “Put on funeral clothes and don't use any makeup. Go to the king and pretend you have spent a long time mourning the death of a loved one.” Then he told her what to say.
4 The woman from Tekoa went to David. She bowed very low and said, “Your Majesty, please help me!”
5 David asked, “What's the matter?”
She replied:
My husband is dead, and I'm a widow. 6 I had two sons, but they got into a fight out in a field where there was no one to pull them apart, and one of them killed the other. 7 Now all of my relatives have come to me and said, “Hand over your son! We're going to put him to death for killing his brother.” But what they really want is to get rid of him, so they can take over our land.
Please don't let them put out my only flame of hope! There won't be anyone left on this earth to carry on my husband's name.
8 “Go on home,” David told her. “I'll take care of this matter for you.”
9 The woman said, “I hope your decision doesn't cause any problems for you. But if it does, you can blame me.”
10 He said, “If anyone gives you trouble, bring them to me, and it won't happen again!”
11 “Please,” she replied, “swear by the Lord your God that no one will be allowed to kill my son!”
He said, “I swear by the living Lord that no one will touch even a hair on his head!”
12 Then she asked, “Your Majesty, may I say something?”
“Yes,” he answered.
13 The woman said:
Haven't you been hurting God's people? Your own son had to leave the country. And when you judged in my favor, it was the same as admitting that you should have let him come back. 14 We each must die and disappear like water poured out on the ground. But God doesn't take our lives. Instead, he figures out ways of bringing us back when we run away.
15 Your Majesty, I came here to tell you about my problem, because I was afraid of what someone might do to me. I decided to come to you, because I thought you could help. 16 In fact, I knew that you would listen and save my son and me from those who want to take the land that God gave us.
17 I can rest easy now that you have given your decision. You know the difference between right and wrong just like an angel of God, and I pray that the Lord your God will be with you.
18 Then David said to the woman, “Now I'm going to ask you a question, and don't try to hide the truth!”
The woman replied, “Please go ahead, Your Majesty.”
19 David asked, “Did Joab put you up to this?”
The woman answered, “Your Majesty, I swear by your life that no one can hide the truth from you. Yes, Joab did tell me what to say, 20 but only to show you the other side of this problem. You must be as wise as the angel of God to know everything that goes on in this country.”
21 David turned to Joab and said, “It seems that I have already given my decision. Go and bring Absalom back.”
22 Joab bowed very low and said, “Your Majesty, I thank you for giving your permission. It shows that you approve of me.”
23 Joab went to Geshur to get Absalom. But when they came back to Jerusalem, 24 David told Joab, “I don't want to see my son Absalom. Tell him to stay away from me.” So Absalom went to his own house without seeing his father.
Absalom Was Handsome
25 No one in all Israel was as handsome and well-built as Absalom. 26 His hair grew so thick and heavy that when he got it cut once a year, it weighed over two kilograms.
27 Absalom had three sons. He also had a daughter named Tamar, who grew up to be very beautiful.
Absalom Finally Sees David
28 Absalom lived in Jerusalem for two years without seeing his father. 29 He wanted Joab to talk to David for him. So one day he sent a message asking Joab to come over, but Joab refused. Absalom sent another message, but Joab still refused. 30 Finally, Absalom told his servants, “Joab's barley field is right next to mine. Go set it on fire!” And they did.
31 Joab went to Absalom's house and demanded, “Why did your servants set my field on fire?”
32 Absalom answered, “You didn't pay any attention when I sent for you. I want you to ask my father why he told me to come back from Geshur. I was better off there. I want to see my father now! If I'm guilty, let him kill me.”
33 Joab went to David and told him what Absalom had said. David sent for Absalom, and Absalom came. He bowed very low, and David leaned over and kissed him.
Sieva no Tekoas
1 Joābs, Cerūjas dēls, manīja, ka ķēniņš domās kavējas pie Abšāloma. 2 Joābs sūtīja uz Tekou un atveda no turienes kādu gudru sievu. Viņš tai teica: “Jel izliecies par sērotāju – velc sēru drānas, ar eļļu neiesvaidies un izturies, it kā tu jau ilgu laiku sērotu par mirušo. 3 Tad ej pie ķēniņa un runā ar viņu tā…” – un Joābs viņai pateica, kas jāsaka. 4 Runādama ar ķēniņu, tekoiešu sieva krita uz sava vaiga pie zemes, zemojās un sauca: “Palīdzi, ak, ķēniņ!”
5 Ķēniņš tai jautāja: “Kas tev?” – un viņa sacīja: “Patiesi, esmu atraitne, mans vīrs ir miris, 6 un tavai kalponei bija divi dēli, tie abi sakāvās laukā, neviens tos neizšķīra, un viens kāva otru un nonāvēja. 7 Un, redzi, visa dzimta cēlās pret tavu kalponi, sacīdami: izdod brāļa slepkavu! Mēs to nonāvēsim par brāļa dzīvību, ko tas laupījis, – arī šo mantinieku mēs tev iznīcināsim! – Viņi izdzēsīs oglīti, kas man vēl atlikusi, ka ne vārds, ne pēcnācējs no mana vīra nepaliek uz zemes.”
8 Ķēniņš teica tai sievai: “Ej mājās, es došu par tevi pavēli.” 9 Bet tekoiešu sieva teica ķēniņam: “Lai vaina nāk pār mani, mans kungs, ķēniņ, un pār mana tēva namu, bet ķēniņš un viņa tronis lai šķīsts!”
10 Ķēniņš teica: “Kas pret tevi ko runā, to ved pie manis, un viņš tevi vairs neaizskars.” 11 Viņa sacīja: “Ķēniņ, jel piemini Kungu, savu Dievu, – ka asinsatriebējs nevairo postu, ka viņi neiznīcina manu dēlu!” Viņš atbildēja: “Dzīvs Kungs! – ne mats nenokritīs tavam dēlam.” 12 Tā sieva teica: “Vai tava kalpone drīkst sacīt kādu vārdu savam kungam, ķēniņam?” Viņš atbildēja: “Runā!”
13 Tā sieva teica: “Kāpēc tev tāds nodoms pret Dieva tautu – tā runādams, ķēniņš uzņemas vainu, jo ķēniņš neaicina atpakaļ paša atstumto! 14 Gan mēs visi mirtin mirsim, kā ūdens, kas iztek zemē un nav vairs sasmeļams, bet Dievs neatņem dzīvību un meklē iespēju, lai atstumtais nepaliek atstumts no viņa! 15 Te nu es esmu atnākusi runāt par šo lietu ar savu kungu, ķēniņu, – ļaudis ir mani sabiedējuši. Tava kalpone domāja: runāšu taču ar ķēniņu, varbūt viņš darīs, ko lūdz viņa kalpone! 16 Ja ķēniņš uzklausīs un paglābs savu kalponi no tā vīra nagiem, kas mani un manu dēlu grib iznīcināt no Dieva mantojuma, 17 tā domā tava kalpone, tad lai mana kunga, ķēniņa, vārds ir man mierinājums! Jo mans kungs, ķēniņš, ir kā Dieva eņģelis – viņš izšķir labu un ļaunu, un Kungs, tavs Dievs, būs ar tevi!”
18 Tad ķēniņš teica tai sievai: “Jel neslēp no manis neko, par ko jautāšu.” Un šī sieva sacīja: “Jel runā, mans kungs, ķēniņ!” 19 Un ķēniņš vaicāja: “Vai tas viss nav ar Joāba ziņu?” Sieva atbildēja: “Dzīvs tu! – neviens nenosvērsies ne pa labi, ne pa kreisi no visa, ko runājis mans kungs, ķēniņš, jo tavs kalps Joābs – viņš man pavēlēja, viņš tavai kalponei pasacīja visu, kas sakāms šajā lietā. 20 Tavs kalps Joābs to darīja, lai izlabotu šo lietu; mans kungs ir gudrs – kā Dieva eņģelim viņa gudrība, viņš zina visu, kas šajā zemē!”
21 Ķēniņš teica Joābam: “Nu, redzi, es darīšu tā – ej, ved atpakaļ to puisi Abšālomu!” 22 Joābs krita uz sava vaiga pie zemes, zemojās un slavēja ķēniņu. Joābs sacīja: “Tagad tavs kalps zina, ka esmu guvis tavu vēlību, mans kungs, ķēniņ, jo ķēniņš ir izpildījis sava kalpa lūgumu.” 23 Tad Joābs cēlās un gāja uz Gešūru un pārveda Abšālomu Jeruzālemē. 24 Bet ķēniņš teica: “Viņam jāatgriežas savā namā, mani viņš nesastaps.” Un Abšāloms atgriezās savā namā, ķēniņu nesastapis.
Dāvids piedod Abšālomam
25 Visā Israēlā nebija vīra, kas būtu tā izslavēts ar savu skaistumu kā Abšāloms. No kāju pēdām līdz matu galiem viņam nebija nekādas vainas. 26 Un, apgriežot matus – viņš tos apgrieza gadu no gada, kad tie viņam kļuva pārāk smagi, – nogrieztie mati svēra divi simti šekeļu pēc ķēniņa mēra. 27 Abšālomam piedzima trīs dēli un viena meita. Meitu sauca Tamāra, viņa bija skaista no skata.
28 Un Abšāloms nodzīvoja Jeruzālemē divus gadus, ķēniņu nesastapdams. 29 Tad Abšāloms lika saukt Joābu, lai sūtītu viņu pie ķēniņa, bet tas atteicās nākt. Viņš sauca otrreiz, bet tas atkal atteicās nākt. 30 Tad viņš sacīja saviem kalpiem: “Skatieties, Joāba lauks ir līdzās manējam, un viņam tur ir mieži. Ejiet – es gribu, lai to nodedzina ar uguni!” Un Abšāloma kalpi nodedzināja to lauku ar uguni.
31 Tad Joābs cēlās, nāca pie Abšāloma uz mājām un vaicāja: “Kādēļ tavi kalpi nodedzināja manu lauku?” 32 Abšāloms teica Joābam: “Redzi, es sūtīju pie tevis, sacīdams: nāc šurp, un es sūtīšu tevi pie ķēniņa vaicāt, kāpēc gan es esmu pārnācis no Gešūras? Man būtu labāk, ja es būtu palicis tur, – tagad es gribu sastapt ķēniņu, ja esmu vainīgs, lai viņš mani nogalina!” 33 Tad Joābs gāja pie ķēniņa un pastāstīja to viņam. Tas atsauca Abšālomu, un Abšāloms nāca pie ķēniņa un noliecās ķēniņa priekšā ar seju līdz zemei. Un ķēniņš skūpstīja Abšālomu.