A Law about Divorce
Moses said to Israel:
1 Suppose a woman was divorced by her first husband because he found something disgraceful about her. He wrote out divorce papers, gave them to her, and sent her away. 2 Later she married another man, 3 who then either divorced her in the same way or died. 4 Since she has slept with her second husband, she cannot marry her first husband again. Their marriage would pollute the land that the Lord your God is giving you, and he would be disgusted.
Moses said to Israel:
5 If a man and a woman have been married less than one year, he must not be sent off to war or sent away to do forced labor. He must be allowed to stay home for a year and be happy with his wife.
Moses said to Israel:
6 When you lend money to people, you are allowed to keep something of theirs as a guarantee that they will pay back the loan. But don't take one or both of their millstones, or else they may starve. They need these stones for grinding grain into flour to make bread.
Moses said to Israel:
7 If you are guilty of kidnapping Israelites and forcing them into slavery, you will be put to death to remove this evil from the community.
Skin Diseases
Moses said to Israel:
8 I have told the priests what to do if any of you have leprosy, so do exactly what they say. 9 And remember what the Lord your God did to Miriam after you left Egypt.
Moses said to Israel:
10 When you lend money to people, you are allowed to keep something of theirs as a guarantee that the money will be paid back. But you must not go into their house to get it. 11 Wait outside, and they will bring out the item you have agreed on.
12 Suppose someone is so poor that a coat is the only thing that can be offered as a guarantee on a loan. Don't keep the coat overnight. 13 Instead, give it back before sunset, so the owner can keep warm and sleep and ask the Lord to bless you. Then the Lord your God will notice that you have done the right thing.
Poor People's Wages
Moses said:
14 If you hire poor people to work for you, don't hold back their pay, whether they are Israelites or foreigners who live in your town. 15 Pay them their wages at the end of each day, because they live in poverty and need the money to survive. If you don't pay them on time, they will complain about you to the Lord, and he will punish you.
The Death Penalty
Moses said to Israel:
16 Parents must not be put to death for crimes committed by their children, and children must not be put to death for crimes committed by their parents. Don't put anyone to death for someone else's crime.
Don't Mistreat the Powerless
Moses said to Israel:
17 Make sure that orphans and foreigners are treated fairly. And if you lend money to a widow and want to keep something of hers to guarantee that she will pay you back, don't take any of her clothes. 18 You were slaves in Egypt until the Lord your God rescued you. That's why I am giving you these laws.
Leave Some of Your Harvest for the Poor
Moses said to Israel:
19 If you forget to bring in a stack of harvested grain, don't go back in the field to get it. Leave it for the poor, including foreigners, orphans, and widows, and the Lord will make you successful in everything you do.
20 When you harvest your olives, don't try to get them all for yourself, but leave some for the poor. 21 And when you pick your grapes, go over the vines only once, then let the poor have what is left. 22 You lived in poverty as slaves in Egypt until the Lord your God rescued you. That's why I am giving you these laws.
1 Ja kāds ņem sievu un kļūst tai par vīru, bet tad notiktu, ka tā neatrod vairs labvēlību viņa acīs, tādēļ ka tas atradis viņā kādu kauna lietu, tad lai viņš raksta tai šķiršanās rakstu un iedod to viņai rokā un izraida viņu no sava nama. 2 Un tā lai atstāj viņa namu un kļūst citam vīram par sievu. 3 Bet, ja arī šis otrs vīrs no tās novēršas un arī raksta viņai šķiršanās rakstu, iedod to viņai rokā un izraida no sava nama vai arī kad otrs vīrs mirst, kas bija viņu apņēmis par sievu, 4 tad viņas pirmais vīrs, kas viņu bija izraidījis, to nevar ņemt atkal par sievu pēc tam, kad tā kļuvusi nešķīsta, jo tā ir negantība Tā Kunga priekšā, un tev nebūs apgānīt to zemi, ko Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev dos par mantojumu. 5 Kad vīrs ir ņēmis jaunu sievu, tad lai viņš neiet karapulkos un viņam lai neuzliek nekādu darba pienākumu; veselu gadu lai viņš paliek brīvs savā namā un iepriecina savu sievu, ko viņš ir apņēmis. 6 Neviens lai neņem ķīlā ne roku dzirnavas, ne arī virsējo dzirnu akmeni, jo tāds ir ņēmis ķīlā dzīvību. 7 Ja kādu pieķer, kas cilvēku zog no saviem brāļiem, no Israēla bērniem, un izturas pret to varmācīgi un pārdod, tad šis zaglis lai mirst, un tev to ļaunumu būs izdeldēt no sava vidus. 8 Sargies no spitālības, ka tu visu ievēro un dari, ko priesteri levīti tev mācīs; kā es esmu tiem pavēlējis, tā turiet to un dariet. 9 Piemini, ko Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, ir darījis Mirjamai ceļā, kad jūs izgājāt no Ēģiptes. 10 Kad tu kaut ko aizdod savam tuvākam uz parāda, tad tev nebūs iet viņa namā, lai ņemtu kādu ķīlu. 11 Tu paliec ārā stāvot, un lai tas vīrs, kuram tu uz parāda aizdod, pats iznes tev ārā ķīlu. 12 Taču, ja viņš ir nabags, tad tev nebūs ar viņa ķīlu apgulties, 13 bet atdodams atdod viņam ķīlu, kad saule riet, ka tas apsedzas ar savu apmetni un tevi svētī. Tas tev būs par taisnību Tā Kunga, tava Dieva, priekšā. 14 Neapspied trūcīgu algādzi un nabagu, vai nu viņš ir no taviem brāļiem, vai no taviem svešiniekiem, kas vien atrodas tavā zemē un tavos vārtos. 15 Vēl tanī pašā dienā dod viņam viņa algu, iekāms vēl saule nav norietējusi, jo viņš ir nabags un viņa dvēsele gaida uz to; ka tad viņš nesauc uz To Kungu par tevi un ka tas tad tev nekļūst par grēku. 16 Tēviem nebūs tapt nonāvētiem dēlu dēļ, un dēliem nebūs tapt nonāvētiem tēvu dēļ, bet ikviens lai mirst pats par saviem grēkiem. 17 Nepārgrozi svešinieka un bāreņa tiesu un neņem ķīlā atraitnes drēbes. 18 Piemini, ka tu esi bijis vergs Ēģiptē un ka Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tevi no turienes ir atpestījis; tādēļ es tev pavēlu visu šo darīt. 19 Kad tu labību pļausi savā tīrumā un aizmirsīsi kūlīti tīrumā, tad tev nebūs atgriezties, lai to paņemtu, bet lai tas paliek svešiniekam, bārenim un atraitnei, lai Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tevi svētī katrā tavā roku darbā. 20 Kad tu savu olīvkoku nopurināsi, tad otrreiz zarus nepārmeklē; lai tas paliek svešiniekam, bārenim un atraitnei. 21 Un, kad tu lasīsi ogas savā vīna dārzā, tev nebūs tās vēlreiz lasīt, bet lai tās paliek svešiniekam, bārenim un atraitnei. 22 Un piemini, ka tu pats esi bijis vergs Ēģiptes zemē; tāpēc es tev pavēlu tā darīt.