A Collection for God's People
1 When you collect money for God's people, I want you to do exactly what I told the churches in Galatia to do. 2 That is, each Sunday each of you must put aside part of what you have earned. If you do this, you won't have to take up a collection when I come. 3 Choose some followers to take the money to Jerusalem. I will send them on with the money and with letters which show that you approve of them. 4 If you think I should go along, they can go with me.
Paul's Travel Plans
5 After I have gone through Macedonia, I hope to see you 6 and visit with you for a while. I may even stay all winter, so that you can help me on my way to wherever I will be going next. 7 If the Lord lets me, I would rather come later for a longer visit than to stop off now for only a short visit. 8 I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, 9 because there is a wonderful opportunity for me to do some work here. But there are also many people who are against me.
10 When Timothy arrives, give him a friendly welcome. He is doing the Lord's work, just as I am. 11 Don't let anyone mistreat him. I am looking for him to return to me together with the other followers. So when he leaves, send him off with your blessings.
12 I have tried hard to get our friend Apollos to visit you with the other followers. He doesn't want to come just now, but he will come when he can.
Personal Concerns and Greetings
13 Keep alert. Be firm in your faith. Stay brave and strong. 14 Show love in everything you do.
15 You know that Stephanas and his family were the first in Achaia to have faith in the Lord. They have done all they can for God's people. My friends, I ask you 16 to obey leaders like them and to do the same for all others who work hard with you.
17 I was glad to see Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus. Having them here was like having you. 18 They made me feel much better, just as they made you feel better. You should appreciate people like them.
19 Greetings from the churches in Asia.
Aquila and Priscilla, together with the church that meets in their house, send greetings in the name of the Lord.
20 All the Lord's followers send their greetings.
Give each other a warm greeting.
21 I am signing this letter myself: PAUL.
22 I pray that God will put a curse on everyone who doesn't love the Lord. And may the Lord come soon.
23 I pray the Lord Jesus will be kind to you.
24 I love everyone who belongs to Christ Jesus.
1 Bet attiecībā uz vācamajām dāvanām svētajo labā - darait tā, kā es esmu noteicis Galatijas draudzēm. 2 Ikkatrā pirmajā nedēļas dienā lai ikviens, cik bijis iespējams atlicināt, tur gatavībā, ka dāvanas nav jālasa tikai tad, kad es nākšu. 3 Bet, kad es nākšu, tad sūtīšu jūsu izvēlētos ar vēstulēm nonest jūsu mīlestības dāvanas uz Jeruzālemi. 4 Bet, ja izrādītos par vēlamu, ka arī es turp eju, tad tie man var nākt līdzi. 5 Bet pie jums es nākšu, kad būšu izgājis Maķedonijai cauri, jo es gribu doties caur Maķedoniju. 6 Varbūt es pie jums kādu laiku palikšu, varbūt visu ziemu, tad jūs varat mani izvadīt ceļā, kurp es aiziešu. 7 Es jūs negribu redzēt tikai garām ejot, bet ceru, ja Tas Kungs gribēs, pie jums palikt kādu laiku. 8 Bet Efezā es gribu palikt līdz Vasarassvētkiem. 9 Jo man atvērušās plašas durvis sekmīgai darbībai, bet arī pretinieku daudz. 10 Bet, kad Timotejs pie jums atnāks, gādājiet, ka viņš var būt drošs jūsu vidū; jo viņš strādā mūsu Kunga darbu tāpat kā es. 11 Neviens lai viņu nenicina, bet pavadait viņu mierā, lai viņš nāk pie manis, jo es viņu sagaidu kopā ar brāļiem. 12 Brāli Apollu es vairākkārt paskubināju noiet ar brāļiem pie jums, viņš tagad nemaz negribēja iet, bet viņš aizies, tiklīdz viņam būs laiks. 13 Esiet modri, stāviet ticībā, turieties kā vīri, esiet stipri! 14 Viss jūsu starpā lai notiek mīlestībā. 15 Es jūs lūdzu, brāļi: jūs pazīstat Stefanas namu, ka viņš ir pirmais ieguvums Ahajā un ka viņi ir nodevušies kalpošanai svētajiem; 16 padodieties arī jūs tādiem un ikkatram, kas strādā līdzi un pūlas. 17 Bet es priecājos par Stefana, Fortunata un Ahaika atnākšanu, jo, tā kā jūsu nav, tie stājušies jūsu vietā. 18 Jo tie ir atspirdzinājuši manu un jūsu garu, tamdēļ parādait tiem atzinību. 19 Āzijas draudzes jūs sveicina. Akvila un Priskilla ar savas mājas draudzi jūs daudzreiz sveicina iekš Tā Kunga. 20 Visi brāļi jūs sveicina. Sveicinaities savā starpā ar svēto skūpstu. 21 Šeit mans, Pāvila, sveiciens ar paša roku. 22 Ja kas nemīl Kungu Jēzu Kristu, tas lai ir nolādēts. Maran ata (mūsu Kungs nāk)! 23 Mūsu Kunga Jēzus Kristus žēlastība lai ir ar jums. 24 Mana mīlestība ir ar jums visiem Kristū Jēzū.