Matatija sacelšanās
1 Tajās dienās cēlās Matatijs, Jāņa, Simeona dēla, dēls, priesteris no Joariba pēcnācējiem, un pārcēlās no Jeruzālemes uz Modeīnu. 2 Viņam bija pieci dēli – Jānis, saukts Gadī, 3 Simons, saukts Tasī, 4 Jūda, saukts Makabejs, 5 Elāzārs, saukts Avarāns, Jonāts, saukts Apfuss. 6 Kad Matatijs redzēja zaimošanu, kas notika Jūdā un Jeruzālemē, 7 viņš sacīja: “Vai man! Kādēļ es esmu piedzimis, lai redzētu, kā satriec manu tautu un sagrauj svēto pilsētu, un lai sēdētu šeit, kamēr tā tiek nodota ienaidnieku rokās un svētnīca svešinieku rokās? 8 Tās templis kļuvis līdzīgs vīram, kam laupīts gods , 9 tās godības trauki ir aizvesti trimdā, tās zīdaiņi ir nokauti uz ielām un tās jaunekļi – ar ienaidnieka zobenu. 10 Kura tauta nav sev ieguvusi tās valstību un valdījusi pār tās laupījumu? 11 Viss tās greznums ir paņemts prom, un no brīvās tā tapusi par verdzeni. 12 Un redzi – mūsu svētnīca, mūsu skaistums un gods, ir izpostīta, un citas tautas to ir apgānījušas. 13 Kādēļ gan mums vēl dzīvot?” 14 Un Matatijs un viņa dēli saplēsa savas drēbes un apvilka maisus, un gauži vaimanāja.
15 Tad ķēniņa ļaudis, kas tautai uzspieda atkrišanu, nāca uz Modeīnas pilsētu, lai pienestu upurus. 16 Daudzi no Israēla tiem pievienojās, sanāca kopā arī Matatijs un viņa dēli. 17 Un ķēniņa ļaudis vērsās pie Matatija, sacīdami: “Tu esi vadonis, cienījams un liels šajā pilsētā, ko atbalsta dēli un brāļi, 18 nāc tagad un izpildi ķēniņa pavēli, kā to ir darījuši visi cittautieši un Jūdas vīri, un tie, kas atlikušies Jeruzālemē, un tad būsiet tu un tavi dēli par ķēniņa draugiem, jūs tiksiet pagodināti ar sudrabu un zeltu un dažādām citām dāvanām.” 19 Matatijs tiem skaļā balsī atbildēja: “Ja visas tautas, kas šajā valstī pakļaujas ķēniņa namam, klausīdamas ķēniņam, atkāpušās no savu tēvu ticības un izvēlējušās paklausīt viņa baušļiem, 20 tad nu tomēr mēs – es un mani dēli un mani brāļi – staigāsim savu tēvu derībā! 21 Pasarg' Dievs no tā, ka mēs pamestu viņa bauslību un taisnās tiesas! 22 Mēs nepaklausīsim šim ķēniņa vārdam un nenovirzīsimies no savas ticības ne pa labi, ne pa kreisi.” 23 Un, kad viņš beidza runāt šos vārdus, nāca kāds jūdu vīrs, lai pēc ķēniņa pavēles visu acu priekšā upurētu uz Modeīnas pilsētas ziedokļa. 24 To redzēdams, Matatijs iekvēlojās dedzībā, viņa sirds karsa taisnās dusmās, un viņš pieskrēja klāt pie šī vīra un nokāva to pie ziedokļa. 25 Un ķēniņa vīru, kas viņu mudināja pienest kaujamo upuri, viņš tajā pašā brīdī nogalināja un nopostīja ziedokli. 26 Tā viņš iekvēlojās dedzībā tāpat kā Pinhāss pret Zambriju, Saloma dēlu. 27 Tad Matatijs sauca skaļā balsī pa visu pilsētu: “Ikviens, kas deg bauslības dēļ un pastāv derībā, lai seko man!” 28 Un viņš bēga kalnos, pats un viņa dēli, un atstāja visu, kas tam bija, pilsētā.
29 Tad daudzi, kas meklēja taisnību un tiesu, devās uz tuksnesi, lai tur apmestos – 30 gan viņi paši, gan viņu dēli, gan viņu sievas, gan viņu lopi, jo pār tiem nāca lielas bēdas. 31 Bet ķēniņa vīriem un karaspēkam, kas bija Dāvida pilsētā Jeruzālemē, tika paziņots, ka tie vīri, kas bija nicinājuši ķēniņa pavēli, ir devušies uz slepenām vietām tuksnesī. 32 Tad daudzi dzinās viņiem pakaļ, panāca tos un nostājās viņiem pretī, lai sabatā sāktu ar viņiem kauju. 33 Tad ķēniņa vīri sacīja viņiem: “Kamēr vēl var, nāciet ārā un dariet pēc ķēniņa pavēles, un jūs dzīvosiet!” 34 Bet viņi atbildēja: “Mēs nenāksim ārā un nepildīsim ķēniņa pavēli, tā sagānīdami sabatu.” 35 Tad ķēniņa vīri steigšus sāka kauju, 36 bet viņi tiem neatbildēja pat ne ar akmens sviedienu un arī savus slēpņus viņi neaizdarīja. 37 Viņi sacīja: “Tad lai nu mirstam nevainīgi, debesis un zeme liecina par mums, ka jūs mūs netaisni pazudināt.” 38 Un tie cēlās pret viņiem karot sabata dienās, un mira viņi, viņu sievas, viņu bērni un viņu lopi; tā dzīvību zaudēja gandrīz tūkstoš cilvēku.
39 Kad Matatijs un viņa draugi to atskārta, tie gauži vaimanāja par tiem. 40 Tad vīri sacīja viens otram: “Ja mēs visi darīsim tā, kā mūsu brāļi ir darījuši, un necīnīsimies pret citām tautām par savu dzīvību un savām taisnajām tiesām, tad drīz vien tās izdeldēs mūs no zemes virsas.” 41 Un tie nosprieda tajā dienā: “Pret ikvienu, kurš celsies pret mums karot sabatā, mēs cīnīsimies, lai mums nebūtu visiem jāmirst, kā mira mūsu brāļi savos slēpņos.” 42 Tad tiem pievienojās hasīdi, israēlieši, kas bija vareni spēkā, ikviens no tiem bija uzticīgi nodevies bauslībai. 43 Un visi, kas bija izbēguši no briesmām, pievienojās viņiem un viņus atbalstīja. 44 Tā tie izveidoja karaspēku un kāva grēciniekus savās dusmās un ļaundarus savā dedzībā; kas no tiem palika dzīvi, tie aizbēga pie cittautiešiem, lai glābtos. 45 Bet Matatijs un viņa draugi devās visapkārt un nopostīja pagānu ziedokļus. 46 Un viņi ar varu spieda apgraizīt visus neapgraizītos puisēnus, ko vien atrada Israēla robežās, 47 tie sāka vajāšanu pret tiem, kas bija lepnībā paaugstinājušies, un viņu roku darbs labi sekmējās. 48 Tā viņi izglāba bauslību no pagānu un ķēniņu rokām un nedeva bezdievjiem augstu celt galvu.
Matatija nāve
49 Kad Matatijam pienāca laiks mirt, viņš sacīja saviem dēliem: “Tagad visapkārt pieaugusi lepnība un bāršanās un ir iestājies posta un dusmu kvēles laiks. 50 Tādēļ tagad, mani bērni, esiet dedzīgi bauslības dēļ un nododiet savu dzīvību par mūsu tēvu derību, 51 un pieminiet darbus, ko darīja tēvi iepriekšējās paaudzēs, un jūs iegūsiet varenu godību un mūžīgu vārdu. 52 Ābrahāms, vai tad ne pārbaudījumā viņš ir atrasts uzticams, un tas viņam ir pieskaitīts par taisnību? 53 Jāzeps spaidu laikā turēja Dieva pavēli un kļuva par Ēģiptes kungu. 54 Pinhāss, mūsu tēvs, iedegās dedzībā un saņēma mūžīgas priesterības derību. 55 Jozua piepildīja vārdu un kļuva par soģi Israēlā. 56 Kālebs liecināja sapulcē un saņēma mantojuma daļu. 57 Dāvids parādīja žēlastību un mantoja mūžīgas valstības troni. 58 Elija iedegās dedzībā bauslības dēļ un ir uzņemts debesīs. 59 Hananja, Azarja un Misaēls palika ticībā un tika izglābti liesmās. 60 Daniēls palika savā nenoziedzībā un tika izrauts no lauvu rīkles. 61 Un to atzīstiet katrā paaudžu paaudzē, ka neviens, kas cer uz viņu, nepaliks nespēcīgs. 62 Nebīstieties ne no viena grēcinieka vārdiem, jo viņa godība taps par mēsliem un tārpiem, 63 šodien viņš tiek paaugstināts, bet rīt tu viņu vairs neatradīsi, jo viņš atgriezīsies atpakaļ pie pīšļiem un viņa nodoms ies bojā. 64 Mani bērni, esiet kā vīri un stiprinieties bauslībā, jo tajā jūs tiksit pagodināti. 65 Un, redzi, Simons, jūsu brālis, es zinu, ka viņš ir vīrs, kas bagāts padomā, viņam klausiet turpmākās dienas, viņš būs jums par tēvu. 66 Un Jūda Makabejs, varens spēkā kopš jaunām dienām, viņš būs jums par karaspēka vadītāju un karos tautas karu. 67 Sapulciniet ap sevi visus bauslības pildītājus un atriebieties par savu tautu, 68 atmaksājiet tautām, ko tās pelnījušas, un turiet bauslības pavēles.” 69 Tad viņš tos svētīja un tika piepulcināts saviem tēviem. 70 Matatijs nomira simt četrdesmit sestajā mūža gadā un tika apglabāts savu tēvu kapos Modeīnā, un viss Israēls viņu apraudāja gaužām vaimanām.
The Faithfulness of Mattathias
1 During that time, a priest of the Jehoiarib family named Mattathias, who was the son of John and the grandson of Simeon, moved from Jerusalem and settled in Modein. 2 Mattathias had five sons: John (also called Gaddi), 3 Simon (also called Thassi), 4 Judas (also called Maccabeus), 5 Eleazar (also called Avaran), and Jonathan (also called Apphus).
6 When Mattathias saw all the sins that were being committed in Judea and Jerusalem, 7 he said:

“Why was I born to see these terrible things,
the ruin of my people and of the holy city?
Must I sit here helpless
while the city is surrendered to enemies
and the Temple falls into the hands of foreigners?
8 The Temple is like someone without honor.
9 Its splendid furnishings
have been carried away as loot.
Our children have been killed in the streets,
and our young men by the sword of the enemy.
10 Every nation in the world has occupied the city
and robbed her of her possessions.
11 All her ornaments have been stripped away;
she is now a slave, no longer free.
12 Look at our Temple, profaned by the Gentiles,
emptied of all its splendor.
13 Why should we go on living?”

14 In their grief, Mattathias and his sons tore their clothes, put on sackcloth, and continued in deep mourning.
15 Then the king's officials, who were forcing the people to turn from God, came to the town of Modein to force the people there to offer pagan sacrifices. 16 Many of the Israelites came to meet them, including Mattathias and his sons. 17 The king's officials said to Mattathias, “You are a respected leader in this town, and you have the support of your sons and relatives. 18 Why not be the first one here to do what the king has commanded? All the Gentiles, the people of Judea, and all the people left in Jerusalem have already done so. If you do, you and your sons will be honored with the title of ‘Friends of the King,’ and you will be rewarded with silver and gold and many gifts.”
19 Mattathias answered in a loud voice, “I don't care if every Gentile in this empire has obeyed the king and yielded to the command to abandon the religion of his ancestors. 20 My children, my relatives, and I will continue to keep the covenant that God made with our ancestors. 21 With God's help we will never abandon his Law or disobey his commands. 22 We will not obey the king's decree, and we will not change our way of worship in the least.”
23 Just as he finished speaking, one of the men from Modein decided to obey the king's decree and stepped out in front of everyone to offer a pagan sacrifice on the altar that stood there. 24 When Mattathias saw him, he became angry enough to do what had to be done. Shaking with rage, he ran forward and killed the man right there on the altar. 25 He also killed the royal official who was forcing the people to sacrifice, and then he tore down the altar. 26 In this way Mattathias showed his deep devotion for the Law, just as Phinehas had done when he killed Zimri son of Salu.
The Guerrilla Warfare of Mattathias
27 Then Mattathias went through the town shouting, “Everyone who is faithful to God's covenant and obeys his Law, follow me!” 28 With this, he and his sons fled to the mountains, leaving behind all they owned.
29-30 At that time also many of the Israelites who were seeking to be right with God through obedience to the Law went out to live in the wilderness, taking their children, their wives, and their livestock with them, because of the terrible oppression they were suffering. 31 The report soon reached the king's officials and the soldiers in the fort at Jerusalem that some men who had defied the king's command had gone into hiding in the wilderness. 32 A large force of soldiers pursued them, caught up with them, set up camp opposite them, and prepared to attack them on the Sabbath. 33 “There is still time,” they shouted out to the Jews. “Come out and obey the king's command, and we will spare your lives.”
34 “We will not come out,” they answered. “We will not obey the king's command, and we will not profane the Sabbath.”
35 The soldiers attacked them immediately, 36 but the Jews did nothing to resist; they did not even throw stones or block the entrances to the caves where they were hiding. 37 They said, “We will all die with a clear conscience. Let heaven and earth bear witness that you are slaughtering us unjustly.” 38 So the enemy attacked them on the Sabbath and killed the men, their wives, their children, and their livestock. A thousand people died.
39 When Mattathias and his friends heard the news about this, they were greatly saddened 40 and said to one another, “If all of us do as these other Jews have done and refuse to fight the Gentiles to defend our lives and our religion, we will soon be wiped off the face of the earth.” 41 On that day they decided that if anyone attacked them on the Sabbath, they would defend themselves, so that they would not all die as other Jews had died in the caves.
42 Then Mattathias and his friends were joined by a group of devout and patriotic Jews, the strongest and bravest men in Israel, who had all volunteered to defend the Law. 43 In addition, everyone who was fleeing from the persecution joined them and strengthened their forces. 44 Now that they had an army, they gave vent to their anger by attacking the renegade Jews. Those who escaped were forced to flee to the Gentiles for safety. 45 Mattathias and his friends went everywhere tearing down pagan altars 46 and circumcising by force every uncircumcised boy they found within the borders of Israel. 47 They were also successful in hunting down the arrogant Gentile officials. 48 They rescued the Law of Moses from the Gentiles and their kings and broke the power of the wicked King Antiochus.
The Death of Mattathias
49 When the time came for Mattathias to die, he said to his sons, “These are times of violence and distress. Arrogant people are in control and have made us an object of ridicule. 50 But you, my sons, must be devoted to the Law and ready to die to defend God's covenant with our ancestors. 51 Remember what our ancestors did and how much they accomplished in their day. Follow their example, and you will be rewarded with great glory and undying fame. 52 Remember how Abraham put his trust in the Lord when he was tested and how the Lord was pleased with him and accepted him. 53 Joseph, in his time of trouble, obeyed God's commands and became ruler over the land of Egypt. 54 Phinehas, our ancestor, because of his burning devotion, was given the promise that his descendants would always be priests. 55 Joshua was made a judge in Israel because he obeyed the command of Moses. 56 Caleb brought back a good report to the community and was given a part of the land as a reward. 57 David was made king and was given the promise that his descendants would always be kings because of his steadfast loyalty to God. 58 Elijah, because of his great devotion to the Law, was taken up into heaven. 59 Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael were saved from the flames because they had faith. 60 Daniel was a man of integrity, and the Lord rescued him from the mouth of the lions. 61 Take each of these ancestors of ours as an example, and you will realize that no one who puts his trust in the Lord will ever lack strength. 62 Don't be afraid of the threats of a wicked man. Remember that he will die and all his splendor will end with worms feeding on his decaying body. 63 Today he may be highly honored, but tomorrow he will disappear; his body will return to the earth and his scheming will come to an end. 64 But you, my sons, be strong and courageous in defending the Law, because it is through the Law that you will earn great glory.
65 “Your brother Simon is wise, so always listen to him as you would to me. 66 Judas Maccabeus has been strong all his life; he will be your commander and will lead you in battle against the enemy. 67 Call everyone who obeys God's Law to rally around you; then avenge the wrongs done to your people. 68 Pay back the Gentiles for what they have done, and always obey the Law and its commands.”
69 Then Mattathias gave them his blessing and died. 70 He was buried in the family tomb at Modein, and all the people of Israel went into deep mourning for him. This happened in the year 146.