Pacietība un paļāvība
1 Ja tev padomā kalpot Kungam, bērns,
sagatavojies pārbaudījumiem!
2 Esi taisns savā sirdī un neatlaidies,
un nelaimes brīdī nepārsteidzies!
3 Pieķeries Kungam un neatkāpies,
un mūža beigās tu būsi apveltīts ar daudziem pēcnācējiem.
4 Lai kas tev gadītos, pieņem visu
un pazemojumos esi pacietīgs,
5 jo zeltu pārbauda ugunī,
bet Dievam patīkamos – pazemojumu ēzē.
Slimībās un trūkumā uzticies viņam!
6 Paļaujies uz viņu, un viņš tev palīdzēs,
esi taisns savās gaitās un ceri uz viņu!
7 Jūs, kas bīstaties Kunga, gaidiet viņa žēlastību
un nenovirzieties sāņus, lai nepakristu.
8 Jūs, kas bīstaties Kunga, paļaujieties uz viņu,
un neaizmetīsies solis jūsu algai.
9 Jūs, kas bīstaties Kunga, lolojiet cerību pēc labā,
pēc mūžīgas līksmes un žēlastības,
jo ar mūžīgu dāvanu un prieku viņš atlīdzina.
10 Verieties senajās paaudzēs un raugiet:
kurš gan ir apkaunots, kas Kungam uzticējies?
Kas viņu uzticīgi bijājis un ticis atstāts?
Kas viņu piesaucis un palicis neievērots?
11 Tik tiešām – Kungs ir žēlsirdīgs un žēlo,
no grēkiem atbrīvo,
kad piemeklē ciešanas – glābj.
12 Bēdas gļēvai sirdij un nolaistām rokām,
un grēcīgajam, kas sācis divējus ceļus!
13 Bēdas gurdai sirdij, jo nav tai paļāvības, –
nebūs tai patvēruma!
14 Bēdas jums, kam pietrūcis pacietības!
Ko darīsit, kad apraudzīs un piemeklēs Kungs?
15 Kas bīstas Kunga, viņa teikto uzticīgi ievēros,
no viņa takām nenovirzīsies, kas viņu mīl.
16 Pēc Kunga labvēlības lūkosies, kas viņa bīstas,
un viņa bauslības pilni būs tie, kas viņu mīl.
17 Kas bīstas Kunga, gatavosies sirdī
un dvēselē zemosies viņa priekšā:
18 metīsimies Kunga, nevis ļaužu rokās, –
cik viņa diženums liels, tik apžēlošanās.
Faithfulness to God
1 My child, if you are going to serve the Lord, be prepared for times when you will be put to the test. 2 Be sincere and determined. Keep calm when trouble comes. 3 Stay with the Lord; never abandon him, and you will be prosperous at the end of your days. 4 Accept whatever happens to you. Even if you suffer humiliation, be patient. 5 Gold is tested by fire, and human character is tested in the furnace of humiliation. 6 Trust the Lord, and he will help you. Walk straight in his ways, and put your hope in him.
7 All you that fear the Lord, wait for him to show you his mercy. Do not turn away from him, or you will fall. 8 All you that fear the Lord, trust him, and you will certainly be rewarded. 9 All you that fear the Lord, look forward to his blessings of mercy and eternal happiness.
10 Think back to the ancient generations and consider this: has the Lord ever disappointed anyone who put his hope in him? Has the Lord ever abandoned anyone who held him in constant reverence? Has the Lord ever ignored anyone who prayed to him? 11 The Lord is kind and merciful; he forgives our sins and keeps us safe in time of trouble. 12 But those who lose their nerve are doomed—all those sinners who try to have it both ways! 13 Doom is sure to come for those who lose their courage; they have no faith, and so they will have no protection. 14 Doom is sure to come for those who lose their hope. What will they do when the Lord comes to judge them?
15 Those who fear the Lord do not disobey his commands; those who love him will live as he wants them to live. 16 Those who fear and love the Lord will try to please him and devote themselves to the Law. 17 Those who fear the Lord are always ready to serve him. They humble themselves before him, and say, 18 “We place our destiny in the hands of the Lord, not in human hands, because his mercy is as great as his majesty.”