Māci man, Kungs, tavu ceļu!
1 Dāvida lūgšana.
Vērs šurp, Kungs, savu ausi,
atbildi man, jo es – nabaga cietējs!
2 Sargi manu dzīvību, jo es – uzticīgs!
Glāb savu kalpu –
tu, mans Dievs! –
kas uz tevi paļaujas!
3 Žēlo mani, mans Kungs,
jo tevi es saucu augu dienu,
4 iepriecē sava kalpa dvēseli,
jo tev pretī, mans Kungs,
es savu dvēseli ceļu!
5 Jo tu, mans Kungs, esi labs un piedevīgs,
dāsns žēlastībā visiem, kas sauc tevi!

6 Ieklausies, Kungs, manā lūgšanā,
sadzirdi manu gaušanos –
7 posta dienā es saucu tevi,
jo tu atbildi man!
8 Nav tāda starp dieviem kā tu, mans Kungs,
un nav tādu darbu kā tavi.
9 Visas tautas, ko tu esi radījis,
nāks un nolieksies tev, mans Kungs,
un slavinās tavu vārdu,
10 jo liels tu un brīnumus dari,
tik tu – Dievs!

11 Māci man, Kungs, tavu ceļu,
lai es staigāju tavā patiesībā,
saliedē manu sirdi, lai bīstos tava vārda!
12 Pateikšos tev, mans Kungs, mans Dievs,
no visas sirds
un godāšu tavu vārdu mūžam,
13 jo tava žēlastība tik liela man –
tu mani glābsi no šeola dziļumiem!
14 Dievs, pārdrošnieki ceļas pret mani
un varmāku bars meklē manu dzīvību –
tie netur tevi sev priekšā!
15 Bet tu, mans Kungs, esi līdzcietīgs
un žēlīgs Dievs, gauss dusmās,
bet dāsns žēlastībā un patiesībā –
16 pievērsies man un žēlo mani,
dod savu spēku savam kalpam
un izglāb savas kalpones dēlu!
17 Dod man labu zīmi – lai redz nīdēji
un paliek kaunā,
jo tu, Kungs, palīdzi man
un mierini mani!
A Prayer for Help
1 Listen to me, Lord, and answer me,
for I am helpless and weak.
2 Save me from death, because I am loyal to you;
save me, for I am your servant and I trust in you.

3 You are my God, so be merciful to me;
I pray to you all day long.
4 Make your servant glad, O Lord,
because my prayers go up to you.
5 You are good to us and forgiving,
full of constant love for all who pray to you.

6 Listen, Lord, to my prayer;
hear my cries for help.
7 I call to you in times of trouble,
because you answer my prayers.

8 There is no god like you, O Lord,
not one has done what you have done.
9 All the nations that you have created
will come and bow down to you;
they will praise your greatness.
10 You are mighty and do wonderful things;
you alone are God.

11 Teach me, Lord, what you want me to do,
and I will obey you faithfully;
teach me to serve you with complete devotion.
12 I will praise you with all my heart, O Lord my God;
I will proclaim your greatness forever.
13 How great is your constant love for me!
You have saved me from the grave itself.
14 Proud people are coming against me, O God;
a cruel gang is trying to kill me—
people who pay no attention to you.
15 But you, O Lord, are a merciful and loving God,
always patient, always kind and faithful.
16 Turn to me and have mercy on me;
strengthen me and save me,
because I serve you just as my mother did.
17 Show me proof of your goodness, Lord;
those who hate me will be ashamed
when they see that you have given me comfort and help.