Otrais pretnostatījums: sods par radības pielūgšanu un radītais kā Dieva velte
1 Tādēļ pelnīti šie ļaudis tika sodīti ar tādām radībām
un mocīti ar kukaiņiem bez skaita.
2 Turpretī savai tautai šāda soda vietā tu labu darīji:
tās negausīgās ēstdziņas sātināšanai
tu sarūpēji neierastu ēdienu, dižpaipalu,
3 lai, kamēr vieni, izbadējušies,
jebkādu ēstgribu zaudētu uzsūtītās radības pretīgā izskata dēļ,
tava tauta, izjutusi īslaicīgu trūcību,
vēl nebijušu garšu izbaudītu:
4 jo nepielūdzams trūkums bijis jāpieredz apspiedējiem,
bet viņiem – tikai ieskats, kā mocīti to naidnieki.
Trešais pretnostatījums: nāve no mušu kodumiem un glābiņš no indīgām čūskām
5 Arī tad, kad pār viņiem nāca
negantu nezvēru niknums
un tie gāja bojā no lokanu čūsku dzēlieniem,
tavas dusmas neturpinājās bezgalīgi.
6 Pārmācībai īsu brīdi šaustīti ar izbailēm,
pestīšanas zīmi viņi saņēma,
lai tavas bauslības bausli pieminētu.
7 Nevis uzlūkotais pievērsušos izglāba,
bet gan tu, visu Pestītājs,
8 kas šādi vēlējies pārliecināt mūsu naidniekus,
ka tu esi tas, kurš atbrīvo no visa ļauna.
9 Jo viņus taču nonāvēja siseņu un mušu kodieni
un nebija rodamas zāles, lai glābtu dzīvību,
tādēļ ka viņi bija pelnījuši,
lai ar tādām radībām tiktu sodīti.
10 Turpretī tavus dēlus nespēja uzveikt
pat indīgu čūsku dzēlieni,
jo tava žēlastība panācās pretī
un viņus dziedināja.
11 Tie tika sadzelti, lai atcerētos tavus baušļus,
bet tūdaļ izglābti, lai nogāztos dziļā atmiņas trūkumā
un nebūtu jāšķiras no tavas labvēlības.
12 Patiesi, ne jau augs vai ziede viņus atveseļoja,
bet gan tavs, Kungs, visus dziedinošais vārds,
13 jo vara tev pār dzīvību un nāvi –
uz mirušo valstības vārtiem lejup tu vadi un atkal augšup.
14 Turpretim cilvēks savā ļaunumā gan nonāvē,
bet nespēj nedz aizlidojošo dvašu atsaukt,
nedz no mirušo valstības dvēseli atbrīvot.
Ceturtais pretnostatījums: debesu uguns un maize no debesīm
15 Bet no tavas rokas nav iespējams izbēgt.
16 Un, tā kā bezdievīgie tevi liedzās pazīt,
ar tava delma spēku tika šaustīti:
gan vajāja tos nebijušas lietusgāzes,
krusas brāzmas, nepielūdzami negaisi,
gan deldēja uguns.
17 Tādēļ ūdenī, kas apdzēš visu,
uguns – un tas ir vispārsteidzošākais –
vēl vairāk pieņēmās spēkā,
jo Visums ir taisnīgo aizstāvis cīņā.
18 Tā dažkārt liesma pieklusa,
lai nesadegtu radījumi,
kas bija uzsūtīti bezdievīgajiem,
un viņi redzot apjaustu – tos vajā Dieva spriedums.
19 Bet citkārt, pārspējot to, ko spēj uguns,
liesma sprēgāja ūdens vidū,
lai iznīcinātu, ko radījusi netaisnā zeme.
20 Tā vietā – ar eņģeļu ēdienu tu mieloji savu tautu,
no debesīm nenogurstoši sniegdams jau gatavu maizi,
kas spēj sniegt jebkuru baudu un atbilst ikkatrai garšai,
21 jo uzturā, ko devi, atklājās tava saldme pret taviem bērniem –
kādu kuram gribējās, tādu garšu pieņēma ēdiens,
īstenodams katra saņēmēja vēlmi.
22 Sniegs un ledus izturēja ugunī un nekusa,
lai viņi zinātu, ka, krusā liesmojot,
caur lietus gāzmām zibeņojot
uguns posta naidnieka ražu,
23 bet citkārt pats aizmirst savu spēku,
lai tiktu paēdināti taisnīgie.
24 Jo kalpojot tev, Radītājam,
sasprindzina spēkus radītais, lai netaisnību sodītu,
un atslābst, labu darot tiem, kas paļaujas uz tevi.
25 Tādēļ arī toreiz, pārvēršoties par itin visu,
kā vajadzības māktie vēlējās,
tavai dāvanai, visa barotājai, kalpoja radītais,
26 lai tavi dēli, Kungs, kurus tu iemīlēji,
apzinātos, ka nevis dažādu sugu augļi baro cilvēku,
bet gan tavs vārds uztur tos, kas tev uzticas.
27 Tādēļ, viena acumirklīga saulstara sildīts,
izkusa tas, ko neiznīcināja uguns,
28 lai būtu zināms:
pirms saules lēkta jāsteidzas tev pateikties,
pie tevis jāvēršas, pirms gaisma uzlēkusi,
29 jo kā sarma ziemā izkusīs nepateicīgo cerētais
un aiztecēs kā nekam neizmantojams ūdens.
1 And so it was appropriate that these people were punished by such creatures—tormented by swarms of them.
2 But you, O Lord, did not punish your people in this way; instead, you showed them kindness. You sent them quails to eat, a rare, delicious food to satisfy their hunger. 3 You did all this so that the idolaters, when they were hungry, would be unable to eat because of the disgusting creatures sent to them. Your people, however, suffered hunger only a short while, and then they ate the finest food. 4 It was necessary for the oppressors to suffer relentless need, while your people saw how their enemies were being tormented.
5 When terrible, fierce snakes attacked your people and were killing them with their poison, you did not remain angry long enough to destroy your people. 6 This trouble lasted for only a little while, as a warning. Then you gave them a healing symbol, the bronze snake, to remind them of what your Law requires. 7 If a person looked at that symbol, he was cured of the snakebite—not by what he saw, but by you, the savior of all mankind. 8 By doing this, you also convinced our enemies that you are the one who rescues people from every evil. 9 Our enemies died from the bites of locusts and flies; no way was found to cure them, because they deserved to be punished by such creatures. 10 But even poisonous snakes could not overcome your people, because you had mercy, helped them, and cured them. 11 They were bitten so that they would remember your commands, but they were quickly rescued, in order to keep them from forgetting you completely and depriving themselves of your kindness. 12 No medicine or ointment cured them. They were restored to health by your word, O Lord, the word which heals all humanity. 13 You have power over life and death; you can bring a person to the brink of death and back again. 14 A wicked person may kill someone, but cannot bring the dead person back to life or rescue a soul imprisoned in the world of the dead.
Disastrous Storms Hit Egypt
15 No one can possibly escape from you. 16 Look at those ungodly people: they refused to recognize you as God, so you punished them with your great power. They were overtaken by terrible storms of rain and hail and were completely destroyed by fire. 17 The most amazing thing was that the fire burned all the more fiercely in the water, which usually puts fire out. All the forces of nature fight to defend those who are righteous. 18 At one point the flames died down, so that they wouldn't destroy the creatures sent to punish the ungodly. Those people had to learn that they were being overtaken by your judgment. 19 But at another point, when surrounded by water, the flames burned more fiercely than fire had ever burned before, and so destroyed the crops on the land where those unrighteous people lived.
The Israelites Receive Manna to Eat
20 But this disaster did not strike your people. Instead, you gave them the food of angels. From heaven you sent down bread that was ready to eat, and they did not have to prepare it. The food you gave delighted everyone, no matter what his taste. 21 All this showed how lovingly you care for your children. That food satisfied the desire of everyone who ate it; it was changed to suit each person's taste. 22 It was food that under normal circumstances would vanish away like snow or ice, but now it did not melt even in the fire. This was meant to teach your people that the same fire that was destroying their enemies' crops during the heavy downpour of rain and hail 23 held back its power, so that your own righteous people might have food.
24 You created the universe; it is at your command. All creation uses its power to punish unrighteous people, but it becomes mild and kind to those who put their trust in you. 25 Creation assumed all kinds of forms to show how you provide generously for all who pray to you. 26 This happened so that the people whom you loved, O Lord, might learn that they are not fed by what they can grow. It is your word that maintains those who put their trust in you. 27 The food that was not destroyed by the fire melted when the first ray of sunlight warmed it. 28 This was to teach us that we must get up before daybreak to give you thanks, and pray as the sun comes up. 29 But an ungrateful person's hope will melt away like frost, and drain away like water that is not being used.