Tobijs un Rafaēls ierodas Sāras tēva mājās
1 Tobijs iegāja Ekbatanā, viņš sacīja Rafaēlam: “Azarja, brāli, ved mani taisnā ceļā pie Raguēla, mūsu brāļa.” Un tas aizveda viņu uz Raguēla namu, un viņi atrada to sēžam pie pagalma vārtiem un pirmie viņu sveicināja, un Raguēls sacīja: “Patiesi esiet sveicināti, brāļi, prieks redzēt jūs ierodamies, esiet veseli,” un ieveda viņus savā mājā. 2 Viņš sacīja savai sievai Ednai: “Cik līdzīgs šis jaunietis manam brālim Tobitam!” 3 Un Edna tiem jautāja: “No kurienes esat, brāļi?” Un viņi atbildēja: “Mēs esam no Neftalima dēliem, no gūstā aizdzītajiem, kas dzīvo Ninivē.” 4 Viņa jautāja: “Vai jūs pazīstat Tobitu, kas ir mūsu brālis?” Un tie atbildēja: “Mēs viņu pazīstam gan.” 5 Viņa jautāja: “Vai viņš ir vesels un viņam labi klājas?” Tie viņai atbildēja: “Viņš ir dzīvs un pie veselības.” Un Tobijs sacīja: “Viņš ir mans tēvs.” 6 Un Raguēls, pielēcis kājās, apskāva viņu un raudādams viņam sacīja: “Esi svētīts, dēls, tāda laba un krietna tēva dēls tu esi. Ak, kāda nelaime, ka tāds vīrs, kas ir taisns un dara žēlsirdības darbus, kļuvis akls.” Un Tobijam, savam brāļadēlam, ap kaklu kritis, viņš raudāja. 7 Arī viņa sieva Edna raudāja par viņu un pat viņu meita Sāra raudāja. 8 Tad Raguēls nokāva brangu aunu un uzņēma viņus ar lielu dedzību.
Tobijs bildina un laulājas
9 Kad viņi nomazgājās un noskalojās un apsēdās pie galda ieturēt azaidu, Tobijs sacīja Rafaēlam: “Azarja, brāli, saki Raguēlam, lai viņš Sāru, manu māsīcu, dod man par sievu.” 10 Raguēls šos vārdus dzirdēja, bet zēnam sacīja: “Šovakar ēd un dzer un priecājies. Izņemot tevi, cita jau nav, kam pienāktos ņemt Sāru, manu meitu, brāl, tāpat kā man nav tiesību dot viņu kādam citam kā tikai tev, jo tu esi mans tuvākais radinieks, bet man tev jāatklāj visa patiesība, dēls. 11 Es viņu jau esmu izdevis septiņiem vīriem no mūsu cilts brāļiem, un visi viņi nomira tajā pašā naktī, kad gribēja ieiet pie viņas. Bet tu, dēls, ēd un dzer tagad, gan jau Kungs darīs mums pēc sava prāta.” 12 Bet Tobijs sacīja: “Nekādā gadījumā es neēdīšu un nedzeršu, tiekams tu izšķirsi visu par mani.” Tad Raguēls viņam sacīja: “Es darīšu. Tad nu viņa ir tev atdota pēc Mozus grāmatas sprieduma, un tā ir nolemts no debesīm, ka viņa tev tiek atdota, saņem savu sievu. No šā brīža tu esi viņas vīrs un viņa ir tava sieva, atdota tev no šodienas uz visiem laikiem, un debesu Kungs piešķirs jums veiksmi, dēls, jau šajā naktī un dos pār jums apžēlošanu un mieru.” 13 Un Raguēls pasauca savu meitu Sāru, un tā ienāca pie viņa, un, paņēmis Sāras roku, viņš deva to Tobijam un sacīja: “Saņem viņu pēc bauslības un sprieduma, kas rakstīts Mozus grāmatā – atdot viņu tev par sievu, turi viņu un ved pie sava tēva. Lai esi sveiks, un debesu Dievs lai jums pašķir veiksmes un miera ceļu.” 14 Un viņš pasauca savu sievu Ednu, viņas māti, un lika atnest rakstu rulli un uzrakstīja laulības līguma rakstu rulli, ka viņš atdod viņu par sievu Tobijam, pēc Mozus bauslības sprieduma. Pēc tam viņi sāka ēst un dzert. 15 Un Raguēls pasauca savu sievu Ednu un viņai sacīja: “Sieva, sagatavo viņai citu kāzu istabu un ieved viņu tur.” 16 Nogājusi viņa uzklāja gultu kāzu istabā un aizveda viņu tur. Viņa raudāja par meitu, bet, noslaucījusi asaras, sacīja tai: 17 “Esi droša, meit, debesu Kungs tev dos prieku bēdu vietā, esi droša, meit,” un viņa izgāja ārā.
At Raguel's House
1 When Tobias and the angel Raphael had entered the city of Ecbatana, Tobias said, “Azarias, my friend, take me to see Raguel as quickly as you can.” The angel brought him to Raguel's house, where they found him sitting at the entrance to his courtyard. Raphael and Tobias greeted him first; then he replied, “Come in, my friends. You are welcome in my home.”
Raguel brought them into his house 2 and said to his wife Edna, “Doesn't this young man look just like my cousin Tobit?”
3 Edna asked them, “Where do you come from?”
“We are Israelites of the tribe of Naphtali,” Tobias and Raphael answered, “but we are now living in exile in the city of Nineveh in Assyria.”
4 Edna said, “Do you know our cousin Tobit?”
“We certainly do know him,” they answered.
“How is he?” she asked.
5 “He is alive and well,” they replied.
Then Tobias added, “Tobit is my father.” 6 At that Raguel got up, and with tears of joy in his eyes he kissed Tobias. 7 Then he said, “God bless you, my child. Your father is a good and noble man. What a terrible tragedy that such an honest and generous man should have lost his sight!” He threw his arms around Tobias' neck and wept on his shoulder. 8 His wife Edna and his daughter Sarah also wept for Tobit.
Raguel gave Tobias and Raphael a warm welcome and had one of his rams slaughtered. After the guests had bathed and were about to sit down to eat, Tobias said to Raphael, “Azarias, my friend, when are you going to ask Raguel to let me marry Sarah?”
9 But Raguel overheard the question and said to Tobias, 10 “Eat and drink something first and enjoy yourself this evening. You have the right to marry Sarah, and I cannot let anyone else marry her, because you are my closest relative. But I must tell you the truth, my son. 11 I have already given her to seven men, all of them relatives. Each one died on his wedding night, as soon as he entered the bedroom. But now, my son, have something to eat and drink. The Lord will take care of you both.”
Tobias replied, “I won't eat or drink until you give me your word.”
12 Raguel agreed. “Certainly I will,” he said. “I will give her to you just as the Law of Moses commands. God in heaven has arranged this marriage, so take her as your wife. From now on, you belong to each other. Sarah is yours today and forever. May the Lord of heaven keep both of you safe tonight. May he be merciful and kind to you.”
The Marriage Ceremony
13 Then Raguel called his daughter. When she came in, he took her by the hand and gave her to Tobias with his blessing, “Take her to be your wife according to the teachings in the Law of Moses. Take her safely with you to your father's house. May the God of heaven give you a happy life together.”
14 Raguel asked his wife to bring him a blank scroll so that he could write out the marriage contract. Edna brought him the scroll, and Raguel wrote out the agreement, saying that Sarah was given to Tobias according to the teachings in the Law of Moses. 15 After the ceremony they began the meal.
16 Raguel called his wife and said, “Get the spare room ready, my dear, and take Sarah there.”
17 Edna made up the bed as Raguel had told her. Then she took Sarah into the room with her, and Sarah began to cry. But Edna wiped away her tears and said, 18 “Don't worry, Sarah. I'm sure the Lord of heaven will make you happy this time and not sad. So cheer up, my dear.” Then Edna left the room.