Rafaēls atklāj savu patieso būtību
1 Kad kāzas bija galā, Tobits pasauca Tobiju, savu dēlu, un viņam sacīja: “Dēls, pienākusi stunda atdot algu tam cilvēkam, kas gāja ar tevi, kā arī viņa algu palielināt.” 2 Un viņš jautāja: “Tēvs, cik lielu algu lai viņam dodu? Vai nenodarīšu kaitējumu, dodot pusi no mantas, ko viņš ar mani atveda? 3 Mani sveiku un veselu viņš mājās atveda, gan manu sievu dziedināja, gan sudrabu man atveda, gan tevi dziedināja, – cik lielu algu lai dodu viņam?” 4 Tobits sacīja: “Tas ir taisnīgi, ka viņš saņem pusi no visa, ko viņš atveda.” 5 Tobijs pasauca Rafaēlu un sacīja: “Saņem sev algā pusi no visa tā, ko tu pārvedi, un sveiks un vesels ej.” 6 Tad Rafaēls, citiem nedzirdot, pieaicinājis abus sev klāt, sacīja: “Augstu teiciet Dievu un pateicieties viņam, atzīstiet viņa varenību un pateicieties viņam visu cilvēku priekšā par visu labo, ko viņš ar jums darījis. Pateicieties Dievam, augstu teicot viņu un cildinot viņa vārdu, un Dieva darbus, izteiktus vārdos, ar slavēšanu atklājiet visiem cilvēkiem. Un netopiet kūtri, viņam pateicoties.
7 Ķēniņa noslēpumu labi ir glabāt apslēptu, bet Dieva darbus pienākas atklāt un par tiem pateikties ar slavinājumiem. Dariet labu un sliktais jūs neatradīs. 8 Patiesa lūgšana un taisnīgi veikts žēlsirdības darbs ir lielāks labums nekā netaisna bagātība; labāk ir darīt žēlsirdības darbus nekā krāt zeltu. 9 Žēlsirdības darbi atbrīvo no nāves un šķīsta no visa grēka – kas dara žēlsirdības un mīlestības darbus, tiks taisnīgas dzīves piepildīti. 10 Grēka un nelietību darītāji ir ienaidnieki savām dvēselēm. 11 Es jums atklāšu visu patiesību un neapslēpšu itin neko, es jau atklāju, jums sacīdams: labi ir turēt ķēniņa noslēpumu apslēptu, bet Dieva darbus cildināt un atklāt. 12 Un, kad nesen tu un Sāra lūdzāt Dievu, es panācu, ka jūsu lūgšana tiek pieminēta Kunga godības priekšā, un, kad agrāk tu apglabāji mirušos, es rīkojos līdzīgi, 13 un, kad tu nevilcinājies piecelties no galda un pamest mielastu, devies aprakt mirušo, tad viņš mani sūtīja tevi pārbaudīt. 14 Un reizē Dievs mani sūtīja tevi un Sāru, tavu līgavu, dziedināt. 15 Es esmu Rafaēls, viens no septiņiem eņģeļiem, kas stāv un staigā Kunga godības priekšā.”
16 Tad tie abi pārbijās, nokrita viņa priekšā pie zemes un bailēs drebēja. 17 Bet viņš tiem sacīja: “Nebaiļojieties, miers ar jums, augstu teiciet Dievu visos laiku laikos! 18 Kad biju ar jums, es to darīju nevis savas žēlastības dēļ, bet pēc Dieva gribas, – slavējiet viņu visas savas dienas un dziediet viņam slavas dziesmas. 19 Kad jūs redzējāt mani it kā ēdam, es neēdu, bet jūs skatījāt redzējumu. 20 Un tagad augstu teiciet Kungu uz zemes un pateicieties Dievam! Redzi, es dodos augšup pie tā, kas mani sūtīja. Pierakstiet visu, kas ar jums notika.” Un viņš bija prom. 21 Viņi piecēlās, bet nevarēja to vairs ieraudzīt. 22 Un viņi cildināja Dievu dziesmās un pateicās viņam par viņa lielajiem darbiem, kā viņiem parādījās Dieva eņģelis.
The Angel Raphael
1 When the wedding feast was over, Tobit called his son Tobias and said to him, “Son, be sure to pay your traveling companion, and don't forget to give him a bonus.”
2 Tobias asked him, “Father, how much do you think I should pay him? I wouldn't mind giving him half of everything we brought back with us. 3 He brought me back home safe and sound; he went to get the money for me from Gabael; he rid my wife of a demon; and he cured your blindness. How much of a bonus should I give him?”
4 Tobit answered, “Give him half of what he helped you bring back. He well deserves that.”
5 Tobias then called Raphael and said to him, “Here is half of what you helped me bring back. You have earned it; have a safe journey home.”
6 Then Raphael called the two men aside and said to them, “Praise God and tell everyone about the good things he has done for you, so that they too will honor him and sing his praises. Let everyone know what God has done. Never stop praising him.
7 “It's a good idea to keep a king's secret, but what God does should be told everywhere, so that he may be praised and honored.
“If you do good, no harm will come to you.
8 “It is better to pray sincerely and to please God by helping the poor than to be rich and dishonest. It is better to give to the poor than to store up gold. 9 Such generosity will save you from death and will wash away all your sins. Those who give to the poor will live full lives, 10 but those who live a life of sin and wickedness are their own worst enemies.
11 “I have already told you that a king's secret ought to be kept, but the things God does should be told to everyone. Now I will reveal to you the full truth and keep nothing back. 12 Tobit, when you and Sarah prayed to the Lord, I was the one who brought your prayers into his glorious presence. I did the same thing each time you buried the dead. 13 On the day you got up from the table without eating your meal in order to bury that corpse, God sent me to test you. 14 But he also sent me to cure you and to rescue your daughter-in-law, Sarah, from her troubles. 15 I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand in the glorious presence of the Lord, ready to serve him.”
16 Tobit and Tobias were terrified and fell to the ground, trembling with fear. 17 But Raphael said to them, “Don't be afraid; everything is all right. Always remember to praise God. 18 He wanted me to come and help you; I did not come on my own. So sing God's praises as long as you live. 19 When you thought you saw me eating, I did not really eat anything; it only seemed so. 20 While you are on this earth, you must praise the Lord God and give him thanks. Now I must go back to him who sent me. Write down everything that has happened to you.”
21 Then Raphael disappeared into the sky. Tobit and Tobias stood up, but they could no longer see him. 22 They began to sing hymns of praise, giving thanks for all the mighty deeds God had done while his angel Raphael had been with them.