Ahiors nonāk israēliešu rokās
1 Kad troksnis pūlī, kas stāvēja apkārt sapulces vietai, norima, Asīrijas karaspēka virspavēlnieks Holoferns visas sveštautiešu un moābiešu tautas priekšā sacīja: 2 “Kas tu tāds esi, Ahior, ka tu mums pravieto tā kā šodien un pavēli mums nekarot pret Israēla tautu, jo viņu Dievs būs viņiem par vairogu? Kas vēl ir dievs, izņemot Nebūkadnecaru? Viņš sūtīs savu spēku un izdeldēs viņus no zemes virsas, un viņu Dievs viņus neglābs. 3 Mēs, viņa kalpi, sitīsim viņus kā vienu cilvēku, un viņi nenostāvēs pretī mūsu zirgu spēkam, 4 jo mēs viņus sadedzināsim, un viņu kalni piedzersies no viņu asinīm, un viņu ielejas piepildīsies ar viņu līķiem, un viņi nespers ne soli pret mums, bet zustin pazudīs, saka ķēniņš Nebūkadnecars, visas zemes kungs. Un viņš sacīja, ka netiks noniecināts ne vārds no viņa sacītā. 5 Bet tu, Ahior, amoniešu algādzi, kas runāji šos savus vārdus savas netaisnības dienā, manu vaigu kopš šīs dienas vairs neredzēsi, tiekams es sodīšu šo tautu no Ēģiptes. 6 Un, kad es atgriezīšos, mana karaspēka zobens un manu kalpu šķēps caurdurs tavas ribas, un tu kritīsi viņu ievainoto vidū. 7 Tagad mani kalpi tevi aizvedīs atpakaļ uz kalnieni un atstās tevi kalnu pārejas pilsētā, 8 un tu neiesi bojā, tiekams tu tiksi iznīcināts kopā ar viņiem. 9 Un, ja tu ceri savā sirdī, ka viņi netiks notverti, nenokar degunu: es esmu runājis, un nekas nezudīs no manas runas.” 10 Un Holoferns pavēlēja saviem kalpiem, kas stāvēja pie viņa telts, saņemt Ahioru un aizvest atpakaļ uz Betuliju un nodot viņu israēliešu rokās. 11 Un viņa kalpi saņēma viņu un izveda ārā no nometnes ieplakā un uzveda no līdzenuma kalnienē, un viņi nokļuva pie Betulijas avotiem. 12 Kad vīri no pilsētas kalnā viņus ieraudzīja, viņi paņēma savus ieročus un izgāja no pilsētas uz kalna, un ik vīrs lingotājs apturēja viņu kāpšanu augšup, metot akmeņus uz viņiem, 13 bet kareivji, nokļuvuši klints aizsegā, sasēja Ahioru un pameta viņu nomestu zemē kalna pakājē un gāja atpakaļ pie sava kunga. 14 Bet israēlieši, nonākuši no savas pilsētas, apstāja Ahioru un atsējuši aizveda uz Betuliju un nostatīja viņu pilsētas valdnieku priekšā. 15 Tajās dienās tie bija Ozija, Mihas dēls, no Šimona cilts un Habris, Gotoniēla dēls, un Harmis, Malkiēla dēls. 16 Un viņi saaicināja visus pilsētas vecajos, un saskrēja visi viņu jaunieši un visas sievas uz tautas sapulci, viņi nostatīja Ahioru savu ļaužu vidū, un Ozija izjautāja viņu par to, kas noticis. 17 Un atbildēdams viņš pavēstīja visus notikumus Holoferna sapulcē un visu runāto, ko viņš teica asīriešu virsnieku vidū, un visu, par ko Holoferns izlielījās pret Israēla namu. 18 Tad visi ļaudis krita pie zemes un pielūdza Dievu un sauca palīgā: 19 “Kungs, debesu Dievs, uzlūko no augšas augstprātīgos un iežēlojies par mums, pazemīgajiem, šajā dienā un ieskaties priekš tevis iesvētīto vaigā.” 20 Un viņi mierināja Ahioru un viņu ļoti slavēja, 21 un Ozija ieveda viņu no tautas sapulces savā namā un rīkoja dzīres saviem vecajiem, un visu to nakti viņi piesauca Israēla Dievu nākt palīgā.
The Speech of Holofernes
1 When the noise of the crowd around the council had subsided, Holofernes spoke to Achior in front of the entire group, those from the Mediterranean coast, the Moabites, and the Ammonite mercenaries.
2 “Achior, who do you think you are, acting like a prophet? Who are you to tell us not to go to war against the Israelites because some god will defend them? Nebuchadnezzar is our god, and that's all that matters. He will send his army and wipe these Israelites off the face of the earth. Their god can't help them. 3 But we serve Nebuchadnezzar, and we will beat them as easily as if their whole army were one man. They will not be able to hold their ground against our cavalry; 4 it will overwhelm them. The mountains will be soaked with their blood, and the valleys will be filled with their corpses. After our attack, they will be completely wiped out; not a trace of them will be left. This is the command of Nebuchadnezzar, the lord of the whole earth, and he doesn't speak idle words. 5 Achior, you are nothing but an Ammonite mercenary, and you talk like a traitor. You will not see me again until I come and punish this race of runaway slaves. 6 And when I do, my soldiers will put you to death. You will be just another name on the casualty list.
7 “Now my men will take you into the mountains and leave you in one of the Israelite towns, 8 and you will die with the people there. 9 Why look so worried, Achior? Don't you think the town can stand against me? I will carry out all my threats; you can be sure of that!”
Achior Is Brought to Bethulia
10 Then Holofernes ordered his men, who were waiting in his tent, to seize Achior, take him to Bethulia, and hand him over to the Israelites. 11 So the men seized Achior and took him out of the camp into the valley. From there they led him into the mountains, as far as the spring which was below Bethulia.
12 When the men of that town saw them approaching, they picked up their weapons and ran to the top of the hill. Every man who used a sling as a weapon rained stones down on Holofernes' soldiers, and this stopped them from coming any farther up the mountain. 13 The Assyrians were forced to take cover along the mountainside, where they tied Achior up and left him lying at the foot of the mountain. Then they returned to Holofernes.
14 Later, when the Israelites came down from Bethulia, they untied Achior, brought him into the town, and took him before the town officials, 15 who at that time were Uzziah son of Micah, of the tribe of Simeon, Chabris son of Gothoniel, and Charmis son of Melchiel. 16 The officials called together the town elders, and all the women and the young men also ran to the assembly. Achior was brought before the people, and Uzziah began questioning him. 17 Achior told them what had been said at Holofernes' war council, what he himself had said to the Assyrian officers, and how Holofernes had boasted about what he would do to the Israelites. 18 When the people heard this, they fell on their knees and worshiped God. They prayed: 19 “O Lord God of heaven, look how our boastful enemies have humiliated your people! Have pity on us and help us.” 20 Then they reassured Achior and praised him for what he had done. 21 After the assembly was over, Uzziah took Achior home with him, and gave a banquet there for the elders. All that night they prayed to the God of Israel for help.