Mērījumi tempļa iekšienē
1 Viņš mani aizveda pie tempļa un mērīja stenderes, to platums abās pusēs bija sešas olektis. 2 Durvju platums bija desmit olektis, abas durvju puses bija piecas olektis platas. Tad viņš mērīja templi, tā garums bija četrdesmit olektis un platums četrdesmit olektis.
3 Viņš iegāja iekšā un mērīja durvju stenderes, katra bija divas olektis, un durvis – tās bija sešas olektis, bet ieeja septiņas olektis plata. 4 Tad viņš mērīja telpu tempļa priekšā, tās garums bija divdesmit olektis un platums bija divdesmit olektis. Viņš man sacīja: “Šī ir svētumu svētuma vieta!”
5 Tad viņš mērīja tempļa mūri, tas bija sešas olektis biezs. Piebūves telpu platums bija četras olektis, un tie bija visapkārt templim. 6 Telpas bija trijos stāvos, katrā trīsdesmit. Telpas balstījās uz mūra, kas bija visapkārt templim, bet nebalstījās uz paša tempļa sienas. 7 Telpas visapkārt templim bija platākas katrā nākamajā stāvā, jo katrā nākamajā stāvā visapkārt templim nāca klāt piebūves. Kāpnes no apakšējā stāva veda augšup caur vidējo stāvu. 8 Es redzēju templim visapkārt paaugstinājumu. Piebūves pamati bija vesels mērkoks – sešas olektis augsti. 9 Telpu ārējā mūra biezums bija piecas olektis. Brīva vieta starp telpām templī 10 un starp pārējām telpām bija divdesmit olektis visapkārt templim. 11 Telpu durvis bija brīvajā pusē – vienas uz ziemeļiem un otras uz dienvidiem. Brīvās vietas platums bija piecas olektis no visām pusēm.
12 Rietumu pusē pretī pagalmam bija nams, kura platums bija septiņdesmit olektis. Nama mūris visapkārt bija piecas olektis biezs un deviņdesmit olektis garš.
13 Tad viņš mērīja templi. Tā garums bija simts olekšu, arī pagalms, nams un mūris bija simts olekšu garumā. 14 Tempļa priekšpuse un pagalms austrumu pusē bija simts olekšu plati.
15 Tad viņš mērīja arī nama garumu, kurš bija pretī pagalmam, kas aiz tempļa, un tam abās pusēs bija simts olekšu garas ejas. Tempļa iekšpusi un pagalma lieveņus, 16 kā arī sliekšņus, logus ar sašaurinājumu un ejas, kas visiem trim bija apkārt, sākot no sliekšņa, klāja koks – arī grīdas un sienas līdz logiem, un logu slēģi. 17 Virs tempļa durvīm iekšpusē un ārpusē, kā arī visapkārt mūrim gan iekšpusē, gan ārpusē bija grebumi – 18 ķerubi un palmas. Ķerubi mijās ar palmām, katram ķerubam bija divas sejas. 19 Pret vienu palmas pusi bija pavērsta cilvēka seja, bet pret otru – lauvas. Tā bija apdarināts viss templis. 20 No grīdas līdz durvju augšai uz tempļa sienām bija izgrebti ķerubi un palmas. 21 Tempļa durvju apmale bija četrstūraina, un svētās vietas priekšā tā bija tāda pati.
22 Koka altāris bija trīs olektis augsts un divas olektis garš, tā stūri, pamats un malas bija no koka. Viņš man sacīja: “Šis ir galds, kas stāv Kunga priekšā!”
23 Tempļa svētvietai bija divas durvis. 24 Divviru durvis mūra vienā pusē un divviru durvis otrā pusē. 25 Arī uz tempļa durvīm bija izgrebti ķerubi un palmas, tāpat kā uz tempļa sienām, un ārpusē lievenis bija pārsegts ar koku. 26 Arī uz logiem ar sašaurinājumu lieveņa malās abās pusēs bija izgrebtas palmas, un arī tempļa telpas bija pārsegtas ar jumtu.
1 Next, the man took me into the central room, the Holy Place. He measured the passageway into it: it was 10 feet deep 2 and 18 feet wide, with walls 8 feet thick on either side. He measured the room itself: it was 68 feet long and 34 feet wide.
3 Then he went to the innermost room. He measured the passageway into it: it was 3 feet deep and 10 feet wide, with walls on either side 12 feet thick. 4 He measured the room itself, and it was 34 feet square. This room was beyond the central room. Then he said to me, “This is the Most Holy Place.”
The Rooms Built against the Temple Walls
5 The man measured the thickness of the inner wall of the Temple building, and it was 10 feet. Against this wall, all around the Temple, was a series of small rooms 7 feet wide. 6 These rooms were in three stories, with thirty rooms on each floor. The Temple's outer wall on each floor was thinner than on the floor below, so that the rooms could rest on the wall without being anchored into it. 7 And so the Temple walls, when seen from the outside, seemed to have the same thickness all the way to the top. Against the Temple's outer wall, on the outside of the rooms, two wide stairways were built, so that it was possible to go from the lower story to the middle and the upper stories. 8-11 The outside wall of these rooms was 8 feet thick; there was one door into the rooms on the north side of the Temple, and one into those on the south side. I saw that there was a terrace 8 feet wide around the Temple; it was 10 feet above the ground and it was level with the foundation of the rooms by the Temple walls. Between the terrace and the buildings used by the priests there was an open space 34 feet across, along the sides of the Temple.
The Building on the West
12 At the far end of the open space on the west side of the Temple there was a building 150 feet long and 116 feet wide; its walls were 9 feet thick all around.
The Total Measurements of the Temple Building
13 The man measured the outside of the Temple, and it was 168 feet long. And from the back of the Temple, across the open space to the far side of the building to the west, the distance was also 168 feet. 14 The distance across the front of the Temple, including the open space on either side, was also 168 feet. 15 He measured the length of the building to the west, including its galleries on both sides, and it was also 168 feet.
Details of the Temple Building
The entrance room of the Temple, the Holy Place, and the Most Holy Place 16 were all paneled with wood from the floor to the windows. These windows could be covered. 17 The inside walls of the Temple, up as high as above the doors, were completely covered with carvings 18 of palm trees and winged creatures. Palm trees alternated with creatures, one following the other, all the way around the room. Each creature had two faces: 19 a human face that was turned toward the palm tree on one side, and a lion's face that was turned toward the tree on the other side. It was like this all around the wall, 20 from the floor to above the doors. 21 The doorposts of the Holy Place were square.
The Wooden Altar
In front of the entrance of the Most Holy Place there was something that looked like 22 a wooden altar. It was 5 feet high and 4 feet wide. Its corner posts, its base, and its sides were all made of wood. The man said to me, “This is the table which stands in the presence of the Lord.”
The Doors
23 There was a door at the end of the passageway to the Holy Place and one also at the end of the passageway to the Most Holy Place. 24 They were double doors that swung open in the middle. 25 There were palm trees and winged creatures carved on the doors of the Holy Place, just as there were on the walls. And there was a wooden covering over the outside of the doorway of the entrance room. 26 At the sides of this room there were windows, and the walls were decorated with palm trees.