1 Jeruzāleme, novelc savas sēru un ciešanu
drēbes un apvelc tās godības skaistumu,
kas ir no Dieva, uz mūžīgiem laikiem.
2 Ietērpies Dieva taisnības tērpā,
liec galvā Mūžīgā godības vainagu;
3 jo Dievs parādīs tavu spožumu visai pasaulei.
4 No Dieva tu tiksi nosaukta
uz mūžīgiem laikiem:
“Taisnības miers un dievbijības slava.”
5 Celies, Jeruzāleme, pacelies augstumā un
vērs savu skatienu uz austrumiem un
ieraugi savus bērnus,
kas ar Svētā vārdu ir kopā savesti no
rietumiem līdz austrumiem un
līksmojas par to,
ka Dievs viņus atcerējies.
6 Kājām viņi aizgāja no tevis,
naidnieku dzīti,
bet Dievs tos atved pie tevis,
paaugstinātus slavā kā
ķēniņa valstības troņmantniekus.
7 Dievs ir pavēlējis ikvienam augstam kalnam
un mūžam pastāvošajām klintīm pazemināties
un aizām piepildīties,
izlīdzināties līdz ar zemi,
lai Israēls var droši iet ar Dieva slavu.
8 Meži un ikviens smaržīgs koks pēc Dieva
pavēles Israēlam sniegs ēnu.
9 Dievs savas godības gaismā ar prieku vadīs
Israēlu ar savu žēlastību un taisnību.
1 Jerusalem, take off the clothes you have worn in your mourning and distress, and put on the eternal splendor of God's glory. 2 Put around you the cloak of God's righteousness. Place on your head the crown of the glory of the Eternal God. 3 God will show your splendor to every nation on earth. 4 Forever he will say to you: “Your security comes from your righteousness, and your splendor from your devotion to me.”
5 Get up, Jerusalem, stand on the mountaintop; see where God, the Holy One, is bringing your children together from the east and from the west. They are rejoicing that God has remembered them. 6 Jerusalem, your children were led away by their enemies; they left you on foot, but God is bringing them back to you, carried in royal splendor. 7 God has commanded that every high mountain and the everlasting hills shall be made low; he has commanded that the valleys shall be filled and the ground leveled, so that the people of Israel may come safely home in the glory of God. 8 At the command of God, forests of fragrant trees will spring up to provide shade for the people of Israel. 9 God will lead Israel home. They will return with great joy, guided by his mercy and righteousness, surrounded by the light of his glorious presence.