Uzbrukums Jafai, Jamnai un Kaspinai
1 Kad šīs vienošanās bija noslēgtas, Līsijs devās pie ķēniņa, bet jūdi pievērsās zemkopībai. 2 Tomēr daži vietējie karavadoņi – Timotejs un Apollonijs, Gennaja dēls, arī Hieronīms un Dēmofonts un vēl arī Kipras pārvaldnieks Nikanors – neļāva viņiem mierīgi dzīvot un pastāvēt. 3 Bet jafieši izdarīja vēl kādu bezdievīgu ļaundarību – viņi uzaicināja tur dzīvojošos jūdus ar sievām un bērniem iekāpt laivās, kuras viņi iepriekš bija sagatavojuši, it kā nekādu ļaunumu tiem negatavodami. 4 Kad jūdi, gribēdami saglabāt mieru, bez jebkādām aizdomām piekrita, jo paši pēc pilsētas kopīga lēmuma aizveda viņus prom no krasta un noslīcināja – ne mazāk kā divsimt cilvēku. 5 Kad Jūda uzzināja par nodarīto zvērību viņa cilts brāļiem, viņš to paziņoja saviem vīriem 6 un, piesaucis taisnīgo soģi Dievu, devās pret nešķīstajiem slepkavām, kas bija nobendējuši viņa brāļus. Naktī viņš aizdedzināja ostu, nosvilināja laivas un visus, kas tur bija sabēguši, nodūra. 7 Tā kā šī vieta bija no visām pusēm ieskauta, viņš atkāpās ar nodomu vēl kādreiz atgriezties, lai izdeldētu visus jafiešu pilsoņus. 8 Bet, uzzinājis, ka arī jamnieši gatavo ļaundarības pret tur dzīvojošiem jūdiem, 9 viņš naktī uzbruka un aizdedzināja ostu ar visiem kuģiem, tā ka liesmas atblāzma sniedzās līdz Jeruzālemei, kas atradās divsimt četrdesmit stadiju attālumā.
10 Kad viņi, dodamies pret Timoteju, bija no tās vietas atvirzījušies deviņus stadijus, viņiem uzbruka arābi, skaitā ne mazāk kā pieci tūkstoši un vēl piecsimt jātnieku. 11 Cīņa bija asa. Kad, Dievam palīdzot, Jūda ar savējiem guva uzvaru, sakautie nomadi lūdza noslēgt ar viņiem mieru un apsolīja dot ganāmpulkus un arī citādi būt noderīgi. 12 Jūda, saprazdams, ka viņi patiesi daudzās lietās var būt noderīgi, piekrita slēgt mieru. Pēc miera noslēgšanas jūdi devās uz savām teltīm.
13 Vēl Jūda uzbruka kādai pilsētai, kurai bija stipri tilti un apkārt uzcelti aizsargmūri, tajā dzīvoja daudz ļaužu no dažādām tautām, tās vārds bija Kaspina. 14 Tie, kas atradās pilsētā, paļāvās uz aizsargmūru stiprumu un pārtikas rezervēm, tāpēc izturējās izaicinoši pret Jūdas vīriem, lamāja tos un zaimoja, runādami, kā neklājas. 15 Bet Jūda un viņa vīri, aicinājuši palīgā vareno pasaules Valdnieku, kurš bez mūrus graujošām mašīnām un viltīgi izgudrotām ierīcēm Jozuas laikā sagrāva Jēriku, kā zvēri metās pret mūri. 16 Pēc Dieva gribas viņi pilsētu ieņēma un nogalināja neizsakāmi daudzus, likās pat, ka tuvējais ezers divu stadiju platumā ir pilns ar tajā saplūdušajām asinīm.
Cīņa ziemeļaustrumos
17 Kad viņi bija attālinājušies no tās vietas septiņsimt piecdesmit stadijus, tie nonāca Harakā pie jūdiem, kurus sauc par tūbianiešiem. 18 Timoteju šajā vietā viņi neatrada, jo viņš, neko neizdarījis, bija to pametis, bet vienā vietā bija atstājis spēcīgu sardzes posteni. 19 Divi Makabeja karavadoņi – Dositejs un Sosipatrs – devās turp un nogalināja vairāk nekā desmit tūkstošus vīru, kurus Timotejs bija atstājis nocietinātajā vietā. 20 Tad Makabejs sadalīja savu karaspēku pulkos un, šos divus iecēlis pulku priekšgalā, devās ar simt divdesmit tūkstošiem kājnieku un divtūkstoš piecsimt jātniekiem pret Timoteju. 21 Uzzinājis par Jūdas tuvošanos, Timotejs aizsūtīja sievietes un bērnus un arī visu mantību uz pilsētu, ko sauc Karniona. Apkārtnes šaurības dēļ šī nocietinātā vieta bija grūti pieejama un neērta aplenkšanai. 22 Kad ienaidnieki ieraudzīja Jūdas pirmo pulku, viņus pārņēma šausmas un izbailes visa redzētā priekšā un viņi metās bēgt kur kurais; lielākoties viņi paši cits citu ievainoja un sadūra ar asajiem zobeniem. 23 Jūda neatlaidīgi vajāja bezdievjus un, kaujot ar zobenu, nogalināja trīsdesmit tūkstošus vīru. 24 Pats Timotejs nonāca Dositeja un Sosipatra vīru rokās. Viņš lūdza saudzēt viņa dzīvību, likdams lietā viltību, jo daudziem jūdiem vecāki, citiem – brāļi bija pie viņa un varot taču gadīties, ka viņi piedzīvo necienīgu izturēšanos pret sevi. 25 Ar daudziem zvērestiem viņš pārliecināja, ka savu solījumu pildīs – atdos tos atpakaļ sveikus un neskartus. Tad jūdi, lai glābtu savus brāļus, palaida viņu vaļā.
26 Pēc tam Jūda devās pret Karnionu un Atergateionu un nogalināja aptuveni divdesmit piecus tūkstošus cilvēku. 27 Pēc šīs uzvaras un ienaidnieku iznīcināšanas viņš devās karagājienā pret nocietināto pilsētu Efronu. Tur mitinājās daudz dažādu cilšu, tur bija apmeties arī Līsijs; spēcīgi jaunieši, nostājušies mūra priekšā, drosmīgi atvairīja uzbrukumus; pilsētā bija lielas ieroču un bultu rezerves. 28 Bet viņi, piesaukuši palīgā vareno Valdnieku, kas ar savu spēku izdeldē ienaidnieku cīņas sparu, ieņēma pilsētu un, pārņēmuši to savā varā, no visiem, kas bija pilsētā, nogalināja divdesmit piecus tūkstošus iedzīvotāju. 29 Aizgājuši no turienes, viņi devās pret skitu pilsētu, kas no Jeruzālemes bija seši simti stadiju attālumā. 30 Bet jūdi, kas tur bija apmetušies, apliecināja, ka skiti pret viņiem izturas labvēlīgi un lielajās posta dienās bijuši pretimnākoši. 31 Pateikušies skitiem un pamudinājuši viņus arī turpmāk saglabāt labvēlīgu attieksmi pret jūdu cilti, viņi atgriezās Jeruzālemē, jo tuvojās Būdiņu svētki.
Cīņa pret Gorgiju
32 Pēc Vasarsvētkiem viņi sāka karagājienu pret Gorgiju, Idūmejas militāro karavadoni. 33 Viņi devās ceļā ar trīstūkstoš kājniekiem un četrsimt jātniekiem. 34 Kad viņi nonāca viens pret otru, daži jūdi krita. 35 Jātnieks Dositejs, kas bija Bakinora vadītajā pulkā, ļoti spēcīgs vīrs, aizturēja Gorgiju un, saņēmis to aiz apmetņa, veda, stingri turēdams, jo viņš gribēja šo nolādēto vīru saņemt gūstā dzīvu. Tad kāds trāķiešu jātnieks metās viņam virsū un nocirta roku pie pleca, bet Gorgijs aizbēga uz Marisu. 36 Bet tie, kas cīnījās kopā ar Esdrinu, ilgstošā cīņā sāka pagurt. Tad Jūda, piesaukdams Kungu, lūdza būt viņiem par sabiedroto un kara priekšvadoni. 37 Savā tēvu valodā skaļi saukdams un skandēdams slavas dziesmas, viņš negaidīti izrāvās strauji uz priekšu un metās pret tiem, kas bija kopā ar Gorgiju, un piespieda viņus bēgt.
Kritušo apbedīšana
38 Tad ar visu karaspēku viņš devās uz Odollamas pilsētu. Tā kā bija pienākusi septītā diena, viņi pēc paražas tur šķīstījās un svinēja sabatu. 39 Nākamajā dienā Jūdas karavīri gāja uzlasīt kritušos un apglabāt tēvu kapos pie viņu tuviniekiem – kā tas viņiem bija parasts. 40 Pie katra kritušā zem hitona viņi atrada Jamnijas elku dieviem veltītas svētlietas, ko jūdiem aizliedz likums. Visiem tūlīt kļuva skaidrs, ka šī iemesla dēļ viņi bija krituši. 41 Visi slavēja Kungu, taisnīgo Soģi, kas visu apslēpto dara atklātu. 42 Tad viņi pievērsās lūgšanām un lūdza, lai visa apgrēcība tiktu dzēsta. Bet krietnais Jūda aicināja ļaudis sargāties, lai nekristu grēkā, kad viņi paši savām acīm redzējuši, kas bija noticis kritušo grēka dēļ. 43 Savācis no vīriem divus tūkstošus sudraba drahmu, viņš tās nosūtīja uz Jeruzālemi, lai par grēku tiktu pienests upuris; tā darīdams, viņš rīkojās cēli, tādēļ ka domāja par augšāmcelšanos. 44 Jo, ja viņam nebūtu bijusi cerība uz kritušo augšāmcelšanos, tad lieki un bezjēdzīgi būtu bijis lūgties par kritušajiem. 45 Tātad viņš ņēma vērā, ka tos, kas dievbijīgi aizmieg mūža miegā, sagaida skaists iepriecinājums – tā bija svēta un dievbijīga doma. Tādēļ viņš gādāja apžēlošanas upuri par kritušajiem – lai viņi tiek vaļā no grēka.
The Jews of Joppa Are Murdered
1 When the peace agreement between the Jews and the Syrians was completed, Lysias returned to the king, and the Jews went back to their farming. 2 But some of the local governors, Timothy and Apollonius son of Gennaeus, as well as Hieronymus and Demophon, would not let them live in peace; and neither would Nicanor, the commander of the mercenaries from Cyprus.
3 About this time, the people of Joppa did a cruel thing to the Jews of their city. They pretended to be friendly to the Jews and invited them and their families to go sailing with them on ships they had provided. 4 Since all the people of the town had decided to do this, the Jews suspected nothing and accepted the invitation out of a feeling of good will. But when they were out at sea, the people of Joppa drowned all two hundred of them.
5 As soon as Judas heard of this inhuman thing that had been done to those Jews, he informed his men. 6 After they had prayed to God, the just judge, they attacked the murderers. Under cover of darkness they set fire to the harbor, burning all the ships, and killing everyone they found hiding there. 7 The gates of the city were locked, so Judas withdrew; but he was determined to return at some other time and wipe out everyone living there.
8 Judas heard that the people of Jamnia had plans to kill the Jews of their city also. 9 So he attacked Jamnia at night, setting fire to its harbor and the ships there. The flames could be seen as far as Jerusalem, thirty miles away.
Judas' Victories in the Region of Gilead
(1 Maccabees 5.9-54)
10 When Judas and his men were about a mile away from Jamnia on their way to meet Timothy in battle, they were attacked by more than 5,000 Arabs, supported by 500 cavalry. 11 It was a hard fight, but with the help of God they defeated these desert tribesmen, who then asked to be on friendly terms with the Jews, promising to give them some livestock and offering to help them in other ways as well. 12 Judas thought their friendship might prove useful in many ways, so he agreed to make peace with them; after that the Arabs returned to their tents.
13 Judas also attacked the heavily fortified walled city of Caspin. The people who lived there were a mixed population of Gentiles 14 who relied on the strength of their walls and felt confident that they had enough food stored up to last through a siege. So they made fun of Judas and his men, shouting out insults against them and profanities against their God. 15 But the Jews prayed to the Almighty Lord of the universe, who had torn down the walls of Jericho in the days of Joshua without using battering rams or siege weapons. Then they made a fierce attack against the wall 16 and because it was God's will, they captured the city. The Jews slaughtered so many people that a nearby lake, which was about a quarter of a mile wide, seemed to be overflowing with blood.
Judas Defeats Timothy's Army
(1 Maccabees 5.37-44)
17 From the city of Caspin, Judas and his men marched about 95 miles, until they came to the Jewish settlement of Charax, near the city of Tob. 18 But they did not find Timothy there, because he had already left the region. He had been able to do nothing there except leave behind a strong garrison in one place. 19 Two of Judas' generals, Dositheus and Sosipater, attacked the garrison and killed all 10,000 men stationed there. 20 Then Judas divided his army into several divisions, placing Dositheus and Sosipater each in command of a division, and hurried after Timothy, who had a force of 120,000 infantry and 2,500 cavalry. 21 When Timothy found out that Judas was coming after him, he sent the women and the children on ahead with the baggage to the city of Karnaim, which was almost impossible to besiege or even to reach, because of the narrow passes that led up to it. 22 But at the moment that Judas' first division came into sight, the enemy forces were thrown into panic by a vision sent by God, who sees everything. In terror they began to run wildly about and many of them were wounded by the swords of their own men. 23 So Judas and his men pursued them as hard as they could, killing at least 30,000 of the enemy. 24 Timothy himself was captured by the troops of Dositheus and Sosipater. But he was very shrewd and managed to convince them that many of their relatives were his prisoners and would be put to death if anything happened to him. 25 Finally, after he had promised to send their relatives home safely, they let him go free.
Judas Wins Other Victories
(1 Maccabees 5.45-54)
26 Next, Judas attacked the city of Karnaim and the temple of the goddess Atargatis there, killing 25,000 people 27 and completely destroying both the city and the temple. Then he attacked the fortified city of Ephron where Lysias and people of all nationalities were living. Strong young men took up their positions in front of the walls and fought bravely, while inside the city were stored large quantities of military supplies and weapons. 28 But the Jews prayed for help to the Lord, who crushes the power of his enemies. So they captured the city and killed about 25,000 people. 29 From there they hurried on to the city of Beth Shan, seventy-five miles north of Jerusalem. 30 The Jews there told Judas how kindly the people of the city had treated them, especially during hard times. 31 So Judas and his men thanked the people and urged them to show the same good will toward the Jews in the future. Then they left for Jerusalem, where they arrived shortly before the Harvest Festival.
Judas Defeats Gorgias
32 After Pentecost (as the Harvest Festival is called in Greek) Judas and his men quickly marched out against Gorgias, the governor of Idumea, 33 who met them with 3,000 infantry and 400 cavalry. 34 In the battle that followed, a few Jews were killed. 35 Then a Jew from the city of Tob, a powerful cavalry soldier by the name of Dositheus, grabbed Gorgias by his cloak and started dragging him away by brute force, intending to take the worthless man alive. But suddenly one from the Thracian cavalry rushed at Dositheus and chopped off his arm, allowing Gorgias to escape to the city of Marisa.
36 By now the Jewish men under the command of Esdrias had been fighting for a long time and were exhausted. So Judas prayed that the Lord would show that he was on their side and in command of their troops. 37 Then, while Judas sang a hymn in his native language as a battle cry, the Jews made a surprise attack against Gorgias and his men and put them to flight.
Prayers for Those Killed in Battle
38 After the battle Judas led his men to the town of Adullam. It was the day before the Sabbath, so they purified themselves according to Jewish custom and then observed the holy day. 39 By the following day it was urgent that they gather up the bodies of the men who had been killed in battle and bury them in their family tombs. 40 But on each of the dead, hidden under their clothes, they found small images of the gods worshiped in Jamnia, which the Law forbids Jews to wear. Everyone then knew why these men had been killed. 41 So they praised the ways of the Lord, the just judge, who reveals what is hidden, 42 and they begged him that this sin might be completely blotted out. Then, Judas, that great man, urged the people to keep away from sin, because they had seen for themselves what had happened to those men who had sinned. 43 He also took up a collection from all his men, totaling about four pounds of silver, and sent it to Jerusalem to provide for a sin offering. Judas did this noble thing because he believed in the resurrection of the dead. 44 If he had not believed that the dead would be raised, it would have been foolish and useless to pray for them. 45 In his firm and devout conviction that all of God's faithful people would receive a wonderful reward, Judas made provision for a sin offering to set free from their sin those who had died.