Ezras ierašanās un darbība
1 Pēc tam, nākamā persiešu ķēniņa Artakserksa valdīšanas laikā, ieradās Ezra, Serāja, Ezerija dēla, dēls, tā senču Helkija, Salēma, 2 Sadūka, Ahitoba, Amarija, Ozija, Boka, Abisue, Finēsa, Elāzāra un virspriestera Ārona pēcnācējs. 3 Šis Ezra ieradās no Bābeles kā Israēla Dieva liktajā Mozus bauslībā mācīts rakstvedis. 4 Un ķēniņš deva viņam godu, jo viņš baudīja tā labvēlību visos savos lūgumos. 5 Un kopā ar viņu Jeruzālemē Artakserksa valdīšanas septītā gada piektajā mēnesī (tas bija ķēniņa septītais gads) ieradās Israēla dēli un priesteri, un levīti, un svētie psalmotāji, un durvju sargi, un kalpotāji. 6 Jo viņi devās prom no Bābeles pirmā mēneša jaunā mēnesī un nonāca Jeruzālemē piektā mēneša jaunā mēnesī, saņemot šim gājumam Kunga svētību. 7 Un Ezram bija daudz zināšanu, lai visā ieturētu Kunga bauslību un visu Israēlu mācītu viņa padomu baušļos un spriedumos.
8 Tad pienāca ķēniņa Artakserksa rakstiska pavēle priesterim un Dieva bauslības skaidrotājam Ezram, tās noraksts ir šāds: 9 “Ķēniņš Artakserkss sveicina Ezru, priesteri un Dieva bauslības skaidrotāju. 10 Cilvēkmīlestībā esmu nolēmis un lieku, lai tie no jūdu cilts, kuri labprātīgi vēlas, priesteri un levīti, un mūsu ķēniņvalsts iedzīvotāji, dodas tev līdzi uz Jeruzālemi. 11 Tie, kuri vēlas, lai pievienojas un iet, tā esmu nolēmis es un septiņi man draudzīgi padomdevēji, 12 lai tie apmeklē Jūdeju un Jeruzālemi pēc Kunga bauslības, 13 lai tie aiznes manis un manu draugu novēlētās veltes Israēla Kungam Jeruzālemē, tāpat zeltu un sudrabu no Bābeles zemes līdz ar ļaužu dāvinājumiem uz Kunga templi Jeruzālemē, 14 lai līdzi vēršiem, auniem un jēriem tiek vests citām lietām paredzētais zelts un sudrabs 15 ziedojumu veikšanai viņu Kunga templī Jeruzālemē. 16 Un visu, ko tu ar saviem brāļiem nolemsi darīt par šo zeltu un sudrabu, dari pēc sava Dieva gribas; 17 arī Kungam svētos priekšmetus, kas tev doti tava Jeruzālemes Dieva tempļa vajadzībām, 18 arī pārējo, kas būtu nepieciešams tava Dieva tempļa vajadzībām, dod no ķēniņa kases. 19 Tā es, ķēniņš Artakserkss, esmu noteicis Sīrijas un Foinīkijas kases pārzinātājiem, lai tie rūpīgi izsniedz pat simts sudraba talantu apmērā visu, ko prasīs Ezra, priesteris un augstākā Kunga bauslības skaidrotājs, 20 arī kviešus līdz simts korām, vīnu līdz simts litriem un papilnam sāli. 21 Un viss lai rūpīgi tiek darīts pēc Kunga bauslības visaugstākajam Dievam, tā, lai nerastos viņa dusmas pret ķēniņa valsti un tā pēcnācējiem. 22 Un vēl jums tiek noteikts, lai nekādi nodokļi, nedz citādas prasības netiek piemērotas visiem priesteriem un levītiem, un psalmotājiem, un durvju sargiem, un kalpotājiem, un šajā templī nodarbinātiem, lai nav nekādas varas, kas tiem ko uzspiež. 23 Un tu, Ezra, Dieva gudrībā nozīmē šķīrējus un tiesnešus, kas spriestu tiesu visā Sīrijā un Foinīkijā pār visiem tava Dieva bauslības zinātājiem, bet nezinātājus gan izmāci. 24 Un visi, kuri pārkāpj tava Dieva bauslību un ķēniņa likumu, lai taptu rūpīgi sodīti – vai ar nāvi, vai miesas sodu, vai naudas sodu, vai arī izraidīšanu.”
25 Uz to Ezra sacīja: “Lai slavēts Kungs, kas vadījis ķēniņa sirdi, lai tas slavētu viņa Jeruzālemes templi 26 un arī mani pagodinājis ķēniņa, viņa padomnieku, visu draugu un viņa augstmaņu priekšā. 27 Un es tapu drošināts, manam Dievam Kungam palīdzot, un sapulcināju Israēla vīrus nākt man līdzi.”
28 Un šie ir vadoņi, pēc tēvu dzimtām un kārtām, kuri devušies kopā ar mani prom no Bābeles ķēniņa Artakserksa valdīšanas laikā: 29 no Finēsa dēliem – Garsoms, no Jetamāra dēliem – Gamēls, no Dāvida dēliem – Atūs, Sehenija dēls, 30 no Forosa dēliem – Zaharija un viņa simt piecdesmit cilvēki sarakstā, 31 no Fātmoaba dēliem – Eliaonija, Zaharijas dēls, un ar viņu divi simti vīru, 32 no Zatoja dēliem – Sehenija, Jezēla dēls, un ar viņu trīs simti vīru, no Adina dēliem – Obēts, Jonāta dēls, un ar viņu trīs simti piecdesmit vīru, 33 no Ēlama dēliem Jesija, Gotolijas dēls, un ar viņu septiņdesmit vīru, 34 no Safatijas dēliem – Zaraja, Mihaēla dēls, un ar viņu septiņdesmit vīru, 35 no Joaba dēliem Abadija, Jezēla dēls, un ar viņu divi simti divpadsmit vīru, 36 no Bani dēliem – Asalimots, Josafija dēls, un ar viņu simt sešdesmit vīru, 37 no Babi dēliem – Zaharija, Bēbaja dēls, un ar viņu divdesmit astoņi vīri, 38 no Asgata dēliem – Joans, Akatana dēls, un ar viņu simt desmit vīru, 39 no Adonikama dēliem pēdējie, redzi, viņu vārdi: Elifalats, Jeuēls un Samaja, ar viņiem septiņdesmit vīru, 40 no Bago dēliem – Ūti, Istalkūra dēls, un ar viņu septiņdesmit vīru.
41 Es savācu kopā viņus pie upes, ko sauca Tēra, mēs pie tās sabijām trīs dienas, un es iepazinos ar viņiem. 42 Neatradis starp šiem dēliem ne priesterus, ne levītus, 43 es sūtīju pie Elāzāra, Iduēla, Māsmana, Elnatana, Samajas, Joribona, Natana, Ennatana, Zaharijas, Mesolamona – vadoņiem un gudriem vīriem – 44 un teicu, lai tie dodas pie Adaja, vadoņa, uz vietu, kur atradās dārgumu krātuve, 45 un lai sarunā ar Adaju un viņa brāļiem, krātuves sargiem, ka tie atsūta mums priesterus mūsu Kunga namam. 46 Un viņi, mūsu Kunga varenās rokas vadīti, atveda mums gudrus vīrus no Israēla dēla Levī dēla Moli dēliem – Asebēbiju ar viņa dēliem un brāļiem, kopskaitā astoņpadsmit. 47 Arī Asebiju un Annūnu, un Osaju, brāli no Hanūnaja dēliem, un viņu dēlus – divpadsmit vīrus. 48 Un kalpotāji, kurus piešķīra Dāvids, un vadoņi levītu darbiem – divdesmit divi kalpotāji; tie visi atzīmēti sarakstā. 49 Un kalpiem tur izziņoju gavēni mūsu Kunga priekšā, 50 lai no viņa izlūgtos mums, mūsu bērniem un līdzņemamiem lopiem labu ceļu. 51 Jo man bija neērti lūgt ķēniņam pavadītājus kājniekus un jātniekus drošībai pret ceļā sastaptajiem ļaudīm. 52 Mēs pateicām ķēniņam, ka mūsu Kunga spēks būs ar viņa lūdzējiem jebkurā pasākumā. 53 Tā mēs atkal lūdzām mūsu Kungu par šo lietu un saņēmām lielu žēlastību. 54 Un es izvēlējos divpadsmit cilvēkus no priesteriem, cilšu vecajiem, Serebiju un Asabiju, un no viņu brāļiem vēl klāt desmit vīrus. 55 Un es nosvēru viņu klātbūtnē sudrabu un zeltu, un mūsu Kunga nama svētos priekšmetus, ko dāvājis pats ķēniņš, viņa padomdevēji un augstmaņi, un visi Israēla ļaudis. 56 Un nosvēris nodevu viņiem seši simti piecdesmit talantus sudraba un simt talantu sudraba priekšmetu, un simt talantu zelta, un divdesmit zelta traukus, un divpadsmit izcila vara priekšmetus, kuri mirdzēja kā zelts. 57 Tad es viņiem teicu: “Un jūs esat svētīti Kungam, un arī priekšmeti, sudrabs un zelts ir svēts novēlējums mūsu tēvu Kungam. 58 Esiet nomodā par tiem un uzmaniet, līdz tos nodosiet priesteru un levītu cilšu vecajiem un Israēla tēvu dzimtu priekšstāvjiem Jeruzālemē mūsu Kunga nama krātuvēs.” 59 Tad priesteri un levīti, saņēmuši Jeruzālemes sudrabu, zeltu un priekšmetus, ienesa to visu Kunga namā.
60 Tā mēs, no Tēras upes pirmā mēneša divpadsmitajā dienā devušies ceļā, nonācām Jeruzālemē, Kunga pār mums turētās rokas spēcīgā vadībā – ceļā viņš mūs pasargāja no jebkāda ienaidnieka, un mēs nonācām Jeruzālemē. 61 Un šeit trešajā dienā viss nosvērtais sudrabs un zelts tika nodots – viss pēc svara tajā laikā tika pierakstīts mūsu Kunga namā priesterim Marmotam, Ūrijas dēlam; 62 kopā ar viņu bija Elāzārs, Finēsa dēls, un ar viņiem bija levīti – Josabds, Jozuas dēls, un Moets, Sabanna dēls. 63 Tad no gūsta pārnākušie nesa ziedojumus Dievam, Israēla Kungam, – divpadsmit vēršus par visiem Israēla ļaudīm, deviņdesmit sešus kazlēnus, septiņdesmit divus jērus, divpadsmit āžus par glābiņu – visu ziedoja Dievam. 64 Un viņi nodeva ķēniņa rīkojumus tā pārvaldniekiem un Lejassīrijas un Foinīkijas vietvalžiem, un tie godināja tautu un Kunga svētnīcu.
65 Un, kad tas bija paveikts, pie manis pienāca vadoņi un sacīja: 66 “Israēla tauta un vadoņi, priesteri un levīti nav nošķīrušies no šīs zemes cittautiešiem un to nešķīstībām, no kanaāniešiem un hetiešiem, periziešiem un jebūsiešiem, no moābiešiem, ēģiptiešiem un idūmejiešiem. 67 Jo viņi vadījuši kopdzīvi ar to meitām, gan paši, gan viņu dēli, un svētā sēkla iejaukusies šīs zemes cittautiešos, un vadoņi un augstmaņi pretlikumībās piedalījušies no paša sākuma.” 68 Tiklīdz to izdzirdēju, es saplēsu apmetni un svētās drānas, plosīju matus un bārdu, sēdēju pārdomās un raizēs. 69 Un, tā raizējoties par pretlikumību, pie manis sanāca visi, kurus jebkad virzījis Israēla Kunga vārds, un es sēdēju noraizējies līdz pat krēslas ziedojuma laikam. 70 Tad, cēlies no sava gavēņa, saplēstajās svētajās drānās un apmetnī nometies ceļos un pastiepis rokas uz Kungu, es sacīju: 71 “Kungs, es esmu kaunā un mulsumā tavā priekšā, 72 jo mūsu grēki ir savairojušies pār mūsu galvām un mūsu neprāts pieaudzis līdz debesīm, 73 kopš mūsu tēvu laikiem un līdz pat šai dienai mēs grimstam lielā grēkā. 74 Un mūsu un tēvu grēku dēļ mēs kopā ar mūsu brāļiem, mūsu ķēniņiem un mūsu priesteriem tikām nodoti zem citzemju valdnieku zobena kaunpilnai gūstīšanai un laupīšanai līdz pat šai dienai. 75 Un tagad, Kungs, tik nozīmīga žēlastība nākusi no tevis, ka atstāji mums sakni un vārdu tavā svētvietā un 76 atklāji mums gaismekli mūsu Kunga namā, un devi iztiku mūsu verdzības laikos. 77 Un mūsu verdzības laikos mūsu Kungs nebija mūs pametis, bet gan ievedis mūs persiešu ķēniņu labvēlībā, 78 lai tie dotu mums iztiku un celtu godā mūsu Kunga templi, lai celtos tukšā Ciāna un Jūdejā un Jeruzālemē mums būtu atvēlēts atbalsts. 79 Un nu, Kungs, ko mēs teiksim, kad mums tas viss ir? Mēs pārkāpām tavus nolikumus, kurus tu devi savu kalpu, praviešu, rokās, teikdams: 80 zeme, kurā ienākat un kuru mantojat, ir cittautiešu bezgodību apgānīta, viņi to pildījuši ar savu nekrietnumu. 81 Tagad nu nedodiet savas meitas kopdzīvei ar viņu dēliem un viņu meitas neņemiet savējiem. 82 Un jūs nemeklēsiet miera ar tiem laiku laikos, lai spēkā baudītu šīs zemes labumus un nodotu to mantojumā saviem dēliem uz mūžu. 83 Un viss, kas ar mums notiek, ir mūsu nekrietno darbu un mūsu lielo grēku dēļ. 84 Jo tu, Kungs, atviegloji mūsu grēkus un devi mums tādu sakni; tomēr mēs no jauna ņēmāmies pārkāpt tavu bauslību par norobežošanos no pasaules tautu nekrietnības. 85 Vai neesi sadusmots uz mums tā, lai iznīdētu, neatstājot mums ne sakni, ne sēklu, ne vārdu? 86 Israēla Kungs, tu esi patiess, jo mums šodien sakne ir atstāta. 87 Bet nu, redzi, mēs esam tavā priekšā mūsu pretlikumībās: nevajag gan vairs tavā priekšā tajās stāvēt.”
88 Un, kad Ezra, kritis pie zemes tempļa priekšā, lūdzās un raudāja, milzum daudz ļaužu no Jeruzālemes sastājās ap viņu, vīri un sievas, un jaunieši: pūli pārņēma lielas raudas. 89 Un Jehonija, Jeēla dēls, skaļi saukdams, sacīja: “Ezra, esam grēkojuši Kunga priekšā un laidušies kopdzīvē ar svešām sievām no citām tautām; taču vēl ir cerība Israēla tautai. 90 Lai Kunga priekšā top mūsu zvērests – mēs aizraidīsim visas mūsu cittautiešu sievas ar viņu bērniem, kā to atbalsti tu un Kunga bauslībai paklausīgie. 91 Celies un dari to: tā lieta ir tava, un mums ar tevi ir spēks to paveikt.” 92 Tad Ezra piecēlās un zvērināja visa Israēla levītu un priesteru vadītājus, lai viņi tā rīkojas, un viņi zvērēja.
Ezra Arrives in Jerusalem
(Ezra 7.1-10)
1 Many years later, when Artaxerxes was emperor of Persia, a man named Ezra came from Babylon. He traced his ancestry back to Aaron, the High Priest, as follows: Ezra was the son of Seraiah, son of Azariah, son of Hilkiah, son of Shallum, 2 son of Zadok, son of Ahitub, son of Amariah, son of Azariah, son of Bukki, son of Abishua, son of Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron.
3-4 Ezra was a scholar with a thorough knowledge of the Law, which the God of Israel had given to Moses. The emperor had a high regard for him and approved all the requests he made. Ezra set out from Babylonia 5 for Jerusalem with a group of Israelites which included priests, Levites, Temple musicians, Temple guards, and workmen. 6 They left Babylonia on the first day of the first month in the seventh year of the reign of Artaxerxes. God gave them a safe journey, and they arrived in Jerusalem on the first day of the fifth month. 7 Ezra had a thorough knowledge of the Law of the Lord and neglected none of its details. As a result he could teach all its laws and regulations to all the people of Israel.
The Document That Emperor Artaxerxes Gave to Ezra
(Ezra 7.11-26)
8 The following is a copy of the decree that Emperor Artaxerxes gave to Ezra, the priest and scholar of the Law of the Lord:
9 “From Emperor Artaxerxes to the priest Ezra, scholar of the Law of the Lord, greetings.
10 “In my generosity I have decided to decree that throughout my empire any of the Jews who so desire, including priests and Levites, may go with you to Jerusalem. 11 I and the seven counselors who have the title ‘Friends of the Emperor’ have decided that all who wish to do so may go with you. 12 Let them investigate the conditions in Jerusalem and Judah to see how well the Law of the Lord is being obeyed. 13 Let them also take with them to Jerusalem the gifts which I and my counselors have vowed to give to the Lord of Israel, including all the silver and gold belonging to the Lord which may be found in Babylonia, 14 and all that is given by the people of Israel for the Temple of their Lord. The silver and gold are to be collected to buy bulls, rams, lambs, and everything else that is necessary, 15 so that sacrifices may be offered on the altar of the Lord in Jerusalem.
16 “You may use the silver and gold for whatever you and the rest of your people desire, in accordance with the will of your God. 17-18 You may obtain from the royal treasury the sacred vessels of the Lord that are being entrusted to you for use in the Temple of your God in Jerusalem, as well as anything else you may need for the Temple service.
19 “I command all the treasury officials in Greater Syria and Phoenicia to provide promptly for Ezra, the priest and scholar of the Law of God Most High, everything he asks for, 20 up to a limit of 7,500 pounds of silver, 500 bushels of wheat, 550 gallons of wine, and as much salt as may be needed. 21 You must be careful to do everything that the Law requires in order to honor God Most High and so make sure that he is never angry with me or with those who reign after me. 22 You are forbidden to collect any taxes from the priests, Levites, musicians, guards, workmen, or anyone else connected with this Temple. No one has the right to impose any burden on them.
23 “You, Ezra, using the wisdom that comes from God, shall appoint administrators and judges to govern all the people in Greater Syria and Phoenicia who live by the Law of your God. You must teach that Law to anyone who does not know it. 24 If anyone disobeys the laws of your God or the laws of the empire, he is to be punished promptly: by death, by fine, by exile, or by some other punishment.”
Ezra Praises God
(Ezra 7.27Ezra 28)
25 Ezra said, “Praise the Lord, the Lord alone! He has made the emperor willing to restore the glory of the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. 26 By God's grace, I have won the respect of the emperor, his counselors, all his Friends, and all his powerful officials. 27 The Lord my God has given me courage, and I have been able to persuade many men to return with me.”
The People Who Returned from Exile
(Ezra 8.1-14)
28 This is the list of the leaders of the clans and families who had been in exile in Babylonia and returned with Ezra to Jerusalem when Artaxerxes was emperor:
29-40 Gershom, of the clan of PhinehasGamael, of the clan of IthamarHattush son of Shecaniah, of the clan of DavidZechariah, of the clan of Parosh, with 150 men of his clan (there were records of their family line)Eliehoenai son of Zechariah, of the clan of Pahath Moab, with 200 menShecaniah son of Jehaziel, of the clan of Zattu, with 300 menEbed son of Jonathan, of the clan of Adin, with 250 menJeshaiah son of Gotholiah, of the clan of Elam, with 70 menZeraiah son of Michael, of the clan of Shephatiah, with 70 menObadiah son of Jehiel, of the clan of Joab, with 212 menShelomith son of Josiphiah, of the clan of Bani, with 160 menZechariah son of Bebai, of the clan of Bebai, with 28 menJohanan son of Hakkatan, of the clan of Azgad, with 110 menEliphelet, Jeuel, and Shemaiah, of the clan of Adonikam, with 70 men (they returned at a later date)Uthai son of Istalcurus, of the clan of Bigvai, with 70 men
Ezra Finds Priests and Levites for the Temple
(Ezra 8.15-20)
41 I assembled the entire group at Theras River, and we camped there for three days. I inspected them 42 and found that there were no priests or Levites in the group, 43-44 so I sent a message to ten of the leaders who were competent men: Eliezer, Iduel, Maasmas, Elnathan, Shemaiah, Jarib, Nathan, Elnathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam. 45 I told them to go to Iddo, the chief official at the treasury, 46 and ask him, his associates, and the treasury officials to send us priests to serve in the Temple of our Lord. 47 With God's help, they sent us some able men: Sherebiah, a Levite from the clan of Mahli, with eighteen of his sons and relatives, 48 and Hashabiah, Annunus, and his brother Jeshaiah of the clan of Hananiah, with twenty of their sons. 49 There were also 220 Temple workmen whose ancestors had been designated by King David and his officials to assist the Levites. They were all listed in the register by name.
Ezra Leads the People in Fasting and Prayer
(Ezra 8.21-23)
50 There by Theras River I made a vow that the young men should fast in the presence of our Lord and ask him for a safe journey for us, our children, and our animals. 51 I would have been ashamed to ask the emperor for infantry and cavalry to accompany us and protect us from our enemies, 52 because I had told him that our Lord by his strength blesses and protects those who trust him. 53 So once again we prayed for our Lord to protect us, and he answered our prayers.
The Gifts for the Temple
(Ezra 8.24-30)
54 From among the leading priests I chose Sherebiah, Hashabiah, and ten others. 55 Then I weighed out the silver, the gold, and the sacred utensils which the emperor, his advisers and officials, and the people of Israel had given to be used in the Temple, and I gave it to the priests. 56-57 This is what I gave them:

silver 25 tonssilver utensils 7,500 poundsgold 7,500 poundsgold bowls 20fine bronze bowls that looked like gold 12
58 I said to the priests, “You are sacred to the Lord, the Lord of our ancestors, and so are the utensils and the silver and gold brought to him in fulfillment of a vow. 59 Guard them carefully until you reach the Temple. There in the priests' rooms, turn them over to the leaders of the priests and the Levites and to the leaders of the people of Israel in Jerusalem.” 60 So the priests and the Levites took charge of the silver, the gold, and the utensils for Jerusalem and brought them to the Temple.
The Return to Jerusalem
(Ezra 8.31-36)
61 It was on the twelfth day of the first month that we left Theras River, and with the Lord's presence and protection we reached Jerusalem. He protected us from all our enemies on our journey, and we arrived safely. 62 After we had been there three days, we went to the Temple, weighed the silver and gold and turned it all over to Meremoth the priest, son of Uriah. 63 With him were Eleazar son of Phinehas and two Levites, Jozabad son of Jeshua and Moeth son of Sabannus. 64 Everything was counted and weighed, and a complete record was made at the same time.
65 All those who had returned from exile then offered sacrifices to the Lord, the God of Israel. They offered 12 bulls for all Israel, 96 rams, 66 and 72 lambs; they also offered 12 goats as a fellowship offering. They sacrificed all these animals to the Lord. 67 Then they took the decree the emperor had given them and gave it to the governors and officials of Greater Syria and Phoenicia, who then honored the Jewish people and the Temple of the Lord.
Ezra Learns of Intermarriages with Non-Jews
(Ezra 9.1-15)
68 After all this had been done, some of the leaders of the people of Israel came and told me that 69 the people, the leaders, the priests, and the Levites had not kept themselves separate from the people in the neighboring countries of Edom, Moab, and Egypt, or from the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, and Jebusites. They were doing the same disgusting things which those people did. 70 God's holy people had become contaminated because Jewish men were marrying foreign women. Even the leaders and the officials had taken part in this breaking of the Law from the very beginning. 71 As soon as I heard this, I tore my clothes and my sacred robe in despair. I also tore my hair and my beard, and sat down crushed with anxiety and grief. 72 I sat there grieving about this sin until it was time for the evening sacrifice to be offered, when people began to gather around me—all those who were disturbed by what the Lord of Israel had said.
73 Then I got up from where I had been fasting, and still wearing my torn clothes, I knelt in prayer and stretched out my hands to the Lord. 74 I said, “O Lord, I am ashamed and confused in your presence. 75 Our sins tower over our heads; they reach as high as the heavens. 76 This has been true from the days of our ancestors until now; we, your people, have sinned greatly. 77 Because of our sins and the sins of our ancestors, we and our relatives, our kings, and our priests have fallen into the hands of foreign kings, and we have been slaughtered, robbed, and carried away as prisoners. We have been totally disgraced, as we still are today. 78 Now, Lord, for a short time you have shown us great mercy. You have allowed just a few of us to survive in order to carry on the name Israel here in your holy Temple. 79 You have let the light of our nation shine again, after feeding us and taking care of us during the time of our slavery. 80 Even when we were slaves you did not abandon us; you made the emperors of Persia favor us, so that they gave us food, 81 restored the glory of your Temple, rebuilt the city of Jerusalem out of its ruins, and gave us a place of security here in Judah and Jerusalem.
82 “But now, Lord, what can we say, after you have done all this for us? We have again disobeyed the commands that you gave us through your servants, the prophets. They told us that 83 the land we were to occupy was an impure land because the heathen people who lived in it filled it with their disgusting deeds. 84 They told us that we should never intermarry with those people 85 and never seek peaceful relations with them if we wanted to be strong and enjoy the land and pass it on to our descendants forever. 86 Even after everything that has happened to us in punishment for our sins, we know that you, Lord, have punished us less than we deserve 87 and have allowed us to survive. But we have rebelled again, broken your Law, and intermarried with these wicked people. 88 Yet you were not angry enough to destroy us completely and leave none of us alive, with no descendants and without our name. 89 Lord of Israel, you are faithful; you have allowed us to survive. 90 We confess our guilt to you; we have no right to come into your presence.”
The Plan for Ending Mixed Marriages
(Ezra 10.1-17)
91 While Ezra was bowing in prayer in front of the Temple, weeping and confessing these sins, a large group of people from Jerusalem—men, women, and children—gathered around him, all of them weeping bitterly. 92 Then Shecaniah son of Jehiel, one of the Israelites, said to Ezra, “We have sinned against the Lord by marrying foreign women, but even so, there is still hope for Israel. 93 Now we must make a solemn promise to the Lord that we will send all these foreign women and their children away. 94 We will do what you and the others who obey the Law of the Lord advise us to do. 95 It is your responsibility to act. We are behind you, so go ahead and get it done.”
96 So Ezra began by making the leaders of the priests, of the Levites, and of the rest of the people take an oath that they would divorce their foreign wives.