1 “Atgriezies, atgriezies, Šulamīte,
atgriezies, atgriezies,
lai tevi aplūkojam.”
“Kas jums ko redzēt no Šulamītes,
kad tā dejo starp diviem pulkiem?
2 Cik skaistas tavas pēdas sandalēs,
tu, augstmaņa meita.
Tavu gurnu apaļums
ir kā rotkaļa darināts.
3 Tava naba –
apaļš trauks, kurā neizsīkst vīns.
Tavs vēders –
lilijām apsprausta kviešu stirpa.
4 Abas tavas krūtis
kā divi stirnēni,
kā gazeļu dvīņi.
5 Tavs kakls kā ziloņkaula tornis,
tavas acis – Hešbonas dīķi
pie Bat-Rabīmas vārtiem,
tavs deguns kā Lebanona tornis,
kas raugās uz Damasku.
6 Tava galva pār tevi kā Karmels,
tavas matu cirtas kā purpurs –
ķēniņš sagūstīts tajās.
7 Cik skaista un cik tīkama,
tu, baudpilnā mīlestība!
8 Tavs augums ir palmai līdzīgs
un tavas krūtis kā ķekari.
9 Es saku – kāpšu palmā,
ķeršos pie zariem!
Un lai tavas krūtis kā vīna ķekari
un tavu nāšu elpa kā āboli.
10 Tavas aukslējas
kā labs vīns!
Tas glāsta mana mīļotā muti,
plūst man pār lūpām un zobiem.”
11 “Es – mīļajam manam,
un viņš mani kāro.
12 Nāc, mans mīļais,
izejam laukos,
nakšņojam ciemos!
13 Ceļamies agri
un ejam vīnadārzos
lūkot, vai vīnstīga rieš,
vai pumpuri atvērušies,
vai plaukst granātkoki, –
tur es glāstīšu tevi.
14 Mandragora dod smaržu,
un ap mūsu durvīm
ir visādi saldi augļi –
svaigus un sažāvētus,
mīļais mans,
es tev esmu tos saglabājusi.
The Wedding Dance
He Speaks:
1 You are a princess,
and your feet are graceful
in their sandals.
Your thighs are works of art,
each one a jewel;
2 your navel is a wine glass
filled to overflowing.
Your body is full and slender
like a bundle of wheat
bound together by lilies.
3 Your breasts are like twins
of a deer.
4 Your neck is like ivory,
and your eyes sparkle
like the pools of Heshbon
by the gate of Bath-Rabbim.
Your nose is beautiful
like Mount Lebanon
above the city of Damascus.
5 Your head is held high
like Mount Carmel;
your hair is so lovely
it holds a king prisoner.
6 You are very beautiful,
so desirable!
7 You are tall and slender
like a palm tree,
and your breasts are full.
8 I will climb that tree
and cling to its branches.
I will discover that your breasts
are clusters of grapes,
and that your breath
is the aroma of apples.
9 Kissing you is more delicious
than drinking the finest wine.
How wonderful and tasty!
She Speaks:
10 My darling, I am yours,
and you desire me.
11 Let's stroll through the fields
and sleep in the villages.
12 At dawn let's slip out and see
if grapevines and fruit trees
are covered with blossoms.
When we are there,
I will give you my love.
13 Perfume from the magic flower
fills the air, my darling.
Right at our doorstep
I have stored up for you
all kinds of tasty fruits.