The Lord's Goodness to His People
Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good;
his love is eternal.
2 Who can tell all the great things he has done?
Who can praise him enough?
3 Happy are those who obey his commands,
who always do what is right.

4 Remember me, Lord, when you help your people;
include me when you save them.
5 Let me see the prosperity of your people
and share in the happiness of your nation,
in the glad pride of those who belong to you.

6 We have sinned as our ancestors did;
we have been wicked and evil.
7 Our ancestors in Egypt did not understand God's wonderful acts;
they forgot the many times he showed them his love,
and they rebelled against the Almighty at the Red Sea.
8 But he saved them, as he had promised,
in order to show his great power.
9 He gave a command to the Red Sea,
and it dried up;
he led his people across on dry land.
10 He saved them from those who hated them;
he rescued them from their enemies.
11 But the water drowned their enemies;
not one of them was left.
12 Then his people believed his promises
and sang praises to him.

13 But they quickly forgot what he had done
and acted without waiting for his advice.
14 They were filled with craving in the desert
and put God to the test;
15 so he gave them what they asked for,
but also sent a terrible disease among them.

16 There in the desert they were jealous of Moses
and of Aaron, the Lord's holy servant.
17 Then the earth opened up and swallowed Dathan
and buried Abiram and his family;
18 fire came down on their followers
and burned up those wicked people.

19 They made a gold bull-calf at Sinai
and worshiped that idol;
20 they exchanged the glory of God
for the image of an animal that eats grass.
21 They forgot the God who had saved them
by his mighty acts in Egypt.
22 What wonderful things he did there!
What amazing things at the Red Sea!
23 When God said that he would destroy his people,
his chosen servant, Moses, stood up against God
and kept his anger from destroying them.

24 Then they rejected the pleasant land,
because they did not believe God's promise.
25 They stayed in their tents and grumbled
and would not listen to the Lord.
26 So he gave them a solemn warning
that he would make them die in the desert
27 and scatter their descendants among the heathen,
letting them die in foreign countries.

28 Then at Peor, God's people joined in the worship of Baal
and ate sacrifices offered to dead gods.
29 They stirred up the Lord's anger by their actions,
and a terrible disease broke out among them.
30 But Phinehas stood up and punished the guilty,
and the plague was stopped.
31 This has been remembered in his favor ever since
and will be for all time to come.

32 At the springs of Meribah the people made the Lord angry,
and Moses was in trouble on their account.
33 They made him so bitter
that he spoke without stopping to think.

34 They did not kill the heathen,
as the Lord had commanded them to do,
35 but they intermarried with them
and adopted their pagan ways.
36 God's people worshiped idols,
and this caused their destruction.
37 They offered their own sons and daughters
as sacrifices to the idols of Canaan.
38 They killed those innocent children,
and the land was defiled by those murders.
39 They made themselves impure by their actions
and were unfaithful to God.

40 So the Lord was angry with his people;
he was disgusted with them.
41 He abandoned them to the power of the heathen,
and their enemies ruled over them.
42 They were oppressed by their enemies
and were in complete subjection to them.
43 Many times the Lord rescued his people,
but they chose to rebel against him
and sank deeper into sin.
44 Yet the Lord heard them when they cried out,
and he took notice of their distress.
45 For their sake he remembered his covenant,
and because of his great love he relented.
46 He made all their oppressors
feel sorry for them.

47 Save us, O Lord our God,
and bring us back from among the nations,
so that we may be thankful
and praise your holy name.

48 Praise the Lord, the God of Israel;
praise him now and forever!
Let everyone say, “Amen!”

Praise the Lord!
Dieva žēlastība un Israēla nepateicība.
1 Alelujā! Teiciet to Kungu, jo Viņš ir laipnīgs un Viņa žēlastība paliek mūžīgi!
2 Kas var izteikt tā Kunga varenos darbus un pienācīgi paust visu Viņa teicamo veikumu slavu?
3 Svētīgi tie, kas turas pie patiesības un dara taisnību vienumēr!
4 Piemini mani, Kungs, pēc sava labā prāta uz savu tautu un nāc pie manis ar savu palīdzību,
5 Ka redzam labumu parādāmies Tavos izredzētajos, ka priecājamies par Tavu ļaužu prieku un lepojamies ar savu piederību pie Tavas izredzētās tautas!
6 Mēs esam grēkojuši līdz ar mūsu tēviem, esam noziegušies, mēs bijām bezdievīgi.
7 Mūsu tēvi Ēģiptes zemē neievēroja Tavus brīnuma darbus, viņi aizmirsa Tavu lielo žēlastību un bija nepaklausīgi krastmalā pie Niedru jūras.
8 Bet Viņš tiem palīdzēja sava vārda dēļ, lai parādītu savu lielo varu.
9 Viņš apsauca Niedru jūru, tā kļuva sausa, un Viņš vadīja viņus caur dziļumiem kā pa sausu zemi.
10 Tā Viņš izglāba viņus no vajātāju varas un atsvabināja no ienaidnieka rokas.
11 Ūdeņi apsedza viņu pretiniekus, nepalika no tiem pie dzīvības it neviens.
12 Tad viņi ticēja Viņa vārdiem, viņi teica dziesmās Viņa slavu.
13 Bet drīzi viņi aizmirsa Viņa darbus un nenogaidīja, ko Viņš bija lēmis.
14 Viņi krita kārībās tuksnesī un kārdināja Dievu tuksnešainos klajumos.
15 Dievs apmierināja viņiem viņu kārību, bet uzsūtīja viņu dzīvībām sērgu.
16 Viņi apskauda nometnē Mozu un Aronu, tā Kunga svētītos.
17 Tad atvērās zeme un aprija Datanu un aizrāva zemē Abirāma biedrus.
18 Uguns iedegās viņu barā, un liesmas sadedzināja bezdievīgos.
19 Viņi darināja Horebā teļu un zemojās šā tēla priekšā
20 Un tā apmainīja savu Dieva godību pret lopa tēlu, vērša, kas ēd zāli.
21 Viņi aizmirsa Dievu, savu glābēju, kas lielas lietas bija darījis Ēģiptes zemē,
22 Brīnumus Chama zemē, briesmīgus darbus pie Niedfu jūras.
23 Tad Viņš bija nodomājis viņus iznīcināt, ja nebūtu Mozus, Viņa izrau-dzītais, par viņiem iestājies Viņa priekšā, lai novērstu Viņa dusmas un glābtu viņus no nāves.
24 Vini nepriecājās par skaisto zemi un neticēja Viņa vārdam,
25 Bet kurnēja savās teltīs un nepaklausīja tā Kunga balsij.
26 Tad Viņš pacēla pret viņiem savu roku, lai viņus nomaitātu tuksnesī,
27 Lai nomāktu viņus pagānu starpā un viņus izkaisītu pa dažādām zemēm.
28 Tad viņi pieķērās Baālam-Peoram un ēda elkiem nesto ziedojumu gaļu
29 Un apkaitināja to Kungu ar saviem darbiem. Kad izcēlās sērga viņu starpā,
30 Tad cēlās Pinehass un tiesāja, un sērga mitējās.
31 Tas viņam tapa pielīdzināts par nopelnu uz bērnu bērniem mūžīgi.
32 Tad ļaudis Viņu apkaitināja pie Nesaskaņu ūdens, un Mozum bija jāpiedzīvo viņu dēļ ļaunums,
33 Jo viņi, pretodamies Dieva garam, sarūgtināja viņa sirdi, un viņš teica neapdomīgus vārdus ar savām lūpām.
34 Viņi ari neizdeldēja tautas, kā tas Kungs viņiem bija pavēlējis,
35 Bet sajaucās ar pagānu tautām, piesavinājās viņu dzīves veidu
36 Un kalpoja viņu elkiem, un tie kļuva viņiem par slazda valgu.
37 Ir savus dēlus un savas meitas viņi upurēja ļauniem gariem
38 Un izlēja nenoziedzīgas asinis, —savu dēlu un savu meitu asinis, ko viņi upurēja Kānaāna elkiem: tā tapa zeme negodā likta ar asins grēkiem.
39 Tā viņi kļuva nešķīsti ar saviem darbiem un atkrita no tā Kunga ar savu dzīves veidu.
40 Tad iedegās tā Kunga dusmas pret Viņa tautu, un Viņam bija riebums pret savu mantojumu;
41 Viņš nodeva viņus pagānu rokās, un viņu nīdēji un ienaidnieki valdīja pār viņiem.
42 Viņu ienaidnieki spaidīja un nomāca viņus un pakļāva galīgi viņus savai varai.
43 Viņš izglāba viņus vairākkārt, taču viņi kaitināja Viņu ar savu pretestigo sirdsprātu un panīka vēl vairāk savu noziegumu dēļ.
44 Bet Viņš uzlūkoja viņu bēdas un uzklausīja viņu piesaukšanu
45 Un pieminēja savu derību ar viņiem aiz savas lielās žēlastības,
46 Tā ka viņi atrada līdzcietību visos, kas viņus turēja gūstā.
47 Palīdzi mums, Kungs mūsu Dievs, un sapulcini mūs atkal, izglābdams mūs no pagāniem, lai varam pateicībā slavēt Tavu svēto vāidu un būt laimīgi savā lepnumā, ka drīkstam daudzināt Tavu slavu!
48 Slavēts lai ir tas Kungs, Israēla Dievs, mūžīgi mūžam! Un visa tauta lai saka: „Amen! Alelujā!“