God's Care for Israel
1 The Lord told me 2 to proclaim this message to everyone in Jerusalem.
“I remember how faithful you were when you were young,
how you loved me when we were first married;
you followed me through the desert,
through a land that had not been planted.
3 Israel, you belonged to me alone;
you were my sacred possession.
I sent suffering and disaster
on everyone who hurt you.
I, the Lord, have spoken.”
The Sin of Israel's Ancestors
4 Listen to the Lord's message, you descendants of Jacob, you tribes of Israel. 5 The Lord says:
“What accusation did your ancestors bring against me?
What made them turn away from me?
They worshiped worthless idols
and became worthless themselves.
6 They did not care about me,
even though I rescued them from Egypt
and led them through the wilderness:
a land of deserts and sand pits,
a dry and dangerous land
where no one lives
and no one will even travel.
7 I brought them into a fertile land,
to enjoy its harvests and its other good things.
But instead they ruined my land;
they defiled the country I had given them.
8 The priests did not ask, ‘Where is the Lord?’
My own priests did not know me.
The rulers rebelled against me;
the prophets spoke in the name of Baal
and worshiped useless idols.
The Lord's Case against His People
9 “And so I, the Lord, will state my case against my people again.
I will bring charges against their descendants.
10 Go west to the island of Cyprus,
and send someone eastward to the land of Kedar.
You will see that nothing like this has ever happened before.
11 No other nation has ever changed its gods,
even though they were not real.
But my people have exchanged me,
the God who has brought them honor,
for gods that can do nothing for them.
12 And so I command the sky to shake with horror,
to be amazed and astonished,
13 for my people have committed two sins:
they have turned away from me,
the spring of fresh water,
and they have dug cisterns,
cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all.
The Results of Israel's Unfaithfulness
14 “Israel is not a slave;
he was not born into slavery.
Why then do his enemies hunt him down?
15 They have roared at him like lions;
they have made his land a desert,
and his towns lie in ruins, completely abandoned.
16 Yes, the people of Memphis and Tahpanhes
have cracked his skull.
17 Israel, you brought this on yourself!
You deserted me, the Lord your God,
while I was leading you along the way.
18 What do you think you will gain by going to Egypt
to drink water from the Nile?
What do you think you will gain by going to Assyria
to drink water from the Euphrates?
19 Your own evil will punish you,
and your turning from me will condemn you.
You will learn how bitter and wrong it is
to abandon me, the Lord your God,
and no longer to remain faithful to me.
I, the Sovereign Lord Almighty, have spoken.”
Israel Refuses to Worship the Lord
20 The Sovereign Lord says,
“Israel, long ago you rejected my authority;
you refused to obey me and worship me.
On every high hill
and under every green tree
you worshiped fertility gods.
21 I planted you like a choice vine
from the very best seed.
But look what you have become!
You are like a rotten, worthless vine.
22 Even if you washed with the strongest soap,
I would still see the stain of your guilt.
23 How can you say you have not defiled yourself,
that you have never worshiped Baal?
Look how you sinned in the valley;
see what you have done.
You are like a wild camel in heat,
running around loose,
24 rushing into the desert.
When she is in heat, who can control her?
No male that wants her has to trouble himself;
she is always available in mating season.
25 Israel, don't wear your feet out,
or let your throat become dry
from chasing after other gods.
But you say, ‘No! I can't turn back.
I have loved foreign gods
and will go after them.’”
Israel Deserves to Be Punished
26 The Lord says, “Just as a thief is disgraced when caught, so all you people of Israel will be disgraced—your kings and officials, your priests and prophets. 27 You will all be disgraced—you that say that a tree is your father and that a rock is your mother. This will happen because you turned away from me instead of turning to me. But when you are in trouble, you ask me to come and save you.
28 “Where are the gods that you made for yourselves? When you are in trouble, let them save you—if they can! Judah, you have as many gods as you have cities. 29 What is your complaint? Why have you rebelled against me? 30 I punished you, but it did no good; you would not let me correct you. Like a raging lion, you have murdered your prophets. 31 People of Israel, listen to what I am saying. Have I been like a desert to you, like a dark and dangerous land? Why, then, do you say that you will do as you please, that you will never come back to me? 32 Does a young woman forget her jewelry, or a bride her wedding dress? But my people have forgotten me for more days than can be counted. 33 You certainly know how to chase after lovers. Even the worst of women can learn from you. 34 Your clothes are stained with the blood of the poor and innocent, not with the blood of burglars.
“But in spite of all this, 35 you say, ‘I am innocent; surely the Lord is no longer angry with me.’ But I, the Lord, will punish you because you deny that you have sinned. 36 You have cheapened yourself by turning to the gods of other nations. You will be disappointed by Egypt, just as you were by Assyria. 37 You will turn away from Egypt, hanging your head in shame. I, the Lord, have rejected those you trust; you will not gain anything from them.”
1 Tad nāca atkal pār mani tā Kunga vārds, kas man sacīja:
2 „Ej un kliedz Jeruzālemei ausīs: Tā saka tas Kungs: Es atceros tevi, kad tu vēl plauki jaunības košumā un degi līgavas mīlestībā un sekoji Man tuksnesī, posta zemē.
3 Jo Israēls toreiz bija veltīts tam Kungam, tas bija Viņa paraugienesums priekš ražas; visi, kas no viņa gribēja ko paņemt sev, noziedzās, ļaunums nāca pār tiem“, —saka tas Kungs.
4 „Klausaities tā Kunga vārdu, Jēkaba nams un visas Israēla nama ciltis!“
5 Tā saka tas Kungs: „Vai tad jūsu tēvi atrada kādu netaisnību Manī, ka tie atkrita no Manis, sekoja beznozīmīgiem elkiem un nodevās kalpošanai šiem niecīguma izpaudumiem?
6 Tie neprasīja: Kur ir tas Kungs, kas mūs izveda no Ēģiptes zemes, kas mūs izvadīja tuksnesī cauri tukšai, klajai un aizu pārklātai zemei, cauri tumsai un sausumam, cauri zemei, kur nestaigā neviens ceļinieks un kur neviens arī nedzīvo?
7 Kad Es jūs ievedu auglīgajā zemē, lai jūs baudītu tās augļus un labumus, tad jūs ienācāt un padarījāt nešķīstu manu zemi, sagandējāt to un pārvērtāt manu īpašumu par riebuma pilnu vietu!
8 Priesteri neprasīja: Kur ir tas Kungs? —Bauslības sargi Mani nepazina, tautas vadītāji atkrita no Manis, pravieši sludināja Baāla vārdā un sekoja elkiem, kas taču nevar palīdzēt.
9 Tādēļ Es vēl iešu ar jums tiesā un ar jūsu bērnu bērniem“, —saka tas Kungs.
10 „Brauciet uz kitejiešu krastiem un pārliecinieties; sūtiet uz Kedaru, izziniet sīki un pārbaudiet, vai tas jebkad ir kui noticis,
11 Ka kāda tauta būtu mainījusi savus dievus—un tie nav pat dievi! Bet mana tauta ir pārmainījusi savu vareno Dievu pret bezspēcīgiem elkiem!
12 Šausminieties par to, debesis, un drebiet un sastingstiet izbrīnā!“ —saka tas Kungs.
13 „Jo mana tauta ir atļāvusies divkārtēju grēku: tie atstājuši Mani, dzīvā ūdens avotu, un izrakuši sev akas, caurumainas akas, kas nepatur sevī ūdeni!
14 Vai tad Israēls ir vergs vai īpašnieka mājā dzimis dzimtcilvēks? Kādēļ tad viņš ir pamests izlaupīšanai?
15 Lauvas rūc pret viņu, tie paceļ savu balsi un posta viņa zemi, viņa pilsētas ir nodedzinātas; tur neviens vairs nedzīvo.
16 Arī Nofas un Tapanches ēģiptiešu ļaudis noganījuši tavu pakausi.
17 Vai tu nedari to pats sev, jo tu atstāj to Kungu, savu Dievu, un pie tam katru reizi tai laikā, kad Viņš gribēja tevi vadīt pa pareizo ceļu?
18 Un tagad, kādēļ tev jāskrien uz Ēģipti dzert Šichoras (Nīlas) ūdeni; kādēļ tev jāskrien uz Asiriju, lai dzertu Eifratas upes ūdeni?
19 Tavs paša ļaunums tev kļuvis par nelaimi, un tava neuzticīgā rīcība ieved tevi sodā. Tādēļ tev jāatzīst un jāsaprot, cik ļauni un bēdīgi ir tas, ka tu esi atstājis to Kungu, savu Dievu, un ka tev nav vairs pret Mani bijības!“ —tā saka Dievs tas Kungs Cebaots.
20 „Jo no seniem laikiem tu esi kratījis nost savu jūgu un rāvis kopā savas saites un sacījis: Es negribu tā pakļauts būt! Nē, un tomēr uz visiem augstajiem pakalniem un zem visiem zaļajiem kokiem tu noliecies elku kalpībā kā netikle.
21 Un tomēr Es tevi dēstīju kā labu auglīgu zaru, īstu vīna koku. Ak kā tu esi pārvērties par svešu meža vīna koka atvasi!
22 Jebšu tu mazgātos ar sārmu un lietotu ziepju vai cik daudz, tavs nozie-gums tomēr kā netīruma traips paliks manā priekšā!“ —saka Dievs tas Kungs.
23 „Kā tu vari sacīt: Es neesmu aptraipījusies, neesmu kalpojusi Baāliem. —Palūko tur ielejā, ko tu tur esi darījusi, tu kustīgā kamieļu māte, kas šurpu turpu skraida.
24 Un meža ēzeļu māte, kas apradusi ar tuksnesi, tvīkst kārībā. Kas var mazināt viņas dzimuma iekāres degsmi? Kas viņu meklē, tam nav tālu jāmeklē; viņas meklēšanās laikā tas viņu atradīs bez pūlēm.
25 Piesargi savas kājas, ka tu nepaliec bez kurpēm, un savu rīkli, ka tai nav jāmokās slāpēs! Bet tu saki: Velti! Man patīk sveši mīļākie, un es tiem sekošu!
26 Kā zaglis, kad tas pienākts zādzībā, stāv nokaunējies, tā jākaunas Israēla namam, viņa ķēniņiem un dižkungiem, viņa priesteriem un praviešiem,
27 Tiem, kas saka malkas gabalam: Tu esi mans tēvs! —un akmenim: Man tev jāpateicas par manu dzīvību! Un Man tie pagriezuši muguru un ne vaigu. Bet kad tiem uznāk nelaime, tad tie sauc: Celies un palīdzi mums!
28 Kur tad ir tavi dievi, ko tu sev pats darināji? Lai tie ceļas, ja tie var tev palīdzēt vajadzības brīdī! Jo cik tev pilsētu, Jūda, tik tev arī dievu.
29 Kādēļ jūs sūdzaties par Mani? Jūs taču visi esat neuzticībā atkrituši no Manis!“ —saka tas Kungs.
30 „Velti Es esmu sitis jūsu bērnus, tie manu pamācību nav pieņēmuši un nav nekā no tās mācījušies. Un zobens aprija jūsu praviešus kā plēsīgs lauva.
31 Ak jūs izvirtuļu cilts! Ņemiet jele vērā tā Kunga vārdu! Vai tad Es esmu bijis Israēlam par tuksnesi vai par tumsas zemi? Kāpēc tad mana tauta saka: Mēs esam brīvi, mēs neatgriezīsimies vairs pie Tevis!
32 Vai tad jaunava aizmirst savu rotu un līgava savu grezno jostu? Bet mana tauta ir Mani aizmirsusi jau kopš visai senām dienām!
33 Cik veikli tu proti iekārtoties, lai nodibinātu mīlas sakarus! Tādēļ tu savos ceļos esi pieradusi pat pie nozieguma.
34 Pat pie tavu drēbju vīlēm pielīp nabagu nenoziedzīgu ļaužu asinis, kuļus tu nebūt neesi pārsteigusi tieši ielaušanās gadījumā.
35 Un tu tomēr saki: Es esmu nevainīga! Viņa dusmas lai novēršas no manis! —Redzi, Es tevi saukšu pie atbildības tieši šo tavu vārdu dēļ, ka tu apgalvo: Es neesmu grēkojusi!
36 Kādēļ tu tā steidzies mainīt savas valsts vadīšanas ceļus? Ari ar Ēģipti tu tāpat paliksi kaunā, kā tu paliki kaunā ar Asuru.
37 Arī no turienes tu aiziesi, rokas pār galvu sasizdama, jo tas Kungs tos ir pametis, uz kuj-iem tu paļāvies, ar tiem tev nelaimēsies.“