Leaders in the Church
1 This is a true saying: If a man is eager to be a church leader, he desires an excellent work. 2 A church leader must be without fault; he must have only one wife, be sober, self-controlled, and orderly; he must welcome strangers in his home; he must be able to teach; 3 he must not be a drunkard or a violent man, but gentle and peaceful; he must not love money; 4 he must be able to manage his own family well and make his children obey him with all respect. 5 For if a man does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of the church of God? 6 He must be mature in the faith, so that he will not swell up with pride and be condemned, as the Devil was. 7 He should be a man who is respected by the people outside the church, so that he will not be disgraced and fall into the Devil's trap.
Helpers in the Church
8 Church helpers must also have a good character and be sincere; they must not drink too much wine or be greedy for money; 9 they should hold to the revealed truth of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 They should be tested first, and then, if they pass the test, they are to serve. 11 Their wives also must be of good character and must not gossip; they must be sober and honest in everything. 12 A church helper must have only one wife, and be able to manage his children and family well. 13 Those helpers who do their work well win for themselves a good standing and are able to speak boldly about their faith in Christ Jesus.
The Great Secret
14 As I write this letter to you, I hope to come and see you soon. 15 But if I delay, this letter will let you know how we should conduct ourselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth. 16 No one can deny how great is the secret of our religion:
He appeared in human form,
was shown to be right by the Spirit,
and was seen by angels.
He was preached among the nations,
was believed in throughout the world,
and was taken up to heaven.
1 Tas ir patiess vārds: ja kas tiecas pēc bīskapa amata, tas iekāro teicamu darbu.
2 Bīskapam pienākas būt nepeļamam, vienas sievas vīram, sātīgam, prātīgam, godīgam, viesmīlīgam, izveicīgam mācīšanā;
3 Ne dzērājam, ne kauslim, bet lēnīgam, ne ķildīgam, ne mantkārīgam;
4 Tādam, kas labi valda savu namu, kas bērnus tur paklausībā un pilnā godbijībā;
5 (Bet ja kas neprot valdīt savu paša namu, kā tas gādās par Dieva draudzi?)
6 Ne nule kristītam, lai viņš neuzpūstos un neiekristu velna tiesā.
7 Bet viņam vajaga ari būt labā slavā pie tiem, kas ir ārpusē, lai viņš neiekristu neslavā un velna valgā.
8 Diakoniem tāpat būs būt cienīgiem, ne divkosīgiem, ne pārmērīgiem vīna baudītājiem, ne negodīgas peļņas kāriem,
9 Tādiem, kas ticības noslēpumu glabā skaidrā sirdsapziņā.
10 Arī šie papriekš jāpārbauda, pēc tam lai viņi izpilda amatu, ja nav viņiem ko pārmest.
11 Sievām tāpat būs būt cienīgām, ne mēlnesēm, bet sātīgām, uzticamām visās lietās.
12 Diakoniem jābūt vienas sievas vīriem, kas labi valda bērnus un savu pašu namu.
13 Jo tie, kas labi izpildījuši amatu, iegūst sev cienītu stāvokli un daudz priecīgas drosmes ticībā, kas sakņojas Kristū Jēzū.
14 To es rakstu tev, cerēdams drīz nākt pie tevis;
15 Bet ja es aizkavētos, —lai tu zinātu, kā pienākas izturēties Dieva namā, kas ir dzīvā Dieva draudze, patiesības balsts un pamats.
16 Un patiesi liels ir dievbijības noslēpums: Viņš ir skatīts miesā, taisnots garā, parādījies eņģeļiem, sludināts tautām, ticēts pasaulē, uzņemts godībā.