God Will Punish Egypt
1 This is a message about Egypt.
The Lord is coming to Egypt, riding swiftly on a cloud. The Egyptian idols tremble before him, and the people of Egypt lose their courage. 2 The Lord says, “I will stir up civil war in Egypt and turn brother against brother and neighbor against neighbor. Rival cities will fight each other, and rival kings will struggle for power. 3 I am going to frustrate the plans of the Egyptians and destroy their morale. They will ask their idols to help them, and they will go and consult mediums and ask the spirits of the dead for advice. 4 I will hand the Egyptians over to a tyrant, to a cruel king who will rule them. I, the Lord Almighty, have spoken.”
5 The water will be low in the Nile, and the river will gradually dry up. 6 The channels of the river will stink as they slowly go dry. Reeds and rushes will wither, 7 and all the crops planted along the banks of the Nile will dry up and be blown away. 8 Everyone who earns a living by fishing in the Nile will groan and cry; their hooks and their nets will be useless. 9 Those who make linen cloth will be in despair; 10 weavers and skilled workers will be broken and depressed.
11 The leaders of the city of Zoan are fools! Egypt's wisest people give stupid advice! How do they dare to tell the king that they are successors to the ancient scholars and kings? 12 King of Egypt, where are those clever advisers of yours? Perhaps they can tell you what plans the Lord Almighty has for Egypt. 13 The leaders of Zoan and Memphis are fools. They were supposed to lead the nation, but they have misled it. 14 The Lord has made them give confusing advice. As a result, Egypt does everything wrong and staggers like a drunk slipping on his own vomit. 15 No one in Egypt, rich or poor, important or unknown, can offer help.
Egypt Will Worship the Lord
16 A time is coming when the people of Egypt will be as timid as women. They will tremble in terror when they see that the Lord Almighty has stretched out his hand to punish them. 17 The people of Egypt will be terrified of Judah every time they are reminded of the fate that the Lord Almighty has prepared for them.
18 When that time comes, the Hebrew language will be spoken in five Egyptian cities. The people there will take their oaths in the name of the Lord Almighty. One of the cities will be called, “City of the Sun.”
19 When that time comes, there will be an altar to the Lord in the land of Egypt and a stone pillar dedicated to him at the Egyptian border. 20 They will be symbols of the Lord Almighty's presence in Egypt. When the people there are oppressed and call out to the Lord for help, he will send someone to rescue them. 21 The Lord will reveal himself to the Egyptian people, and then they will acknowledge and worship him, and bring him sacrifices and offerings. They will make solemn promises to him and do what they promise. 22 The Lord will punish the Egyptians, but then he will heal them. They will turn to him, and he will hear their prayers and heal them.
23 When that time comes, there will be a highway between Egypt and Assyria. The people of these two countries will travel back and forth between them, and the two nations will worship together. 24 When that time comes, Israel will rank with Egypt and Assyria, and these three nations will be a blessing to all the world. 25 The Lord Almighty will bless them and say, “I will bless you, Egypt, my people; you, Assyria, whom I created; and you, Israel, my chosen people.”
1 Atzinums par Ēģipti: Redzi, tas Kungs brauc uz skrejoša mākoņa un nonāk Ēģiptē! Ēģiptes elki dreb Viņa priekšā, un ēģiptiešu sirdis saplok un izsamist viņu krūtīs.
2 „Es sacelšu ēģiptiešus, ka tie karos cits pret citu, brālis pret brāli, draugs pret draugu, pilsēta pret pilsētu, valsts pret valsti.
3 Ēģiptiešiem sašļuks dūša, un zudīs drosme viņu krūtīs, Es aptumšošu viņu garu; tie meklēs padomu pie elkiem un burvjiem, pie vārdotājiem un gaišreģiem.
4 Es nodošu Ēģipti bargu kungu rokās, nežēlīgs ķēniņš valdīs pār viņiem,“ —tā saka Dievs tas Kungs Cebaots.
5 Ūdens izsīks Nīlas upē, tā izžūs līdz pamatiem.
6 Upju attekas izplatīs nelabu smaku, Nīlas pietekas kļūs seklas un sausas, niedres un meldri savītīs.
7 Zāle upes līčos un krastos izzudis, un visi sējumi pie upes novītīs un iznīks.
8 Tad zvejnieki žēlosies, un skums makšķernieki un visi, kas izmet tīklus upē.
9 Izmisums pārņems tos, kas vērpj linu dzijas un kas auž baltas drēbes.
10 Tā būs sagrauti visi zemes un tautas balsti, un apbēdināti visi algādži.
11 Tīrie neprašas ir kļuvuši Coānas pārvaldnieki, un muļķīgi padomnieki ir faraona gudrie padoma devēji. Kā jūs varat sacīt faraonam: „Es esmu gudru ļaužu pēcnācējs, es esmu agrāko ķēniņu dēls?“
12 Kur tad nu ir tavi gudrie? Lai tie tev rāda un atklāj, ko tas Kungs Cebaots nolēmis par Ēģipti!
13 Bet Coānas vadītāji ir palikuši par muļķiem, Memfisas dižciltīgie ir pievīlušies, un Ēģipti maldina tās novadu priekšnieki.
14 Tas Kungs viņiem iedvesis krāpības un apjukuma garu, ka tie maldina Ēģipti visos tās pasākumos; tie streipuļo kā piedzērušies, āžus kaudami.
15 Tad Ēģiptei neizdosies neviens darbs, ko varētu veikt galva vai aste, celms vai zars.
16 Tanī dienā ēģiptieši būs kā sievietes, tie trīcēs bailēs no tā Kunga Cebaota rokas, ko Viņš pacēlis pār tiem.
17 No Jūdas zemes Ēģiptei šķitīs draudam briesmas. To pieminot, tos pārņems bailes, ievērojot to, ko tas Kungs Cebaots nolēmis par viņiem.
18 Tanī dienā piecas Ēģiptes pilsētas runās Kānaāna valodu un piesauks to Kungu Cebaotu; un viena no tām būs Ir-Heresa
19 Tanī dienā stāvēs tam Kungam altāris pašā Ēģiptes zemes vidū un piemiņas stabs pie zemes robežām.
20 Abi tie būs tam Kungam Cebaotam par zīmi un liecību Ēģiptes zemē. Kad viņi brēks uz to Kungu savu apspiedēju dēļ, tad Viņš sūtīs viņiem palīgu, kas tos aizstāvēs un izglābs.
21 Tas Kungs atklās ēģiptiešiem savu vaigu, un Ēģipte tanī dienā atzīs to Kungu un kalpos Viņam ar kaujamiem un ēdamiem upuriem, —viņi raidīs pie tā Kunga solījumus un tos ari pildīs.
22 Kad tas Kungs ēģiptiešus būs sitis un atkal dziedinājis, tie atgriezīsies pie tā Kunga, un Viņš tiem būs žēlīgs un tos glābs.
23 Tanī dienā vedīs cilvēku izveidots ceļš no Ēģiptes uz Asiriju, un asirieši staigās uz Ēģipti un ēģiptieši uz Asiriju, un ēģiptieši kopā ar asiriešiem kalpos tam Kungam.
24 Tanī dienā Israēls būs kā trešais kopā ar Ēģipti un Asiriju visai zemei par svētību.
25 Tas Kungs Cebaots tos svētīs, sacīdams: „Svētīta lai ir Ēģipte un Asirija—mana tauta, manu roku darbs, un Israēls, mans mantojums!“