1 Paul looked straight at the Council and said, “My fellow Israelites! My conscience is perfectly clear about the way in which I have lived before God to this very day.” 2 The High Priest Ananias ordered those who were standing close to Paul to strike him on the mouth. 3 Paul said to him, “God will certainly strike you—you whitewashed wall! You sit there to judge me according to the Law, yet you break the Law by ordering them to strike me!”
4 The men close to Paul said to him, “You are insulting God's High Priest!”
5 Paul answered, “My fellow Israelites, I did not know that he was the High Priest. The scripture says, ‘You must not speak evil of the ruler of your people.’”
6 When Paul saw that some of the group were Sadducees and the others were Pharisees, he called out in the Council, “Fellow Israelites! I am a Pharisee, the son of Pharisees. I am on trial here because of the hope I have that the dead will rise to life!”
7 As soon as he said this, the Pharisees and Sadducees started to quarrel, and the group was divided. ( 8 For the Sadducees say that people will not rise from death and that there are no angels or spirits; but the Pharisees believe in all three.) 9 The shouting became louder, and some of the teachers of the Law who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and protested strongly: “We cannot find a thing wrong with this man! Perhaps a spirit or an angel really did speak to him!”
10 The argument became so violent that the commander was afraid that Paul would be torn to pieces. So he ordered his soldiers to go down into the group, get Paul away from them, and take him into the fort.
11 That night the Lord stood by Paul and said, “Don't be afraid! You have given your witness for me here in Jerusalem, and you must also do the same in Rome.”
The Plot against Paul's Life
12 The next morning some Jews met together and made a plan. They took a vow that they would not eat or drink anything until they had killed Paul. 13 There were more than forty who planned this together. 14 Then they went to the chief priests and elders and said, “We have taken a solemn vow together not to eat a thing until we have killed Paul. 15 Now then, you and the Council send word to the Roman commander to bring Paul down to you, pretending that you want to get more accurate information about him. But we will be ready to kill him before he ever gets here.”
16 But the son of Paul's sister heard about the plot; so he went to the fort and told Paul. 17 Then Paul called one of the officers and said to him, “Take this young man to the commander; he has something to tell him.” 18 The officer took him, led him to the commander, and said, “The prisoner Paul called me and asked me to bring this young man to you, because he has something to say to you.”
19 The commander took him by the hand, led him off by himself, and asked him, “What do you have to tell me?”
20 He said, “The Jewish authorities have agreed to ask you tomorrow to take Paul down to the Council, pretending that the Council wants to get more accurate information about him. 21 But don't listen to them, because there are more than forty men who will be hiding and waiting for him. They have taken a vow not to eat or drink until they have killed him. They are now ready to do it and are waiting for your decision.”
22 The commander said, “Don't tell anyone that you have reported this to me.” And he sent the young man away.
Paul Is Sent to Governor Felix
23 Then the commander called two of his officers and said, “Get two hundred soldiers ready to go to Caesarea, together with seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen, and be ready to leave by nine o'clock tonight. 24 Provide some horses for Paul to ride and get him safely through to Governor Felix.” 25 Then the commander wrote a letter that went like this:
26 “Claudius Lysias to His Excellency, Governor Felix: Greetings. 27 The Jews seized this man and were about to kill him. I learned that he is a Roman citizen, so I went with my soldiers and rescued him. 28 I wanted to know what they were accusing him of, so I took him down to their Council. 29 I found out that he had not done a thing for which he deserved to die or be put in prison; the accusation against him had to do with questions about their own law. 30 And when I was informed that there was a plot against him, at once I decided to send him to you. I have told his accusers to make their charges against him before you.”
31 The soldiers carried out their orders. They got Paul and took him that night as far as Antipatris. 32 The next day the foot soldiers returned to the fort and left the horsemen to go on with him. 33 They took him to Caesarea, delivered the letter to the governor, and turned Paul over to him. 34 The governor read the letter and asked Paul what province he was from. When he found out that he was from Cilicia, 35 he said, “I will hear you when your accusers arrive.” Then he gave orders for Paul to be kept under guard in the governor's headquarters.
1 Uzlūkodams sinedriju, Pāvils sacīja: „Brāļi, es esmu dzīvojis pēc vislabākās sirdsapziņas Dieva priekšā līdz šai dienai.“
2 Te augstais priesteris Ananija pavēlēja tiem, kas ap viņu stāvēja, sist viņam pa muti.
3 Tad Pāvils uz viņu sacīja: „Dievs tevi sitis, tu nobalsinātā siena; tu še sēdi mani tiesāt pēc likuma un pavēli mani sist pret likumu?“
4 Bet tie, kas ap viņu stāvēja, sacīja: „Tu uzdrošinies lamāt Dieva priesteri?“
5 Pāvils atbildēja: „Es nezināju, brāļi, ka tas ir augstais priesteris; jo ir rakstīts: Sargies ļaunu runāt par savas tautas valdnieku.“
6 Zinādams, ka sinedrijā daļa bija saduķēji un otra daļa farizēju, viņš sauca: „Brāļi, es esmu farizējs, farizēja dēls; mani tiesā mūžīgās dzīvības cerības un mirušo augšāmcelšanās dēļ.“
7 Kad viņš to bija runājis, izcēlās strīds farizēju un saduķēju starpā, un sapulce sašķēlās.
8 Jo saduķēji saka, ka nav ne augšām-celšanās, ne eņģeļu, ne gara, bet farizēji visu to atzīst.
9 Tad izcēlās liela kliegšana, un daži tarizēju novirziena rakstu mācītāji pie-cēlās un iejaucās strīdā, sacīdami: „Mēs nekā ļauna šinī cilvēkā neredzam; varbūt gars vai eņģelis ar viņu runājis?“
10 Kad nemiers auga, komandieris, baidīdamies, ka viņi Pāvilu nesaplosa, pavēlēja ierasties karaspēka nodaļai, izraut to no viņu vidus un aizvest karaspēka mītnē.
11 Nākošajā naktī tas Kungs viņam piestājās un sacīja: „Esi drošs! Kā tu par mani esi liecinājis Jeruzālemē, tā tev jāliecina arī Romā.“
12 Kad diena bija uzaususi, jūdi sapulcējās un sazvērējās, sacīdami, ka viņi neēdis un nedzers, tiekāms nebūs nonāvējuši Pāvilu.
13 To bija vairāk kā četrdesmit, kas tā bija sazvērējušies.
14 Tie nāca pie priesteriem un vecajiem un sacīja: „Mēs ar zvērestu esam saistījušies neko nebaudīt, tiekāms Pāvilu nebūsim nonāvējuši.
15 Tagad jūs kopā ar sinedriju paziņojiet komandierim, lai viņu atved pie jums, it kā jūs viņa lietu gribētu rūpīgāk izklaušināt; bet mēs esam gatavi viņu nonāvēt, pirms viņš atnāk.“
16 Bet Pāvila māsas dēls, dzirdēdams par šo viltus nodomu, atnāca, iegāja karaspēka mītnē un paziņoja to Pāvilam.
17 Pāvils, pieaicinājis kādu virsnieku, sacīja: „Aizved šo jaunekli pie komandiera, jo viņam ir kaut kas tam ziņojams.“
18 Viņš to ņēma līdz un, aizvedis pie komandiera, sacīja: „Apcietinātais Pāvils mani sauca un lūdza atvest šo jaunekli pie tevis, jo viņam esot kaut kas tev sakāms.“
19 Komandieris, paņēmis viņu pie rokas un aizgājis savrup, vaicāja: „Kas tev man ziņojams?“
20 Jauneklis sacīja: „Jūdi norunājuši tevi lūgt, lai tu rītā Pāvilu vestu sinedrijā priekšā, it kā gribēdams kaut ko tuvāk par viņu izzināt.
21 Bet tu neuzticies viņiem, jo vairāk kā četrdesmit vīru no viņu vidus viņam uzglūn, un tie sazvērējušies neēst un nedzert, tiekāms viņu nebūšot nonāvējuši, un tagad tie ir sagatavojušies un gaida tavu solījumu.“
22 Tad komandieris jaunekli atlaida, pavēlēdams: „Nesaki nevienam, ka tu man to esi paziņojis.“
23 Viņš ataicināja divi virsmekus un sacīja: „Sagatavojiet trešajai nakts stundai divi simti kareivju, kas lai ietu uz Cezareju, un septiņdesmit jātnieku un divi simti šķēpnešu.
24 Turiet kārtībā jājamos lopus, lai sēdinātu virsū Pāvilu un novestu to drošībā pie zemes pārvaldnieka Fēlika.“
25 Un viņš rakstīja šāda satura vēstuli:
26 „Klaudijs Lizijs sveicina ļoti cienījamo zemes pārvaldnieku Fēliku.
27 Šo vīru, ko jūdi bija saņēmuši un gribēja nonāvēt, es, piesteidzies palīgā ar kaj-aspēka nodaļu, atbrīvoju, uzzinājis, ka viņš ir romietis;
28 Un gribēdams zināt, kādas vainas dēļ tie viņu apsūdz, es viņu vedu sinedrija priekšā.
29 Es nopratu, ka to apsūdz viņu bauslības lietās, bet nebija sūdzības, ar ko viņš būtu pelnījis nāvi vai važas.
30 Kad man kļuva zināms viņu nodoms pret šo vīru, es tūdaļ sūtīju viņu pie tevis, pavēlēdams arī sūdzētājiem izteikt tavā priekšā, kas tiem ir pret viņu.“
31 Tad kareivji, kā tiem bija pavēlēts, ņēma Pāvilu un naktī aizveda uz Antipatridu.
32 Nākošajā dienā tie lika jātniekiem ar viņu iet tālāk, un paši atgriezās kajraspēka mītnē.
33 Nonākuši Cezarejā, tie nodeva vēstuli zemes pārvaldniekam un veda arī Pāvilu viņa priekšā.
34 Izlasījis vēstuli, tas vaicāja, no kura apgabala viņš esot, un dzirdēdams, ka no Kilikijas,
35 Sacīja: „Es tevi uzklausīšu pēc tam, kad arī tavi apsūdzētāji būs atnākuši,“ un pavēlēja viņu paturēt apcietinājumā Hēroda pili.