The True Glory of Jesus
(Mark 9.2-13Luke 9.28-36)1 Six days later Jesus took Peter and the brothers James and John with him. They went up on a very high mountain where they could be alone. 2 There in front of the disciples, Jesus was completely changed. His face was shining like the sun, and his clothes became white as light.
3 All at once Moses and Elijah were there talking with Jesus. 4 So Peter said to him, “Lord, it is good for us to be here! Let us make three shelters, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
5 While Peter was still speaking, the shadow of a bright cloud passed over them. From the cloud a voice said, “This is my own dear Son, and I am pleased with him. Listen to what he says!” 6 When the disciples heard the voice, they were so afraid they fell flat on the ground. 7 But Jesus came over and touched them. He said, “Get up and don't be afraid!” 8 When they opened their eyes, they saw only Jesus.
9 On their way down from the mountain, Jesus warned his disciples not to tell anyone what they had seen until after the Son of Man had been raised from death.
10 The disciples asked Jesus, “Don't the teachers of the Law of Moses say Elijah must come before the Messiah does?”
11 Jesus told them, “Elijah certainly will come and get everything ready. 12 In fact, he has already come. But the people did not recognize him and treated him just as they wanted to. They will soon make the Son of Man suffer in the same way.” 13 Then the disciples understood Jesus was talking to them about John the Baptist.
Jesus Heals a Boy
(Mark 9.14-29Luke 9.37-43a)14 Jesus and his disciples returned to the crowd. A man knelt in front of him 15 and said, “Lord, have pity on my son! He has a bad case of epilepsy and often falls into a fire or into water. 16 I brought him to your disciples, but none of them could heal him.”
17 Jesus said, “You people are too stubborn to have any faith! How much longer must I be with you? Why do I have to put up with you? Bring the boy here.” 18 Then Jesus spoke sternly to the demon. It went out of the boy, and right then he was healed.
19 Later the disciples went to Jesus in private and asked him, “Why couldn't we force out the demon?”
20-21 Jesus replied:
It is because you don't have enough faith! But I can promise you this. If you had faith no larger than a mustard seed, you could tell this mountain to move from here to there. And it would. Everything would be possible for you.
Jesus Again Speaks about His Death
(Mark 9.30-32Luke 9.43b-45)22 While Jesus and his disciples were going from place to place in Galilee, he told them, “The Son of Man will be handed over to people 23 who will kill him. But three days later he will rise to life.” All of this made the disciples very sad.
Paying the Temple Tax
24 When Jesus and the others arrived in Capernaum, the collectors for the temple tax came to Peter and asked, “Does your teacher pay the temple tax?”
25 “Yes, he does,” Peter answered.
After they had returned home, Jesus went up to Peter and asked him, “Simon, what do you think? Do the kings of this earth collect taxes and fees from their own people or from foreigners?”
26 Peter answered, “From foreigners.”
Jesus replied, “Then their own people don't have to pay. 27 But we don't want to cause trouble. So go cast a line into the lake and pull out the first fish you hook. Open its mouth, and you will find a coin. Use it to pay your taxes and mine.”
K. Jezus pōrsameišona.
1 Sešas dīnas vālōk Jezus, pajēmis ar sevi Pīteri, Jākubu un jō brōli Jōni, nūvede jūs nūmaļ uz augsta kolna. 2 Te Jys jūs prīškā pōrsaveidōja. Jō vaigs spūžōja, kai saule, un Jō drēbes topa boltas, kai gaisma. 3 Un raug, jim pasarōdeja Moizešs un Eliass ar Jū runōjūt. 4 Tad Pīters saceja Jezum: Kungs, mums labi te byut. Jo Tu gribi, pataiseišu te trejs nūmetnes: vīnu Tev, vīnu Moizešam un vīnu Eliasam. 5 Koleidz jys tai runōja, raug, jūs apklōja speidūšs mōkūņs, un, raug, nu mōkūņa atskanēja bolss saceidams: Šytys ir muns nūmīļōtais Dāls, kurs Maņ labpateik; klausit Jō! 6 Tū izdzērduši, mōcekli pakryta uz sova vaiga, un ļūti nūsabeida. 7 Pīgōjis klōt, Jezus pīsadyure pi jim un teice: Celitēs augšā un nasabeistit.
8 Tī, pacāluši sovas acis, nikō cyta vairs naredzēja, kai vīn Jezus vīnu pati. 9 Nūejūt nu kolna, Jezus jim saceja: Nastōstit nikam šōs parōdeibas, koleidz Cylvāka Dāls pīsaceļs nu myrūnim.
Eliasa atnōkšona.
10 Tad mōcekli vaicōja nu Jō saceidami: Kōpēc Rokstim mōceitī soka, ka pyrmōk ir jōatīt Eliasam? 11 Jys atbiļdēja: Eliass gon atīs pyrmōk un vysu nūkōrtōs. 12 Bet Es jums soku, ka Eliass jau ir atgōjis, tik tī jō napazyna un dareja ar jū, kū gribēja. Taipat ari Cylvāka Dālam byus nu jim jōcīš. 13 Tad mōcekli nūprota, ka jim teik runōts par Jōni Kristeitōju.
Mēnešsērdzeigais jaunēklis.
14 Kad jī atgōja pi ļaudim, pīgōja pi Jō vins cylvāks un atsamete ceļūs pret Jū 15 saceidams: Kungs, apsažāloj par munu dālu! Jys ir mēnešsērdzeigs, un jam ļūti jōcīš. Jys vīnaiž kreit vai gunī vai yudinī. 16 Es jū atvežu pi tovim mōceklim, bet jī navarēja jō padareit vasala.
17 Jezus atbiļdēja: Ak, bezticeigō un zvyrtušō ciļts! Cik iļgi vēļ Maņ pi jums jōbyun? Cik iļgi vēļ jyusus jōcīš? Nesit jū šur! 18 Jezus pavēlēja, un ļaunais gors izgōja nu jō ōrā, un jaunēklis tamā pat stuņdē palyka vasals.
19 Tad mōcekli, pīgōjuši pi Jezus, klusom vaicōja: Kōpēc mes navarējom izdzeit? 20 Jys atbiļdēja: Jyusu mozticeibas dēļ! Patīši, Es jums soku, jo jums byutu kaut tik lela ticeiba, kai sinepu gryuds, tad jyus pasaceitu šytam kolnam: Pōrsaceļ nu šenes tur, un jys pōrsacaltu. Jums nikas nabyutu navarams. 21 Šytei suga ir izdzanama tikai ar gavēni un lyugšonu.
Jezus īprīkš pasludynoj sovas cīsšonas.
22 Un kad jī atsaroda Galilejā, Jezus jim saceja: Cylvāka Dālu nūdūs ļaužu rūkōs; 23 jī Tū nūnōvēs, bet trešā dīnā Jys pīsaceļs. Tad jī ļūti nūskuma.
Nūdavu moksōšona.
24 Atejūt jim uz Kafarnaumu, pi Pītera pīgōja nūdūkļu vōcējs un saceja: Vai jyusu Mōceitōjs didrachmu samoksōs? 25 Jys atbiļdēja: Nui!
Kad jys īgōja mōjā, Jezus pōrsteidze jū saceidams: Seimaņ, kai tev līkās, nu kō pīdzan zemes kēneni muitu un nūdūkļus? Nu sovim dālim, vai nu svešinīkim? 26 Jam atbyldūt: Nu svešinīkim! Jezus saceja: Tai tad dāli ir breivi. 27 Bet lai jūs naīļaunōt, ej uz jyuru, īmet makšeri un tū zivi, kura pyrmō īsakers izveļc; paplētis jai muti, atrassi tur stateri. Pajēmis tū, samoksoj par Mani un sevi.