Pray for Us
1 Finally, our friends, please pray for us. This will help the message about the Lord to spread quickly, and others will respect it, just as you do. 2 Pray that we may be kept safe from worthless and evil people. After all, not everyone has faith. 3 But the Lord can be trusted to make you strong and protect you from harm. 4 He has made us sure that you are obeying what we taught you and that you will keep on obeying. 5 I pray that the Lord will guide you to be as loving as God and as patient as Christ.
Warnings against Laziness
6 My dear friends, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I beg you not to have anything to do with any of your people who loaf around and refuse to obey the instructions we gave you. 7 You surely know that you should follow our example. We didn't waste our time loafing, 8 and we didn't accept food from anyone without paying for it. We didn't want to be a burden to any of you, so night and day we worked as hard as we could.
9 We had the right not to work, but we wanted to set an example for you. 10 We also gave you this rule: If you don't work, you don't eat. 11 Now we learn that some of you just loaf around and won't do any work, except the work of a busybody. 12 So, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, we ask and beg these people to settle down and start working for a living. 13 Dear friends, you must never become tired of doing right.
14 Be on your guard against any followers who refuse to obey what we have written in this letter. Put them to shame by not having anything to do with them. 15 Don't consider them your enemies. Instead, speak kindly to them as you would to any other follower.
Final Prayer
16 I pray that the Lord, who gives peace, will always bless you with peace. May the Lord be with all of you.
17 I always sign my letters as I am now doing: PAUL.
18 I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to all of you.
Draudzes pīnōkumi.
1 Beidzūt, lyudzitēs, brōli, par mums, lai Kunga vōrds izaplateitu un byutu izslavāts, kai tys nūtyka pi jums, 2 un lai mes nu tim nakrītnajim un ļaunajim cylvākim atsabreivōtu, jo ticeibai na visi ir pīdabojami. 3 Bet Kungs ir uzticeigs; Jys jyusus styprynōs un nu ļauna pasorgōs. 4 Mes asom par jums ikš Kunga pōrlīcynōti, ka jyus tagad un uz prīšku myusu aizrōdejumus īvārōsit. 5 Lai Dīvs voda jyusu sirdis uz Dīva mīlesteibu un uz Kristus pacīteibu.
6 Mes jums, brōli, pavēlejam myusu Kunga Jezus Kristus vōrdā, ka jyus nu ikvīna brōļa atsarautu nūst, kurs vad nakōrteigu dzeivi un napīsatur pi tōs mōceibas, kuru jyus nu mums sajēmet. 7 Jyus zynot, kai jums ir mums jōsekoj, un mes storp jums nakōrteigi nadzeivōjom, 8 un nivīna maizes par veļti naēdem. Nē, mes dīn un nakt stipri un gryuši strōdōjom, lai nivīna nu jums naapgryutynōtu. 9 Un na tōdēļ, ka mums nabyutu uz tū tīseibu, bet gon lai jums dūt pīmāru, kam jums jōsekoj. 10 Un mes pi jums byudami pavēlējom: Kas nagrib strōdōt, tys lai naād. 11 Bet tagad mes dzēržam, ka daži nu jums dzeivoj nakōrteigi: nikō nastrōdōdami, nūsadūd nadorbim. 12 Šytim ļaudim mes pīsokam nūteikti ikš Kunga Jezus Kristus, lei jī mīreigi strōdōtu un pašnūpeļneitū maizi āstu. 13 Bet jyus, brōli, lobu dareidami napagurstit. 14 Un jo kaids myusu vēstules vōrdim napaklauseis, tad jam pasludynojit, ka jums ar jū nav nikaidu sakaru, lai jys aizakaunātu. 15 Tūmār nauzskotit jō par īnaidnīku, bet gon pōrsorgojit jū kai brōli.
16 Un pats mīra Kungs lai dōvoj jums mīru vysod un vysur. Kungs lai ir ar jums visim!
17 Sveicīņs ar munu poša, Pōvula rūku, kai zeime kotrā vēstulē. Es rokstu tai: 18 Myusu Kunga Jezus Kristus žēlesteiba lai ir ar jums visim! (Amen).