Peter and Cornelius
1 In Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, who was the captain of a group of soldiers called “The Italian Unit.” 2 Cornelius was a very religious man. He worshiped God, and so did everyone else who lived in his house. He had given a lot of money to the poor and was always praying to God.
3 One afternoon at about three o'clock, Cornelius had a vision. He saw an angel from God coming to him and calling him by name. 4 Cornelius was surprised and stared at the angel. Then he asked, “What is this all about?”
The angel answered, “God has heard your prayers and knows about your gifts to the poor. 5 Now send some men to Joppa for a man named Simon Peter. 6 He is staying with Simon the leather maker, who lives in a house near the sea.” 7 After saying this, the angel left.
Cornelius called in two of his servants and one of his soldiers who worshiped God. 8 He explained everything to them and sent them off to Joppa.
9 The next day about noon these men were coming near Joppa. Peter went up on the roof of the house to pray 10 and became very hungry. While the food was being prepared, he fell sound asleep and had a vision. 11 He saw heaven open, and something came down like a huge sheet held up by its four corners. 12 In it were all kinds of animals, reptiles, and birds. 13 A voice said to him, “Peter, get up! Kill these and eat them.”
14 But Peter said, “Lord, I can't do that! I've never eaten anything that is unclean and not fit to eat.”
15 The voice spoke to him again, “When God says that something can be used for food, don't say it isn't fit to eat.”
16 This happened three times before the sheet was suddenly taken back to heaven.
17 Peter was still wondering what all this meant, when the men sent by Cornelius came and stood at the gate. They had found their way to Simon's house 18 and were asking if Simon Peter was staying there.
19 While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Holy Spirit said to him, “Three men are here looking for you. 20 Hurry down and go with them. Don't worry, I sent them.”
21 Peter went down and said to the men, “I am the one you are looking for. Why have you come?”
22 They answered, “Captain Cornelius sent us. He is a good man who worships God and is liked by the Jewish people. One of God's holy angels told Cornelius to send for you, so he could hear what you have to say.” 23 Peter invited them to spend the night.
The next morning, Peter and some of the Lord's followers in Joppa left with the men who had come from Cornelius. 24 The next day they arrived in Caesarea where Cornelius was waiting for them. He had also invited his relatives and close friends.
25 When Peter arrived, Cornelius greeted him. Then he knelt at Peter's feet and started worshiping him. 26 But Peter took hold of him and said, “Stand up! I am nothing more than a human.”
27 As Peter entered the house, he was still talking with Cornelius. Many people were there, 28 and Peter said to them, “You know that we Jews are not allowed to have anything to do with other people. But God has shown me that he doesn't think anyone is unclean or unfit. 29 I agreed to come here, but I want to know why you sent for me.”
30 Cornelius answered:
Four days ago at about three o'clock in the afternoon I was praying at home. Suddenly a man in bright clothes stood in front of me. 31 He said, “Cornelius, God has heard your prayers, and he knows about your gifts to the poor. 32 Now send to Joppa for Simon Peter. He is visiting in the home of Simon the leather maker, who lives near the sea.”
33 I sent for you at once, and you have been good enough to come. All of us are here in the presence of the Lord God, so that we can hear what he has to say.
34 Peter then said:
Now I am certain that God treats all people alike. 35 God is pleased with everyone who worships him and does right, no matter what nation they come from. 36 This is the same message that God gave to the people of Israel, when he sent Jesus Christ, the Lord of all, to offer peace to them.
37 You surely know what happened everywhere in Judea. It all began in Galilee after John had told everyone to be baptized. 38 God gave the Holy Spirit and power to Jesus from Nazareth. He was with Jesus, as he went around doing good and healing everyone who was under the power of the devil. 39 We all saw what Jesus did both in Israel and in the city of Jerusalem.
Jesus was put to death on a cross. 40 But three days later, God raised him to life and let him be seen. 41 Not everyone saw him. He was seen only by us, who ate and drank with him after he was raised from death. We were the ones God chose to tell others about him.
42 God told us to announce clearly to the people that Jesus is the one he has chosen to judge the living and the dead. 43 Every one of the prophets has said that all who have faith in Jesus will have their sins forgiven in his name.
44 While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit took control of everyone who was listening. 45 Some Jewish followers of the Lord had come with Peter, and they were surprised that the Holy Spirit had been given to Gentiles. 46 Now they were hearing Gentiles speaking unknown languages and praising God.
Peter said, 47 “These Gentiles have been given the Holy Spirit, just as we have! I am certain that no one would dare stop us from baptizing them.” 48 Peter ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and they asked him to stay on for a few days.
Kornelija atsagrīzšona.
1 Cezarejā dzeivōja vīns cylvāks, Kornelijs vōrdā; jys beja par, tai saucamōs, italīšu nūdaļas vērsinīku. 2 Jys kūpā ar vysu sovu mōju beja padīveigs un dīvbaileigs, bogōti daleja ļaudim dōvonas un uzcīteigi lyudze Dīvu.
3 Redzējumā ap deveitū stuņdi dīnā jys īraudzeja Dīva eņgeli pi sevis atejūt, un saucūt: Kornelij! 4 Pasaskatejis uz tō, jys, bailem pōrjimts, vaicōja: Kungs, kas ir? Tys atbiļdēja: Tovas lyugšonas un tovas dōvonas pi Dīva ir nūnōkušas pīmiņai. 5 Syuti tagad cylvākus uz Joppu un paaicynoj Seimani, kurs ir pōrsaukts Pīters. 6 Jys dzeivoj pi ōdmiņa Seimaņa, kuram mōja ir pi pošas jyuras. (Tys pasaceis, kas tev ir doroms). 7 Pēc eņgeļa, kurs ar jū runōja, aizīšonas, jys pasauce divejus sovus mōjinīkus un vīnu dīvbejeigu karaveiru, kurs vīnmār pi jō beja 8 un, izskaidrōjis jim vysu, nūsyuteja jūs uz Joppu.
9 Nōkūšajā dīnā ap sastū stuņdi, kad jī ceļojūt atsaroda natōli nu mīsta, Pīters uzkōpe uz jumta lyugtūs. 10 Jys topa olkons un gribēja ēst. Koleidz jam kaut kū sagatavōja, jys īkryta ekstazē. 11 Jys īraudzeja atvārtus dabasus un kaut kū, kai lelu goldautu, ar četrim styurim uz zemes nūlaistu. 12 Uz tō beja dažaidi četrkōjainī dzeivinīki un rōpuli, kai ari gaisa putni. 13 Un uz jū atskanēja bolss: Pīter, celīs, kauņ un ēd. 14 Bet Pīters atbiļdēja: Ak nē, Kungs. Es tadei vēļ nikod nikō nasvāta un nateira naasmu ēdis.
15 Tad bolss atsasauce ūtrreiz: Kū Dīvs padareja teiru, tō par nasvātu nasauc.
16 Un šytys nūtyka trejs reizes. Tad tys tyuleņ tyka pacalts uz debesim.
17 Koleidz Pīters sevī pōrsprīde, kū tys redzējums, kuru jys redzēja, varātu nūzeimōt, raug, tī cylvāki, kurus Kornelijs beja syutejis, atroduši Seimaņa mōju, stōvēja pi vōrtim. 18 Jī styprā bolsā jautōja, vai Seimaņs, sauktais par Pīteri, šeit atsarūn. 19 Bet Pīters arvīnu vēļ sevī pōrsprīde par redzējumu. Te Gors jam saceja: Raug, tevis meklej trejs veirīši. 20 Cēlīs, ej zemē un bez aizsprīdumim ej jim leidza, jo jūs atsyuteju Es.
21 Nūkōpis zemē, Pīters tim veirim saceja: Raug, es asmu tys, kō jyus meklejat. Kōdēļ jyus šur atgōjot? 22 Jī atbiļdēja: Vērsinīks Kornelijs, taisneigs un dīvbejeigs cylvāks, kuram vysā jūdu ciļtī ir lobs vōrds, nu vīna svāta eņgeļa ir sajēmis pavēli īaicynōt sovā sātā tevi, lai nu tevis sajimt aizrōdejumus. 23 Tad jys tūs īvede īškā un vīsmīleigi pījēme.
24 Nōkūšā reitā pīsacēlis jys aizgōja ar tim reizē. Daži brōli nu Joppas jū pavadeja. Nōkūšajā dīnā jī īgōja Cezarejā, kur Kornelijs, jūs gaideidams, beja saaicynōjis sovus radinīkus un draugus. 25 Īejūt īškā, Pīteri satyka Kornelijs un, krysdams pi jō kōjom, pagūdynōja. 26 Bet Pīters jū pīcēle saceidams: Celīs augšā, tadei ari es asmu tikai cylvāks. 27 Tad, ar jū sasarunojūt, īgōja īškā un atroda daudzejūs, kas beja sasalasejuši. 28 Tad jys tim saceja: Kai jyus poši zynot, jūdam navā atļauts ar svešinīku kūpā byut, vai ari jam tyvōtīs. Bet Dīvs maņ aizrōdeja, ka nivīna cylvāka nadreikst turēt par nateiru vai nasvātu. 29 Tōpēc ari es bez aizsprīdumim gōju leidza, kad jyus mani lykot aicynōt. Tagad es jautoju: Kōdēļ jyus mani lykot aicynōt?
30 Kornelijs atbiļdēja: Nu šō breiža četras dīnas tam atpakaļ, es ap deveitū stuņdi sovā sātā lyudžūs. Un raug, speidūši boltōs drēbēs gārbts cylvāks nūstōja maņ prīškā 31 un saceja: Kornelij, tova lyugšona ir izklauseita, un Dīvs tovas dōvonas pīmiņ. 32 Tagad syut uz Joppu un lic aicynōt Seimani, sauktū Pīteri. Jys tagad uzatur ōdmiņa Seimaņa mōjā, kura ir jyurmolā. 33 Un es tyuleņ syuteju pēc tevis, un tu atīdams labi padareji. Tagad mes visi stōvam gataveibā Dīva prīškā, lai izklauseitu tū, kū Dīvs tev ir pavēlējis.
34 Tad Pīters, atdarejis muti, saceja: Es izzeistu, patīseibā, ka Dīvs uz personeibas nasaskota. 35 Bet gon kotrā tautā tys, kas Jō beistās un taisneigi dora, Jam ir pateikams. 36 Dīvs sovu Vōrdu syuteja Izraeļa bārnim caur Jezu Kristu, kurs ir vysu Kungs, sludynōdams mīru. 37 Jyus zynot tōs lītas, kas pa vysu jūdu zemi, sōcūt nu Galilejas, nūtyka pēc kristeibas, kuru sludynōja Jōņs: kai Dīvs 38 Jezu nu Nazaretes apsvaideja ar Svātū Goru un breinumdorūšu spāku, kai Jys staigōja apkōrt lobu dareidams un dareja vasalus vysus valna apsāstūs, jo ar Jū beja Dīvs. 39 Mes asam līcinīki vysa tō, kū Jys jūdu zemē un Jeruzalemā ir padarejis. Lai gon Jū pīkola krystā un nūnōvēja, 40 Dīvs Jū trešā dīnā pīcēle augšam un ļōve pasarōdeit radzamam, 41 lai gon na vysai tautai, bet mums, nu Dīva īprīkšpazeimōtim līcinīkim, kas pēc Jō augšamceļšonōs nu myrūnim ar Jū kūpā ēdem un dzērem. 42 Un Jys mums pavēlēja sludynōt tautai un līcynōt, ka Jys ir nu Dīva pazeimōtais dzeivūs un myrušūs Tīsōtōjs. 43 Par tū līcynoj visi pravīši, ka ikvīns, kas Jam tic, caur Jō vōrdu sajims grāku atlaisšonu.
44 Koleidz Pīters vēļ šytū runōja, uz visim, kas jō mōceibas klausejōs, nūsalaide Svātais Gors. 45 Ticeigī nu apgraizeitajim, kas reizē ar Pīteri beja atgōjuši, breinōjōs, ka ari uz pogōnim Svātō Gora dōvonas teik izlītas. 46 Jī dzērdēja tūs svešōs volūdōs runojam un slavejam Dīvu. 47 Tad Pīters saceja: Vai tad var kristeibai atteikt yudini tim, kuri tagad, kai mes, sajēme Svātū Goru? 48 Un jys lyka tūs Jezus Kristus vōrdā nūkristeit. Tad jī lyudze, ka jys dažas dīnas pi jim palyktu.