Jesus Chooses His Twelve Apostles
(Mark 3.13-19Luke 6.12-16)
1 Jesus called together his twelve disciples. He gave them the power to force out evil spirits and to heal every kind of disease and sickness. 2 The first of the twelve apostles was Simon, better known as Peter. His brother Andrew was an apostle, and so were James and John, the two sons of Zebedee. 3 Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew the tax collector, James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus were also apostles. 4 The others were Simon, known as the Eager One, and Judas Iscariot, who later betrayed Jesus.
Instructions for the Twelve Apostles
(Mark 6.7-13Luke 9.1-6)
5 Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with these instructions:
Stay away from the Gentiles and don't go to any Samaritan town. 6 Go only to the people of Israel, because they are like a flock of lost sheep. 7 As you go, announce that the kingdom of heaven will soon be here. 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead to life, heal people who have leprosy, and force out demons. You received without paying, now give without being paid. 9 Don't take along any gold, silver, or copper coins. 10 And don't carry a traveling bag or an extra shirt or sandals or a walking stick.
Workers deserve their food. 11 So when you go to a town or a village, find someone able and willing to have you as their guest and stay with them until you leave. 12 When you go to a home, give it your blessing of peace. 13 If the home is deserving, let your blessing remain with them. But if the home doesn't accept you, take back your blessing of peace. 14 If someone won't welcome you or listen to your message, leave their home or town. And shake the dust from your feet at them. 15 I promise you the day of judgment will be easier for the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah than for that town.
Warning about Trouble
(Mark 13.9-13Luke 21.12-17)
16 I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves. So be as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves. 17 Watch out for people who will take you to court and have you beaten in their synagogues. 18 Because of me, you will be dragged before rulers and kings to tell them and the Gentiles about your faith. 19 But when someone arrests you, don't worry about what you will say or how you will say it. At that time you will be given the words to say. 20 But you will not really be the one speaking. The Spirit from your Father will tell you what to say.
21 Brothers and sisters will betray one another and have each other put to death. Parents will betray their own children, and children will turn against their parents and have them killed. 22 Everyone will hate you because of me. But if you remain faithful until the end, you will be saved. 23 When people mistreat you in one town, hurry to another one. I promise you before you have gone to all the towns of Israel, the Son of Man will come.
24 Students are not better than their teacher, and slaves are not better than their master. 25 It is enough for students to be like their teacher and for slaves to be like their master. If people call the head of the family Satan, what will they say about the rest of the family?
The One To Fear
(Luke 12.2-7)
26 Don't be afraid of anyone! Everything that is hidden will be found out, and every secret will be known. 27 Whatever I say to you in the dark, you must tell in the light. And you must announce from the housetops whatever I have whispered to you. 28 Don't be afraid of people. They can kill you, but they cannot harm your soul. Instead, you should fear God who can destroy both your body and your soul in hell. 29 Aren't two sparrows sold for only a penny? But your Father knows when any one of them falls to the ground. 30 Even the hairs on your head are counted. 31 So don't be afraid! You are worth much more than many sparrows.
Telling Others about Christ
(Luke 12.8Luke 9)
32 If you tell others you belong to me, I will tell my Father in heaven you are my followers. 33 But if you reject me, I will tell my Father in heaven you don't belong to me.
Not Peace, but Trouble
(Luke 12.51-53Luke 14.26Luke 27)
34 Don't think I came to bring peace to the earth! I came to bring trouble, not peace. 35 I came to turn sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, and daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law. 36 Your worst enemies will be in your own family.
37 If you love your father or mother or even your sons and daughters more than me, you are not fit to be my disciples. 38 And unless you are willing to take up your cross and follow me, you are not fit to be my disciples. 39 If you try to save your life, you will lose it. But if you give it up for me, you will surely find it.
(Mark 9.41)
40 Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me. And anyone who welcomes me also welcomes the one who sent me. 41 Anyone who welcomes a prophet, just because that person is a prophet, will be given the same reward as a prophet. Anyone who welcomes a good person, just because that person is good, will be given the same reward as a good person. 42 And anyone who gives one of my most humble followers a cup of cool water, just because that person is my follower, will be rewarded.
Apostolu vara un uzdavums.
1 Un, sasaucis pi sevis sovus divpadsmit mōcekļus, Jys īdeve tim varu par naškeistim gorim, lai jūs izdzeitu un izdzīdynōtu ikvīnu slimeibu un ikvīnu vōjumu. 2 Tūs divpadsmit apostolu vōrdi ir šaidi: Pyrmais ir Seimaņs, kuru sauc Pīters, un jō brōļs Andrivs; 3 Zebedeja dāls Jākubs un jō brōļs Jōņs; Filips un Bārtuļs; Tomass un muitinīks Mateuss; Alfeusa dāls Jākubs un Tadeuss; 4 Seimaņs Kananeits un Judass Iskariots, kurs Jū nūdeve.
5 Jezus izsyuteja šytūs divpadsmit, dūdams jim aizrōdejumus un saceidams: Naejte pa tū ceļu, kas tak uz pogōnim, naejte ari samarīšu mīstūs, 6 bet gon ejte pi Izraeļa mōjas pazudušajom vuškom. 7 Īdami sludynojit saceidami: Dabasu vaļsteiba ir tyvu. 8 Dorit vasalus slymūs, celit augšā nūmyrušūs, padorit teirus špitaleigūs, dzenit ōrā valnus.
Par veļti sajēmet, par veļti dūdit.
9 Najemit leidza sovōs jūstōs ni zalta, ni sudobra, ni vara, 10 ni ceļa kules, ni diveju svōrku, ni kūrpu, ni vāzas; strōdnīks tadei ir sovas pōrtykas cīneigs.
11 Īgōjuši kaidā mīstā, vai sadžā, izzynojit, vai ir jamā kaids cīneigs, un tur palicit leidz tōļōk īšonai. 12 Īīdami mōjā sveicynojit jū (saceidami: Mīrs šai mōjai). Jo mōja tō byus cīneiga, 13 lai jyusu mīrs tur palīk; jo nabyus tō cīneiga, jyusu mīrs lai grīžās pi jums atpakaļ. 14 Jo kas jyusu napījemtu un jyusu vōrdu naklauseitu, īdami ōrā nu tōs mōjas vai nu tōs piļsātas, nūkrotit putekļus nu sovom kōjom. 15 Patīši, Es jums soku: Sodomas un Gomoras apvidim tīsas dīnā byus vīgļōk, kai tam mīstam.
Nōkūšōs vojōšonas.
16 Raug, Es jyusus syutu, kai vuškas vylku vydā. Esit tad gudri, kai čyuskas, un vīnkōrši, kai bolūži. 17 Sorgojitēs, tūmār, nu cylvākim, jo jī jyusus nūdūs tīsai un sovōs synagogōs jyusus šausteis. 18 Manis dēļ jyusus stateis vaļdinīku un kēneņu prīškā, lai jim un pogōnim dūtu līceibu.
19 Kad jyusus nūdūs, nasaryupejit par tū, kai un kū runōt, jo jums tamā pat breidī byus dūts tys, kas jōrunoj. 20 Tadei na jyus asat tī, kas runōs, bet gon jyusu Tāva Gors ir, kas caur jums runōs.
21 Nūdūs nōvei brōļs brōli un tāvs bārnu; bārni sasaceļs pret sovim dzymdynōtōjim un jūs nūnōvēs. 22 Muna vōrda dēļ jyusus visi īneiss. Bet kas izturēs leidz golam, tys tops izpesteits. 23 Jo jyusus vīnā vītā vojōtu, bēdzit uz ūtru. Patīši, Es jums soku: Jyus naapstaigōsit Izraeļa mīstu, koleidz Cylvāka Dāls atnōks.
24 Mōceklis nav pōrōks par sovu mōceitōju, ni ari kolps par sovu kungu. 25 Pīteik mōcekļam kļyut, kai jō moceitōjs, un kolpam, kai jō kungs. Jo mōjas saiminīku nūlomōja par Belzebubu, tū vairōk tai lomōs jō sētnīkus. 26 Bet nasabeistit jūs.
Iztureiba ir vajadzeiga.
Nikas tadei nav tai nūglobōts, ka natyktu atrosts un nikas nav tai nūslāpts, ka natyktu atklōts. 27 Kū Es jums tymsumā soku, tū sludynojit gaismā; kas jums klusiņom ausī byus teikts, tū stōstit nu jumtim! 28 Nasabeistit tūs, kas nōvej mīsu, bet dvēseles nūnōvēt naspēj; bet gon beistitēs Tō, kas dvēseli un mīsu var pazudynōt eļnē. 29 Vai gon par vīnu vara gobolu nav pōrdūdami divi zvērbuli. Tūmār nivīns nu jim nakreit zemē bez jyusu Tāva grybas. 30 Un pat visi jyusu moti uz golvas ir saskaiteiti. 31 Tōpēc nasabeistit; jyus asat vērteigōki na zvērbuļu daudzums.
32 Ikvīnu, kas Mani atzeis ļaužu prīškā, arī Es atzeišu muna Tāva prīškā, kurs ir dabasūs. 33 Bet kas Manis aizalīgtu ļaužu prīškā, tō ari Es aizalīgšu sova Tāva prīškā, kurs ir dabasūs.
34 Nadūmojit, ka Es asmu atgōjis vērs zemes mīra nastu: na mīra, bet škāpa nastu atgōju. 35 Es asmu atgōjis škērt cylvāku nu jō tāva, meitu nu jōs mōtes un vadaklu nu jōs veira mōtes; 36 cylvāka īnaidnīki ir jō pōša sētnīki. 37 Kas tāvu vai mōti mīļoj vairōk na Mani, tys Manis navā cīneigs. 38 Kas sova krysta najam uz sevis un naīt Maņ pakaļ, tys Manis navā cīneigs. 39 Kas sovu dzeiveibu ceņšās izglōbt, tys jū pazaudēs; bet kas Manis dēļ sovu dzeiveibu pazaudēs, tys jū izglōbs.
40 Kas pījam jyusus, tys pījam Mani; un kas pījam Mani, tys pījam tū, kas Mani ir syutejis. 41 Kas pījam pravīti pravīša vōrda dēļ, tys sajems pravīša atolgōjumu; kas pījam taisneigū taisneibas vōrdā, tys sajems taisneigō atolgōjumu; 42 kas vīnam nu šitim mozajim padūd kaut solta yudiņa glōzi tōdēļ, ka jys ir muns mōceklis, patīši Es jums soku: jō atmoksa nazuss.