Feeding Five Thousand
(Matthew 14.13-21Mark 6.30-44Luke 9.10-17)
1 Jesus crossed Lake Galilee, which was also known as Lake Tiberias. 2 A large crowd had seen him work miracles to heal the sick, and those people went with him. 3-4 It was almost time for the Jewish festival of Passover, and Jesus went up on a mountain with his disciples and sat down.
5 When Jesus saw the large crowd coming toward him, he asked Philip, “Where will we get enough food to feed all these people?” 6 He said this to test Philip, since he already knew what he was going to do.
7 Philip answered, “Don't you know that it would take almost a year's wages just to buy only a little bread for each of these people?”
8 Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the disciples. He spoke up and said, 9 “There is a boy here who has five small loaves of barley bread and two fish. But what good is that with all these people?”
10 The ground was covered with grass, and Jesus told his disciples to tell everyone to sit down. About 5,000 men were in the crowd. 11 Jesus took the bread in his hands and gave thanks to God. Then he passed the bread to the people, and he did the same with the fish, until everyone had plenty to eat.
12 The people ate all they wanted, and Jesus told his disciples to gather up the leftovers, so that nothing would be wasted. 13 The disciples gathered them up and filled twelve large baskets with what was left over from the five barley loaves.
14 After the people had seen Jesus work this miracle, they began saying, “This must be the Prophet who is to come into the world!” 15 Jesus realized that they would try to force him to be their king. So he went up on a mountain, where he could be alone.
Jesus Walks on the Water
(Matthew 14.22-27Mark 6.45-52)
16 That evening, Jesus' disciples went down to the lake. 17 They got into a boat and started across for Capernaum. Later that evening Jesus had still not come to them, 18 and a strong wind was making the water rough.
19 When the disciples had rowed for five or six kilometers, they saw Jesus walking on the water. He kept coming closer to the boat, and they were terrified. 20 But he said, “I am Jesus! Don't be afraid!” 21 The disciples wanted to take him into the boat, but suddenly the boat reached the shore where they were headed.
The Bread That Gives Life
22 The people who had stayed on the east side of the lake knew that only one boat had been there. They also knew that Jesus had not left in it with his disciples. But the next day 23 some boats from Tiberias sailed near the place where the crowd had eaten the bread for which the Lord had given thanks. 24 They saw that Jesus and his disciples had left. Then they got into the boats and went to Capernaum to look for Jesus. 25 They found him on the west side of the lake and asked, “Rabbi, when did you get here?”
26 Jesus answered, “I tell you for certain that you are not looking for me because you saw the miracles, but because you ate all the food you wanted. 27 Don't work for food that spoils. Work for food that gives eternal life. The Son of Man will give you this food, because God the Father has given him the right to do so.”
28 “What exactly does God want us to do?” the people asked.
29 Jesus answered, “God wants you to have faith in the one he sent.”
30 They replied, “What miracle will you work, so that we can have faith in you? What will you do? 31 For example, when our ancestors were in the desert, they were given manna to eat. It happened just as the Scriptures say, ‘God gave them bread from heaven to eat.’ ”
32 Jesus then told them, “I tell you for certain that Moses wasn't the one who gave you bread from heaven. My Father is the one who gives you the true bread from heaven. 33 And the bread that God gives is the one who came down from heaven to give life to the world.”
34 The people said, “Sir, give us this bread and don't ever stop!”
35 Jesus replied:
I am the bread that gives life! No one who comes to me will ever be hungry. No one who has faith in me will ever be thirsty. 36 I have told you already that you have seen me and still do not have faith in me. 37 Everything and everyone that the Father has given me will come to me, and I won't turn any of them away.
38 I didn't come from heaven to do what I want! I came to do what the Father wants me to do. He sent me, 39 and he wants to make certain that none of the ones he has given me will be lost. Instead, he wants me to raise them to life on the last day. 40 My Father wants everyone who sees the Son to have faith in him and to have eternal life. Then I will raise them to life on the last day.
41 The people started grumbling because Jesus had said he was the bread that had come down from heaven. 42 They were asking each other, “Isn't he Jesus, the son of Joseph? Don't we know his father and mother? How can he say that he has come down from heaven?”
43 Jesus told them:
Stop grumbling! 44 No one can come to me, unless the Father who sent me makes them want to come. But if they do come, I will raise them to life on the last day. 45 One of the prophets wrote, “God will teach all of them.” And so everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him will come to me.
46 The only one who has seen the Father is the one who has come from him. No one else has ever seen the Father. 47 I tell you for certain that everyone who has faith in me has eternal life.
48 I am the bread that gives life! 49 Your ancestors ate manna in the desert, and later they died. 50 But the bread from heaven has come down, so that no one who eats it will ever die. 51 I am that bread from heaven! Everyone who eats it will live forever. My flesh is the life-giving bread I give to the people of this world.
52 They started arguing with each other and asked, “How can he give us his flesh to eat?”
53 Jesus answered:
I tell you for certain that you won't live unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man. 54 But if you do eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will have eternal life, and I will raise you to life on the last day. 55 My flesh is the true food, and my blood is the true drink. 56 If you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you are one with me, and I am one with you.
57 The living Father sent me, and I have life because of him. Now everyone who eats my flesh will live because of me. 58 The bread that comes down from heaven isn't like what your ancestors ate. They died, but whoever eats this bread will live forever.
59 Jesus was teaching in a synagogue in Capernaum when he said these things.
The Words of Eternal Life
60 Many of Jesus' disciples heard him and said, “This is too hard for anyone to understand.”
61 Jesus knew that his disciples were grumbling. So he asked, “Does this bother you? 62 What if you should see the Son of Man go up to heaven where he came from? 63 The Spirit is the one who gives life! Human strength can do nothing. The words that I have spoken to you are from that life-giving Spirit. 64 But some of you refuse to have faith in me.” Jesus said this, because from the beginning he knew who would have faith in him. He also knew which one would betray him.
65 Then Jesus said, “You cannot come to me, unless the Father makes you want to come. That is why I have told these things to all of you.”
66 Because of what Jesus said, many of his disciples turned their backs on him and stopped following him. 67 Jesus then asked his twelve disciples if they also were going to leave him. 68 Simon Peter answered, “Lord, there is no one else that we can go to! Your words give eternal life. 69 We have faith in you, and we are sure that you are God's Holy One.”
70 Jesus told his disciples, “I chose all twelve of you, but one of you is a demon!” 71 Jesus was talking about Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. He would later betray Jesus, even though he was one of the twelve disciples.
Maizes pavairōšonas breinums.
1 Pēc tam Jezus pōrbrauce uz ūtrū Galilejas jyuras krostu, tys ir Tiberijas. 2 Jam pakaļ gōja lels ļaužu pulks, jo jī beja redzējuši tūs breinumus, kurus Jys pi slymajim padareja. 3 Te Jezus uzkōpe kolnā un kūpā ar sovim mōceklim nūsāda. 4 Tyvōjōs jūdu svātki — Leldine.
5 Jezus, pacēlis acis un īraudzejis klōt ejam ļūti lelu ļaužu pulku, saceja Filipam: Kur mes nūpērksim maizi, lai jūs pabarōtu. 6 Bet tū Jys saceja tik tōdēļ, lai jū pōrbaudeitu; Jys pats gon zynōja, kū Jys padareis. 7 Filips Jam atbiļdēja: Par divi simti denaru maizes napītiks, lai ikvīns kaut drusku sajimtu. 8 Vīns Jō mōceklis Seimaņa Pītera brōļs Andrivs saceja: 9 Šite gon ir vīns jaunēklis, kam ir pīci mīžu maizes kukuļi un divi zivis; bet kas tys ir dēļ taida daudzuma?
10 Tad Jezus saceja: Licit ļaudim nūsēst. Tamā vītā beja daudz zōles. Tai tad veirīši, skaitā ap pīcom tyukstūšom, nūsāda. 11 Jezus pajēme tūs maizes kukuļus un, nūskaitejis pateikšonas lyugšonu, izdaleja tim, kas beja nūsāduši; tai pat ari zivis, cik vīn kas gribēja. 12 Kad jī jau beja paāduši, Jys saceja sovim mōceklim: Salosit pōrpalykušūs gabaleņus, lai nikas napazyud. 13 Ti salaseja nu pīcim maizes kukulim divpadsmit peitnīku druponu, kas ādōjim beja pōri palykušas.
14 Ļaudis, radzādami breinumu, kū Jezus beja padarejis, saceja: Patīši, šytys ir tys Pravīts, kam beja uz pasauli jōatīt.
15 Bet Jezus, pamanejis, ka jī grib Jū sakert un īceļt par kēneņu, aizgōja vīns pats uz kolna.
K. Jezus īt pa jyuru.
16 Vokoram īstōjūt, mōcekli atgōja uz jyuru, 17 īkōpe laivā un laidēs braukt pōri par jyuru uz Kafarnaumu. Jau sōce timst timseņš, bet Jezus vys vēļ pi jim nabeja atgōjis; 18 bet stypra vēja dēļ jyura sōce cylōtīs. 19 Un kad jī beja nūbraukuši divdesmit pīcas leidz trejsdesmit stadiju, īraudzeja Jezu, ejūšu pa jyuras vērsu un tyvojūšūs klōtu pi laivas. Jūs pōrjēme baile. 20 Bet Jys tim saceja: Es asmu, nasabeistit. 21 Jī tad ar prīcu pajēme Jū laivā, un laiva tyuleņ nūstōja pi krosta, uz kurū jī brauce.
Jezus apsūla īstateit Vyssvātōkū Sakramentu.
22 Nōkušā reitā, ļaudis, kas palyka uz ūtrō krosta, pamaneja, ka tur cytas laivas nabeja, kai tik vīna un ka Jezus reizē ar mōceklim tamā laivā naīkōpe, ka mōcekli aizbrauce vīni poši. 23 Tam breižam nu Tiberijas atgōja cytas laivas un apstōja natōļ nu tōs vītas, kur Kungs skaiteja pateikšonas lyugšonu, un jī ēde maizi. 24 Ļaudis radzādami, ka tur vairs navā ni Jezus, ni mōcekļu, sasāda laivōs un aizbrauce Jezus meklēt uz Kafarnaumu. 25 Atroduši Jū uz ūtrō krosta, Jam saceja: Mōceitōj, kod Tu uz šenīni atgōji?
26 Jezus tim atbyldādams saceja: Patīši, patīši, Es jums soku: jyus Manis meklejat na tōdēļ, ka breinumus redzējot, bet tōdēļ, ka ēdet maizi un pasaseitynōjot. 27 Nasadzenit pēc ēdīņa, kurs izneikst, bet dzenitēs pēc ēdīņa, kurs pastōv myužeigai dzeivei, kuru jums dūs Cylvāka Dāls. Tū tadei Dīvs Tāvs aplīcynōja. 28 Tad jī Jam saceja: Kas mums jōdora, lai izpiļdeitu Dīva dorbus? 29 Jezus tim atbyldādams saceja: Tys ir Dīva dorbs, ka jyus tycātu Tam, kuru Jys ir syutejis. 30 Tad jī Jam saceja: Kaidu zeimi Tu padareisi, ka radzādami Tev tycātu? Kaidu padareisi dorbu? 31 Myusu tāvi tuksnesī ēde mannu; tadei ir raksteits: Jim bareibai deve nu dabasim maizi.
32 Jezus tim atbiļdēja: Patīši, patīši, Es jums soku: na Moizešs jums nu dabasim maizi deve, bet muns Tāvs dūd jums nu dabasim eistū maizi. 33 Tadei Dīva maize nūsalaiž nu dabasim un dūd pasauļam dzeivi. 34 Tad jī īsasauce: Kungs, dūd mums vīnmār tū maizi.
35 Jezus tim atbiļdēja: Es asmu dzeives maize; kas atīt pi Manis, tys boda nacīss; kas Maņ tic, tys nikod naslōps. 36 Bet Es jums saceju, jyus gon Mani redzējot, bet Maņ naticit. 37 Ikvīns, kū Tāvs Maņ dūd, atīt uz Mani, un kas uz Mani atīt, tō Es nūst naatstumšu. 38 Es tadei nu dabasim atgōju na tōdēļ, lai dareitu Munu, bet gon lai piļdeitu Tō vaļu, kas Mani syuteja. 39 Un Tō, kas Mani syuteja, vaļa ir nōkūša: Lai Es nikō nu tō, kū Maņ īdeve, napazaudātu, bet gon lai postora dīnā pīcaltu. 40 Muna Tāva vaļa ir taida: Ikvīnam, kas redz Dālu un Jam tic, byus dzeiveiba, un Es jū postora dīnā pīceļšu.
41 Te jūdi sōce kūrnēt, kam Jys teice: Es asmu maize, kas nu dabasim ir nūkōpuse. 42 Un jī saceja: Vai tad tys navā Jezupa Dāls Jezus? Vai tad mes napazeistam Jō tāva un Jō mōtes? Kai tad Jys var saceit: Es asmu nu dabasim nūkōpis?
43 Jezus tim atbyldādams saceja: Nakūrnit sovstarpeigi. 44 Nivīns navar pi Manis atīt, jo Tāvs, kas Mani syuteja, tō naviļks; un Es tū izmūdynōšu postora dīnā. 45 Pi pravīšim stōv raksteits: Visi byus par Dīva mōceklim. Ikvīns, kas Tāva klausa un ļaun sevi mōceit, atīt uz Mani. 46 Tys nazeimoj, ka Tāvu kas byutu redzējis, jo tikai tys redzēja Tāvu, kas nu Tāva paīt. 47 Patīši, patīši, Es jums soku: Kas (Maņ) tic, tam ir myužeiga dzeive.
48 Es asmu dzeives maize. 49 Jyusu tāvi tuksnesī ēde mannu un nūmyra. 50 Bet šitei ir maize, kas nu dabasim nūīt, lai nivīns, kas jū ād, namērtu. 51 Es asmu tei dzeivō maize, kas nu dabasim nūkōpe. Kas šytū maizi ād, tys dzeivōs myužam. Bet maize, kuru Es dūšu, ir Muna mīsa dēļ pasauļa dzeives.
52 Jūdi sōce sovstarpeji streidētīs saceidami: Kai tad šytys var sovu Mīsu dūt mums par bareibu?
K. Jezus mīsa — bareiba un asnis — dzērīņs.
53 Jezus tim atbiļdēja: Patīši, patīši, Es jums soku: Jo jyus Cylvāka Dāla mīsas naēssit un Jō ašņa nadzersit, tad jums pošim sevī dzeives nabyus. 54 Kas ād Munu mīsu un dzer Munu asni, tam ir myužeigō dzeive, un Es jū pīceļšu postora dīnā. 55 Muna mīsa tadei ir patīsa bareiba, un Muns asnis ir patīss dzērīņs. 56 Kas ād Munu mīsu un dzer Munu asni, tys Manī mōjoj, un Es jymā. 57 Kai Mani syuteja dzeivais Tāvs, un Es caur Tāvu dzeivoju, tai ari tys, kas Mani ād, caur Mani dzeivōs. 58 Maize, kas nu dabasim ir nūkōpuse, navā taida, kai tei, kuru jyusu tāvi ēde un nūmyra. Kas šytū maizi ād, tys dzeivōs myužam.
59 Šytūs vōrdus Jezus saceja tūlaik, kad mōceja Kafarnauma synagogā.
60 Daudzejī Jō mōcekli, kas Jō klausejōs, saceja: Šytei runa ir cīta. Kas Jōs var klauseitīs?
61 Jezus zynōdams, ka Jō mōcekli par tū kūrnēja, jim saceja: Vai tad šytys jyusus atbaida? 62 Bet kad īraudzeisit Cylvāka Dālu izkōpam tur, kur agrōk beja?
63 Gors ir tys, kas padora dzeivu, mīsa naleidz nikō. Tī vōrdi, kurus Es jums saceju, ir gors un dzeive. 64 Bet jyusu vydā ir daži, kas natic. Jezus pošā sōkumā zynōja, kas natic un kas byus Jō nūdevējs. 65 Jys saceja tōļōk: Šytū Es jums saceju tōpēc, ka nivīns navar uz Mani atīt, jo jam tō nabyus devis Tāvs.
66 Nu šytō laika daudzejī mōcekli atsastōja nu Jō un vairs Jam pakaļ nagōja. 67 Tad Jezus vaicōja nu tim divpadsmit: Vai tad ari jyus gribit īt prūjom? 68 Seimaņs Pīters Jam atbiļdēja: Kungs, uz kū lai mes ejam? Tev tadei ir myužeigōs dzeives vōrdi. 69 Mes tycam un atzeistam, ka Tu esi Dīva Svātais. 70 Jezus jam atbiļdēja: Vai tad Es jyusu divpadsmit naizvēlēju? Un tūmār vīns nu jums ir satans! 71 Jys dūmōja par Seimaņa Iskariotas dālu Judasu; tys, lai gon pīdarēja pi tim divpadsmit, tūmār jys beja tys, kas Jū nūdūs.