Jesus Heals a Sick Man
1 Later, Jesus went to Jerusalem for another Jewish festival. 2 In the city near the sheep gate was a pool with five porches, and its name in Hebrew was Bethzatha.
3-4 Many sick, blind, lame, and paralyzed people were lying close to the pool.
5 Beside the pool was a man who had been sick for 38 years. 6 When Jesus saw the man and realized that he had been crippled for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to be healed?”
7 The man answered, “Sir, I don't have anyone to put me in the pool when the water is stirred up. I try to get in, but someone else always gets there first.”
8 Jesus told him, “Pick up your mat and walk!” 9 Right then the man was healed. He picked up his mat and started walking around. The day on which this happened was a Sabbath.
10 When the Jewish leaders saw the man carrying his mat, they said to him, “This is the Sabbath! No one is allowed to carry a mat on the Sabbath.”
11 But he replied, “The man who healed me told me to pick up my mat and walk.”
12 They asked him, “Who is this man that told you to pick up your mat and walk?” 13 But he did not know who Jesus was, and Jesus had left because of the crowd.
14 Later, Jesus met the man in the temple and told him, “You are now well. But don't sin anymore or something worse might happen to you.” 15 The man left and told the leaders that Jesus was the one who had healed him. 16 They started making a lot of trouble for Jesus because he did things like this on the Sabbath.
17 But Jesus said, “My Father has never stopped working, and this is why I keep on working.” 18 Now the leaders wanted to kill Jesus for two reasons. First, he had broken the law of the Sabbath. But even worse, he had said God was his Father, which made him equal with God.
The Son's Authority
19 Jesus told the people:
I tell you for certain the Son cannot do anything on his own. He can do only what he sees the Father doing, and he does exactly what he sees the Father do. 20 The Father loves the Son and has shown him everything he does. The Father will show him even greater things, and you will be amazed. 21 Just as the Father raises the dead and gives life, so the Son gives life to anyone he wants to.
22 The Father doesn't judge anyone, but he has made his Son the judge of everyone. 23 The Father wants all people to honor the Son as much as they honor him. When anyone refuses to honor the Son, this is the same as refusing to honor the Father who sent him. 24 I tell you for certain that everyone who hears my message and has faith in the one who sent me has eternal life and will never be condemned. They have already gone from death to life.
25 I tell you for certain the time will come, and it is already here, when all of the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God. And those who listen to it will live! 26 The Father has the power to give life, and he has given that same power to the Son. 27 And he has given his Son the right to judge everyone, because he is the Son of Man.
28 Don't be surprised! The time will come when all of the dead will hear the voice of the Son of Man, 29 and they will come out of their graves. Everyone who has done good things will rise to life, but everyone who has done evil things will rise and be condemned.
30 I cannot do anything on my own. The Father sent me, and he is the one who told me how to judge. I judge with fairness, because I obey him, and I don't just try to please myself.
Witnesses to Jesus
31 If I speak for myself, there is no way to prove I am telling the truth. 32 But there is someone else who speaks for me, and I know what he says is true. 33 You sent messengers to John, and he told them the truth. 34 I don't depend on what people say about me, but I tell you these things so that you may be saved. 35 John was a lamp that gave a lot of light, and you were glad to enjoy his light for a while.
36 But something more important than John speaks for me. I mean the things that the Father has given me to do! All of these speak for me and prove that the Father sent me.
37 The Father who sent me also speaks for me, but you have never heard his voice or seen him face to face. 38 You have not believed his message, because you refused to have faith in the one he sent.
39 You search the Scriptures, because you think you will find eternal life in them. The Scriptures tell about me, 40 but you refuse to come to me for eternal life.
41 I don't care about human praise, 42 but I do know that none of you love God. 43 I have come with my Father's authority, and you have not welcomed me. But you will welcome people who come on their own. 44 How could you possibly believe? You like to have your friends praise you, and you don't care about praise that the only God can give!
45 Don't think that I will be the one to accuse you to the Father. You have put your hope in Moses, yet he is the very one who will accuse you. 46 Moses wrote about me, and if you had believed Moses, you would have believed me. 47 But if you don't believe what Moses wrote, how can you believe what I say?
K. Jezus padora vasalu slymū.
1 Pēc tam atgōja jūdu svātku dīna, un Jezus aizgōja uz Jeruzalemu.
2 Jeruzalemā pi Vušku vōrtim ir mōrks, kurs hebreju volūdā saucās Betsaida, ar pīcom pajumtem. 3 Tamōs gulēja daudz slymūs: oklu, klybu un paralizeitu, kuri gaideja yudiņa pakustēšonas. 4 Pa laikam nūsalaide mōrkā Kunga eņgeļs, un yudiņs pasakustynōja. Kurs tad pēc yudiņa pakustēšonas pyrmais īkōpe, tys palyka vasals, kaut ar kaidu slimeibu tys ari slymōtu.
5 Tur beja vīns cylvāks, kurs jau trejdesmit ostoni godi beja slyms. 6 Jezus redzēja tū guļūt, un, zynōdams, ka jys jau ilgu laiku ir slyms, jam saceja: Vai tu gribi palikt vasals? 7 Slymais atbiļdēja: Kungs, maņ navā nivīna cylvāka, kas mani mōrkā īcaltu, kad yudiņs pasakustynoj. Koleidz es aizeju, jau cyts pa prīšku par mani īkōp. 8 Jezus tam saceja: Celīs augšā, jem sovu gultu un staigoj. 9 Un tys cylvāks tyuleņ palyka vasals, pajēme sovu gultu un staigōja.
Bet tei beja Sabata dīna. 10 Tōpēc jūdi izvasalōtajam saceja: Sabats ir, un tev navā breivi sovas gultas nosōt. 11 Tys jim atbiļdēja: Kas mani padareja vasalu, Tys maņ saceja: Jem sovu gultu un staigoj. 12 Tad jī jō vaicōja: Kurs ir tys cylvāks, kas tev saceja: Jem sovu gultu un staigoj? 13 Bet izvasalōtais nazynōja, kas tys beja; jo Jezus nu tō ļaužu pulka, kas uz laukuma beja, atsarōve nūst. 14 Pēc tam Jezus jū satyka svētneicā un jam saceja: Raug, tu esi palicis vasals, bet vairs nagrākoj, ka tev kas ļaunōks nanūtyktu.
15 Tad tys cylvāks aizgōjis pastōsteja jūdim, ka tys, kas jū padareja vasalu, ir Jezus.
K. Jezus ir vīnleidzeigs Tāvam.
16 Un jūdi tōpēc sōce Jezus vojōt, ka Jys sabatā tū beja padarejis. 17 Bet Jezus tim saceja: Muns Tāvs dorbojās leidz pat šam breižam, un Es dorbojūs. 18 Tōpēc jūdi vēļ vairōk meklēja Jū nūnōvēt, jo Jys na tikai sabata nasvēteja, bet vēļ Dīvu sauce par sovu tāvu, un tai stōdeja sevi leidzonu Dīvam.
19 Bet Jezus tim atbiļdēja saceidams:
Patīši, patīši, Es jums soku: Dāls navar nikō pats nu sevis padareit, kai tik tū, kū redz, ka Tāvs dora; jo vysu kū Jys dora, tū taipat ari Dāls dora. 20 Tāvs tadei Dālu mīļoj un jam rōda vysu, kū pats dora; pat vēļ lelōkas par šytom lītas Jys parōdeis, tai ka jyus breinōsitēs. 21 Jo kai Tāvs pīceļ myrūņus un padora tūs dzeivus, tai un Dāls kū grib, tū padora dzeivu. 22 Tāvs ari nivīna natīsoj; Jys ikvīnu tīsōšonu nūdeve Dālam, 23 lai visi tai gūdynōtu Dālu, kai gūdynoj Tāvu. Kas Dāla nagūdynoj, tys ari Tāva nagūdynoj, kas Jū ir syutejis.
24 Patīši, patīši, Es jums soku: Kas klausa Munu vōrdu un tic Tam, kas Mani syuteja, tam ir myužeiga dzeive, un tys naīs tīsas prīškā, bet caur nōvi īīs dzeivōšonā. 25 Patīši, patīši, Es jums sōku: Atīs stuņde, jā, jei jau ir klōtu, kad nūmyrušī izdzērss Dīva Dāla bolsu; un tī, kas jū izdzērss, dzeivōs. 26 Jo kai Tāvam patim ir sevī dzeive, tai ari Dālam īdeve, ka patim sevī byutu dzeive, 27 un ari īdeve Jam varu tīsōt, jo Jys ir Cylvāka Dāls.
28 Nasabreinojit. Tadei atīs stuņde, kad visi, kas guļ kopūs, izdzērss Jō bolsu. 29 Un tī, kas labi dareja, pīsaceļs uz dzeivi; bet tī, kas dareja ļaunu, lai stōtūs tīsas prīškā. 30 Es pats nu sevis nikō navaru padareit; Es sprīžu tai, kai dzēržu. Un muns sprīdums ir taisneigs, jo Es naeju pēc sovas grybas, bet gon pēc Tō grybas, kas Mani ir syutejis.
Dabasu Tāva līceiba par K. Jezu.
31 Jo Es pats par sevi līcynōtu, tad Muna līceiba nabyutu patīsa, 32 bet ir cyts, kas par Mani līcynoj, un Es zynu, ka tei līceiba, kuru Jys par Mani dūd, ir patīsa. 33 Jyus aizsyutejot pi Jōņa, un jys aplīcynōja patīseibu. 34 Es gon cylvāku līceibas napījamu, bet šytū jums runoju tōdēļ, lai jyus byutu izpesteiti. 35 Jys tadei beja tei dagūšō un apgaismojūšō svece, bet jyus gribējot tik nagaru laiceņu jōs gaismā līgsmōtīs.
36 Maņ ir līceiba, kas ir pōrōka par Jōņa. Dorbi, kurus Tāvs maņ lyka dareit, un tī dorbi, kurus Es doru, līcynoj par Mani, ka Tāvs ir Mani syutejis. 37 Tāvs, kas Mani syuteja, ir Tys, kas par Mani līcynōja. Jyus gon nikod naasat dzērdējuši Jō bolsa un nikod naasat Jō veida redzējuši; 38 pat Jō vōrdu naasat sevī uzglobōjuši, jo jyus natycat Tam, kū Jys ir syutejis.
39 Jyus pētejat Rokstus, jo dūmojat, ka jamūs byus myužeiga dzeive. 40 Bet jī tadei par Mani līcynoj. 41 Tūmār jyus nagribit īt pi Manis, lai jums byutu dzeive. 42 Nu ļaudim gūda Es napījamu 43 un pazeistu, ka jyusūs Dīva mīleibas navā. Es atgōju sova Tāva vōrdā, bet jyus Manis napījamat, bet, jo kaids cyts atīs sovā vōrdā, tū pījimsit. 44 Kai gon jyus varātu ticēt, jo jyus meklejat gūda vīns nu ūtra, bet nameklejat gūda, kas paīt vīneigi nu Dīva. 45 Nadūmojit, ka Es Tāva prīškā byušu par jyusu apvaiņōtōju. Par jyusu apvaiņōtōju byus Moizešs, uz kura jyus līkat sovas cereibas. 46 Jo jyus Moizešam byutu ticējuši, tad ari Maņ tycātu; jys tadei raksteja par Mani. 47 Bet jo jyus natycat jō rokstim, kai tad ticēsit Munim vōrdim?