1 We must try to become mature and start thinking about more than just the basic things we were taught about Christ. We shouldn't need to keep talking about why we ought to turn from deeds that bring death and why we ought to have faith in God. 2 And we shouldn't need to keep teaching about baptisms or about the laying on of hands or about people being raised from death and the future judgment. 3 Let's grow up, if God is willing.
4-6 But what about people who turn away after they have already seen the light and have received the gift from heaven and have shared in the Holy Spirit? What about those who turn away after they have received the good message of God and the powers of the future world? There is no way to bring them back. What they are doing is the same as nailing the Son of God to a cross and insulting him in public!
7 A field is useful to farmers, if there is enough rain to make good crops grow. In fact, God will bless such a field. 8 But land that produces only thornbushes is worthless. It is likely to fall under God's curse, and in the end it will be set on fire.
9 My friends, we are talking this way. But we are sure that you are doing those really good things people do when they are being saved. 10 God is always fair. He will remember how you helped his people in the past and how you are still helping them. You belong to God, and he won't forget the love you have shown his people. 11 We wish each of you would always be eager to show how strong and lasting your hope really is. 12 Then you would never be lazy. You would be following the example of those who had faith and were patient until God kept his promise to them.
God's Promise Is Sure
13 No one is greater than God. So he made a promise in his own name when he said to Abraham, 14 “I, the Lord, will bless you with many descendants!” 15 Then after Abraham had been very patient, he was given what God had promised. 16 When anyone wants to settle an argument, they make a vow by using the name of someone or something greater than themselves. 17 So when God wanted to prove for certain his promise to his people could not be broken, he made a vow. 18 God cannot tell lies! And so his promises and vows are two things that can never be changed.
We have run to God for safety. Now his promises should greatly encourage us to take hold of the hope that is right in front of us. 19 This hope is like a firm and steady anchor for our souls. In fact, hope reaches behind the curtain and into the most holy place. 20 Jesus has gone there ahead of us, and he is our high priest forever, just like Melchizedek.
1 Tōpēc nu Kristus mōceibas pamata patīseibom pōrīsim uz mōceibu par piļneibu, nalīkūt vairs pamata ar mōceibu par atsagrīsšonu nu myrušim dorbim un ticeibu ikš Dīva, 2 ar mōceibu par kristeibu, rūku uzlikšonu, par myrušūs augšamceļšonūs un par myužeigū tīsu. 3 Jā, šytū mes grybam dareit, jo Dīvs atļaus. 4 Navarama ir līta, ka tī, kas reizi ir bejuši apskaidrynōti, kas debeseigōs dōvonas un Dīva skaistū vōrdu ir nūgaršōjuši, Svātū Goru sajāmuši 5 un ir izjutuši nōkūšō myuža spāku, 6 bet tūmār ir atkrytuši, byutu otkon padeveigi atgrīsšonai; tī Dīva Dālu nu jauna kaļ krystā un otkon Jū izzūboj. 7 Jo zeme, kas uzjam sevī bīži lejūšū leitu, tim, kas jū apstrōdoj, dūd lobus augļus, tod jei sajam Dīva svēteibu; 8 bet jo jamā aug tikai ērški un dodzi, tod jei ir navērteiga un stōv tyvu nūlōdēšonai un jōs beigas ir izdegšona.
9 Lai gon mes, nūmīļōtī, tai runojam, tūmār par jums ir mums lobōka pōrlīceiba — ka jyus pesteišonu sasnēgsit. 10 Dīvs nav nataisneigs. Jys naaizmērss jyusu mīlesteibas dorbu, kurus jyus Jō vōrdam padarejot, kad jyus kolpōjot svātajim un kolpojat jim vēļ tagad. 11 Mes tikai grybam ka ikvīns nu jums byutu tik pat dedzeigs cereibas pīpiļdeišonā leidz beigom, 12 ka jyus napagurtu, bet gon dareitu pakaļ tim, kas caur ticeibu un iztureibu īmontoj apsūlejumu.
13 Dīvs dūdams Abraamam apsūlejumu un naturādams nikō augstōka pi kō zvērēt, zvērēja pats pi sevis, 14 saceidams: Patīši es tevi svēteidams svēteišu un vairōdams pavairōšu. 15 Un jys byudams pacīteigs, sūleitū sajēme. 16 Cylvāki zvērej pi kaut kō augstōka un apstyprynōjums ar zvārastu izbeidz ikvīnu streidu. 17 Un tai kai Dīvs apsūleišonas mantinīkim jū skaidrōk gribēja parōdeit sova lāmuma namaineibu, tad Jys lītōja zvārastu, 18 lai mums nu šom divejom naapšaubamajom lītom, kuramōs Dīvs navar maļdeitīs, byutu styprs īprīcynōjums, jo tik mes pīsaturēsim pi mums pīdōvōtōs cereibas. 19 Jymā mums ir dēļ dvēseles styprs un drūšs ankurs, kas snādzās īškā pat aiz aizkora. 20 Tur kai prīkšgōjējs par mums īgōja Jezus, tys augstais goreidznīks uz myužim, pēc Melchizedecha īkōrtas.