1 Theophilus, I first wrote to you about all that Jesus did and taught from the very first 2 until he was taken up to heaven. But before he was taken up, he gave orders to the apostles he had chosen with the help of the Holy Spirit.
3 For 40 days after Jesus had suffered and died, he proved in many ways that he had been raised from death. He appeared to his apostles and spoke to them about God's kingdom. 4 While he was still with them, he said:
Don't leave Jerusalem yet. Wait here for the Father to give you the Holy Spirit, just as I told you he has promised to do. 5 John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Is Taken to Heaven
6 While the apostles were still with Jesus, they asked him, “Lord, are you now going to give Israel its own king again?”
7 Jesus said to them, “You don't need to know the time of those events that only the Father controls. 8 But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.” 9 After Jesus had said this and while they were watching, he was taken up into a cloud. They could not see him, 10 but as he went up, they kept looking up into the sky.
Suddenly two men dressed in white clothes were standing there beside them. 11 They said, “Why are you men from Galilee standing here and looking up into the sky? Jesus has been taken to heaven. But he will come back in the same way you have seen him go.”
Someone To Take the Place of Judas
12-13 The Mount of Olives was about a kilometer from Jerusalem. The apostles who had gone there were Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon, known as the Eager One, and Judas the son of James.
After the apostles returned to the city, they went upstairs to the room where they had been staying.
14 The apostles often met together and prayed with a single purpose in mind. The women and Mary the mother of Jesus would meet with them, and so would his brothers. 15 One day there were about 120 of the Lord's followers meeting together, and Peter stood up to speak to them. 16-17 He said:
My friends, long ago by the power of the Holy Spirit, David said something about Judas, and what he said has now happened. Judas was one of us and had worked with us, but he brought the mob to arrest Jesus. 18 Then Judas bought some land with the money he was given for doing that evil thing. He fell headfirst into the field. His body burst open, and all his insides came out. 19 When the people of Jerusalem found out about this, they called the place Akeldama, which in the local language means “Field of Blood.”
20 In the book of Psalms it says,

“Leave his house empty,
and don't let anyone
live there.”

It also says,

“Let someone else
have his job.”

21-22 So we need someone else to help us tell others that Jesus has been raised from death. He must also be one of the men who was with us from the very beginning. He must have been with us from the time the Lord Jesus was baptized by John until the day he was taken to heaven.
23 Two men were suggested: One of them was Joseph Barsabbas, known as Justus, and the other was Matthias. 24 Then they all prayed, “Lord, you know what everyone is like! Show us the one you have chosen 25 to be an apostle and to serve in place of Judas, who got what he deserved.” 26 They drew names, and Matthias was chosen to join the group of the eleven apostles.
1 Pyrmajā grōmotā, Teofil, es atstōsteju vysu tū, kū Jezus sōkumā dareja un mōceja 2 leidz tai dinai, kurā Jys sovus izlaseitūs apostolus caur Svātū Goru pamōceja un tyka pajimts dabasūs. 3 Pēc sovom cīsšonom četrudesmit dīnu jim pasarōdeidams un runōdams par tū, kas atsateic uz Dīva vaļsteibu, Jys tim daudzkōrteigi pīrōdeja, ka Jys ir dzeivs.
K. Jezus kōpšona dabasūs.
4 Kūpā ar jim āsdams, Jys pavēlēja, lai ji nu Jeruzalemas prūjom naītu, bet gon lai pagaideitu Tāva Apsūleišonas. Par Tū tadei, Jys saceja, nu Manis dzērdējot. 5 Jōņs kristeja tikai yudinī, bet jyus pēc nadaudz dīnom topsit kristeiti Svātā Gorā.
6 Tad klōtsagōjušī vaicōja nu Jō saceidami: Kungs, vai tamā laikā Tu atjaunōsi Izraeļa vaļsti? 7 Jys tim atbiļdēja: Zynōt laiku un stuņdi, kuru Dīvs sovā varā ir nūlicis, — navā jyusu dareišona. 8 Bet gon jyus sajimsit atejūšō uz jums Svātō Gora varu un byusit muni līcinīki Jeruzalemā, vysā Judeā un Samarijā, leidz pat zemes golam.
9 Pēc šitim vōrdim Jys, tim radzūt, pasacēle uz augšu, un nu tūs acim Jū aizsedze mōkūņs. 10 Kad, Jam aizejūt, jī uzmaneigi skatejōs uz dabasim, raug, divi veirīši boltōs drēbēs nūstōja pi jim un saceja: 11 Galilejas veiri, kō jyus stōvat vārdamīs uz dabasim? Šytys pats Jezus, kurs tagad nu jums tyka uz dabasim pajimts, atīs tai pat, kai jyus Jū redzējot uz dabasim aizejam.
Apostoli pādejūs vakariņu mōjā.
12 Tad jī nu tō kolna, kurs saucās Eleja kolns un nu Jeruzalemas ir sabata vīna ceļōjuma attōlumā, aizgōja atpakaļ uz Jeruzalemu. 13 Atgōjuši, jī uzkōpe augšajā kambarī un tur palyka. Tī beja Pīters un Jōņs, Jākubs un Andrivs, Filips un Tomass, Bārtuļs un Mateuss, Alfeja dāls Jākubs, Seimaņs Dydymass un Jākuba brōļs Judass. 14 Šitī visi reizē ar sīvītem, Jezus mōti Mariju un Jō brōlim vīnprōteigi nūsadeve lyugšonai.
Apostola Mateja izvēlēšona.
15 Tamōs dīnōs Pīters, pīsacēlis brōļu vydā, — tur beja sasapuļcejušas apmāram symts divdesmit personas, — saceja: 16 Veiri, brōli! Rokstu vōrdim, kurus Svātais Gors caur Davida muti par Judasu, Jezus apcītynōtōju vodūni, beja īprīkš pasludynōjis, vajadzēja izapiļdeit. 17 Tys pīdarēja pi mums un beja par myusu omota leidzdaleibnīku. 18 Jys gon īgyva zemes gobolu par nataisneigu moksu, bet pasakōris pōrtryuka un vysas īkšas iztecēja. 19 Par šytū izzynōja visi Jeruzalemas īdzeivōtōji; tōpēc tys zemes gobols tyka nūsaukts jūs volūdā Akeldama, tys ir: Ašņa Teirums. 20 Psaļmu grōmotā tadei stōv raksteits:
Jō dzeives vītai jōpalīk tukšai,
un nabyus, kas tur dzeivōtu.
Un tōļōk:
Jō omotu jōpajam cytam.
21 Vajaga tadei, ka vīns veirs nu tim, kas ar mums puļcejōs vysu laiku, kurā pi mums atejūt un aizejūt beja Kungs Jezus, 22 sōcūt nu Jōņa kristeibas leidz Jō debessskōpšonas dīnai, toptu reizē ar mums par Jō augšamceļšonōs līcinīku.
23 Jī stōdeja prīškā divejūs: Jezupu, Barsabas sauktū, pōrsauktū Justus, un Mateju. 24 Tad jī lyudzēs saceidami: Kungs, Tu vysu siržu zynōtōjs, parōdi, kuru nu šitim divejim izlaseji, 25 lai pajimtu tū kolpōšonu un apostola omotu, nu kurō Judass, lai nūkļyut uz sovu vītu, atkryta. 26 Tad jī deve tim lūzes, un lūze kryta Matejam, un tai jys tyka pīskaiteits klōt pi tim vīnpadsmit apostolim.