1 From Paul.
God our Savior and Christ Jesus commanded me to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, who gives us hope.
2 Timothy, because of our faith, you are like a son to me. I pray that God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind and merciful to you. May they bless you with peace!
Warning against False Teaching
3 When I was leaving for Macedonia, I asked you to stay on in Ephesus and warn certain people there to stop spreading their false teachings. 4 You needed to warn them to stop wasting their time on senseless stories and endless lists of ancestors. Such things only cause arguments. They don't help anyone to do God's work that can only be done by faith.
5 You must teach people to have genuine love, as well as a good conscience and true faith. 6 There are some who have given up these for nothing but empty talk. 7 They want to be teachers of the Law of Moses. But they don't know what they are talking about, even though they think they do.
8 We know the Law is good, if it is used in the right way. 9 We also understand it wasn't given to control people who please God, but to control lawbreakers, criminals, godless people, and sinners. It is for wicked and evil people, and for murderers, who would even kill their own parents. 10 The Law was written for people who are sexual perverts or who live as homosexuals or are kidnappers or liars or won't tell the truth in court. It is for anything else that opposes the correct teaching 11 of the good news the glorious and wonderful God has given me.
Being Thankful for God's Kindness
12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me the strength for my work because he knew he could trust me. 13 I used to say terrible and insulting things about him, and I was cruel. But Christ had mercy on me because I didn't know what I was doing, and I had not yet put my faith in him. 14 Christ Jesus our Lord treated me with undeserved grace and has greatly blessed my life with faith and love just like his own.
15 “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” This saying is true, and it can be trusted. I was the worst sinner of all! 16 But since I was worse than anyone else, God had mercy on me and let me be an example of the endless patience of Christ Jesus. He did this so that others would put their faith in Christ and have eternal life. 17 I pray that honor and glory will always be given to the only God, who lives forever and is the invisible and eternal King! Amen.
18 Timothy, my son, the instructions I am giving you are based on what some prophets once said about you. If you follow these instructions, you will fight like a good soldier. 19 You will be faithful and have a clear conscience. Some people have made a mess of their faith because they didn't listen to their consciences. 20 Two of them are Hymenaeus and Alexander. I have given these men over to the power of Satan, so they will learn not to oppose God.
1 Pōvuls, Jezus Kristus Apostols Dīva myusu Pesteitōja un Jezus Kristus myusu cereibas uzdavumā
2 Timotejam, sovam eistajam dālam ticeibā.
Žēlesteiba, žālsirdeiba un mīrs lai ir nu Dīva Tāva un nu myusu Kunga Jezus Kristus.
Vyltus mōceitōji.
3 Izceļōdams uz Makedoniju, es tevis lyudžu, lai tu palyktu Efezā un pōrsorgōtu dažus cylvākus, lai tī naplateitu moldu mōceibas 4 un nanūsadūtu pōsokom un bezgaleigajom ciļtsgrōmotom, kuras vairōk veicynoj navajadzeigūs streidus, na kai Dīva pesteišonas īkōrtu, kura bolstōs uz ticeibas. 5 Pōrsorgōšonas mērkis ir mīlesteiba, (kas nōk) nu teiras sirds, lobas sirdsapziņas un nalīkuļōtas ticeibas. 6 Nu šytō daži ir atsakōpuši un pīsakāruši tukšai runōšonai. 7 Jī gon grib byut par lykuma mōceitōjim, bet nasaprūt ni tō, kū poši runoj, ni tō, kū apgolvoj.
8 Mes zynom, ka lykums ir lobs, jo tū pareizi pīlītoj 9 un pastōv apziņā, ka lykums nav dūmōts taisneigajim, bet gon nataisneigajim, napaklauseigajim, naticeigajim, grēcinīkim, bezdīveigim un nateirajim, tim, kas ceļ rūku pret tāvu un mōti, slapkovom, 10 bezkauneigajim, izvyrtulim, cylvāku tērgōtōjim, melim, napatīši zvārātōjim un tim, kas pretojās vasalajai mōceibai, 11 kas ir ītvarta svēteigā Dīva gūdeibas Evangelijā, kurs man ir uztycāts.
12 Es pasateicu myusu Kungam Jezum Kristum, ka Jys mani padareja stypru, mani īskaiteja par uzticeigu un mani pazeimōja sovai kolpōšonai, 13 mani, kas agrōk beju saimōtōjs, vojōtōjs un pōresteibas dareitōjs. Un man ir dūta (Dīva) žālsirdeiba, jo es tū dareju bezticeibā nazynōšonas dēļ. 14 Jā, man ir dūta pōrmēreiga myusu Kunga žēlesteiba reizē ar ticeibu un mīlesteibu ikš Jezus Kristus. 15 Paļōveibu pelnūšs un pījamams ir vōrds: Jezus Kristus atgōja uz pasauli, lai izglōbtu grēcinīkus, storp kurim es asmu pyrmais. 16 Bet es atrodu žālsirdeibu tōdēļ, lai pi manis piļneigi pasarōdeitu Jezus Kristus seviškō lānprōteiba paraugam dēļ tim, kas Jam īticēs uz myužeigū dzeivi. 17 Jam, myužeibas Kēniņam namērsteigajam, naradzamajam vinvīneigajam Dīvam lai ir gūds un slave myužeigi myužam! Amen.
18 Dāls, Timotej, šytū pōrsorgōjumu es līku tev tyvu pi sirds saskaņā ar īprīkš tev pasludynōtajim pravītōjumim, ka tu ar jūs spāku izkarōtu lobu karu, stipri turātūs pi ticeibas un izsorgōtu lobu sirdsapziņu. 19 Daži nu šytō atsakōpe un tai ticeibā cīte avariju. 20 Pi tim pīdar Hymenais, Aleksandrs, kurus es atdevu satanam, lai jī īsamōceitu nasaimōt.