A Life That Pleases God
1 Finally, my dear friends, since you belong to the Lord Jesus, we beg and urge you to live as we taught you. Then you will please God. You are already living that way, but try even harder. 2 Remember the instructions we gave you as followers of the Lord Jesus. 3 God wants you to be holy, so don't be immoral in matters of sex. 4 Respect and honor your wife. 5 Don't be a slave of your desires or live like people who don't know God. 6 You must not cheat any of the Lord's followers in matters of sex. Remember, we warned you that he punishes everyone who does such things. 7 God didn't choose you to be filthy, but to be pure. 8 So if you don't obey these rules, you are not really disobeying us. Instead, you are disobeying God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.
9 We don't have to write you about the need to love each other. God has taught you to do this, 10 and you already have shown your love for all his people in Macedonia. But, my dear friends, we ask you to do even more. 11 Try your best to live quietly, to mind your own business, and to work hard, just as we taught you to do. 12 Then you will be respected by people who are not followers of the Lord, and you won't have to depend on anyone.
The Lord's Coming
13 My friends, we want you to understand how it will be for those followers who have already died. Then you won't grieve over them and be like people who don't have any hope. 14 We believe Jesus died and was raised to life. We also believe that when God brings Jesus back again, he will bring with him all who had faith in Jesus before they died. 15 Our Lord Jesus told us that when he comes, we won't go up to meet him ahead of his followers who have already died.
16 With a loud command and with the shout of the chief angel and a blast of God's trumpet, the Lord will return from heaven. Then those who had faith in Christ before they died will be raised to life. 17 Next, all of us who are still alive will be taken up into the clouds together with them to meet the Lord in the sky. From that time on we will all be with the Lord forever. 18 Encourage each other with these words.
Dīva gryba.
1 Tōļōk, brōli, mes jyusus lyudzam un ikš Kunga Jezus pamūdynojam: Izdzērduši nu mums, kai jums jōdzeivoj, lai patyktu Dīvam, tai uz šō ceļa dzeivojit, lai byutu piļneigōki. 2 Jyus zynot tūs pīsacejumus, kurus mes jums Jezus Kristus pylnvarā devem. 3 Un Dīva gryba ir šaida: jyusu svāttopšona. Jums jōatsatur nu naceisteibas; 4 lai ikvīns sovu mīsu uztur svātumā un gūdprōteibā, 5 bet na mīseigā kaisleibā kai pogōni, kas Dīva napazeist.
6 Lai nivīns nu jums nasacenš dareit pōresteibas un sova brōļa kaidā darejumā pīkrōpt, jo Kungs vysu tū nūsūda, kai mes jums jau agrōk sacejom un apgolvōjom. 7 Dīvs myusu uz naceisteibu napaaicynōja, bet gon uz svāttopšonu. 8 Tai tad, kas šytū pasmōdej, tys pasmōdej na cylvāku, bet Dīvu, kas jums dūd sovu Svātū Goru.
9 Par brōliskū mīlesteibu jums raksteit nava vajadzeibas, jo Dīvs īmōceja jyusus mīļōt vīnam ūtru, 10 un jyus ari tū dorot pret visim brōlim vysā Makedonijā. Mes tikai jyusus pamūdynojam, brōli, lai jyus byutu vēļ centeigōki, 11 un tamā lyktu sovu gūdu, mīrmīleigi dzeivōtu, gōdōtu par sovom vajadzeibom poši un ar sovom rūkom strōdōtu, kai mes jums nūrōdejom, 12 lai jyus ōrā asūšūs prīškā gūdbejeigi dzeivōtu un jums navajadzātu sveša paleiga.
Augšamceļšonōs nu myrūnim.
13 Brōli, mes nagrybam jyusus atstōt nazynōšonā par īmygušajim, lai jyus naskumtu, kai tī, kam nav nikaidas cereibas. 14 Jo Jezus, kai mes tycam, beja nūmiris un ir augšamcēlīs, tad caur Jezu Dīvs arī tūs īmygušūs reizē ar Jū atvess. 15 Mes šytū jums sokam saskaņā ar Kunga vōrdu: Mes tī, kas dzeivojam, kas Kunga atnōkšonai asom pōri pamasti, naaizasteigsim prīškā tim, kas ir īmyguši. 16 Jys pats Kungs, pavēlei atskanūt caur Ercengeļa bolsu un Dīva tauri, nūkōps nu dabasim un nūmyrušī, kas dus ikš Kristus, pīsaceļs pirmī. 17 Tad ari mes, tī, kas dzeivojam, kas bejom pōripalykuši, reizē ar jim vērs mōkūnim gaisā tiksim pacalti pretim Kungam. 18 Un tai vīnmār byusim ar Kungu. Tai tad, ar šytim vōrdim jyus prīcynojit cyts cytu.