Speaking Unknown Languages and Prophesying
1 Love should be your guide. Be eager to have the gifts that come from the Holy Spirit, especially the gift of prophecy. 2 If you speak languages that others don't know, God will understand what you are saying, though no one else will know what you mean. You will be talking about mysteries that only the Spirit understands. 3 But when you prophesy, you will be understood, and others will be helped. They will be encouraged and made to feel better.
4 By speaking languages that others don't know, you help only yourself. But by prophesying you help everyone in the church. 5 I am glad for you to speak unknown languages, although I prefer that you would prophesy. In fact, prophesying does much more good than speaking unknown languages, unless someone can help the church by explaining what you mean.
6 My friends, what good would it do, if I came and spoke unknown languages to you and didn't explain what I meant? How would I help you, unless I told you what God had shown me or gave you some knowledge or prophecy or teaching? 7 If all musical instruments sounded alike, how would you know the difference between a flute and a harp? 8 If a bugle call isn't clear, how would you know to get ready for battle?
9 This is how it is when you speak unknown languages. If no one can understand what you are talking about, you will only be talking to the wind. 10 There are many different languages in this world, and all of them make sense. 11 But if I don't understand the language that someone is using, we will be like foreigners to each other. 12 If you really want spiritual gifts, choose the ones that will be most helpful to the church.
13 When we speak languages that others don't know, we should pray for the power to explain what we mean. 14 For example, if I use an unknown language in my prayers, my spirit prays but my mind is useless. 15 Then what should I do? There are times when I should pray with my spirit, and times when I should pray with my mind. Sometimes I should sing with my spirit, and at other times I should sing with my mind.
16 Suppose some strangers are in your worship service, when you are praising God with your spirit. If they don't understand you, how will they know to say, “Amen”? 17 You may be worshiping God in a wonderful way, but no one else will be helped. 18 I thank God that I speak unknown languages more than any of you. 19 But words that make sense can help the church. This is why in church I would rather speak five words that make sense than to speak 10,000 words in a language that others don't know.
20 My friends, stop thinking like children. Think like mature people and be as innocent as tiny babies. 21 In the Scriptures the Lord says,
“I will use strangers
who speak unknown languages
to talk to my people.
They will speak to them
in foreign languages,
but still my people
won't listen to me.”
22 Languages others don't know may mean something to unbelievers, but not to the Lord's followers. Prophecy, on the other hand, is for followers, not for unbelievers. 23 Suppose everyone in your worship service started speaking unknown languages, and some outsiders or some unbelievers come in. Won't they think you are crazy? 24 But suppose all of you are prophesying when those unbelievers and outsiders come in. They will realize that they are sinners, and they will want to change their ways because of what you are saying. 25 They will tell what is hidden in their hearts. Then they will kneel down and say to God, “We are certain that you are with these people.”
Worship Must Be Orderly
26 My friends, when you meet to worship, you must do everything for the good of everyone there. That's how it should be when someone sings or teaches or tells what God has said or speaks an unknown language or explains what the language means. 27 No more than two or three of you should speak unknown languages during the meeting. You must take turns, and someone should always be there to explain what you mean. 28 If no one can explain, you must keep silent in church and speak only to yourself and to God.
29 Two or three persons may prophesy, and everyone else must listen carefully. 30 If someone sitting there receives a message from God, the speaker must stop and let the other person speak. 31 Let only one person speak at a time, then all of you will learn something and be encouraged. 32 A prophet should be willing to stop and let someone else speak. 33 God wants everything to be done peacefully and in order.
When God's people meet in church, 34 the women must not be allowed to speak. They must keep quiet and listen, as the Law of Moses teaches. 35 If there is something they want to know, they can ask their husbands when they get home. It is disgraceful for women to speak in church.
36 God's message did not start with you people, and you are not the only ones it has reached.
37 If you think of yourself as a prophet or a spiritual person, you will know I am writing only what the Lord has commanded. 38 So don't pay attention to anyone who ignores what I am writing. 39 My friends, be eager to prophesy and don't stop anyone from speaking languages that others don't know. 40 But do everything properly and in order.
1 Kōrojit pēc mīlesteibas.
Pravīteibas un runas dōvonas.
Steidzitēs arī pēc gora dōvonom, seviški pēc pravītōšonas. 2 Volūdā runōtōjs narunoj tik daudz cylvākim, kai Dīvam, un nivins jō nasaklausa, jo jys ikš Gora runoj nūslāpumus. 3 Bet kas pravītoj, tys runoj ļaužu uzlobōšonai, pamūdynōšonai un īprīcynōšonai. 4 Kas runoj kaidā volūdā, tys uzloboj pats sevi, bet kas pravītoj, tys ceļ (Dīva) draudzi. 5 Es gon grybātu, lai jyus runōtu volūdōs, bet vēļ vairōk, lai jyus pravītōtu; jo tys, kas pravītoj, stōv augšōk na kai tys, kas volūdōs runoj. Bez tam vēļ ir vajadzeigs kas iztulkōtu, lai draudze tyktu pamūdynōta uz lobu.
6 Brōli, jo es pi jums aizgōjis, runōtu volūdōs, kaids tad nu manis jums lobums, jo es jums nanastu ni pasludynōšonas, ni zineibas, ni pravītōšonas, ni pamōceišonas. 7 Jo nadzeivī instrumenti fleita un citara skaņu dūtu, bet tona skaidri naatškērtu, kai tad varātu saprast, kas jymōs teik spālāts? 8 Un jo trompete dūtu tikai naskaidru skaņu, kas tad brūņōtūs kaujai? 9 Tai pat ir arī ar jums. Jo runojūt jyus naizsaceitu saprūtamu vōrdu, kai tad izsaceitū lai saprūt? Tad jyus runōtu vējā. 10 Pasaulī ir tik daudz volūdu, bet nivīna nav bez skaņas. 11 Un jo es skaņas nūzeimes nasaprūtu, tad es runōtōjam asmu svešs un runōtōjs man ir svešs.
12 Jo jyus steidzatēs pēc Gora dōvonom, tad ryupejitēs par tū, lai sajimtu piļneibā taidas, kas nūdar draudzes paceļšonai. 13 Tōpēc tys, kas kaidā volūdā jau runoj, lai lyudz iztulkōšonas dōvonas. 14 Jo es kaidā volūdā lyudzūs, tad muns gors gon lyudzās, bet muns prōts palīk bez auglim. 15 Kas tad iznōk? Es grybu na tikvin ar goru, bet arī ar saprasšonu lyugtīs; es grybu dzīdōt na tik vin ar goru, bet arī ar saprōtu. 16 Un jo tu pateiceibas lyugšonu skaiti tikai gorā, kai tad tys, kas ījam nasapratēja vītu, tovai pateiceibas lyugšonai var pasaceit amen? Jys tō, kū tu soki, nasaprūt. 17 Tova pateiceibas lyugšona var gon byut eista, bet cyta caur jū tu napaceļ. 18 Man, paļdis Dīvam, volūdu dōvonu ir vairōk par jums vysim, 19 bet sapuļcē es lobōk grybātu pīcus vōrdus pasaceit ar saprasšonu, lai cytus pamōceitu, na kai desmit tyukstūšas vōrdu volūdā.
20 Brōli, naesit bārni saprasšonā, bet gon esit kai mozi bārni ļaunumā; saprasšonā, turpretim, esit kai pīauguši. 21 Lykumā ir saceits: Šytai tautai es grybu runōt caur svešom mēlem un svešom lyupom, bet arī tod jei manis naklauseis, soka Kungs. 22 Tōpēc volūdu dōvona ir zeime na ticeigajim, bet gon naticeigajim, un pravītōjumu dōvona ir zeime na bezticeigajim, bet gon ticeigajim. 23 Jo tad vysa draudze saītu kūpā un vysi sōktu runōt volūdōs un kad īkšā īītu nasaprateigī vai naticeigī, vai tad jī napasaceitu, ka jyus asat ōrprōtā? 24 Bet jo vysim pravītojūt īnōktu ikšā kaids naticeigais vai arī nasaprateigais, un jo vysi jam pōrmastu, vysi jū pōrbaudeitu un 25 jō sirds nūslāpumus atklōtu, tad tys nūkrystu uz sova vaiga, pagūdynōtu Dīvu un izzeitu: Patīši, storp jums ir Dīvs!
26 Brōli, kas nu tō iznōk? Kad jyus sasapuļcejat un ikvinam nu jums ir vai dzīsme, mōceiba, atklōjums, volūdas runa, vai arī iztulkōšona, tad tys vyss lai nūteik uzceļšonai. 27 Jo kas grib runōt volūdōs, tad tū lai dora tikai divi, vai, lelōkais, trejs pēc kōrtas, un vins lai iztulkoj. 28 Bet jo nav nivīna iztulkōtōja, tad tī sapulcē lai klus; tī var runōt tikai poši ar sevi un ar Dīvu. 29 Arī pravīši lai runoj tikai divi vai trejs, cyti lai pōrbauda. 30 Bet jo kam nu klōtasūšajim nōk atklōjums, tod pyrmais lai nūklust. 31 Pravītōt jyus varat vysi, vins pēc ūtra, lai vysim byutu pamōceišona un pamūdynōjums. 32 Pravīšu gori pravīšim ir pakļōveigi, 33 jo Dīvs nav kildu, bet mīra.
Kai vysōs svātūs draudzēs, 34 tai arī (pi jums) sapuļcēs sīvītem ir jōklus. Jom napīdīn runōt, bet gon byut paklauseigom, kai tū pīsoka lykums. 35 Un jo jōs grib kaut kū izzynōt, tad lai jautoj nu sovim veirim mōjōs. Nabyutu pīklōjeigi, kad sapulcē runōtu sīvīte. 36 Vai tad Dīva vōrds nu jums ir izgōjis, vai arī uz jums vin ir nōcis?
37 Jo kas dūmoj, ka jam ir pravītōšonas, vai arī kaida cyta dōvona, tad jam ir jōatsazeist, ka tys, kū es rokstu, ir Kunga pīsacejumi. 38 Jo jys tō naatzeitu, tad arī jys pats natiks atzeits. 39 Tai tad, brōli, steidzatēs pēc pravītōšonas, bet arī nalīcit škēršļu runōt volūdōs. 40 Vyss, tūmār, lai nūteik pīklōjeigi un kōrteigi.