1 Kā uguns cēlās pravietis Elija,
kā lāpa liesmoja viņa teiktais.
2 Viņš izraisīja badu to vidū,
savā degsmē lika sarukt to skaitam;
3 ar Kunga vārdu aizslēdza debesis
un tāpat arī trīsreiz lika ugunij nonākt lejā.
4 Cik godpilns tu biji ar saviem brīnumiem, Elija!
Kurš gan var lepoties, ka būtu bijis tev līdzīgs,
5 kas no nāves piecēli mirušo,
no mirušo valstības – Visuaugstākā vārdā;
6 kas iznīcībā ievedi ķēniņus
un godājamos izmeti no viņu gultām;
7 kas pārmetumus dzirdēji Sīnajā
un atmaksas spriedumu Horeba kalnā;
8 kas par atriebējiem svaidīji ķēniņus
un praviešus par saviem sekotājiem;
9 kas tiki uzņemts uguns viesulī
un ugunīgu rumaku iejūgā;
10 kas – tā rakstīts pārmetumos nākamajiem laikiem, –
pirms iestāsies niknums, remdinās Dieva dusmas,
tēvu sirdis pievērsīs bērniem
un atjaunos Jēkaba ciltis.
11 Svētlaimīgi, kas tevi redzējuši
un kas mīlestībā aizmiguši, –
arī mēs, tik tiešām, dzīvosim!
12 Elija – viņš patvērās viesulī,
un viņa gars piepildīja Elīšu:
savā mūžā tas nekad nav drebējis valdnieku priekšā,
un savai varai to neviens nav varējis pakļaut.
13 Nekas tam nebija neiespējams.
Pašam mūža miegā atdusoties, tā miesas pravietoja,
14 gan dzīves laikā viņš bija darījis brīnumus,
gan pēc nāves darītais bija brīnumains.
15 Bet tauta neatgriezās par spīti tam visam,
no saviem grēkiem tā neatstājās,
līdz kamēr netika aizvesta no zemes kā laupījums
un izkliedēta pa visu zemi.
16 No tautas palika nedaudzi
līdz ar valdnieku Dāvida namā:
vieni rīkojās, kā patīk Dievam,
citi vairoja grēku skaitu.
17 Hizkija nocietināja savu pilsētu
un pievadīja ūdeni tai vidū:
dzelzs rīkiem cauri kraujai izcirties,
ūdens avotu izbūvēja.
18 Viņa laikā nāca Sinahērībs,
kas sūtīja virspavēlnieku – tas devās ceļā,
ar savu roku atvēzējās pār Ciānu
un plātījās savā uzpūtībā.
19 Tad nodrebēja sirdis un rokas.
Kā dzemdētājas viņi cieta sāpēs
20 un piesauca Kungu, Žēlsirdīgo,
pret viņu izpletuši savas rokas:
un drīz vien no debesīm Svētais tos uzklausīja
un atpestīja – Jesajas rokām.
21 Viņš satrieca asīriešu nometni,
viņa sūtītais tos iznīcināja,
22 jo Hizkija rīkojās tā, kā patīk Kungam,
cieši gāja priekšteča Dāvida gaitās,
kā to dižs un uzticams savos redzējumos
pravietis Jesaja bija pavēlējis.
23 Viņa laikā saule attecēja atpakaļ,
viņš pagarināja ķēniņa mūžu;
24 savā diženajā garā skatīja laiku galu
un sērotājus Ciānā mierināja.
25 Viņš atklāja nākamību līdz pat mūžībai
un apslēpto, pirms tas ir īstenojies.
1 Then stood up Elias the prophet as fire, and his word burned like a lamp.
2 He brought a sore famine upon them, and by his zeal he diminished their number.
3 By the word of the Lord he shut up the heaven, and also three times brought down fire.
4 O Elias, how wast thou honoured in thy wondrous deeds! and who may glory like unto thee!
5 Who didst raise up a dead man from death, and his soul from the place of the dead, by the word of the most High:
6 Who broughtest kings to destruction, and honorable men from their bed:
7 Who heardest the rebuke of the Lord in Sinai, and in Horeb the judgment of vengeance:
8 Who annointedst kings to take revenge, and prophets to succeed after him:
9 Who was taken up in a whirlwind of fire, and in a chariot of fiery horses:
10 Who wast ordained for reproofs in their times, to pacify the wrath of the Lord’s judgment, before it brake forth into fury, and to turn the heart of the father unto the son, and to restore the tribes of Jacob.
11 Blessed are they that saw thee, and slept in love; for we shall surely live.
12 Elias it was, who was covered with a whirlwind: and Eliseus was filled with his spirit: whilst he lived, he was not moved with the presence of any prince, neither could any bring him into subjection.
13 No word could overcome him; and after his death his body prophesied.
14 He did wonders in his life, and at his death were his works marvellous.
15 For all this the people repented not, neither departed they from their sins, till they were spoiled and carried out of their land, and were scattered through all the earth: yet there remained a small people, and a ruler in the house of David:
16 Of whom some did that which was pleasing to God, and some multiplied sins.
17 Ezekias fortified his city, and brought in water into the midst thereof: he digged the hard rock with iron, and made wells for waters.
18 In his time Sennacherib came up, and sent Rabsaces, and lifted up his hand against Sion, and boasted proudly.
19 Then trembled their hearts and hands, and they were in pain, as women in travail.
20 But they called upon the Lord which is merciful, and stretched out their hands toward him: and immediately the Holy One heard them out of heaven, and delivered them by the ministry of Esay.
21 He smote the host of the Assyrians, and his angel destroyed them.
22 For Ezekias had done the thing that pleased the Lord, and was strong in the ways of David his father, as Esay the prophet, who was great and faithful in his vision, had commanded him.
23 In his time the sun went backward, and he lengthened the king’s life.
24 He saw by an excellent spirit what should come to pass at the last, and he comforted them that mourned in Sion.
25 He shewed what should come to pass for ever, and secret things or ever they came.