Dēmētrija nākšana pie varas
1 Pēc trim gadiem tie, kas bija kopā ar Jūdu, uzzināja, ka Dēmētrijs, Seleika dēls, ieradies Tripoles ostā ar lielu karaspēku un daudz kuģiem, 2 sagrābis šo zemi un nogalinājis Antiohu un viņa aizbildni Līsiju. 3 Kāds Alkins, kas agrāk bija virspriesteris, bet juku laikos tīšuprāt pakļāva sevi nešķīstībai, sapratis, ka viņam nekādi nav iespējams glābiņš un liegta piedalīšanās svētajā upurēšanā, 4 151. gadā devās pie ķēniņa Dēmētrija, lai tam pasniegtu zelta vainagu, palmas zaru un turklāt vēl olīvas zarus, kas tika uzskatīti par templim piederīgiem. Tajā dienā viņš neko nesāka. 5 Nogaidījis savai neprātībai izdevīgu brīdi, kad ķēniņš viņu uzaicināja uz sinedriju un iztaujāja par jūdu noskaņojumu un nodomiem, viņš sacīja: 6 “Tie jūdi, kurus sauc par hasīdiem un kurus vada Jūda Makabejs, veicina karus un dumpojas, neļaudami valstī nodibināt mieru un kārtību. 7 Viņu dēļ man ir atņemts no tēvu tēviem mantotais goda amats – es runāju par virspriestera amatu, tādēļ esmu ieradies šeit, 8 pirmkārt, patiesi norūpējies par labumu, kas pienākas ķēniņam, otrkārt, domādams par mūsu pašu pilsoņiem, jo minēto ļaužu nesaprātības dēļ mūsu tautai jādzīvo lielā trūkumā. 9 To visu tagad zinādams, tu, ķēniņ, būdams savā labvēlībā visiem pretimnākošs, parūpējies par šo zemi un par mūsu nomākto tautu. 10 Jo, kamēr Jūda ir dzīvs, valstī nav iespējams miers.”
Nikanora iecelšana amatā
11 Kad tas bija pateikts, ķēniņam tuvu stāvošie cilvēki, kas bija naidīgi noskaņoti pret Jūdu, vēl vairāk iekarsināja Dēmētriju. 12 Viņš tūlīt lika ierasties Nikanoram, kura uzraudzībā bija ziloņi, un, nozīmējis viņu par karavadoni, sūtīja pret Jūdeju, 13 pavēlēdams pašu Jūdu nogalināt, bet viņa līdzgaitniekus izklīdināt un Alkimu iecelt par lielā tempļa virspriesteri. 14 Jūdejas cittautieši, bēgdami prom no Jūdas, bariem pievienojās Nikanoram, cerēdami, ka jūdu nelaimes un posts kļūs viņiem par veiksmi.
Nikanors slēdz mieru ar Jūdu
15 Jūdi, padzirdējuši par Nikanora tuvošanos un cittautiešu pievienošanos viņam, kaisīja sev zemi uz galvas un vērsās ar lūgšanām pie viņa, kurš bija iedibinājis savu tautu līdz mūžības galam un vienmēr ar savu parādīšanos aizstāvēja to, kas bija viņa daļa. 16 Tad pēc karavadoņa pavēles viņi tūlīt devās ceļā un sastapās ar ienaidnieku pie Desavas ciema. 17 Simons, Jūdas brālis, jau metās virsū Nikanoram, bet pretinieku pēkšņais apjukums, ko izraisīja bailes, viņu apstādināja. 18 Proti, Nikanors, dzirdēdams par Jūdas karavīru vīrišķību un drosmi cīņās par tēvzemi, par labāku uzskatīja izvairīties lietu izšķirt ar asinīm. 19 Tādēļ viņš sūtīja Posidoniju, Teodotu un Matafiju, lai tie noslēdz mieru. 20 Pēc ilgākas pārspriešanas, kad vadonis to paziņoja tautai, visi izteica vienprātīgu atzinumu un piekrita slēgt mieru. 21 Viņi noteica dienu, kurā sanāktu vadoņi vieni paši. Katram bija sagādātas nestuves un nolikti sēdekļi. 22 Jūda bija izvietojis piemērotās vietās bruņotus vīrus, kas bija gatavībā, ja no ienaidnieku puses pēkšņi notiktu kāda ļaundarība. Sarunās valdīja saskanība. 23 Nikanors kādu laiku pavadīja Jeruzālemē. Neko nepiedienīgu viņš nedarīja un savus ļaudis, kas tur bariem bija sanākuši, viņš atlaida. 24 Pastāvīgi viņš turēja Jūdu savā tuvumā un no sirds viņam pieķērās. 25 Viņš mudināja Jūdu apprecēties un radīt bērnus. Jūda apprecējās, norimās un pievērsās mierīgai dzīvei.
26 Bet Alkims, redzēdams viņu savstarpējo labvēlību vienam pret otru un uzzinājis par notikušo vienošanos, aizgāja pie Dēmētrija un teica, ka Nikanora ieceres ir pretējas valsts interesēm, jo viņš ir nozīmējis par savu pēcteci Jūdu, kurš taču ir naidīgi noskaņots pret ķēniņa valsti. 27 Ķēniņš sadusmojās un, šī pagalam nekrietnā vīra apmelojumu iespaidā aizkaitināts, sūtīja Nikanoram rakstisku ziņu, kurā izteica gaužu neapmierinātību ar viņu vienošanos. Viņš pavēlēja Makabeju sagūstīt un visā drīzumā atgādāt uz Antiohiju. 28 Kad šī ziņa nonāca pie Nikanora, viņš samulsa un jutās apbēdināts par to, ka panāktā vienošanās jāatceļ, lai gan nekāda netaisnība no Makabeja puses nebija izdarīta. 29 Bet, tā kā pretoties ķēniņam nebija iespējams, viņš nogaidīja izdevīgu brīdi, lai ar viltību šo pavēli izpildītu. 30 Makabejs pamanīja, ka Nikanors pret viņu sāk izturēties arvien nelaipnāk un satiekoties ir skarbāks nekā parasti. Apjautis, ka šāda nelaipnība nav uz labu, viņš savāca diezgan lielu daudzumu savu vīru un paslēpās no Nikanora. 31 Kad Nikanors saprata, ka Makabejs viņu ir viltībā lieliski pārspējis, viņš ieradās dižajā un svētajā templī, kad priesteri tur veica upurēšanu, un pavēlēja izdot šo vīru. 32 Tie apzvērēja, ka nezinot, kur atrodas meklētais. 33 Tad Nikanors, izstiepis labo roku pret templi, zvērēja: “Ja jūs neizdosiet man Jūdu, sagūstītu važās, es nolīdzināšu līdz ar zemi šo Dieva svētvietu, sagraušu altāri un šajā vietā uzcelšu spožu Dionīsa templi.” 34 To pateicis, viņš aizgāja. Priesteri pacēla rokas pret debesīm un piesauca to, kurš vienmēr ir iestājies par mūsu tautu. 35 Viņi teica: “Kungs, lai gan tev nekā nevajag, tu tomēr vēlējies, lai templis ir tava mājvieta pie mums. 36 Un tagad, Kungs, tu vissvētākais Svētais, pasargā uz mūžiem šo nesen atjaunoto namu neaptraipītu.”
Razisa nāve
37 Nikanoram tika ziņots par kādu Jeruzālemes vecajo, vārdā Raziss, kas bija draudzīgs pilsoņiem, un viņam bija laba slava; savas labvēlības dēļ viņš tika dēvēts par jūdu tēvu. 38 Iepriekšējos juku laikos viņš stingri iestājās par jūdaismu un ar visu dedzību ziedoja miesu un dvēseli jūdaismam. 39 Nikanors, gribēdams parādīt, cik lielu nepatiku viņš jūt pret jūdiem, nosūtīja vairāk nekā piecsimt karavīru, lai tie Razisu sagūstītu, 40 jo viņš domāja, ka, to sagūstīdams, viņš jūdiem nodarīs ļaunumu. 41 Kad karavīru pūlis jau grasījās ieņemt torni un ar spēku centās ielauzties caur pagalma vārtiem un lika atnest uguni, lai vārtus aizdedzinātu, Raziss, no visām pusēm pakļauts sagūstīšanas briesmām, cirta sev ar zobenu, 42 gribēdams labāk cildeni nomirt nekā nokļūt rokās noziedzniekiem un pieļaut, ka viņa gods tiek necienīgi pazemots. 43 Bet cīņas steigā viņš nebija labi nomērķējis zobena cirtienu, un, kad pūlis jau bija caur vārtiem ielauzies, viņš drosmīgi uzskrēja uz mūra un vīrišķīgi metās lejup pūlī. 44 Tas pašķīrās, un izveidojās tukša vieta; tās vidū Raziss nokrita. 45 Vēl elpodams un dusmās degdams, viņš piecēlās kājās, lai gan asinis plūda straumēm un ievainojumi bija smagi, un, izskrējis cauri pūlim, nostājās uz kādas kraujas klints. 46 Jau pilnīgi zaudējis asinis, viņš izrāva sev iekšas un, saņēmis ar abām rokām, iesvieda tās pūlī; tad viņš piesauca dzīvības un gara Valdnieku un lūdza, lai tas viss viņam tiktu atkal atdots atpakaļ; tā viņš aizgāja no dzīves.
1 After three years was Judas informed, that Demetrius the son of Seleucus, having entered by the haven of Tripolis with a great power and navy,
2 Had taken the country, and killed Antiochus, and Lysias his protector.
3 Now one Alcimus, who had been high priest, and had defiled himself wilfully in the times of their mingling with the Gentiles, seeing that by no means he could save himself, nor have any more access to the holy altar,
4 Came to king Demetrius in the hundred and one and fiftieth year, presenting unto him a crown of gold, and a palm, and also of the boughs which were used solemnly in the temple: and so that day he held his peace.
5 Howbeit having gotten opportunity to further his foolish enterprize, and being called into counsel by Demetrius, and asked how the Jews stood affected, and what they intended, he answered thereunto:
6 Those of the Jews that he called Assideans, whose captain is Judas Maccabeus, nourish war and are seditious, and will not let the rest be in peace.
7 Therefore I, being deprived of mine ancestors’ honour, I mean the high priesthood, am now come hither:
8 First, verily for the unfeigned care I have of things pertaining to the king; and secondly, even for that I intend the good of mine own countrymen: for all our nation is in no small misery through the unadvised dealing of them aforersaid.
9 Wherefore, O king, seeing thou knowest all these things, be careful for the country, and our nation, which is pressed on every side, according to the clemency that thou readily shewest unto all.
10 For as long as Judas liveth, it is not possible that the state should be quiet.
11 This was no sooner spoken of him, but others of the king’s friends, being maliciously set against Judas, did more incense Demetrius.
12 And forthwith calling Nicanor, who had been master of the elephants, and making him governor over Judea, he sent him forth,
13 Commanding him to slay Judas, and to scatter them that were with him, and to make Alcimus high priest of the great temple.
14 Then the heathen, that had fled out of Judea from Judas, came to Nicanor by flocks, thinking the harm and calamities of the Jews to be their welfare.
15 Now when the Jews heard of Nicanor’s coming, and that the heathen were up against them, they cast earth upon their heads, and made supplication to him that had established his people for ever, and who always helpeth his portion with manifestation of his presence.
16 So at the commandment of the captain they removed straightways from thence, and came near unto them at the town of Dessau.
17 Now Simon, Judas’ brother, had joined battle with Nicanor, but was somewhat discomfited through the sudden silence of his enemies.
18 Nevertheless Nicanor, hearing of the manliness of them that were with Judas, and the courageousness that they had to fight for their country, durst not try the matter by the sword.
19 Wherefore he sent Posidonius, and Theodotus, and Mattathias, to make peace.
20 So when they had taken long advisement thereupon, and the captain had made the multitude acquainted therewith, and it appeared that they were all of one mind, they consented to the covenants,
21 And appointed a day to meet in together by themselves: and when the day came, and stools were set for either of them,
22 Judas placed armed men ready in convenient places, lest some treachery should be suddenly practised by the enemies: so they made a peaceable conference.
23 Now Nicanor abode in Jerusalem, and did no hurt, but sent away the people that came flocking unto him.
24 And he would not willingly have Judas out of his sight: for he loved the man from his heart.
25 He prayed him also to take a wife, and to beget children: so he married, was quiet, and took part of this life.
26 But Alcimus, perceiving the love that was betwixt them, and considering the covenants that were made, came to Demetrius, and told him that Nicanor was not well affected toward the state; for that he had ordained Judas, a traitor to his realm, to be the king’s successor.
27 Then the king being in a rage, and provoked with the accusations of the most wicked man, wrote to Nicanor, signifying that he was much displeased with the covenants, and commanding him that he should send Maccabeus prisoner in all haste unto Antioch.
28 When this came to Nicanor’s hearing, he was much confounded in himself, and took it grievously that he should make void the articles which were agreed upon, the man being in no fault.
29 But because there was no dealing against the king, he watched his time to accomplish this thing by policy.
30 Notwithstanding, when Maccabeus saw that Nicanor began to be churlish unto him, and that he entreated him more roughly than he was wont, perceiving that such sour behaviour came not of good, he gathered together not a few of his men, and withdrew himself from Nicanor.
31 But the other, knowing that he was notably prevented by Judas’ policy, came into the great and holy temple, and commanded the priests, that were offering their usual sacrifices, to deliver him the man.
32 And when they sware that they could not tell where the man was whom he sought,
33 He stretched out his right hand toward the temple, and made an oath in this manner: If ye will not deliver me Judas as a prisoner, I will lay this temple of God even with the ground, and I will break down the altar, and erect a notable temple unto Bacchus.
34 After these words he departed. Then the priests lifted up their hands toward heaven, and besought him that was ever a defender of their nation, saying in this manner;
35 Thou, O Lord of all things, who hast need of nothing, wast pleased that the temple of thine habitation should be among us:
36 Therefore now, O holy Lord of all holiness, keep this house ever undefiled, which lately was cleansed, and stop every unrighteous mouth.
37 Now was there accused unto Nicanor one Razis, one of the elders of Jerusalem, a lover of his countrymen, and a man of very good report, who for his kindness was called a father of the Jews.
38 For in the former times, when they mingled not themselves with the Gentiles, he had been accused of Judaism, and did boldly jeopard his body and life with all vehemency for the religion of the Jews.
39 So Nicanor, willing to declare the hate that he bare unto the Jews, sent above five hundred men of war to take him:
40 For he thought by taking him to do the Jews much hurt.
41 Now when the multitude would have taken the tower, and violently broken into the outer door, and bade that fire should be brought to burn it, he being ready to be taken on every side fell upon his sword;
42 Choosing rather to die manfully, than to come into the hands of the wicked, to be abused otherwise than beseemed his noble birth:
43 But missing his stroke through haste, the multitude also rushing within the doors, he ran boldly up to the wall, and cast himself down manfully among the thickest of them.
44 But they quickly giving back, and a space being made, he fell down into the midst of the void place.
45 Nevertheless, while there was yet breath within him, being inflamed with anger, he rose up; and though his blood gushed out like spouts of water, and his wounds were grievous, yet he ran through the midst of the throng; and standing upon a steep rock,
46 When as his blood was now quite gone, he plucked out his bowels, and taking them in both his hands, he cast them upon the throng, and calling upon the Lord of life and spirit to restore him those again, he thus died.