Apollonija sakāve
1 Matatija vietā stājās viņa dēls Jūda, saukts Makabejs. 2 Tam palīdzēja visi viņa brāļi un visi, kas bija pieķērušies viņa tēvam un aizrautīgi cīnījušies Israēlā. 3 Tā viņš vairoja savas tautas godu, viņš apvilka krūšu bruņas kā varenais un apjozās ar saviem cīņas ieročiem, un veda karus, ar savu zobenu sargādams nometni. 4 Savos darbos tas līdzīgs lauvam, kā jauns lauva, kas pēc laupījuma rēc. 5 Viņš atrada bauslības pārkāpējus un vajāja tos, ar uguni izdeldēja tos, kas postīja viņa tautu. 6 Bauslības pārkāpēji izbailēs no viņa rāvās atpakaļ un visi ļauna darītāji iztrūkās; tā glābšana sekmējās ar viņa roku. 7 Viņš darīja dzīvi rūgtu daudziem ķēniņiem un iepriecināja Jēkabu ar saviem darbiem; mūžam slavēta ir viņa piemiņa! 8 Viņš pārstaigāja Jūdejas pilsētas un izdeldēja bezdievjus no tās; viņš novērsa dusmību no Israēla, 9 un viņa vārds bija slavens līdz pat zemes galam, un viņš sapulcināja tos, kam jau bija nospriesta bojāeja.
10 Bet Apollonijs sapulcināja cittautiešus un arī lielu karaspēku no Samarijas, lai karotu pret Israēlu. 11 Kad Jūda to uzzināja, viņš izgāja tam pretī, sakāva viņa karaspēku un viņu pašu nokāva, daudzi no tiem krita kaujas laukā savainoti, bet pāri palikušie bēga. 12 Un Jūda ieguva no viņiem kara laupījumu, viņš ņēma Apollonija zobenu un allaž lietoja to cīņā.
Cīņa pie Bēt-Horonas
13 Kad Sīrijas karaspēka pavēlnieks Sērons dzirdēja, ka Jūda ir sapulcinājis ap sevi pulkus un ticīgos ļaudis, kas ar to kopā dodas karā, 14 viņš sacīja: “Es darīšu slavenu savu vārdu un iemantošu sev godu ķēniņa valstī – es karošu ar Jūdu un viņa sekotājiem, kas nicina ķēniņa pavēli.” 15 Viņam pievienojās un devās līdzi varens pulks bezdievju, lai palīdzētu viņam atriebties Israēla dēliem. 16 Viņš tuvojās Bēt-Horonas nogāzei, un viņam pretī izgāja Jūda ar pavisam nedaudziem. 17 Kad tie ieraudzīja karapulku, kas nāca viņiem pretī, tie sacīja Jūdam: “Kā gan mēs, būdami tik mazā skaitā, lai spētu cīnīties ar tik lielu un varenu pulku? Turklāt mēs esam izsalkuši, jo šodien mēs vēl neko neesam ēduši.” 18 Jūda atbildēja: “Viegli var notikt, ka daudzi tiek nodoti nedaudzu rokās, un nav atšķirības debesu priekšā – izglābt ar daudziem vai ar nedaudziem; 19 ne jau no karaspēka lieluma atkarīga uzvara karā, bet gan no debesīm nāk spēks. 20 Tie nāk pret mums ar lielu augstprātību un netaisnību, lai nonāvētu mūs un mūsu sievas, un mūsu bērnus, tie nāk, lai mūs aplaupītu, 21 bet mēs cīnāmies par savu dzīvību un saviem likumiem. 22 Tas būs pats Kungs, kas satrieks tos mūsu vaiga priekšā, bet jūs no tiem nebaidieties.” 23 Tad Jūda, beidzis runāt, spēji metās virsū Sēronam un viņa nometnei, un tie tika satriekti viņa priekšā. 24 Viņš vajāja tos pa Bēt-Horonas nogāzi līdz pat līdzenumam; viņiem krita astoņi simti vīru, bet pārējie aizbēga uz filistiešu zemi. 25 Tā cittautiešus, kas dzīvoja apkārt, pārņēma ārkārtīgas izbailes, un tie sāka baidīties no Jūdas un viņa brāļiem. 26 Bet Jūdas vārda slava nonāca līdz pat ķēniņam, un par viņa kara mākslu runāja cittautieši.
Lisija apvienotie spēki pret Israēlu
27 Kad ķēniņš Antiohs izdzirda visas šīs runas, viņš kļuva ļoti nikns un izsūtīja vēstnešus pa visu savu valsti un sapulcināja spēcīgu karaspēku. 28 Ķēniņš lika arī atvērt valsts mantnīcu un izmaksāt karaspēkam gada algu un pavēlēja tiem būt gatavībā jebkurai vajadzībai. 29 Bet tad viņš redzēja, ka naudas krātuvē nepietiek, jo maz nodevu bija saņemts no zemes sacelšanās un nelaimju dēļ, kuras viņš pats bija izraisījis tajā zemē, atceldams likumus, kas tur bija kopš senām dienām. 30 Un ķēniņš sāka bažīties, ka viņam atlicis naudas tikai vienai vai divām reizēm, lai īstenotu tos tēriņus un apdāvināšanu, ar ko viņš pārspēja iepriekšējos ķēniņus. 31 Viņa sirds tādēļ bija ļoti norūpējusies, un viņš nolēma doties uz Persiju, lai ievāktu tur zemes nodevas un ieņemtu daudz naudas. 32 Ķēniņš atstāja Lisiju, kādu slavenu vīru no ķēniņa dzimtas, pārvaldīt viņa lietas visā apvidū no Eifrātas upes līdz pat Ēģiptes zemei 33 un uzticēja tam sava dēla Antioha audzināšanu līdz brīdim, kad viņš pats atgriezīsies. 34 Viņš arī atstāja Lisijam pusi sava karaspēka un kaujas ziloņus un deva tam pavēles par visu, ko pats bija nolēmis, arī par Jūdejas un Jeruzālemes iedzīvotājiem, 35 ka viņš nosūtītu turp karaspēku, lai tas izdeldētu un iznīcinātu Israēla spēku un Jeruzālemes atlikumu, un izdeldētu pat viņu piemiņu no šīs vietas, 36 nometinot viņu apvidū svešinieku dēlus un izdalot tiem viņu zemi. 37 Tad ķēniņš ņēma atlikušo karaspēka pusi un simt četrdesmit septītajā gadā devās projām no savas valsts galvaspilsētas Antiohijas. Viņš pārcēlās pāri Eifrātas upei un devās cauri augšējiem apgabaliem.
38 Bet Lisijs izvēlējās Ptolemaju, Dorimena dēlu, Nikanoru un Gorgiju, varenus vīrus no ķēniņa draugu vidus, 39 un nosūtīja tos kopā ar četrdesmit tūkstošiem vīru un septiņiem tūkstošiem jātnieku, lai tie pēc ķēniņa pavēles dotos izpostīt Jūdeju. 40 Tie devās ceļā ar visu savu karaspēku un, nonākuši līdzenumā, kas bija netālu no Emmausas, uzcēla tur nometni. 41 Kad tās vietas tirgoņi izdzirdēja, kas pie viņiem ieradušies, tie ņēma lielu daudzumu sudraba un zelta, kā arī važas un ieradās nometnē, lai dabūtu sev Israēla dēlus par kalpiem; tur tiem pievienojās arī Sīrijas un citu zemju karaspēks. 42 Kad Jūda un viņa brāļi redzēja, ka ļaunums ir vairojies un ienaidnieku karaspēks ir uzcēlis nometni viņu robežās, tie saprata, ko ķēniņš bija pavēlējis nodarīt viņu tautai, lai to pazudinātu un iznīcinātu. 43 Tad sacīja ikviens savam tuvākajam: “Atjaunosim to, kas izpostīts mūsu tautā, un karosim par mūsu tautu un svētnīcu!” 44 Tika sasaukta sapulce, lai varētu sagatavoties karam, lai piesauktu Dievu un lūgtu pēc žēlastības un apžēlošanas. 45 Bet Jeruzāleme bija neapdzīvota kā tuksnesis, vairs nebija neviena no tās dzimuma, kas tajā ieiet un iziet; tās svētnīca izmīdīta, tās kalna cietoksnī svešinieku dēli; tā kļuvusi par viesu namu cittautiešiem. Jēkaba prieks ir atņemts, apklususi flauta un lira. 46 Un tie atnāca un sapulcējās Micpā, iepretim Jeruzālemei, jo Israēlam senāk Micpā bija lūgšanu vieta. 47 Tanī dienā tie gavēja un apvilka maisus, un kaisīja uz galvām pelnus, un pārplēsa savas drēbes. 48 Tie atvēra bauslības grāmatu, lai uzzinātu to, ko cittautieši grib uzzināt, izmantodami savu elku tēlus. 49 Tie sanesa priesteru tērpus un pirmaugļus, un desmito tiesu, tie sasauca nazīriešus, kuru solījuma dienas bija piepildījušās,
50 tie pacēla balsi un sauca uz debesīm:
“Ko lai mēs darām ar visu šo un kur lai to nesam?
51 Tava svētnīca – izmīdīta un apgānīta,
tavi priesteri bēdās un pazemoti.
52 Redzi, cittautieši sapulcējušies pret mums,
lai iznīcinātu mūs,
tu zini, ko tie ir nosprieduši par mums.
53 Kā gan mēs varēsim tiem stāties pretī,
ja tu mums nepalīdzēsi?”
54 Un tie pūta taures un sauca skaļā balsī. 55 Pēc tam Jūda iecēla tautai priekšniekus pār tūkstošiem, pār simtiem, pār piecdesmit un pār desmit. 56 Viņš arī pēc bauslības sacīja tiem, kas bija cēluši namu, nupat apņēmuši sievu vai dēstījuši vīnadārzu, un tiem, kas bailīgi, lai tie katrs atgriežas savā namā. 57 Tad karapulks devās uz priekšu un uzcēla nometni uz dienvidiem no Emmausas. 58 Un Jūda sacīja: “Apjozieties un esiet stipri, esiet gatavi rītā agri doties kaujā ar cittautiešiem, kas sapulcējušies pret mums, lai iznīcinātu mūs un mūsu svētumus, 59 jo labāk mums ir mirt kaujas laukā nekā pieredzēt ļaunumu, kas nāks pār mūsu tautu un svētnīcu. 60 Un, kāda būs viņa debesu griba, tā viņš darīs.”
1 Then his son Judas, called Maccabeus, rose up in his stead.
2 And all his brethren helped him, and so did all they that held with his father, and they fought with cheerfulness the battle of Israel.
3 So he gat his people great honour, and put on a breastplate as a giant, and girt his warlike harness about him, and he made battles, protecting the host with his sword.
4 In his acts he was like a lion, and like a lion’s whelp roaring for his prey.
5 For He pursued the wicked, and sought them out, and burnt up those that vexed his people.
6 Wherefore the wicked shrunk for fear of him, and all the workers of iniquity were troubled, because salvation prospered in his hand.
7 He grieved also many kings, and made Jacob glad with his acts, and his memorial is blessed for ever.
8 Moreover he went through the cities of Juda, destroying the ungodly out of them, and turning away wrath from Israel:
9 So that he was renowned unto the utmost part of the earth, and he received unto him such as were ready to perish.
10 Then Apollonius gathered the Gentiles together, and a great host out of Samaria, to fight against Israel.
11 Which thing when Judas perceived, he went forth to meet him, and so he smote him, and slew him: many also fell down slain, but the rest fled.
12 Wherefore Judas took their spoils, and Apollonius’ sword also, and therewith he fought all his life long.
13 Now when Seron, a prince of the army of Syria, heard say that Judas had gathered unto him a multitude and company of the faithful to go out with him to war;
14 He said, I will get me a name and honour in the kingdom; for I will go fight with Judas and them that are with him, who despise the king’s commandment.
15 So he made him ready to go up, and there went with him a mighty host of the ungodly to help him, and to be avenged of the children of Israel.
16 And when he came near to the going up of Bethhoron, Judas went forth to meet him with a small company:
17 Who, when they saw the host coming to meet them, said unto Judas, How shall we be able, being so few, to fight against so great a multitude and so strong, seeing we are ready to faint with fasting all this day?
18 Unto whom Judas answered, It is no hard matter for many to be shut up in the hands of a few; and with the God of heaven it is all one, to deliver with a great multitude, or a small company:
19 For the victory of battle standeth not in the multitude of an host; but strength cometh from heaven.
20 They come against us in much pride and iniquity to destroy us, and our wives and children, and to spoil us:
21 But we fight for our lives and our laws.
22 Wherefore the Lord himself will overthrow them before our face: and as for you, be ye not afraid of them.
23 Now as soon as he had left off speaking, he leapt suddenly upon them, and so Seron and his host was overthrown before him.
24 And they pursued them from the going down of Bethhoron unto the plain, where were slain about eight hundred men of them; and the residue fled into the land of the Philistines.
25 Then began the fear of Judas and his brethren, and an exceeding great dread, to fall upon the nations round about them:
26 Insomuch as his fame came unto the king, and all nations talked of the battles of Judas.
27 Now when king Antiochus heard these things, he was full of indignation: wherefore he sent and gathered together all the forces of his realm, even a very strong army.
28 He opened also his treasure, and gave his soldiers pay for a year, commanding them to be ready whensoever he should need them.
29 Nevertheless, when he saw that the money of his treasures failed and that the tributes in the country were small, because of the dissension and plague, which he had brought upon the land in taking away the laws which had been of old time;
30 He feared that he should not be able to bear the charges any longer, nor to have such gifts to give so liberally as he did before: for he had abounded above the kings that were before him.
31 Wherefore, being greatly perplexed in his mind, he determined to go into Persia, there to take the tributes of the countries, and to gather much money.
32 So he left Lysias, a nobleman, and one of the blood royal, to oversee the affairs of the king from the river Euphrates unto the borders of Egypt:
33 And to bring up his son Antiochus, until he came again.
34 Moreover he delivered unto him the half of his forces, and the elephants, and gave him charge of all things that he would have done, as also concerning them that dwelt in Juda and Jerusalem:
35 To wit, that he should send an army against them, to destroy and root out the strength of Israel, and the remnant of Jerusalem, and to take away their memorial from that place;
36 And that he should place strangers in all their quarters, and divide their land by lot.
37 So the king took the half of the forces that remained, and departed from Antioch, his royal city, the hundred forty and seventh year; and having passed the river Euphrates, he went through the high countries.
38 Then Lysias chose Ptolemee the son of Dorymenes, Nicanor, and Gorgias, mighty men of the king’s friends:
39 And with them he sent forty thousand footmen, and seven thousand horsemen, to go into the land of Juda, and to destroy it, as the king commanded.
40 So they went forth with all their power, and came and pitched by Emmaus in the plain country.
41 And the merchants of the country, hearing the fame of them, took silver and gold very much, with servants, and came into the camp to buy the children of Israel for slaves: a power also of Syria and of the land of the Philistines joined themselves unto them.
42 Now when Judas and his brethren saw that miseries were multiplied, and that the forces did encamp themselves in their borders: for they knew how the king had given commandment to destroy the people, and utterly abolish them;
43 They said one to another, Let us restore the decayed fortune of our people, and let us fight for our people and the sanctuary.
44 Then was the congregation gathered together, that they might be ready for battle, and that they might pray, and ask mercy and compassion.
45 Now Jerusalem lay void as a wilderness, there was none of her children that went in or out: the sanctuary also was trodden down, and aliens kept the strong hold; the heathen had their habitation in that place; and joy was taken from Jacob, and the pipe with the harp ceased.
46 Wherefore the Israelites assembled themselves together, and came to Maspha, over against Jerusalem; for in Maspha was the place where they prayed aforetime in Israel.
47 Then they fasted that day, and put on sackcloth, and cast ashes upon their heads, and rent their clothes,
48 And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images.
49 They brought also the priests’ garments, and the firstfruits, and the tithes: and the Nazarites they stirred up, who had accomplished their days.
50 Then cried they with a loud voice toward heaven, saying, What shall we do with these, and whither shall we carry them away?
51 For thy sanctuary is trodden down and profaned, and thy priests are in heaviness, and brought low.
52 And lo, the heathen are assembled together against us to destroy us: what things they imagine against us, thou knowest.
53 How shall we be able to stand against them, except thou, O God, be our help?
54 Then sounded they with trumpets, and cried with a loud voice.
55 And after this Judas ordained captains over the people, even captains over thousands, and over hundreds, and over fifties, and over tens.
56 But as for such as were building houses, or had betrothed wives, or were planting vineyards, or were fearful, those he commanded that they should return, every man to his own house, according to the law.
57 So the camp removed, and pitched upon the south side of Emmaus.
58 And Judas said, arm yourselves, and be valiant men, and see that ye be in readiness against the morning, that ye may fight with these nations, that are assembled together against us to destroy us and our sanctuary:
59 For it is better for us to die in battle, than to behold the calamities of our people and our sanctuary.
60 Nevertheless, as the will of God is in heaven, so let him do.