Pret cyta vōjumim jōir īcīteigam.
1 Mums styprajim ir pīnōkums byut īcīteigim pret nastyprūs vōjumim un mes nadreikstam dareit pēc sovas īgrybas. 2 Ikvīns nu mums sovam tyvōkajam lai ir pateikams un lai pamūdynoj uz lobu. 3 Arī Kristus pats nadareja pēc sovas īgrybas, bet gon kai stōv raksteits: Uz manis kreit tūs pasmōdēšonas, kas pasmōdej Tevi, 4 jo tys, kas stōv vacajūs Rokstūs, ir raksteits myusu pamōcēšonai, lai mums caur iztureibu un Rokstu īprīcynōjumu byutu cereiba. 5 Lai Dīvs, kas syuta iztureibu un īprīcynōšonu, dūd jums sovstarpejū sadareibu saskaņā ar Jezu Kristu, 6 lai jyus reizē vīnā bolsā gūdynōtu Dīvu, myusu Kunga Jezus Kristus Tāvu.
7 Tōpēc pījemit vīns ūtru Dīvam par gūdu tai, kai jyusus ir pījēmis Kristus, 8 jo es soku: Kristus ir palicis par apgraizeišonas kolpu Dīva patīseiguma dēļ, lai izpiļdeitu tū sūlejumu, kas tāvim beja dūts. 9 Un pogōni lai slavej Dīvu Jō žālsirdeibas dēļ, jo tai stōv raksteits: Tōpēc es Tevi (Kungs) slavēšu storp pogōnim un augsti teikšu tovu vōrdu. 10 Un otkon: Prīcojitēs jyus, tautas, reizē ar Jō tautu. 11 Un cytā vītā: Teicit Kungu vysas pogōnu tautas un augsti slavejit Jū vysi ļaudis. 12 Arī Izajas soka: Nu Jesses nōks atauga, pasaceļs un pōrvaļdeis tautas. Uz Jū cerēs tautas. 13 Dīvs, nu kō nōk cereiba, lai pīpylda jyusus ar prīcu un mīru ikš ticeibas, lai jums Svātō Gora spākā byutu cereibas pōrpiļneiba.
Apostola nūdūmi un sveicīni.
14 Muni brōli, es nu sovas puses asmu pōrlīcynōts, ka jums ir lobs nūskaņōjums, ka asot bogōti ar ikvīnu zineibu un spējeigi cyts cytam dūt aizrōdejumus. 15 Vītom es jums, brōli, raksteju pōrdrūši, lai jums atgōdynōtu caur tū žēlesteibu, kuru Dīvs man ir devis. 16 Man jōir par Jezus Kristus omota kolpu dēļ pogōnim un kai presbyteram jōsludynoj Dīva Evangelijs, lai pogōni pōrsvēteiti caur Svātu Goru, toptu par pateikamu upura dōvonu. 17 Es varu dīžōtīs ikš Jezus Kristus par Dīva lītu, 18 jo es naīsadrūšynōtu kaut kō runōt, kō Kristus caur mani nabyutu darejis vōrdūs un dorbūs, lai pogōnus pīvastu pi paklauseibas 19 caur zeimu spāku, breinumim un Dīva Gora spāku. Tai es sludynōju Kristus Evangeliju sōcūt nu Jeruzalemas vysapleik leidz pat Illyrijai. 20 Pi tam es sev pīskaiteju kai gūdu nasludynōt Evangelija tur, kur Kristus vōrds jau beja pazeistams, jo es nagribēju ceļt uz svešas dryvas, 21 bet gon kai stōv raksteits: Tī, kam par Jū vēļ nabeja sludynōts, tī jū īraudzeis un tī, kas par Jū veļ nabeja dzērdējuši, tī ju pazeis 22 Šytō dēļ daudzreiz beju aizkavāts aizīt pi jums. 23 Bet tagad, kad šymūs apvydūs man nav vairs vītas, un gryba pi jums īsarast man ir jau nu daudz godim, 24 tad es ceļōdams uz Spaniju pi jums īsarasšu. Es ceru, ka garum ceļojūt jyusus redzēšu un pēc tam, kad jyusu vydā byušu mozlīt atsapyutīs, uz turīni man nu jums byus jyusu pavodūņi.
25 Bet tagad es ceļoju uz Jeruzalemu, paleidzādams svātajim, 26 jo Makedonija un Achaja nūlēme savōkt dōvonas dēļ tim nabogim, kas ir storp svātajim Jeruzalemā. 27 Jī tū nūlēme, jim arī ir pīnōkums tū dareit. Jo pogōni ir par tūs goreigūs lobumu daleibnīkim, tad jim ir jōpaleidz tim ar sovim laiceigajim lobumim. 28 Kad es tū nūkōrtōšu, un salaseitū tim nūdūšu, tad es braucūt uz Spaniju isarasšu pi jums. 29 Un es zynu, ka nūnōkūt pi jums, atnesšu Kristus (Evangelija) svēteibas pōrpiļneibu.
30 Brōli, es jyusus lyudzu caur myusu Kungu Jezu Kristu un caur (Svātō) Gora mīlesteibu, ka jyus man paleidzātu sovōs lyugšonōs uz Dīvu par mani, 31 lai mani izglōbtu nu Judejas naticeigajim un lai muns pakolpōjums svātajim Jeruzalemā nōktu par lobu. 32 Tad es, jo Dīvs tai gribēs, ar prīcu nōkšu pi jums un pi jums atsapyusšu.
33 Mīra Dīvs lai ir ar jums vysim! Amen.
Please Others, Not Yourselves
1 We who are strong in the faith ought to help the weak to carry their burdens. We should not please ourselves. 2 Instead, we should all please other believers for their own good, in order to build them up in the faith. 3 For Christ did not please himself. Instead, as the scripture says, “The insults which are hurled at you have fallen on me.” 4 Everything written in the Scriptures was written to teach us, in order that we might have hope through the patience and encouragement which the Scriptures give us. 5 And may God, the source of patience and encouragement, enable you to have the same point of view among yourselves by following the example of Christ Jesus, 6 so that all of you together may praise with one voice the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Gospel to the Gentiles
7 Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you. 8 For I tell you that Christ's life of service was on behalf of the Jews, to show that God is faithful, to make his promises to their ancestors come true, 9 and to enable even the Gentiles to praise God for his mercy. As the scripture says,
“And so I will praise you among the Gentiles;
I will sing praises to you.”
10 Again it says,
“Rejoice, Gentiles, with God's people!”
11 And again,
“Praise the Lord, all Gentiles;
praise him, all peoples!”
12 And again, Isaiah says,
“A descendant of Jesse will appear;
he will come to rule the Gentiles,
and they will put their hope in him.”
13 May God, the source of hope, fill you with all joy and peace by means of your faith in him, so that your hope will continue to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Paul's Reason for Writing So Boldly
14 My friends: I myself feel sure that you are full of goodness, that you have all knowledge, and that you are able to teach one another. 15 But in this letter I have been quite bold about certain subjects of which I have reminded you. I have been bold because of the privilege God has given me 16 of being a servant of Christ Jesus to work for the Gentiles. I serve like a priest in preaching the Good News from God, in order that the Gentiles may be an offering acceptable to God, dedicated to him by the Holy Spirit. 17 In union with Christ Jesus, then, I can be proud of my service for God. 18 I will be bold and speak only about what Christ has done through me to lead the Gentiles to obey God. He has done this by means of words and deeds, 19 by the power of miracles and wonders, and by the power of the Spirit of God. And so, in traveling all the way from Jerusalem to Illyricum, I have proclaimed fully the Good News about Christ. 20 My ambition has always been to proclaim the Good News in places where Christ has not been heard of, so as not to build on a foundation laid by someone else. 21 As the scripture says,
“Those who were not told about him will see,
and those who have not heard will understand.”
Paul's Plan to Visit Rome
22 And so I have been prevented many times from coming to you. 23 But now that I have finished my work in these regions and since I have been wanting for so many years to come to see you, 24 I hope to do so now. I would like to see you on my way to Spain, and be helped by you to go there, after I have enjoyed visiting you for a while. 25 Right now, however, I am going to Jerusalem in the service of God's people there. 26 For the churches in Macedonia and Achaia have freely decided to give an offering to help the poor among God's people in Jerusalem. 27 That decision was their own; but, as a matter of fact, they have an obligation to help them. Since the Jews shared their spiritual blessings with the Gentiles, the Gentiles ought to use their material blessings to help the Jews. 28 When I have finished this task and have turned over to them all the money that has been raised for them, I shall leave for Spain and visit you on my way there. 29 When I come to you, I know that I shall come with a full measure of the blessing of Christ.
30 I urge you, friends, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love that the Spirit gives: join me in praying fervently to God for me. 31 Pray that I may be kept safe from the unbelievers in Judea and that my service in Jerusalem may be acceptable to God's people there. 32 And so I will come to you full of joy, if it is God's will, and enjoy a refreshing visit with you. 33 May God, our source of peace, be with all of you. Amen.