1 Tai kai mums, nūmīļōtī, ir taidas apsūleišonas, tad lai nūteirejam sevi teirus nu ikvīna mīsas un dvēseles traipa un Dīva bailē lai cenšamēs arvīnu uz lelōku svātumu.
Skume nas lobu.
2 Pījemit myusus. Mes nivīnam naasom izdarejuši nataisneibas, nivīnam pōresteibas, nivīnam prīkšrūceibas. 3 Un es šytū soku na tōpēc, lai nūtīsōtu, bet gon, kai jums saceju, ka jyus myusu sirdī ar mums asat saisteiti uz dzeivi un nōvi. 4 Man uz jums ir lela paļōveiba, lels ir man par jums lapnums. Nasaskotūt uz visim myusu spaidim, es asmu pylns īprīcynōšonas un pōrpiļdeits ar prīcu.
5 Kad aizgōjom uz Makedoniju, myusu mīsai nabeja mīra, bet gon vysur spaidi: ap mums vysapkōrt ceiņas, bet myusūs baile. 6 Bet Dīvs kas nūmōktūs īprīcynoj, īprīcynōja arī myusus ar Tita atnōkšonu. 7 un na tik vīn ar jō atnōkšonu, bet arī ar tū īprīcynōšonu, kuru jys pi jums atroda. Jys mums ziņōja par jyusu ilgom, skumem un gōdeibu par mani un tys munu prīcu vēļ pavairōja. 8 Un jo ar sovu vēstuli jums byutu sagōdōjis skumes, tad es tō nanūžāloju. Un jo es nūžālotu, — es radzu, ka tei vēstule uz nagara laika gon jyusus padareja skumeigus, — 9 tad tagad es prīcojūs na tōdēļ ka es jums dareju skumes, bet gon, ka skumes dēļ jyus apsadūmōjot. Jyus bejot nūskumuši Dīvam pateikamā veidā, lai jyus caur mums nikaidā ziņā nacīstu zaudējumu. 10 Dīvam pateikamō skume izsauce pesteigu žālumu, kura nūžālōt navajag; šō pasauļa skume, turpretim, izsauc nōvi. 11 Raug, kai tei Dīvam pateikamō skume jyusūs izsauce tik lelu nūpītneibu, pat atsavaiņōšonu, nūžālōšonu, baili, ilgas, centeibu, nūsūdeišonu. Kotrā ziņā jyus pīrōdejot, ka jyus tamā lītā asat navaineigi. 12 Un jo es jums raksteju, tad tys nūtyka na dēļ tō, kas nataisneibu padareja un na dēļ tō, kas nataisneibu pacīte, bet gon, lai jyusu atsauceiba pret mums pasarōdeitu jyusūs Dīva prīškā. 13 Tōpēc ar tū mes asam īprīcynōti.
Klōt pi myusu prīcas, mes prīcojamēs par Tita īprīcynōšonu tōpēc, ka jō dvēseli jyus visi atspērdzynōjot. 14 Un jo es pret jū par jums lepnōjūs, tad es kaunā naasmu palicis. Kai vyss tys, kū mes jums sludynōjom, ir eista patīseiba, tai arī lepnōšonōs pret Titu izarōdeja patīsa. 15 Un jō sirds jums ir vēļ vairōk pīsakļōvuse, pīmynūt par jyusu vysu paklauseibu, kai jyus jū ar baili un drebēšonu pījēmet. 16 Es prīcojūs, ka es vysā kamā uz jums varu pasaļaut.
1 All these promises are made to us, my dear friends. So then, let us purify ourselves from everything that makes body or soul unclean, and let us be completely holy by living in awe of God.
Paul's Joy
2 Make room for us in your hearts. We have wronged no one; we have ruined no one, nor tried to take advantage of anyone. 3 I do not say this to condemn you; for, as I have said before, you are so dear to us that we are always together, whether we live or die. 4 I am so sure of you; I take such pride in you! In all our troubles I am still full of courage; I am running over with joy.
5 Even after we arrived in Macedonia, we did not have any rest. There were troubles everywhere, quarrels with others, fears in our hearts. 6 But God, who encourages the downhearted, encouraged us with the coming of Titus. 7 It was not only his coming that cheered us, but also his report of how you encouraged him. He told us how much you want to see me, how sorry you are, how ready you are to defend me; and so I am even happier now.
8 For even if that letter of mine made you sad, I am not sorry I wrote it. I could have been sorry when I saw that it made you sad for a while. 9 But now I am happy—not because I made you sad, but because your sadness made you change your ways. That sadness was used by God, and so we caused you no harm. 10 For the sadness that is used by God brings a change of heart that leads to salvation—and there is no regret in that! But sadness that is merely human causes death. 11 See what God did with this sadness of yours: how earnest it has made you, how eager to prove your innocence! Such indignation, such alarm, such feelings, such devotion, such readiness to punish wrongdoing! You have shown yourselves to be without fault in the whole matter.
12 So, even though I wrote that letter, it was not because of the one who did wrong or the one who was wronged. Instead, I wrote it to make plain to you, in God's sight, how deep your devotion to us really is. 13 That is why we were encouraged.
Not only were we encouraged; how happy Titus made us with his happiness over the way in which all of you helped to cheer him up! 14 I did boast of you to him, and you have not disappointed me. We have always spoken the truth to you, and in the same way the boast we made to Titus has proved true. 15 And so his love for you grows stronger, as he remembers how all of you were ready to obey his instructions, how you welcomed him with fear and trembling. 16 How happy I am that I can depend on you completely!