1 Pōvuls,na nu cylvākim un na caur kaidu cylvāku, bet gon caur Jezu Kristu un Dīvu Tāvu, kas Jū pīcēle nu myrūnim,apostols 2 kūpā ar visim brōlim, kas ir ar mani,Galatijas draudzem.3 Lai jums ir žēlesteiba un mīrs nu Dīva myusu Tāva un Kunga Jezus Kristus.
4 Jys par myusu grākim sevi uzupurēja, lai myusus saskaņā ar Dīva, myusu Tāva grybu izglōbt nu tagadējō ļaunō pasauļa. 5 Jam lai ir gūds myužam. Amen.
6 Es breinojūs, ka jyus ļaunit tik ōtri sevi atrunōt nu tō, kas jyusus Kristus žēlesteibā paaicynōja, un pīsakļōvet cytam „evangelijam,“ 7 bet cyta nava, ir tikai daži cylvāki, kas jyusus grib samulsynōt un sagrūzeit Kristus Evangeliju. 8 Bet jo mes poši, vai pat engeļs nu dabasim jums sludynōtu cytu Evangeliju, na kai mes asam sludynōjuši, lai ir nūlōdāts. 9 Kai mes agrōk asam sacejuši, tai es atkōrtoju tagad: Jo kas jums cytu Evangeliju sludynōtu, na kai jyus asat pījāmuši, tys lai ir nūlōdāts.
10 Vai es tagad cenšūs īgyut cylvāku, vai arī Dīva labvēleibu? Vai tad es tagad grybu īpatikt cylvākim? Nē, jo es canstūs īpatikt cylvākim, tad es nabyutu Kristus kolps.
Apostolats un Evangelijs paīt nu Dīva.
11 Brōli, es jums golvoju, ka Evangelijs, kuru es sludynōju, napaīt nu cylvākim; 12 es jō nasajēmu nu kaida cylvāka, ni arī īsamōceju, bet gon sajēmu caur Jezus Kristus atklōšonu.
13 Jyus laikam asot dzērdējuši par munu dzeivi judaizmā, kai es bezmēreigi vojōju Dīva Bazneicu un gribēju jū iznycynōt; 14 kai es judaizmā pōrspēju sovā tautā daudzejūs sova vacuma bīdrus, jo es beju centeigōks prīkšteču tradicijōs, na kai jī visi.
15 Bet kad lapbatyka Dīvam, kas mani izvēlēja jau nu mōtes mīsas un caur sovu žēlesteibu mani paaicynōja, 16 parōdeit manī sovu Dālu, lai es Jū sludynōtu storp pogōnim, tad es tyuleņ, un pēc padūma nagōju pi mīsas un ašņa, 17 nagōju arī uz Jeruzalemu pi tim, kas pyrms manis beja par apostolim, bet gon aizgōju uz Arabiju un nu turīnes atsagrīžu atpakaļ uz Damasku. 18 Tikai vēļōk, pēc trejim godim es aizgōju uz Jeruzalemu, lai apsarunōtu ar Kefas (Pīteri) un pi jō es nūbeju pīcpadsmit dīnu. 19 Nu citim apostolim es redzēju tikai Jākubu, Kunga brōli. 20 Ka tys, kū jums rokstu, nav mali, raug, Dīva prīškā (apgolvoju). 21 Pēc tam es devūs uz Sirijas un Kilikijas apvydim. 22 Kristticeigūs draudzem Judejā es personeigi palyku napazeistams. 23 Jī tikai dzērdēja, ka jūs agrōkais vojōtōjs tagad sludynoj tū pošu ticeibu, kuru agrōk grōve. 24 Un manis dēļ jī slavēja Dīvu.
1 From Paul, whose call to be an apostle did not come from human beings or by human means, but from Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from death. 2 All the believers who are here join me in sending greetings to the churches of Galatia:
3 May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.
4 In order to set us free from this present evil age, Christ gave himself for our sins, in obedience to the will of our God and Father. 5 To God be the glory forever and ever! Amen.
The One Gospel
6 I am surprised at you! In no time at all you are deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ, and are accepting another gospel. 7 Actually, there is no “other gospel,” but I say this because there are some people who are upsetting you and trying to change the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel that is different from the one we preached to you, may he be condemned to hell! 9 We have said it before, and now I say it again: if anyone preaches to you a gospel that is different from the one you accepted, may he be condemned to hell!
10 Does this sound as if I am trying to win human approval? No indeed! What I want is God's approval! Am I trying to be popular with people? If I were still trying to do so, I would not be a servant of Christ.
How Paul Became an Apostle
11 Let me tell you, my friends, that the gospel I preach is not of human origin. 12 I did not receive it from any human being, nor did anyone teach it to me. It was Jesus Christ himself who revealed it to me.
13 You have been told how I used to live when I was devoted to the Jewish religion, how I persecuted without mercy the church of God and did my best to destroy it. 14 I was ahead of most other Jews of my age in my practice of the Jewish religion, and was much more devoted to the traditions of our ancestors.
15 But God in his grace chose me even before I was born, and called me to serve him. And when he decided 16 to reveal his Son to me, so that I might preach the Good News about him to the Gentiles, I did not go to anyone for advice, 17 nor did I go to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before me. Instead, I went at once to Arabia, and then I returned to Damascus. 18 It was three years later that I went to Jerusalem to obtain information from Peter, and I stayed with him for two weeks. 19 I did not see any other apostle except James, the Lord's brother.
20 What I write is true. God knows that I am not lying!
21 Afterward I went to places in Syria and Cilicia. 22 At that time the members of the churches in Judea did not know me personally. 23 They knew only what others were saying: “The man who used to persecute us is now preaching the faith that he once tried to destroy!” 24 And so they praised God because of me.